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1977 - 1980
1975 - 1976
1969 - 1973
1967 - 1969
1996 - 1998
1992 - 1995
1991 - 1992
1984 - 1991
1982 - 1984
Doctor of Philosophy
Curriculum in Neuroscience, Nencki Institute of Experimental Biology,
Polish Academy of Science, Warsaw, Poland.
Supervisor: E. Fonberg M.D., Ph.D. Dissertation Title: “The role of hedonic values of the
reinforcer in the conditioning of the alimentary and social instrumental and autonomic
Psychopathology, Cartesian University, Paris, France. Subject studied:
Behavioral Psychotherapy, Methods of Psychological Examinations,
Master Degree
Curriculum in Psychopathology, Jagellonian University, Cracow, Poland,
Supervisor: M. Susulowska, Ph.D. Dissertation Title: “Personality of young females seven
years after attempted suicide”.
Bachelor of Science
Academy of Medicine, Cracow, Poland. Subjects studied: Biology of Organisms, Biology
of Cells, Histology, Gross Anatomy, Physiology.
Department of Pharmacology; The University of Iowa; College of
Medicine, headed by Dr. G.F. Gebhart. Research on gastric sensory input
to the spinal cord. Projects involve: 1.Electrophysiological studies; the extracellular
recordings of the dorsal horn (DH) neurons that respond to gastric stimulation;
2.Anatomical studies: of the primary gastric afferents and second order DH neurons at the
lower thoracic cord using anterograde and retrograde tracing methods. 3.Gastric
inflamation-impact on the above.
Department of Cell Biology and Neuroanatomy; University of Minnesota.
Research with Dr. G. Giesler. Primarily engaged in the electrophysiological studies of the
spinohypothalamic tract (SHT) neurons in the cervical enlargement of rats. Projects
involved antidromic mapping SHT axons as they ascend in their upper cervical cord,
medulla, pons, midbrain towards hypothalamus and descend in the ipsilateral brain. Other
projects included electrophysiological studies of the SHT neurons in the sacral spinal cord
of the rats. Studies included characterization of their neuronal responses to cutaneous and
visceral stimuli and antidromic mapping their ascending axons. Anatomical studies of the
SHT in monkey using retrograde tracers.
Department of Pharmacology, Medical School, University of Minnesota.
Research with Dr. S. Sparber. Studies involved cocaine and antagonists
of 5-HT injections into chicken fetuses and subsequent open field and other postnatal
observation of their behavior.
Department of Neurophysiology, Nencki Institute of Experimental
Biology, Warsaw, Poland. Assistant Professor.
Projects involved extensive work on the characterization of the psychoaffective cardiac
responses to various appetitive stimuli in dogs; instrumental conditioning, effects of limbic
lesions (amygdala, hypothalamus)on the instrumental and cardiac responses. Effects of
drugs on these above.
Department of Anatomy, University of Cambridge, England.
1981 - 1982
Studies concerned the interaction between limbic and dopaminergic system in hormone
dependent behaviour with Dr. J.Herbert. and measurment of sexual motivation using
second order schedules in the rats, with Dr. B.Everitt.
Department of Neurophysiology, Nencki Institute of Experimental
Biology, Warsaw, Poland. Postdoctoral Research Associate with
Studies on the amygdalar and hypothalamic impact to the mechanisms of depression,
using conditionning of instrumental responses in dogs and examining these after
amygdalar and/or hypothalamic lesions. Effects of antidepressants on the behavioral
Animal behavior, classical and instrumental conditionong, stereotaxic and general surgery in animals
(rats, dogs, monkeys), mental health in humans, computer control of operant procedures, recordings of
physiological responses (ECG, salivation), some experience in neurochemical techniques (HPLC,
radioimmunoassays), psychopharmacology, neuroanatomical tracing methods (FG, PHA-L),
electrophysiological methods (extracellular recordings, antidromic activation), stimulation of viscera.
2001 - now
2005 - 2007
2003 - 2004
2001 - 2003
1974 - 1975
1974 - 1975
ekoSTAR Service for Psycho-Education. Private general psychological service.
Expert in the programme on menstrual pains
Association that Helps to People after Stroke and Brain Damage "CEREBRUM" .
Neuropsychological examination and rehabilitation.
Institute of Orthopedy and Rehabilitation. Poznañ, Poland
Neuropsychological examination and rehabilitation. Examination and
therapy of pain patients.
Institute of Rheumatology, Warsaw, Poland
Psychological examination and therapy of long-term hospitalized patients
with chronic disease.
Out-patients Psychiatric Dispansery. Warsaw, Poland
Psychological examination and therapy of psychiatric patients.
2005 – now Academy of Humanities and Economics in Lodz . Lecturer in: Clinical Psychology,
Psycho-education, Developmental Psychology, Psychopathology,
Psychotherapy of the chronic pain. Course for graduated psychologists
accredited by International Association for the Study of Pain (organization and
lectureship) Poland
2001 - 2005 Lecturer: Neuropsychology of pain. Institute of Psychology. University of
Adam Mickiewicz, Poznañ, Poland
Anatomo-physiological basis for pain. Basic and Advanced Palliative Medicine Course.
Puszczykowo, Abstracts 73-76 (invited lecture)
1998 - 1999 Anatomy course for medical students (both in Polish and English).
Basic anatomo-physiological pain mechanisms. Anatomy Department, Medical School;
Poznan, Poland
Pathophysiology of neuropathic pain; Medical School; Poznan, Poland.(invited lecture)
1996 - 1998 Limbic system and pain; Pain Interest Group; Medical School, University of Iowa, USA
1987 -1989 Lecturer in Neurophysiology. Department of Physiology, Academy of
1984 - 1985
Medicine, Warsaw, Poland.
Lecturer: Neuropsychological basis for motivation. Institute of
Psychology, Jagellonian University, Krakow, Poland.
Research reports
Fonberg, E. and Kostarczyk, E. 1980.Motivational role of social reinforcement in dog-man
relations. Acta Neurobiologiae Experimentalis; 40: 117-136.
£ukaszewska, I., Korczynski, R., Markowska, A. and Kostarczyk, E. 1980. Emotionality and
exploratory behavior following cortico-basomedial amygdala lesions in rat. Acta Neurobiologiae
Experimentalis; 40; 911-923.
Fonberg, E., Kostarczyk, E. and Prechtl, J. 1981. Training of instrumental responses in dogs,
socially reinforced by humans. Pavlovian Journal of Biological Science; 16: 183-193.
Kostarczyk, E., and E. Fonberg. 1982.Heart rate mechanisms in instrumental conditioning
reinforced by petting in dogs. Physiology and Behavior, 28: 27-30.
Kostarczyk, E. and Fonberg, E. 1982. Characteristics of the heart rate in relation to the palatability
of food in dogs. Appetite; 3: 321-328.
Kostarczyk, E. and Fonberg, E. 1982. Autonomic responses accompanying conditioned and
unconditioned alimentary reactions in amygdalo-hypothalamically lesioned dogs. Acta
Neurobiologiae Experimentalis; 42: 43-58.
£ukaszewska, I., Korczyñski, R., Kostarczyk, E. and Fonberg. 1984.Food motivated behavior in rats
with cortico-basomedial amygdala damage. Behavioral Neuroscience, 98: 441-451.
Kostarczyk, E. 1986. Autonomic correlates of alimentary conditioned and unconditioned reactions
in the dog. Journal of Autonomic Nervous System, 17: 279-288.
Kostarczyk, E., Fonberg, E. and Prechtl, J.C. 1986.Changes in socio-emotional behavior under
imipramine treatment in normal and amygdalo-hypothalamic dogs. Acta Neurobiologiae
Experimentalis; 46: 187:203.
Everitt, B.J., Fray, P., Kostarczyk, E., Taylor, S. and Stacey, P. 1987. Studies of instrumental
behavior with sexual reinforcement in male rats /Rattus norvegicus/: I. Control by brief visual
stimuli paired with a receptive female. Journal of Comparative Psychology: 101: 395-406.
Kostarczyk, E. and Fonberg, E. 1988.Amphetamine effects on unconditional and conditional
instrumental responses with alimentary and social rewards in dogs. Pavlovian Journal of Biological
Science; 23: 10-14.
Kostarczyk, E. and Fonberg, E. 1988. Amphetamine increases intertrial but not conditional
instrumental responding in the corticobasomedial amygdalar dogs. Pavlovian Journal of Biological
Science: 23: 4-9.
Kostarczyk, E. 1989. Atropine abolishes the differential heart responses to conditioned stimuli of
various foods. Pavlovian Journal of Conditional Reflexes; 24: 156-159.
Zhang, X., Kostarczyk, E. and Giesler, G.J.Jr. 1995. Spinohypothalamic tract neurons in the
cervical enlargement of rats: descending axons in the ipsilateral brain. The Journal of Neuroscience,
12: 8393-8407.
Katter, J.T., Dado, R.J., Kostarczyk, E. and Giesler, G.J.Jr. 1996. Spinothalamic and
spinohypothalamic tract neurons in the sacral spinal cord of rats: I. Locations of antidromically
identified axons in the cervical cord and Diencephalon. Journal of Neurophysiology; 6: 2581-2605.
Katter, J.T., Dado, R.J., Kostarczyk, E. and Giesler, G.J.Jr. 1996. Spinothalamic and
spinohypothalamic tract neurons in the sacral spinal cord of rats: II. Responses to cutaneous and
visceral stimuli. Journal of Neurophysiology; 6:2606-2628.
17. Kostarczyk, E., Zhang, X., and Giesler, G.J. Jr. 1997. Spinohypothalamic tract (SHT) neurons in
the cervical enlargement of rats: locations of antidromically identified axons in the contralateral
brains. Journal of Neurophysiology : 77: 435-451.
18. Risher, D.W., Zhang, X., Kostarczyk, E., Gokin, A.P., Honda, C.N. and Giesler, G.J. Jr. 1997. A
method for improving the accuracy of stereotaxic procedures in monkeys using implanted fiducial
markers in CT scans that also serve as anchor points in a stereotaxic frame. Journal of Neuroscience
Methods: 73:81-89.
Reviews, Monographs and Books
Kostarczyk, E. 1984. Behavioral psychoterapy and its clinical use. Psychotherapy (Krakow,
Poland) XLVIII; 15-21.
Kostarczyk, E. 1985. The role of arousal in hedonic evaluations. Commentary on R.A. Wise’s
article: Neuroleptics and operant behavior - the anhedonia hypothesis. Behavioral and Brain
Science; 8:177.
Kostarczyk, E. 1985. Differential amphetamine effects on the drive and reward components of
motivation. Kiado, Publishing House of Hungarian Academy of Science. Proc. 4th Cong. Hung.
Pharmacol. Soc. Budapest 1985. Vol. 3 Sect. 6 Endogenous Anorectics. B. Knoll, Nagy, J., and
Timar, J. (eds), p. 215-219.
Kostarczyk, E. 1986. Amygdala and reproductive functions: I. Anatomical and endocrine bases.
Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews; 10: 67-78.
Kostarczyk, E. 1989. The role of autonomic nervous system within other neurophysiological
processes in the generation of hedonic sensation. Kosmos; 38: 89-115. (in Polish)
Kostarczyk, E. 1992. Rewarding dog-man interaction in the instrumental conditioning and its
impact on dog's cardiac regulations. In: The Inevitable Bond: Animal-Human Interaction in
Behavioural Research. H.Davis and D.Balfour (eds), Cambridge University Press, pp. 109-131.
Kostarczyk, E. 1998. Basic studies on the pathophysiology of neuropatic pain. Postêpy Psychiatrii i
Neurologii: 7: 9-17. (in Polish)
Kostarczyk, E. 1999. Recent advances in neonatal pain research. Folia Morphologica (Warsz.),
Suppl. 2. 58 (3):47-56.
Kostarczyk E. 2000. Immunomodulation of pain. Postêpy Higieny i Medycyny Doœwiadczalnej 4:
Kostarczyk E. 2000. Anatomo-physiological basis for pain. Basic and Advanced Palliative
Medicine Course. Puszczykowo 2000, Abstracts 73-76.
Kostarczyk E. 2000 Basic studies on the pathophysiology of inflammatory pain. Nowiny Lekarskie
69:10: 815-833. (in Polish)
Kostarczyk E. 2001. Recent advances in neonatal pain research. Ból 2001: 7-14 (in Polish)
Kostarczyk E. 2003. Neuropsychology of Pain. Poznañskie Towarzystwo Przyjaciól Nauk, Mala
Biblioteka 11, pp.141. (in Polish)
Marcyniak M. i Kostarczyk E. 2005. Women days without pain. IBUPROM Handbook (in Polish).
Kostarczyk E. 2009. Value crisis impact on student self-realisation. Wydawnictwo Szczecińska
Szkoła Wyższa Collegium Balticum: 42-57 (in Polish)
Kostarczyk E. 2010. Pain – aspects of sex and age. Problemy Zdrowia Psychicznego. Ewaluacja
kształcenia pielęgniarek i położnych, Wydawnictwo AHE w Łodzi: 53-60 (in Polish)