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The Byzantine Empire:
 Social Stratification
o Peasants worked land and paid owner rent.
 Justinian Code; collection of Roman laws.
o Legal codes in Europe till nineteenth century.
 Seljuk Turks; from central Asia, gain control of Asia Minor.
 Emperor Alexius; asked Pope to regain the Holy Land.
o Fourth Crusade; Christian soldiers sack the city of Constantinople.
 Ottoman Turks conquered Constantinople, end of the Byzantine Empire.
 Stored city water in underground cisterns.
 Policy of Iconoclasm; practice of opposing the veneration of religious
images and icons.
 Created alphabet based on Greek, adopted by Russian and Slavic peoples.
 “The Great Schism;” split between the Roman Catholic Church and the
Eastern Orthodox Church.
o Reason, veneration of icons.
 “Hagia Sophia,” Orthodox Church, built by Justinian I.
 The halo was a symbol featured in all Byzantine icons (art).
 Responsible for transmission of ancient Greek learning to Western Europe
and the Islamic world.
 Connected trade routes of Europe with those of China and India.
 Vikings conquer East Russia.
o Rulers called Rus (Russia).
 Kievan Rus adopted from Byzantium the political idea of imperial control of
the Church.
 Council of boyars; (nobles) elected the prince of Kievan Rus.
 Mongols invade Kiev.
o “Khanate of the Golden Horde” for 250 years.
 Adopted Eastern Orthodox religion.
o Prince Vladimir I converted kingdom to Christianity.
o Onion-dome churches imitated Byzantine churches.
 Princes demand tribute of peasants as slaves.
o Transported slaves to Constantinople for gold.
Feudal Europe:
 Very little social mobility.
o Peasant’s life of economic dependency.
o Knight role as protectors.
o Nobility life of privilege.
 Long-distant trade, leads to growth of a middle class, (burghers).
 Women practiced trades (weaving).
 Renaissance; revival of classical Greek and Roman literature, art, civic
virtue, and culture.
o A focus on individuals rather than God.
 Franks stop Muslim invasion of France at the Battle of Tours.
 Charlemagne; named Emperor of the Romans by the pope.
o Relationship between politics and religion was that rulers provided
protection for the Church in return for religious legitimacy.
 Vikings; called Norsemen.
o Used long boats to travel far inland on rivers.
o Raided settlements.
o Settled in England, Ireland, Russia, Iceland and northern France.
 Magyars; invaders from Asia.
o Settled in Hungary.
 Feudalism; political system.
o Emphasized the reciprocal ties between a king and his vassals, and
between a lord and his serfs.
 Nobles built stone castles and recruited professional warriors.
 “Code of chivalry;” a knight’s duty to God, countrymen, and women.
 Normand king William the Conqueror invaded England.
 The Magna Carta (1215) signed by King John.
o King must observe certain rights, like the right to a jury trial before a
noble could be imprisoned.
 Hundred Years War; England and France.
o England loses all lands in France.
 Crusades; an attempt to reclaim the Holy Land of Palestine.
o Long-term impact of the Crusades;
Spain, and Sicily joined Western Christendom.
Egypt no longer tolerant of Christian subjects.
Opened up global trade.
Global trade led to Black Death.
Plague caused shortage of people weakening feudal system.
 Only 5 percent of the population lived in towns.
 High Middle Ages; built Gothic style Cathedral.
 Latin remains language of Church; but developed into French, Italian, and
 Monks and nuns lived in communities.
o They kept learning alive, by copying the classic Greek text into Latin.
 Long-distance trade ended in Western Europe after the collapse of the
Roman Empire, until the Crusades.
o Long-distant trade led to borrowing technologies from other
civilizations (gunpowder).
o Marco Polo; Italian merchant, visited China.
 Writings increase curiosity about Asia.
 Manorial System; estates known as manors were economic self-sufficiency.
o Worked by serfs, tied to the land.
 Late Middle Ages agriculture improvements;
o Three-Field System
o Windmills
o The heavy plow with wheels
o Horse collar
 Guilds; associations of craftspeople and merchants in towns.
 Slavery;
o Came from Africa, Kievan Rus, and Central Asia.
o Not hereditary.
o Conversion to Islam brought freedom.
o Women served as concubines.
 Hijab; Covering head and face; from Byzantine culture.
 Women status in Islam;
o Dowries paid to wife, not her father.
o Forbade female infanticide.
o Allowed to run businesses.
 “Hijra;” Muhammad forced out of Mecca to Median.
o Beginning of Islamic calendar.
 Conquers Mecca, making Kaaba most holy shrine in Islam.
 Muhammad’s death creates division between the Sunnis and Shias.
o Disagreement over who should assume leadership.
 Rapid expansion due to the weakness of Byzantine and Persian empires.
 Umayyad Caliph; first Muslim dynasty.
 Abbasid Caliph; second Muslim dynasty.
o Allowed non-Arabs prominent role in society.
 Arab Empire stretched from Spain to India.
o Sharia; Islamic code of law.
 Outlines requirements for daily life.
 Developed the first windmills.
 Muhammad; founder of Islam.
 Quran; religious text.
 Reforming religion, like Christianity.
 Similarities with Judaism and Christianity;
o Monotheistic
o Honors Abraham and other prophets.
o Salvation and hell.
o Christians and Jews, “People of the Book.”
 Five Pillars;
o Only one god, Allah
o Praying five times daily
o Giving to the poor
o Fasting during Ramadan
o Pilgrimage to Mecca (Hajj)
 Jihad; struggle to improve both oneself and society.
 Hadith; collection of sayings of Mohammad.
o Not treated as scripture.
 Muslim; one who submits to god’s will.
 Umma; community of believers.
 Sufis; Muslim sect from Persia and India.
o Renunciation of the material world.
o Emphasizes personal experience of the divine, rather than the law.
 Islamic education was a force that unified the Islamic world.
 Al-Jazari; developed a crankshaft in a chain pump.
 Developed algebra.
 Conversion to Islam offered many financial and social benefits.
o Merchants were respected (Muhammad was a merchant).
 Developed the Dhow; Arab trade ship with lateen sails.
 Revived the land and sea routes of the Silk Road, after fall of Rome and Han
Tang Dynasty:
 Food surplus leads to doubling of population.
 New social class “scholar gentry” educated in Confucian philosophy.
o Most influential social class in China.
 Merchants were lowest class.
o Didn’t produce anything, living off labor of others.
 China extended into central Asia, Manchuria, and Vietnam.
 “Middle Kingdom;” society which the whole world revolved.
 “Tributary system;” neighbors had to pay money or provide goods to honor
the Chinese Emperor.
o “Kowtow” before emperor.
 Grand Canal; trade route from rich south to populous north.
 Buddhism enters China.
o Daoist principles create “Zen Buddhism.”
 Direct experience and meditation as opposed to formal learning
of scriptures.
o Buddhist morality conformed to Confucian principle of “filial
submission and obedience.”
o Government did not like Buddhism; Indian “barbarians” religion.
 “Neo-Confucianism;” social and ethical philosophy combining rational
thought with the metaphysics of Daoism and Buddhism.
o Popular in Japan, Korea, and Vietnam.
 Developed “wood-block printing.”
o Helped spread of Buddhism.
 Landscape painting based on Daoism’s emphasis of nature.
 “Equal-field system;” all families had land to cultivate.
 Agricultural Improvements;
o Manure to enrich the soil.
o Water wheel pumps, and terraces.
o Heavy plows able to farm unusable land.
o Champa rice, from Vietnam, two crops a year.
 People paid for government projects; no work tax.
 Created gunpowder.
 Creation of paper money.
Song Dynasty:
 Most urban civilization in the world.
 Confucian revival leads to “Foot binding.”
 Smaller than the Tang China.
o Manchurian nomads set up capital in Beijing (Jin dynasty).
 Confucian bureaucrats responsible for military, not good.
 Mongol Empire conquer China (Yuan Dynasty).
 Developed a process for making coke.
o Fewer impurities than in coal.
o Metal was stronger.
 Went through “proto-industrialization,” meaning a phase that precedes full
o Porcelain and silk industries.
 Southern China transforms from subsistence to export-oriented economy due
to Indian Ocean trade.
Feudal Japan:
 Very little social mobility.
o Peasant’s life of economic dependency.
o Samurai role as protectors.
o Daimyo life of privilege.
 Had more power than the nobility in Europe.
 Shotoku Taishi; first and only dynasty.
 Fujiwara clan gains control of government.
o Emperor just a figurehead.
o Feudalism leads to civil war.
 Minamoto clan create the first “shogun,” or military ruler, to reign supreme.
o Feudal system; nobles (daimyo) recruited professional warriors
(samurai) and built stone castles.
o “Code of Bushido,” frugality, loyalty, the martial arts, and honor unto
 “seppuku” a ritual suicide.
 Kublai Khan (Yuan dynasty) tried to invade Japan.
o Destroyed by a typhoon (kamikaze).
 Shinto; main religion “The way of the gods.”
o Find beauty in “kami” (forces of nature).
o Sun goddess, creator of Japan.
 Zen Buddhism; popular with Samurai class.
o Co-existed with Shinto belief of unity with nature.
 “The Tale of Genji” world’s first full-length novel (Lady Murasaki).