Download hst/stis spectroscopy of the environment in the starburst core of m82

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(arXiv: 0708.3311, accepted for publication in ApJ)
M. S. Westmoquette, L. J. Smith2, J. S. Gallagher III,
R. W. O’Connell, D. J. Rosario, and R. de Grijs
1. Introduction
2. Observation
3. Discussion
4. Some Open Questions
5. Summary
1. Introduction
• M82 (“Cigar” galaxy): Nearby (3.6Mpc); Edge-on (i~80°);
• Starburst: Thought to have been triggered by a tidal interaction
with M81 a few ×108 yrs ago. The stellar bar in the central
region formed then.
• Super Star Cluster (SSC): Hyper-luminous compact star
clusters. HST has revealed 197 young massive clusters in the
star burst core, 86 associate with region A (see later). M82-A1:
A SSC in region A surrounded by a surprisingly compact HII
• The superwind: From narrow-band optical imaging, the wind
energy is more likely to be injected by multiple discrete sources
(i.e. SSCs) rather than a monolithic starburst region.
2. Observation
spectra for two
slit positions
crossing the
starburst core:
• A1: intersects
the core of
region A and
the southern
edge of region
C. The SSC
M82-A1 is also
on this slit.
• B2: passes
through region
D and E.
• Spectral resolution: 6.7A for G430L grating (29005700A), 1.4A for G750M grating (6295-6865A)
• Spectral lines detected: Hβ, [OIII] 5007, [NII] 6548,
6583, Hαand [S II] 6716, 6731
• Line profile
• Two
components (a
component c2
and a narrow
component c1),
sometimes with
an additional
component c3.
3. Discussion
3.1 Kinematics of the Ionized Gas
•Radial velocity variations
• Component c1 (the
narrow component) is
expected to trace the
densest ionized gas
• M82-A1 is obviously
redshifted from the
general trend
• c2 generally follow the
c1 trend, except for
the core
(southwestern) of
region C, where c2 is
redshifted (blueshifted)
from c1 and a third
component is
• The third component c3 is thought to
represent the expanding shells and
possibly the root of the wind flow.
• None of the radial velocity differences
measured equal the galactic wind velocity
shifts of ~300 kms−1. This evidence
suggests that we are observing inside the
injection zone where organized flow
velocities are low and/or that the flows at
this point are oriented in the plane of the
Line width:
• Mean line width for different components:
• Slit A1: ~60 ± 40 kms−1 for c1; ~210±60 kms−1 for c2; Where
detected, the mean FWHM of c3 is ~50 kms−1, consistent with
the mean width of c1.
• Slit B2: narrower than in slit A1. 20-30 kms−1 for c1; ~150-200
kms−1 for c2.
Line broadening mechanisms
• c1: two possible broadening mechanisms
(gravitationally induced virial motions and
the stirring effects of wide-scale, intense
star-formation on the ambient ISM) in
addition with multiple, superimposed,
small-scale kinematical components along
every sightline.
• c2: hydrodynamical evaporation/ablation
of gas from the surface of illuminated gas
• c3: additional c1.
3.2 Properties of the Ionized Gas
Interstellar extinction:
Region A: Av~5.5mag
Region C: Av~4mag
Region D: Av~4mag
Region E: Av~6-6.5mag
Electron density:
Measured from [SII]λ6717/6731
line ratio, assuming an electron
temperature Te = 104 K)
The scale length of the emitting regions:
• Estimating the scale length of the emitting
regions from observed emission measure,
assuming filling factor to be 1 (since filling factor
is less than 1, the estimation is only a lower limit).
• The estimated scale length is less than 100 pc at
all points, and is as low as few parsecs to a few
tens of parsecs in some regions.
• Smallest characteristic sizes appear in the clump
cores where the star formation is most intense
and the gas pressures are high, while largest
sizes are found in the inter-clump region.
3.3 Structure
of the M82
The bar x1- and x2-orbits are shown with an outlined and filled ellipse. The majoraxis of the bar extends along the x1-orbits and is 1 kpc in length. At the ends of the
bar, molecular material and dust (hatched regions) correspond to the location of the
PDR hot-spots in the Lord et al. (1996) ISM model. The cluster M82-A1 (shown as a
white plus-sign) is located at the end of an x2-orbit with the maximum redshift
observed. Clump C shows the highest blueshift indicating that it is located at the
opposite end of the bar, whereas regions D and E must be located either behind or in
front of the nucleus (shown as a white cross) due to the shallower velocity gradient
observed between the two. The wind outflow cones are indicated above and below
the disc.
Scenario of the superwind
• It appears that instead of having
collimated winds from individual SSCs, the
cluster complexes (clumps) produce a
high pressure zone, or an “energy injection
centre”, and the winds result from hot gas
expanding out of these zones, upwards
into the halo.
4. Some Open Questions
How to trigger starburst?
As mentioned in the paper, the key ingredients for starburst in M82
1. central concentration of gas
2. clumps of dense star formation
3. high interstellar pressures
One way to achieve such ingredients is galaxy interactions, which
can form a bar, and it is efficient to funnel gas into nuclear regions,
then starburst.
Another way is instabilities in gas-rich disk cooling, which can also
form clumps and bars.
What is the morphology of the central engine of starbursts?
Single cluster or cluster complexes (clumps)? The key problem is the
typical scale length and filling factor of different phases of ISM in the
nuclear region.
Is there a molecular/dust torus in the central region?
Is this common? How it forms? What’s the scale and what role it
plays in starburst?
5. Summary
The structure of M82 central region: Confirm the presence of a stellar bar.
The interaction of x1-orbits with the perpendicular x2-orbits lead to a buildup
of gas and dust along the leading x1-orbits. By comparing CO observations
to an HST broadband colour composite of M82, the authors identify that the
peak of the molecular emission corresponds to the molecular torus
surrounding the ionized ring. The material in slit A1 is in the rotating disk of
M82. Clumps D and E are located at a larger radius to clumps A and C.
The central starburst engine: Instead of seeing collimated winds from
individual SSCs, the cluster complexes (clumps) each appear to produce a
high pressure zone, or an ’energy injection centre’, and that the winds result
from hot gas expanding out of these zones.
The size-scale of the emitting regions: Always less than 50 pc along slit A1,
and that the smallest regions (few pc) are in or near the dense cores of
clumps A and C, implying that the most compact clouds are found where the
star-formation is most intense.
Broadening of c1: A combination of gravitationally induced virial effects and
the stirring of the ISM through the intense star-formation activity. A base
level of turbulent broadening (~30 kms−1) exists over the whole starburst
region, whilst the scatter to broader widths (up to 100 kms−1) is likely to
result from the presence of multiple unresolved kinematical components
(e.g. expanding shells) along the line-of-sight.
Broadening of c2: Interaction of high-energy, ionizing photons and fastflowing winds from the star clusters with the cool gas clumps found
throughout the starburst zone. As the wind impacts the surface of the clouds,
evaporation and ablation of cloud material results in a highly turbulent
velocity field which manifests as this broad component.
Thank you!!!