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Fall Final Study Guide
1. Which country financed Columbus’s voyage across the Atlantic in 1492?
2. DBQ What was the one cause that encouraged Europeans to explore the Americas, according to the image
3. DBQ According to this graphic, one of the effects of Europeans exploring the Americas was
4. When Columbus and his crew set off to reach Asia in 1492, they probably landed on present-day
5. The Southern Colonies developed an economy based on
6. The revival or religious feeling in the 1700s was called
7. The Pilgrims drew up a plan for self-government called
8. DBQ Why did Britain pass the Stamp Act, according to the above graphic?
9. DBQ What was one cause of the American Revolution, according to this chart?
10. The Great Compromise proposed that in the House of Representatives,
11. DBQ What event is Hewes describing?
12. Amending the Constitution requires
13. The Bill of Rights that went into effect in 1791 had____amendments.
14. The Tariff of 1816 nurtured American manufacturers by
15. The United States gained the Louisiana Territory by
16. DBQ Which element was part of the Federalists’ national vision?
17. The steamboat was an improvement over barges because it could more easily
18. The solution that emerged in the Missouri Compromise was to admit Missouri
19. Missouri’s request to enter the Union as a slave state created a problem because
20. John Quincy Adams was accused of winning the presidency through a “corrupt bargain,” in which Adams
21. Manifest Destiny was the idea that
22. The most famous conductor on the Underground Railroad was
23. Abraham Lincoln was assassinated while
24. The____Amendment to the Constitution banned slavery.
25. Scalawags were
26. What case established the principle of judicial review?
27. The Comstock Lode was a rich deposit of
28. Under the Homestead Act, homesteaders could gain title to the land by
29. In Plessy v. Ferguson, the Supreme Court introduced the doctrine of
30. During the construction of the transcontinental railroad, Railroad companies raised most of the money they
needed to build their rail roads from
31. In the early 1860s, Chinese immigrants came to the United States to
32. ____was the philosophy that wealthy Americans bore the responsibility of using their great fortunes to further
social progress.
33. The idea of individualism was that
34. Under the Pendleton Act, people would gain government jobs according to
35. A____was a technique for breaking a union in which the company refused to allow the workers on the
property and refused to pay them.
36. President Millard Fillmore sent a naval expedition to Japan to
37. The United States caused an economic crisis in Cuba in the 1890s by
38. According to the treaty that ended the Spanish-American War, the U.S. would
39. The Philippines are today
40. The Hawaiian monarchy was overthrown by
41. American support for the rebels in Cuba in the 1890s was fueled by
42. In 1898 President McKinley sent the battleship Maine to Havana to
43. Theodore Roosevelt became president
44. The purpose of the Open Door policy in China was to
45. The Roosevelt Corollary was a statement of American policy that built upon the
46. DBQ What was Stevens’ statement in support of?
47. Many Americans connected Anglo-Saxonism with Manifest Destiny and believed that, after reaching the
Pacific Ocean, it was the United State’s destiny to
48. When the Dominican Republic fell behind on debt payments to Europe, President Wilson
49. Socialists believe in
50. In the tragedy at the Triangle Shirtwaist Company
51. DBQ The excerpt reveals that the employer was breaking the law regulating
52. The Triple Entente included
53. The event that touched off the first declaration of war in World War I was
54. The Great Migration during World War I was a flow of
55. The “Big Four” who attended the peace conference at the end of World War I were the leaders from the United
States, Britain, France, and
56. The Triple Alliance included
57. According to the Zimmerman telegram, if Mexico allied with Germany, Germany would
58. Criticism of the war at home during World War I was effectively silenced by
59. The organization that eventually became the Federal Bureau of Investigation was originally formed to
60. DBQ What were two jobs that women performed in the armed services during World War I?
61. DBQ According to the quote, why does President Wilson feel we must enter World War I?
62. Many people viewed Sacco and Vanzetti with suspicion because they were
63. In the early 1920s, the Ku Klux Klan added to its membership by
64. After the Emergency Quota Act was passed, admission to the United States was based on immigrants’
65. John T. Scopes was put on trial for
66. The Tennessee legislature passed the Butler Act to
67. The Twenty-first Amendment
68. The national hero famous for hitting hundreds of home runs in the 1920s was
69. The flowering of African American arts in the 1920s became known as the
70. The Universal Negro Improvement Association was formed to
71. The purpose of the Volstead Act was to
72. The golden age of Hollywood began in 1927 with the release of
73. In 1920 in one of the first commercial radio broadcasts in history, listeners of station KDKA in Pittsburgh
heard the
74. The Cotton Club was
75. The NAACP’s lobbying efforts influenced the House of Representatives to pass, in 1922,
76. DBQ According to the chart, what trend did the new immigration laws establish?
77. DBQ According to the quote, one of the reasons that Vanzetti gives for his murder conviction is
78. Warren G. Harding won the presidency by appealing to Americans’ desire to
79. Calvin Coolidge became president when
80. Coolidge believed that government should
81. Ford’s system for making cars increased efficiency by
82. Radios in the 1920s were
83. Unions declined during the 1920s in part because many corporations instituted
84. The Ohio Gang was
85. In the Teapot Dome scandal, a government official received bribes for
86. Henry Ford’s business philosophy was to increase sales by
87. Popular support for commercial flight grew after the transatlantic solo flight by
88. After World War I, most Americans wanted to avoid future wars by
89. A major campaign issue in the 1928 election was
90. Alfred E. Smith endured a smear campaign in the 1928 election because
91. During the Great Depression, when a bank collapsed,
92. In 1932 farmers on the Great Plains began to lose their crops because
93. Thousands of World War I veterans came to Washington in 1932 to lobby Congress to
94. A major reason for Herbert Hoover’s landslide victory in the 1928 election was
95. The stock market crash in 1929 weakened the nation’s banks because
96. Most economists agree that a key cause of the Great Depression was
97. During the Depression, many unemployed people
98. The first feature-length animated film was
99. The purpose of the Reconstruction Finance Corporation was to
100. The Emergency Relief and Construction Act provided