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Was there a sun in the asteroid belt 200 million years ago?
Summary and Overview
Was there a sun in the asteroid belt 200 million years ago?
by Engineer Mr. Essa A. Alserkal, UAE, January 15, 2014
A study shows that there was a second sun in the solar system. That sun used to
orbit in the asteroid belt around 200 million years ago.
This document contains only a summary of the study. For detailed information,
please follow the link below:
Copyright © 2014
Was there a sun in the asteroid belt 200 million years ago?
Summary and Overview
Summary and Overview
Have you ever wondered why Mars is red , covered with a
layer of iron oxide (rust), and why it is polluted with huge
amounts of uranium and other radioactive materials?
Isn't it true that dying oxygen-rich stars produce iron oxide?
It is also true that radioactive materials are produced by dying stars!
Could it be that Mars was neighboring to a star that is not in existence today?
The picture above says it all. A second sun was in the sky around 200 million years
ago! Some of its remains are found now in the asteroid belt. It was a very huge sun.
Not smaller than the current sun, if not bigger.
After the summary we will see in details the signs the second sun has left on Mars,
Earth and other planets.
The dominant theory for the asteroid belt is that the rocks and asteroids that are
orbiting in the belt now are leftover materials, failed to come together to form a
planet. Another suggestion says that there was a planet in that orbit, collided with
another object and broken apart.
Copyright © 2014
Was there a sun in the asteroid belt 200 million years ago?
Summary and Overview
Now if we assume a space object used to orbit in the asteroid belt, and we look at it
from the impact that it has left on the planet Mars in particular, and the whole solar
system in general, that object cannot be anything but a sun!
Many earth and space theories have been formulated without
considering a second sun in the solar system. As a result, they
ended up either partially or completely incorrect. For
example, in order to explain the continental edges that fit
together on the world map, many theories have been
developed. The dominant theory is the Continental Drift, also
called, Plate Tectonics. Another theory is the Expanding
Earth. The plate tectonics theory states that the continents before 200 million years
were united in a very vast ocean, and then they started to move. Even though this
theory seems to explain the continental edges that fit together on the Atlantic and
other smaller seas, it completely ignores the same phenomenon on the Pacific! The
Expanding Earth theory does not ignore the continental edges that fit together on
the Pacific, but it does not give a reason for why the earth is expanding!
Why does the earth have water and the other planets don't? Although oxygen-rich
stars do produce large amounts of oxygen and water vapor, especially at the time
of formation, when they are just igniting, none of the existing theories, at least the
popular ones, has suggested a star as the source of oxygen and water in the earth!
Many changes and events have taken place in the earth and other planets
throughout the history of the solar system, but most of them are still a puzzle.
Something must be missing somewhere!
Earthquakes, tsunamis and volcanic eruptions are still occurring and killing
thousands of people, but because the specialists are unaware of what has happened
in the past, in order to know how the earth works today, these disasters remain a
In this article we will try to rework some of the earth and space theories to see how
things will turn out when taking the second sun as a prime factor in the equation of
the solar system.
Copyright © 2014
Was there a sun in the asteroid belt 200 million years ago?
Summary and Overview
The Second Sun -- Just like many types of stars in the final stage of their lives, and
because of the changes and events that have happened in the earth and other
planets, the second sun must have emitted extremely powerful gamma and neutron
rays at the end of its life cycle. These rays have led to major changes and disasters
in the earth, and also changes in the other inner planets! The inner planets are the
earth, the moon, Mars, Venus and Mercury.
The emitted gamma and/or neutron rays most
likely have caused ionization (chemical
action/reaction process) of gases in the earth's
mantle (the layer that is just below the crust)
that led the mantle to explode and the earth's
crust to break. When that happened, life
extinction resulted and almost all life on the
earth died out, including insects. This is the
Permian –Triassic extinction event, the worst and longest lasting disaster to ever
hit the earth.
Large quantities of meteoroids have fallen down from the sky and gone all the way
down to the mantle via large holes and trenches that were resulted from explosions
inside the mantle.
These meteoroids are actually igneous rocks, and they
were originally part of the second sun. They were thrown
by the second sun during its explosion period, and then
they came to orbit the planets. After falling on the earth,
they formed the ocean floor and rocky mountains, as well
as the so-called "lowlands" and mountains in the other inner planets.
Most, if not all, of the base metals on the Earth such as iron, magnesium, platinum,
gold and silver have come from that sun. They arrived on the earth either as pure
metals or as ingredients of rocks, which are the same rocks that contain metals
now, specifically the rocks that make up the ocean floor and mountains, plus the
molten rocks inside the mantle.
Copyright © 2014
Was there a sun in the asteroid belt 200 million years ago?
Summary and Overview
Because of the added material, the earth
has expanded, and its mass has
increased. The expansion happened only
once, and the earth is not continuously
expanding as stated by the expanding
earth theory. And because of the water that is filling ocean basins, the land chunks
(continents) are still drifting! What we see in here is that the Continental Drift and
the Expanding Earth theories are both correct in certain aspects.
Before the expansion, the earth's size was just about the third of its current size,
while its mass was much less than the third of its current mass. The increase of
mass led to the increase of gravity.
After the gravity of the earth increased, the earth has captured the
moon. Before that the moon was a planet orbiting the main sun in
its own orbit, either between the Earth and Venus, or between the
Earth and Mars, but closer to the Earth.
Before the formation of the ocean floor, only shallow water existed on the earth in
lakes and rivers. Regarding mountains, only sandstone mountains existed in the
past. The only mineral that can be found in the old sandstone mountains is coal.
Despite coal is not metal, but people have to mine it, that is why it is classified as
The other inner planets have also expanded.
The lowlands (blue) on the other planets,
which are equivalent to the ocean floor on the
Earth, are added parts, plus mountains. All the
lowlands, in all planets, including the earth,
are younger in age than the highlands! This is
a clear indication that they have been created at a late time.
Since there is no water on the other inner planets, there is no continental drift over
Copyright © 2014
Was there a sun in the asteroid belt 200 million years ago?
Summary and Overview
Knowing the role the second sun has played in the formation of the earth and the
other inner planets, will help understand how the earth and other planets work,
which can lead to forecast disasters people are facing today, such as forecasting
earthquakes, tsunamis and volcanic eruptions.
The general assumption is that earthquakes are
caused by movements of the so-called tectonic
plates (earth plates), and the plates are pushed
by ocean ridges. If this is the case, and the
source of earthquakes is ocean ridges, then it is
better to watch the source and see whether it
shows any abnormal behavior at the time of, or
before, earthquakes? If the source is available
and reachable, it is meaningless to wait for a
disaster at the destination, where it is too late to react and do anything about it!
It is true that earth plates sometimes move during earthquakes, but this is a result
and not a cause.
After examining the signs of these disasters, it
seems that they result from ionization of gases
inside the earth's mantle. The cause of
ionization is distant dying stars emitting gamma
and neutron rays, most likely pulsars, or other
stars with the same attributes and behavior.
What makes the pulsar energies to go
undetected is that chemical reactions inside the
mantle do not occur instantly. And because of the time the chemical reactions take
to show up, earthquakes, tsunamis and volcanic eruptions do not appear, from the
general observation, to have any relation with cosmic rays in space.
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