Download Unit VI Study Guide - Bremerton School District

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AP Psychology
In addition to the information in this study guide, you are also responsible for all of
the content in textbook (Modules 26-30), all information from class
notes/discussions, videos, handouts and graphic organizers.
It’s AP – it’s all fair game 
Terms & Concepts
All Key Terms & Concepts to Remember on page 312 (Modules 26-30)
Module 26
26-1: What is learning and what are some basic forms of learning?
 Learning
 Associative learning
26-2: What is classical conditioning, and what was behaviorism’s view of learning?
 Ivan Pavlov
 Classical conditioning – UR, US, NS, CS, CR
26-3: In classical conditioning, what are the processes of acquisition, extinction, spontaneous
recovery, generalization, and discrimination?
26-4: Pavlov’s Legacy
 John Watson
 Little Albert experiment
Module 27
27-1: What is operant conditioning, and how is operant behavior reinforced and shaped?
 B.F. Skinner
 Operant chamber/Skinner box
 Shaping
27-2: What are the basic types of reinforcers?
 Positive & negative
 Primary & conditioned
 Delayed & immediate
27-3: How do different reinforcement schedules affect behavior?
 Continuous & partial schedules
 Ratio schedules
 Interval schedules
27-4: How does punishment affect behavior?
 Positive & negative punishment
 Negative effects
27-5: Skinner’s Legacy
Module 28
28-1: How might operant conditioning principles be applied at school, work, home, and for elfimprovement?
28-2: How does operant conditioning differ from classical conditioning?
 Table 28.1
Module 29
29-1: How do biological constraints affect classical and operant conditioning?
29-2: How do cognitive processes affect operant conditioning?
 Cognitive maps
 Latent learning
 Intrinsic & extrinsic motivation
29-3: In what two ways do people learn to cope with personal problems?
 Problem-focused coping
 Emotion-focused coping
29-4: How does a perceived lack of control affect other people’s behavior and health?
 Learned helplessness
 External and internal locus of control
 Self-control
Module 30
30-1: What is observational learning, and how is it enabled by mirror neurons?
 Mirror neurons
 Bandura’s Bobo doll study
 Television
 Violence
30-2: What is the impact of prosocial modeling and of antisocial modeling?
 Prosocial modeling
 Antisocial effects (TV & video games)
 Violence-viewing effect
 Media violence - Imitation & desensitization
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