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5.1 – The Cell Cycle
Key Concept: Cells have distinct phases of growth, reproduction, and normal functions.
The cell cycle has 4 main stages.
-The cell cycle is a regular pattern of growth, DNA replication, and cell division.
Cells divide at different rates.
The rate of cell division varies ____________
Some cells are unlikely to divide
-Example: _________________________
Cell size is limited.
 Cell volume increases faster than
surface area.
o Cells need to stay ______ to
allow diffusion and osmosis to work
 Surface area must allow for adequate
exchange of materials.
Cells that must be large have unique shapes (i.e. neurons)
5.2 – Mitosis & Cytokinesis
Key Concept: Cells divide during mitosis and
cytokinesis into
two new daughter cells.
Chromosomes condense at the start of mitosis.
-Chromosomes: carry genetic information (DNA)
that is passed from one generation of ________ to the
-DNA wraps around proteins (_____________________) that condense it
Chromosome Structure
Mitosis and cytokinesis produce 2 genetically identical daughter cells.
1. Interphase: Prepares the cell to ______________. DNA is _______________. Includes G1,
S, and G2.
Mitosis divides the cell’s nucleus is 4 phases (PMAT)
2. Prophase – Longest phase of mitosis. Chromosomes __________, spindle fibers form,
nuclear membrane _____________.
3. Metaphase: Chromosomes line up _________________. (Remember M for MIDDLE!)
4. Anaphase: Sister chromatids are ____________________ to opposite sides of the cell.
5. Telophase: Two nuclei form at opposite ends of the cell, nuclear membrane ___________,
chromosomes uncoil back into chromatin.
6. Cytokinesis: Cytoplasm separates. Animal cells: membrane ________ the 2 new cells apart.
Plant cells: cell plate separates 2 new cells.
5.3 – Regulation of the Cell Cycle
Key Concept: Cell cycle regulation is necessary for healthy growth.
Internal and external factors regulate cell division.
External Factors – Come from outside cell
-Include physical and chemical signals
*Cell to cell contact: _____________________
*Growth factors: chemical signals released by
the cell to tell other cells to grow
-Trigger internal factors which affect the cell cycle
Internal Factors - Come from inside cell
Kinases: enzymes in cells
Cyclins: proteins in cells
*Both help to advance a cell to different
parts of the cell cycle
What happens when the cell cycle isn’t regulated properly?
Cancer cells form
May form
May be
killed by
Examples of apoptosis in
healthy organisms:
Cancer cells do not carry out normal cell functions. They come from normal cells with
damage to genes involved in cell-cycle regulation.
Carcinogens are _______________________________________________ (they damage
those genes)
• _____________________________________________________
5.4 – Asexual Reproduction
Key Concept: Many organisms reproduce by cell division.
Binary fission is similar to mitosis.
-Asexual reproduction is the
-Binary fission produces
-Binary fission occurs in ____________________________
Environment determines which form of reproduction is most
-Asexual reproduction is an advantage in _______________________________________________________
-Sexual reproduction is an advantage in ________________________________________________________
Some eukaryotes reproduce by mitosis.
-______________________________ (example: yeast, hydra)
-______________________________ (example: sea stars)
-______________________________ (example: plants)
5.5 – Multicellular Life
Key Concept: Cells work together to carry out complex functions.
Multicellular organisms depend on interactions among different cell types.
-Tissues are
-Organs are
-Organ systems are
Specialized cells perform specific functions.
-Cells develop into their mature forms through the process of
-Cells differ because
____________________________________________________________ are expressed.
-A cell’s ___________________________ helps determine how it will differentiate.