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The Origin of Species
Speciation can take place with or
without geographic separation
Recall: Speciation
The formation of a new species
Reproductive isolation is key
2 Modes of Speciation
(a) Allopatric
(b) Sympatric
Allopatric Speciation
“Other country”
Geographically isolated populations
Separated gene pools diverge as mutations, natural
selection events occur within each population
Eventual reproductive isolation
Example: fruit flies and food medium
Sympatric Speciation
“Same country”
Speciation occurs within populations
Some kind of reproductive barrier isolates members of
the population
Examples: polyploidy, habitat differentiation, sexual
Extra sets of chromosomes in cells
More common in plants
Habitat Differentiation
Genetic factors enable a
subpopulation to utilize a
habitat/resources the parent
species cannot
Example: apple maggot flies
Parent species a pest of
hawthorn fruit
Subspecies began laying eggs in
apples which mature faster
Temporal isolation developed
Hawthorn flies develop more
slowly than apple maggot flies
Sexual Selection
Females select mates based on appearance
Example: cichlids