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7th grade Trimester 2 Exam Review
-4 teams of approx. 6 students. One person from each team plays at a time.
-Teams take turns picking
-If one player gets the right answer, their team earns that number of points.
-You will not lose points for wrong answers.
-If an answer needs to be more specific, we will ask you.
-There is one magic square on the board. If a team gets it, they can wager as many points as they have.
They can wager up to 300, if they have no points.
-There will be a final jeopardy at the end. You can lose points in that
Human Body Systems:
100 – What are blood vessels that carry blood towards the heart called?
200 – The femur, ulna, and clavicle are part of this system?
300 – Name an example of a ball and socket joint (Period 1 Magic Square)?
Hip, shoulder
400 – What system is the skin part of?
100 –What is another way to say survival of the fittest?
Natural selection
200 – Which scientist studied the peppered moths in England?
300 – What is a characteristic that improves an individual’s ability to survive and reproduce in a particular
environment is a(n) ___.
400 – What are Darwin’s four parts to natural selection in order(Period 6 magic square)?
Overproduction, variation, competition, successful reproduction
100 – Which scientist came up with the first system of classification?
200 – Which scientist said the Earth is much older than 6000 years?
300 – Which scientist said that organisms acquire traits during their lifetime and pass them along to
Lamarck (Period 3 Magic Square)
400 – Which scientist came up with similar ideas to Darwin’s about how organisms change over time?
100 – What is the scientific name for humans?
Homo sapiens
200 – What two domains are bacteria found in?
Archea and Bacteria
300 – The scientific study of how living things are classified is called __.
400 – Name the 8 levels of classification in order from most specific to most general?
Species, Genus, Family, Order, Class, Phylum, Kingdom, Domain
Pot Luck:
100 – Who came up with binomial nomenclature?
Carolus Linnaeus
200 – What attaches a bone to a muscle?
300 – What era of geologic time are we currently in (Period 7 Magic Square)?
400 – Are bacteria prokaryotic or Eukaryotic. Why?
Prokaryotic, no organelles
Final Jeopardy
-Take out piece of paper and as a group decide how much you want to wager. No changing.
Name the 4 eras of geologic time in order from oldest to youngest and explain two occurrences in each?
Each group will fill in a dichotomous key