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Published February 2005
Reviewed by: Lesley Tarrant Belcourt
"How can you expect progress, spiritual or material, when your ship is not on an even
keel? Absolute equality, as God created them, male and female, perfectly balanced;
that is one of the fundamental laws of life: equilibrium, balance, equality."
White Eagle on Divine Mother is a slender, compact book with enormous content.
This is the book that ties up so many loose ends under a common theme. Composed of
eight chapters, it brings together the teachings of White Eagle that have significant
links with Divine Mother. Looking through the index, it is evident that these subjects
are vast and various: Trinity; Ancient Worship; The Egyptian Mysteries, Mary; The
Creation of Form; Kundalini, the womb of Life; Woman in the World ; and The Dual
Soul. After reading each chapter, one is aware how fundamental the feminine is to
White Eagle's teachings, how essential this mother aspect is to our understanding of
God and how vital our acceptance of it is to our progress in life.
For those who have a fascination with ancient esoteric teachings, the significance in
Hyperborean and Polarian times of the triangle to the people of Lemuria, Mu and
Atlantis, and its precision in the building of the Egyptian pyramids, makes compelling
reading. From Masonic aprons to the shape of doorways, from Temple carvings to
Osiris, Horus and Isis, we learn that the triangle is the foundation of the Trinity-Power, Wisdom and Love, which in turn is the foundation of the family. Reviewing
this book for the month of February, in which Valentine's Day and Family Day (in
Alberta) are celebrated, seems significant because of this link between the family and
the Trinity of Father, Mother and Son/Daughter, and the association of Divine Mother
with wise love.
"The great pyramid of Giza--"which was indeed built without the sound of hammer"-is among the greatest of all symbols of the past…Each side of the pyramid is a triangle,
reminding people their aspirations must go up towards the apex. The sun shines on all
four triangles…the great outpouring of the spiritual sun during all four seasons of the
It comes as no surprise to learn that ancient people first worshipped the great
Motherhood of all life and that representations of Divine Mother have been found
through the ages in all religions--Isis, Sophia, Diana, Mary, Kwan Yin--and that
original stone-worship connected Mother Earth and Divine Mother. Later, and for a
long period of our history, the male aspect of God became more dominant. This father
aspect is the Divine Will, the "determination, courage and power" that is emphasized
early in the Bible. The womanly, feminine aspect of the soul is the feeling of the world.
This truth is told through the story of Adam and Eve:"Out of the First Principle was
created the Woman or Mother aspect…taken from the region of the heart of the first
creation, Adam--man, while Adam slept or was quiescent. God brought forth from the
first principle, Adam, the second principle of life, from the rib or heart of Adam…he
had to be ensouled to enable him to live, for the soul gives feeling to the self and is the
vehicle for intuition."
The Mother energy within the etheric body can be found in the kundalini, also called
the "ball of fire," the "womb of life." This enormous source of power will awaken
gradually, as the heart centre is awakened by the individual's yearning for light, love
and wisdom. White Eagle warns that this force should not be unlocked without the
key of love. "If that power rises without love in the heart, it is the greatest enemy that
humanity knows; it stimulates the worst in a person."
The Law of Equilibrium requires that before we progress spiritually, there be a balance
between the male and female: "Until man and woman live in perfect partnership, each
playing their part in the evolution of the race, there can be no real progress…There
must be spiritual equality, mental equality, there must be mutual respect and true
partnership between man and woman."
The perfect marriage between the male and female is the union between Power and
Wisdom, between Spirit and Soul. This results in the birth of the Third Aspect, namely
Love... The trinity of Power, Wisdom and Love. "From the mystical marriage the only
begotten son is born." Then there also comes a union between the human soul and the
Christ spirit. White Eagle creates a beautiful picture to represent this state of Holy
Communion:"The lotus flower is the chakra of the heart of the individual and of all
humanity. The lotus flower is held high in this mystical, golden radiance, and gently
opens its petals. Above this bowl, this lotus flower shines the Son, the Cosmic Christ,
the beginning and the end. This is life eternal, your life."
White Eagle on Divine Mother clearly helps us understand at many levels how we are
inter-related and what makes us whole. The ancient word for whole was health.
Without the feminine, wisdom aspect of the Mother, we cannot be complete or
healthy. We remember, too, that Mother earth is the physical symbol of the soul of
humanity, and we notice that during this age of Aquarius, as the intuitive, feminine
aspect is becoming more strongly felt, that our concerns for the welfare of all life on
our planet is also increasing.
"If you have not Wisdom, you have not complete Love." (p.125)
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