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Sample Midterm Exam
Sample Midterm Exam
Sample Midterm Exam
Sample Midterm 1 2002
Multiple Choice
Identify the letter of the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question. You may explain
your answer if the question needs clarification. (2 points each)
1. Which of the following statements is most true?
a. One's genotype determines one's
b. One's phenotype determines one's
The environment is the primary
determinant of one's phenotype
One's phenotype is determined by the
interaction between one's genotype and
one's environment
Evolution is genetic change in a(n) ________________ that occurs over time
a. individual
c. community
b. population
d. pair of mates
Within an asexual population, genetic variation arises from
a. Fusion of gametes
c. Outcrossing
b. Crossing over
d. Mutation
Which of the following is true ONLY when a population is in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium?
a. p+q = 1
c. the observed genotypic frequencies match
those predicted based on the observed
allele frequencies
b. p2+2pq+q2 = 1
d. all of the above
When population with different ancestors develop similar adaptations to a similar environment,
we attribute their similarity to
a. punctuated equilibrium
c. vestigial organs
b. convergent evolution
d. homology
All Living things:
a. Grow and develop
c. Store information in the form of DNA
b. Reproduce by cell division
d. All of the above
The term "dominant" means
a. the phenotype turns up in at least 50% of c. one allele masks the expression of another
the offspring
in the heterozygote
b. The F1 generation always exhibits the
d. the phenotype is more beneficial than the
same phenotype
You perform a series of dihybrid test crosses to determine the linkage between the A, B, C, and D
loci and get the following recombination frequencies:
A-B = 10
A-C = 20
A-D = 30
B-C = 30
B-D = 20
C-D = 50
In what sequence are these loci on the chromosome?
d. Only A, B, and C are linked; D and C are
clearly on different chromosomes since
they assort independently of one another
Sample Midterm Exam
Sample Midterm Exam
Sample Midterm Exam
9. How is a single strand of DNA able to serve as a template for the synthesis of another strand?
a. Nucleotides pair with the bases in the
c. A single strand of DNA cannot serve as
original strand to form a new
the template for synthesis of a new strand
complementary strand
b. One strand of DNA serves to direct the
d. both b and c are true.
synthesis of a new strand that forms on its
____ 10. When traits are under _________ control, the phenotypes expressed in a population often take on
a normal (bell curve) distribution
a. polygenic
c. pathologic
b. autosomal
d. microevolutionary
____ 11. Mutations may result in:
a. undetectable changes in a protein
c. the genetic diversity required for evolution
b. nonfunctional proteins
d. All of the above
Complete each sentence or statement. (2 points each)
12. In all organisms, information is encoded in ________________________.
13. The complementary strand of DNA for AAGCT is _________________________
Short Answer (5 points each)
14. What conditions must be fulfilled in order for evolution by natural selection to take place?
15. Science is supposedly self-correcting. Explain how this works.
16. You do a test cross four (4) times using a bull with the dominant curly coated phenotype and a
cow with the recessive smooth coat. Each time the cow produces a curly coated calf. What is the
p-value associated with this outcome and what does it mean? What course of action should you
take if you plan to market your bull as a "true breeding" stud?
17. Eye number in monsters is inherited as follows:
EE = three eyes (AKA triops), Ee = two eyes (AKA normal), ee = one eye (AKA cyclops)
What phenotypes, in what ratios, will you obtain if you do many crosses between a triops male
and a cyclops female? (4 points)
(For questions 18-20) Beginning with the following set of breeding adults:
20 AA 25 Aa 30 aa
And the following relative fitnesses:
AA = 0.25
Aa = 1
aa = 0.5
Calculate the following: ( Questions 18-20)
Sample Midterm Exam
Sample Midterm Exam
Sample Midterm Exam
18. Assume that all selection takes place via mortality between zygotes and adults (i.e., there is no
sexual selection). What are the genotypic frequencies of the zygotes produced by these adults? (5
19. What are the allele frequencies at this point? (5 points)
20. Assume all selection takes place via mortality between zygotes and adults. What are the
genotypic frequencies of the adults these zygotes grow into after selection? (5 points)
21. The productivity of an ecosystem is measure in units of g/m2*d (that's grams {of carbon fixed -i.e., converted into plant matter} per meter squared per day). You measure the amount of carbon
fixed a patch of prairie that measures 2m by 4m. Over the course of one week that amount is 2
kg. What is the productivity of the patch in g/m2*d ? (5 points)
22. You have been trying to figure out dweebs all your life. Finally you decide to do some
crosses to understand dweebs' attitude, which seems to be a single trait with 4 discrete
phenotypes: snarky, snarly, sparky, and gnarly. You cross two snarly dweebs (not an
easy task, by the way!) and you get the following phenotypic ratios in your brood of little
9 Snarly: 3 Snarky: 1 Sparky: 3 Gnarly
A. Given what you already know about genetics, what are your hypotheses about the
genetic basis of this trait and the genotypes of the parents and the offspring? (5 points)
B. How would you test this hypothesis? Explain the predictions and procedures in detail.
(10 points)
Compare and contrast: The two terms in each pair below are often confused because they are somehow
related. For each pair, explain what it is about the two that is similar, how the two are related, or why they
might be confused. Then explain how it is that the two terms differ. To do this last part you must minimally
tell me one unique thing relating to each term. (5 points each)
23. Trait and phenotype
24. Independent assortment of chromosomes and segregation of alleles
25. Hypothesis and prediction
Essay (10 points)
26. Describe the contribution each of the following men made to Darwin's development of his ideas
about natural selection: Charles Lyell, Erasmus Darwin, Jean Baptiste Chevalier de Lamarck,
Carolus Linnaeus, Thomas Malthus.
Extra Credit
27. What did Alfred Wallace do that accelerated Darwin's publication of his ideas on evolution by
natural selection? (2 points)
28. Complete the following limerick: (2 points)
A fellow named Darwin went sailing...