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Think it's impossible to reduce
atherosclerosis? This juice might
cause you to think again...
If you ask most cardiologists, they'll
tell you that it's just about
impossible to reverse
atherosclerosis. Atherosclerosis is
the hardening of the arteries. It's
the leading cause of heart attacks,
stroke, and peripheral vascular
disease. So if we had a way to
reverse this disease, it would save
countless lives. Well, there is a way.
In fact, there are multiple ways to
do it.
I showed you a few weeks ago how l-citrulline can soften your arteries
and lower your blood pressure. Then, three years ago, I told you how
folic acid can soften hardened arteries. Four years ago, I revealed the
artery-softening abilities of vitamin K2. And, then there's fish oil,
which is one of the most studied supplements for atherosclerosis. But
now there's another way to soften your arteries and keep them soft.
If you remember the story of l-citrulline, the reason it works so well is
because it helps provide the raw materials your body needs to
produce nitric oxide (NO). NO is an amazing free radical that softens
your small arteries and allows them to dilate. So the more you can do
to help your body produce NO, the better.
But l-citrulline isn't the only way to produce NO. Researchers from
Italy wanted to find out if pomegranate juice could increase the
production of NO. But they didn't want to know if it would produce NO
in general. Rather, they wanted to see if it could increase nitric oxide
synthase activity in sections of the artery that have already developed
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When plaque builds up in your
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arteries, blood has to force its
way around it. This causes
significant stress on your arterial walls. This stress reduces nitric
oxide synthase expression. What's worse, it sets the stage for the
formation of yet more plaque. If the pomegranate juice increased NO
in these sections, it could reduce the stress – and eventually reduce
the plaque levels.
To conduct the study, the researchers used mice that were genetically
predisposed to develop atherosclerosis. Then they put the mice on a
high-fat diet and let plaque develop for six months. After six months,
they added pomegranate juice to one group's drinking water. And
they gave the placebo group plain drinking water.
The researchers found that the pomegranate juice was effective at
increasing the expression of nitric oxide synthase in all of the blood
vessels, regardless of whether they were healthy or had
atherosclerosis. What they found amazing, though, was that the juice
increased the NO synthase expression the most in blood vessels with
the most plaque buildup. Healthy blood vessels saw NO synthase
expression go up by only 3.3%. The areas that had less
atherosclerosis saw an increase in NO of 26.1%. But the areas with
the most plaque buildup had NO production increase by 46.7%. They
also saw a significant reduction in atherosclerotic lesions.
So if you're looking to avoid heart attacks and strokes, then make
sure you're drinking some pomegranate juice every day. Mix in a
scoop of Advanced Greens Formula, which contains pomegranate, and
you'll have a powerful heart-saving drink. And, in a futureNutrient
Insider, I'll tell you about another reason to drink pomegranate juice
for your heart.
Your insider for better health,
Steve Kroening
de Nigris F, Williams-Ignarro S, Lerman LO, et al. Beneficial effects of
pomegranate juice on oxidation-sensitive genes and endothelial nitric
oxide synthase activity at sites of perturbed shear stress. Proc Natl
Acad Sci USA. 2005 Mar 29;102(13):4896-901.
Steve Kroening is the editor of Nutrient Insider, a twice-a-week email
newsletter that brings you the latest healing breakthroughs from the
world of nutrition and dietary supplements. For over 20 years, Steve has
worked hand-in-hand with some of the nation's top doctors, including
Drs. Frank Shallenberger, Janet Zand, Nan Fuchs, William Campbell
Douglass, and best-selling author James Balch. Steve is the author of
the book Practical Guide to Home Remedies. As a health journalist,
Steve's articles have appeared in countless magazines, blogs, and websites.