Download unit 2 review sheet - Tanque Verde School District

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Format: AP Multiple Choice, Matching, True/False
Wu Ti, Julius Caesar, Aristotle, Ashoka,, Chandra Gupta, Constantine, Confucius, Shi Huangdi, Augustus,
Pericles, Cleisthenes, Siddhartha Gautama, Darius, Alexander of Macedon, Plato, Socrates, Mani,
Mahayana, Yellow Turbans, Rajput, Bodhisattvas, Stoics, Patricians, Plebeians, Satrap, Daoism, Mandarin,
Brahmin, Buddhism, Zoroastrianism, Achaemenid dynasty, Qanat, Legalism, Jati, Jainism, Minoan civilization,
Hellenism/Hellenistic, Sparta, Etruscans, Pax Romana, pater familias, religions of salvation, Manichaeism,
Huns, nirvana, socratic method, hoplite, phalanx, legion, punic wars
Things you should be able to do:
1. Describe and analyze the expansion of long-distance trade routes during the classical era, and assess the
economic, cultural, and biological impact of this expansion in trade on the different societies: Han China,
Roman Empire, India
2. Explain how the Mediterranean Basin became economically and culturally integrated during the Hellenistic
3. Compare and contrast the causes and consequences of the collapse the following empires. Han China, Gupta
India, Rome
4. Explain the major tenets (beliefs) of the different philosophies and religions presented in this unit.
5. Compare and contrast the state-building policies of two of the following sets of classical empires and assess
their effectiveness. Persia and Gupta India (or) Han China and Rome
6. Define Hellenism, identify its geographical, social, and cultural boundaries, and describe its influence on
societies beyond its frontiers.
7. Describe and explain the emergence and spread of religions of salvation in the Roman Empire and India
during the Classical Era.
8. Discuss the role played by large infrastructure projects such as roads, aqueducts, flood control and
irrigation projects, defensive walls and fortifications, etc. on the formation of states and empires.
9. Compare & Contrast the development of democratic forms in classical Athens with Republican Rome.
10. Discuss advances in science and technology during the classical period and its impact on society.
Sample Questions
A. Wu Ti
B. Mahayana
C. Yellow Turbans
AC. Hellenistic
AD. Julius Caesar AE. Senate
CD. Daoism
CE. Mandarin
DE. Chandra Gupta
D. Rajput
E. Bodhisattvas
AB. Stoics
BC. Aristotle
BD. Ashoka
BE. Satrap
ABC. Constantine ABD. Confucius
ABE. Shi Huangdi
Regional Indian princes who ruled after the fall of the Guptas.
Term for a Persian regional governor appointed by the emperor.
The most important legislative body in the Roman republic. Composed mainly of aristocrats.
During the ___ period which began after Alexander the Great, Greek art, education, & culture merged with those
in the Middle East. Trade& important scientific centers were established, such as Alexandria, Egypt.
During the decline of classical China, the _______ were a Daoist group that promised a golden age that was to be
brought about by divine magic.
Greatest Mauryan ruler. Gained all but the southern tip of India through conquest. Converted to & greatly
promoted Buddhism.
Most famous of Han emperors. Supported Confucianism & established civil service tests to help create a strong
bureaucracy to run the country
Dictator of the Roman Republic who effectively ended the republic &, with his successor Augustus, transformed
it into an empire.
Multiple Choice
Which of the following is true of both the Roman Empire & the Han Empire?
Both empires were heavily dependent on slave labor
Both empires were characterized by long periods of effective centralized governance.
In both empires extensive maritime trade & the importation of luxury goods was important.
In both empires administrative officials were selected by an elaborate system of competitive examinations
Both emperors were ruled by wealthy merchant elites
10. All of the following were part of the Confucian social order EXCEPT
A. loyalty to the ruler B. filial obedience to one’s father
C. respect for the old
11. Which of the following did not live during the classical period?
A. Socrates
B. Confucius
C. Muhammad
D. Laozi (Lao-tzu)
chastity by wives
E. Siddhartha Gautama
12. Which of the following characterizes trade between the Roman Empire & India during the first two centuries
Rome to India
India to Rome
A. Silver & gold
pepper & cloves
B. Tools & weapons
Silver & gold
C. Horses
D. Textiles
Silver & gold
E. Tools & weapons
Wine & olive oil
13. Which of the following best survived the Hun invasions in India?
A. Hindu beliefs
B. Buddhist beliefs
C. nationalist beliefs
14. If the Greek genius was politics, the Roman genius was
A. poetry
B. science
C. democracy
D. political unity
D. music
E. Islam
E. engineering
41. Cleisthenes helped Sparta defeat Athens during the Peloponnesian war.
42. Roman legions were superior to Greek phalanxes due to their flexibility & level of initiative allowed of unit
43. Alexander of Macedon’s conquests ushered in the Hellenistic period.