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TEST-- World Religions, part 1: Christianity and Judaism
Name: __________________________________
Fill in the blanks in the answer spaces below the questions. (3 points each)
The religion of the ancient Palestinian tribe, known as the ____, is called Judaism today.
The holy book in the religion of Judaism is called the _____, and is also the first five books of the Christian Bible.
The “holy contract” between Yahweh and Abraham that is the central tenet of Judaism is known as the ____.
The religion of Christianity is based on the life and teachings of a man called ____ of Nazareth.
Muslims trace their religious heritage to Abraham through his son Ishmael, while Jews trace theirs through his other son, ___.
Christians were persecuted in the Roman Empire until the Emperor ___ converted to Christianity in 312 C.E.
The man who founded Judaism was named ____.
All that remains of Solomon’s Temple in Jerusalem is this, known as the ____ or the “Wailing Wall.”
The man who is at the head or the top of the Roman Catholic Church is called the ___.
In the first century of the Common Era (C.E. or A.D.), the Roman Empire kicked the Jewish people out of Palestine, their
Holy Land, and they fled to countries throughout Europe. What was this displacement of the Jews called?
The Christian belief that God is “3-in-one” is called the Doctrine of the ____.
One of the most important rituals to Christians is communion, which commemorates Jesus’s “Last Supper,” and his sacrifice.
Some Christians refer to communion as the___..
Where were the Israelites enslaved for over 200 years?
This Jewish holiday commemorates an event during the Hebrew enslavement, when the Angel of Death skipped the homes of
the Jews, but killed the firstborn sons of the Egyptians.
Of the 3 branches of Judaism, the ___ sect is the most conservative/ traditional.
Both Jewish people and Christians believe that Moses received the ___ directly from God on Mt. Sinai.
Most of what we know about Jesus comes from the first four books of the New Testament, which are called the ___.
The Jewish religion was different from other religions in the ancient Middle East, since it was ___, rather than polytheistic.
One of the biggest questions for the early Christian Church was whether or not Gentiles (non-Jews) convert directly to
Christianity without first becoming Jewish. This important question was decided at the Council of ___ in the year 50 CE.
Many Jewish people of today try to eat only foods that are prepared according to the laws in their holy book, and blessed by a
rabbi. Food that conforms to these guidelines are labeled ___.
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GEOGRAPHY. (1point each)
Use the attached map to identify the numbered items.
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Short answer. (7 points each)
****choose only 2*** ANSWER ON THE BACK
1. Who did more to spread Christianity: Paul or Constantine? Explain.
2. Why was the Council of Nicea so important for Christians?
3. After escaping slavery in Egypt, the Jewish people wrote down all their laws in the books of Leviticus and Deuteronomy.
Explain the types of laws these books contained, and why they were so strict.
4. What is the connection between the Diaspora in the first century and the founding of the State of Israel in the 20 th century?
5. Identify the two sons of Abraham and explain their significance to Jews and Muslims.
Essay. (20 points)
Write an essay in which you compare and contrast the religions of Judaism and Christianity. (As you discuss the religions’ similarities
and differences, be sure to include information about the origins, founders, deities, holy books, and basic beliefs of each faith.)