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Overview of Islam
From Muhammad to ISIS
Overview about the religion of Islam
Teacher is not an expert…only has an interest
Islam is part of our life in the 21st century
Gulf War, 9/11, ISIS
Second largest world religion in terms of members and fastest
We are now a globalized society, not separated by water or time
Not our neighbors
Less than 10,000 muslims in Western Pennsylvania
Less than 1,000 in Beaver County
Nearest Mosque New Castle
Terms and words are not familiar to us. What we hear and watch on TV? What do
they mean?
Our children and grandchildren will be affected as more globalization occurs
Cassius Clay
Religion Statistics
History of Islam
Sharia Law
Islam theology and beliefs
End Times Prophecies
Writings in the Quran
72 Virgins
History of Islam
Islam: Second Largest World Religion
1.5 billion followers
One of the most divided religions
Sunni vs. Shia
This has been a conflict for 14 centuries. It remains today the
cause of much of the sectarian violence in Muslim countries,
especially in the middle east.
Believe in the “way” instead of blood line succession from
85% of Muslims are Sunnis
Saudi Arabia is the lead Sunni Country
Believe authority is based on the Quran and traditions of
Muhammed’s son-in-law was chosen to lead after his death
15% of Muslim population is Shia
Iran and Iraq are largest Shia populations
God always provides a guide through Imams and Ayatollahs (the
Islam means “submission to God” in Arabic
A muslim is a believer of Islam
Muslim means “one who submits to God”
Islam claims to be the restoration of the original monotheism truth,
and thus supersedes both Judaism and Christianity
Islam stresses submission to God (Allah) and conformity to the five
pillars of discipline that are essential to salvation.
Islam is an ideology
Its political objective is to take control of the world
Believes that the Ummah (the worldwide Islamic community) is
superior to all other civilizations
In many Muslim countries there is not a separation of church and
Founder or Islam, name means praiseworthy
Born in Mecca, Arabia in 570 AD and raised by his uncle
As a vocation he drove camels between Arabia and Syria and managed
merchant caravans
Polytheism was practiced in this area during his early years of life
In 610 AD he claims to be visited by the angel Gabriel who gave him the
words to write in the Muslim bible, the Quran
In the Quran, he is known as prophet, messenger, servant, and announcer
In 622 AD the religion was established and the Muslim calendar begins
The cities of Medina and Mecca were established as holy cities
Muhammed died in 632 AD and is buried in Medina
Adjacent to his tomb is an empty tomb that awaits Jesus
After his death, Islam spread from Spain to China within the first 100 years, and also into
Christian lands to claim all the Abrahamic lands known in the bible
Arabic replaced Greek and Aramaic as a spoken and written language
Baghdad became the Capital and the Golden age of Islam was from 750 AD to 1517 AD
Other Historical Events
Ottoman Empire
Britain and France divided up the Ottoman Empire after World War I
Britain took Iraq, France took Syria
Oil and the Seven Sisters
Israel became a country in 1946
Islam Theology: God
God: Allah (Arabic)
Monotheistic God
No Trinity
God is beyond the understanding of man
Only his will may be revealed and known
He is confessed as the merciful and compassionate one
Islam Theology: Jesus
Jesus was born of a virgin and he was a great prophet, yet only a man
They believe he was sent by God to help people obey God
The Quran refers to Jesus as the breath of God, the spirit of God, the life of God,
and the word of God
They believe he did not die on the cross, but before he was to be killed, God took
him up to heaven and someone else (probably Judas) replaced him on the cross
They believe that Jesus will return to the earth again to usher in the final judgment
from God and confirm that Islam is the true and final religion for all mankind
Reference Quran Chapter 4 verses157-158
Islam Theology: Judgement and Satan
They believe in Satan and the day of judgement on which God will
send people to heaven or hell
They also believe that Ishmael (not Isaac) received the promise from
God through Abraham, which is why they have the right to the Holy
Islam Theology: Salvation
Islam is a works oriented religion
They have no guarantee of being saved
They believe all their works will be accounted for on the judgement day
If your bad works exceed your good works you will go to hell
If your good works exceed your bad works you will probably go to heaven
Only way a Muslim is guaranteed to go to heaven is through Jihad (holy war)
To earn their way to heaven, Muslims must perform the 5 pillars of faith
5 Pillars of Faith
1. Recite Confession of Faith Daily
“There is no God but Allah, and Muhammed is the prophet of God”
2. Pray 5 times a day
3. Give alms (2.5% of wealth)
4. Fast during Ramadan (1 month, sunrise to sunset)
5. Pilgrimage to Mecca (1 trip per lifetime)
Islam Theology: Worship
Day of Worship: Friday
Place of Worship: Mosque
Islam Theology: The Quran
Dictated to Muhammed by God through the angel Gabriel
Original language was Arabic
114 Chapters (80% the length of the bible)
Written in the 7th century
A lot of Jewish and Christian History had occurred by then
Hadith…writings of Muhammed that add or clarify what is in the
Other Theological Beliefs
Original sin is viewed as a lapse by Adam
They do not believe man is fallen, but weak and forgetful
They believe Satan is a fallen angel
Women are not equal to men, men may divorce, women may not
The Caliphate is an Islamic body rued by a single religious and political
Imam is a pastor or teacher to common people
How they view Christianity
An Arabic word for struggle and fighting
English translation is holy war
In Christianity…
God conducts the holy war for his people
The Lord is warrior and the ultimate holy warrior
God is holy in all he does
Sharia Law
Most Muslim countries do not follow Sharia Law
It is a legal framework within the public and some private aspects of
life. It is a legal system based on Islamic tenants.
There is not a codified uniform set of law that can be called Sharia
It is a system of law taken from the Quran, the Hadith, and historical
What is the difference between ISIS and ISIL
Why is the ISIS flag black?
What does the wording on the flag mean?
What does the flag and the wording represent?
End Times
End times are prophecies of Muhammed written in the Hadith
They tell..
Mahdi (the rightly guided one) is the Muslim savior who will appear at Mecca before the
He will lead the final battle against the infidels
The final battle will occur at Dabiq, Syria where the infidels will be defeated
Christ and the anti-christ
Caliphate reborn
ISIS justifies its deeds
Promise of 72 Virgins
The Quran Chapter 78 verse 33 (the great news)
The Quran Chapter 4 verse 74 (women)
The Quran Chapter 36 verse 36 (the inevitable)
Does the Quran really promise Islamic martyrs 72 virgins in
paradise???? A very loose liberal reading of these passages
What does all this mean to the
moderate Muslim?