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FJ486a: Japanese Film and Society
Spring 2012
Intercultural Competence: Interpersonal Communication across Cultures
Myron Lustig and Jolene Koester
Chapter 7: Verbal Intercultural Communication
Reading questions:
1. What is a verbal code?
2. What is important for a good translation?
3. What is dynamic equivalence?
4. Is translation always equivocal? Provide and example.
5. On p. 177, can you answer the questions? Use the reading to base it on facts.
6. How are variations in vocabulary and grammar important?
7. What is the Communication Accommodation Theory proposed by Howard Giles? Has
this ever happened to you or do you even think it is possible. Provide examples.
8. Your question: ______________________________________________________
FJ486a: Japanese Film and Society
Spring 2012
Intercultural Competence: Interpersonal Communication across Cultures
Myron Lustig and Jolene Koester
Chapter 8: Nonverbal Intercultural Communication
1. What are non-verbal codes?
2. What are the cultural universals of non-verbal communication? Be able to explain what
they mean.
3. What do you think about the statement? “Because the ability to produce such
emotional displays is consistent across cultures, there is probably a biological or genetic
basis that allows for these behaviors to be produced in all humans in a particular way.”
4. For those of you who have studied Japanese, what forms of non-verbal communication
have you learned about. If you have not studied Japanese, are there any that you know
5. Define the following: (Be able to give examples)
a. Emblems
b. Illustrators
c. Affect displays
d. Regulators
e. Adaptors
6. When you think about your own culture (this may be your identity as an American or
another culture that is a part of your hertitage) how are body movements, space, touch,
time and voice important aspects of your non-verbal behavior? Provide examples.
7. Observe someone during a meal or while studying, how do they communicate with
someone else? What do you notice about their verbal and non-verbal communication
8. Your question: ___________________________________________________________
FJ486a: Japanese Film and Society
Spring 2012
Intercultural Competence: Interpersonal Communication across Cultures
Myron Lustig and Jolene Koester
Chapter 9: The effects of Code Usage in Intercultural Communication
1. What languages have you studied so far? Have you considered their organization of
information before? If so, what have you noticed?
2. Have you ever had an intercultural encounter where you need to persuade someone of
something? What happened? Were you successful?
3. How is silence important in conversation? Give examples. How is different across
cultures? Give examples.
4. On p. 238 there are 8 questions posed in regards to conversational rules. What would
your answers be.
5. Several instances of Japanese culture are mentioned in this chapter. Select one and
think about how would you recognize this in conversation…or would you be able to.
6. Your question: ___________________________________________________________