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Cluster of Excellence
EXC 309 / FZT 15
The Ocean in the Earth System
MARUM – Center for Marine Environmental Sciences
University of Bremen
First Funding Period
1 November 2007 – 31 October 2012 (EXC 309)
1 July 2009 – 30 June 2013 (FZT 15)
1 November 2006 – 31 October 2012 (GSC 119)
Second Funding Period
1 November 2012 – 31 October 2017
Abbreviated Version
Renewal Proposal for a Cluster of Excellence
“Der Ozean im Erdsystem – MARUM – Zentrum für Marine Umweltwissenschaften”
“The Ocean in the Earth System – MARUM – Center for Marine Environmental Sciences”
Host university: University of Bremen
Rector of the host university:
Coordinator of the cluster of excellence
Prof. Dr. Wilfried Müller
Prof. Dr. Michael Schulz
Work address:
Work address:
Universität Bremen
Universität Bremen
Bibliothekstraße 1
Fachbereich Geowissenschaften
VWG, 28359 Bremen
Klagenfurter Straße, 28359 Bremen
Phone: (0421) 218-60011
Phone: (0421) 218-65444
Fax: (0421) 218-4259
Fax: (0421) 218-65454
E-Mail: [email protected]
E-Mail: [email protected]
Bremen, 10.08.2011
Bremen, 10.08.2011
General Information .............................................................................................................1
Brief summary .................................................................................................................1
Key data ..........................................................................................................................3
Host, speaker and other participating institutions (university and non-university) .....3
Principal investigators ..............................................................................................3
Overview of the cluster’s structure ...........................................................................4
Overview .........................................................................................................................4
Research program...........................................................................................................5
Academic staff...............................................................................................................14
Staffing situation ....................................................................................................14
New professorships and junior research groups ....................................................18
Promotion of early career researchers...........................................................................18
Promotion of gender equality .........................................................................................20
Organization, management and infrastructure ...............................................................22
Relationship between the cluster, the host university and the participating partners ......26
Research Areas ..................................................................................................................27
Research Area OC: Ocean and Climate ........................................................................27
Program of the Research Area ......................................................................................28
Research Area GB: Geosphere-Biosphere Interactions ................................................43
Program of the Research Area ......................................................................................44
Research Area SD: Sediment Dynamics .......................................................................59
Program of the Research Area ......................................................................................60
GS: Bremen International Graduate School for Marine Sciences – GLOMAR ...............77
Program of the Graduate School ...................................................................................77
Section Z: Infrastructure, Support and Central Management .........................................85
Description ....................................................................................................................85
Overview of the Cluster’s Resources ...............................................................................98
Available resources .......................................................................................................98
Appendices ........................................................................................................................99
Five-page proposal summary (executive summary) ......................................................99
Most important publications of the Research Center / Cluster of Excellence ............... 104
Most relevant publications of the Research Areas ....................................................... 106
Additional evidence of qualification.............................................................................. 112
Other participating researchers ................................................................................... 114
Participating institutions and cooperation partners ...................................................... 116
Letters of intent / Statements of cooperation ............................................................... 116
Scientific advisory board ............................................................................................. 130
General information on the host university .................................................................. 131
List of abbreviations
cal. ka BP
American Association for the Advancement of Science
Atmospheric circulation and dust during the last glacial cycle: Observations
and modeling (PAGES working group)
American Geophysical Union
AWI-MARUM Alliance
Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation
Anaerobic Methanotrophic Archaea
Anaerobic Oxidation of Methane
American Society for Microbiology
Development of integrated model systems for analyzing longterm morphodynamics in the German Bight (BMBF project)
Autonomous Underwater Vehicle
Alfred-Wegener-Institut für Polar- und Meeresforschung, Bremerhaven
Bremen Core Repository
Bundesanstalt für Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe, Hannover
Branched vs. Isoprenoid Tetraether Index
Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung, Federal Ministry of Education
and Research
Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Technologie, Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology
Bundesamt für Seeschifffahrt und Hydrographie, Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency Hamburg
Calibrated radiocarbon age Before Present (1950 CE) in thousand years
Community Atmosphere Model
Natural versus anthropogenic controls of past monsoon variability in Central
Asia recorded in marine archives (BMBF project)
Cyclisation Ratio of Branched Tetraethers
Community Climate System Model
Center for Dark Energy Biosphere Investigations
Common Era
Centre for Ecology and Hydrology, UK
Committee on Earth Observation Satellites
Climate Variability and Predictability
Centimeter / meter below seafloor
Center for Oceanographic Research in the eastern South Pacific, Univ. Concepcion, Chile
Circulation Obviation Retrofit Kit
Committee on Space Research
Coastal Observing System for Northern and Arctic Seas
EU Cooperative Project
Cone-Penetration Test
EU Coordination and Support Action
Conductivity, Temperature, and Depth Recorder
Coarse Wave Division Multiplexing
Deep Sea & Sub-Seafloor Frontier Initiative (EU)
Deutscher Akademischer Austausch Dienst, German Academic Exchange
Deep subsurface Archaea: carbon cycle, life strategies, and role in sedimentary ecosystems (ERC Advanced Grant project)
Deep Fault Drilling Project
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft
Deutsches Forschungszentrum für Künstliche Intelligenz GmbH, German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence
Deutsche Geologische Gesellschaft
Dissolved Inorganic Carbon
Deutsches Klima Konsortium, German Consortium for Climate Research
Deutsches Klimarechenzentrum, German Climate Computing Centre, Hamburg
Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt, German Institute of Space Systems
Deutsche Mineralogische Gesellschaft, German Mineralogical Society
Differential Optical Absorption Spectroscopy
Dissolved Organic Carbon
Dissolved Organic Matter
Deep Sea Drilling Project
Doppler Velocity Log
European Centre Hamburg Model
Sub-seabed CO2 Storage: Impact on Marine Ecosystems (EU project)
European Graduate College in Marine Sciences
European Consortium for Ocean Research Drilling
European Geosciences Union
European Multidisciplinary Seafloor Observatory (EU project)
El-Niño Southern Oscillation
European Research Council
European Research Group
European Space Agency
European Science Foundation
European Strategy Forum on Research Infrastructures
ECORD Science Operator
European Seafloor Observatory (EU project)
Earth System Science Data Journal at Copernicus
Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule Zürich
European Union
Alliance of European Research Fleets
Challenges of Marine Coring Research (ESF program)
European Graduate College Proxies in Earth History (DFG International Training Group)
Fachbereich, Faculty number # at University of Bremen
Finite-Element Sea-Ice Ocean Model
Fraunhofer Institut für Rechnerarchitektur und Softwareentwicklung, Fraunhofer Institute for Computer Architecture and Software Technology, Berlin
7th Framework Program of the EU
Fourier-Transform Ion Cyclotron Resonance Mass Spectrometry
DFG Forschungszentrum, DFG Research Center
The Global Atmosphere Watch Program of the World Meteorological Organization
Research Area: Geosphere-Biosphere Interactions
Global Biodiversity Information Facility
Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry
Geosciences, Bremen University
Global Earth Observation System of Systems
German Scientific Earth Probing Consortium
Helmholtz-Zentrum Potsdam Deutsches GeoForschungsZentrum
Geographic Information System
Gesellschaft für Kernenergieverwertung in Schiffbau und Schifffahrt, Geesthacht (now: Helmholtz Center Geesthacht)
Global Change in the Marine Realm (Graduate School, Excellence Initiative)
Global Monitoring for Environment and Security
Global Ozone Monitoring Experiment
Geotechnical Seabed Tool
Global Positioning System
Gordon Research Conferences
Geologische Vereinigung, Geological Association
Heinrich Stadial 1
High Definition (Television)
Hotspot Ecosystem Research and Man's Impact on European Seas (EU project)
Helmholtz-Gemeinschaft Deutscher Forschungszentren
Norddeutscher Verbund für Hoch- und Höchstleistungsrechner, North-German
Supercomputing Alliance
High-Performance Liquid Chromatography
Hybrid ROV
Hanse-Wissenschaftskolleg, Institute for Advanced Study Delmenhorst
In-situ monitoring of oxygen depletion in hypoxic ecosystems of coastal and
open seas, and land-locked water bodies (EU project)
Institute for Chemistry and Biology of the Marine Environment, Univ. Oldenburg
International Continental Scientific Drilling
Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometer
International Council for Science
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
Leibniz Institut für Meereswissenschaften, Kiel
Institut français de recherche pour l'exploitation de la mer, Brest, F
International Geosphere-Biosphere Programme
International Geoscience Programme
Impact of climate induced glacial melting on marine coastal systems in the
Western Antarctic Peninsula region (ESF project)
Integrated Coastal and Shelf Sea Research (DFG International Research
Training Group)
Integrated Analysis of Interglacial Climate Dynamics (SPP, DFG)
International Cooperation in Ridge-Crest Studies
IODP New Ventures in Exploring Scientific Targets (Conference 2009)
Integrated Ocean Drilling Program
Integrated Ocean Drilling Program – Bremen Core Repository
Leibniz-Institut für Ostseeforschung, Rostock-Warnemünde
EU Integrated Project
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
Institut Polaire Français
Intact Polar Lipid
International Society for Microbial Ecology
Information Technology
Institut für Umweltphysik, Institute for Environmental Physics, UniB
Fraunhofer Institute for Wind Energy and Energy System Technology
Japan Agency for Marine Earth Science and Technology
Joint European Ocean Drilling Initiative
Joint Oceanographic Institutions Deep Earth Sampler
Jacobs University Bremen
Konsortium Deutsche Meeresforschung, German Consortium for Marine Research
Light-Emitting Diode
Last Glacial Maximum
Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München
Labrador Sea Water
Marine Network for Integrated Data Access (HGF project)
Marine, Coastal and Polar Systems (HGF program)
Multiproxy Approach for the Reconstruction of the Glacial Ocean Surface
International Max Planck Research School (MPI)
Zentrum für Marine Umweltwissenschaften, Center for Marine Environmental
Sciences, Bremen
Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute, Moss Landing, USA
Methylation Index of Branched Tetraethers
Multi Collector-Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometer
Meeresbodenbohrgerät, Deep-Sea Drill Rig
Mediterranean Climate Variability and Predictability
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA
Max-Planck-Institut für Marine Mikrobiologie, Bremen
Micropaleontological Reference Centers
Mauritania Slide Complex
Multisensor Core Logger
Microsoft Developer Network Academic Alliance
Mission Specific Projects (of ECORD)
Nankai Trough Seismogenic Zone Experiment
North Atlantic Oscillation
National Aeronautics and Space Administration, USA
Netherlands Bremen Oceanography Cooperation
Natural Environment Research Council, UK
Netherlands Institute for Sea Research, Texel
Nationales Komitee für Global Change Forschung, National Committee on
Global Change Research
National Oceanography Centre, Southampton
Network of Excellence (EU)
National Science Council, Taiwan
National Science Foundation, USA
Ocean Biogeographic Information System
Research Area: Ocean and Climate
Ocean Drilling Program
Ocean General Circulation Model
Organic Matter
Onshore Science Party (IODP)
Polar regions and Coasts in a changing Earth System (HGF program)
Past Global Changes (Core project of IGBP)
Publishing Network for Geoscientific and Environmental Data (AWI / MARUM)
Pacific Decadal Oscillation
Principal Investigator
Project Management Team (IODP)
Helmholtz Graduate School for Polar and Marine Research (AWI)
Proposal Planning Group (ODP)
Research Academy, University of Bremen
Quality Assurance/Quality Control (IODP)
Regional Oceanic Modeling System
Remotely Operated Vehicle
Ribosomal Ribonucleic Acid
Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science, Miami, USA
San Andreas Fault Observatory at Depth
Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research
Scanning Imaging Absorption Spectrometer for Atmospheric Chartography
WDC Mare
Scientific Measurement Panel (IODP)
Scientific Committee on Oceanic Research
Research Area: Sediment Dynamics
Scientific Earth Drilling Information Service
Novel Sensors for the Marine Environment (EU Initial Training Network)
DFG Sonderforschungsbereich, DFG Collaborative Research Project
Senckenberg am Meer, Wilhelmshaven
Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry
Scripps Institution of Oceanography, La Jolla, California, USA
Stable-Isotope Probing
Sea-Level Pressure
Single-Lens Reflex
Surface Ocean - Lower Atmosphere Study
DFG Schwerpunktprogramm, DFG Priority Research Program
Scientific Steering Committee
Science Steering and Evaluation Panel (IODP)
Sea-Surface Temperature
Sea-Surface Salinity
Scientific Technology Panel (IODP)
Submarine Gashydrat-Lagerstätten: Erkundung, Abbau und Transport (BMBF
Southwest Indian Ridge
Molecular Ecology and Evolution of Bacterial Symbionts (EU project)
Cenozoic evolution of the Indonesian Throughflow and the origins of IndoPacific marine biodiversity: Mapping the biotic response to environmental
change (EU Initial Traning Network)
Total Organic Carbon
Total Oxygen Utilization
Understanding Cenozoic Climate Cooling (DFG Research Group)
University of Bremen
University of Bern, CH
University of Copenhagen, DK
Ultra Short Baseline
Wissenschaftlicher Beirat der Bundesregierung Globale Umweltveränderungen, German Advisory Council on Global Change
World Data Center for Marine Environmental Sciences
Wissenschaftsgemeinschaft Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole, USA
Scientific Concepts for Monitoring the German Bight (project funded by the
State of Lower Saxony)
X-Ray Diffraction
X-Ray Fluorescence
Leibniz Zentrum für Marine Tropenökologie, Bremen
MARUM 2012-2017
General Information
1 General Information
Brief summary
The Research Center / Cluster of Excellence “The Ocean in the Earth System” (MARUM) has the
overarching scientific goal to achieve a better understanding of key processes in the marine environment in order to provide information for sustainable use of the ocean. The research themes are:
Ocean and Climate, Geosphere-Biosphere Interactions and Sediment Dynamics. MARUM will
study past and present environmental changes from the coast to the deep sea at a global scale.
Novel research directions will be developed through new projects cutting across different research
areas and by the inclusion of remote-sensing. The research topics are integrated with and address
core problems of international programs, e.g. IGBP-PAGES, IODP, InterRidge. The second major
goal of MARUM is the training of young scientists. With this proposal, the Graduate School
GLOMAR, which is funded as part of the first phase of the excellence initiative until 31 October
2012, will be integrated into MARUM. The school will serve as a central platform for interdisciplinary training of doctoral students in marine sciences at the University of Bremen (incl. social sciences and law). Measures are in place to support young-investigator groups, including the right of
their leaders to supervise doctoral students. A third goal is to develop and provide technology and
infrastructure for marine research in cooperation with industry. MARUM is one of the few research
institutions worldwide that operates underwater technologies, including two remotely operated vehicles, an underwater drill rig and an autonomous underwater vehicle. Through the development
and operation of cutting-edge underwater instruments MARUM has established itself as a leading
center of marine research technology. Furthermore, MARUM operates one of the three IODP core
repositories in the world and the World Data Center for Marine Environmental Sciences. The fourth
goal is the communication of scientific topics to the general public, including special programs for
schools. The DFG Research Center MARUM was established in 2001; at present, the Research
Center is in its third funding period, which will last until 30 June 2013. In 2007 the Research Center
was extended to a Cluster of Excellence. In 2011 MARUM became the first research faculty within
the University of Bremen and is responsible for the long-term development of the university’s research focus in marine and climate research. Through MARUM, the University of Bremen closely
collaborates with the Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research in Bremerhaven, the
Max Planck Institute for Marine Microbiology in Bremen, the Senckenberg Institute by the Sea in
Wilhelmshaven, the Leibniz Center for Marine Tropical Ecology in Bremen and the private Jacobs
University in Bremen.
MARUM 2012-2017
General Information
Das Forschungszentrum / Exzellenzcluster “Der Ozean im System Erde” (MARUM) hat das übergeordnete wissenschaftliche Ziel, Schlüsselprozesse in der marinen Umwelt besser zu verstehen
und so Informationen für eine nachhaltige Nutzung des Ozeans zu gewinnen. Die Forschungsfelder sind: Ozean und Klima, Geosphären-Biosphären-Wechselwirkung und Sedimentdynamik. Das
MARUM untersucht vergangene und gegenwärtige Umweltveränderungen von der Küste bis in die
Tiefsee auf einer globalen Skala. Durch neue Querschnittsprojekte zwischen den Forschungsfeldern und durch die Einbeziehung von Fernerkundung sollen neue Forschungsperspektiven entwickelt werden. Die Forschungsthemen sind in internationale Programme integriert, z. B. IGBPPAGES, IODP, InterRidge. Das zweite Ziel von MARUM ist die Ausbildung von jungen Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftlern. Mit diesem Antrag ist geplant, die Graduiertenschule GLOMAR, die in der ersten Phase der Exzellenzinitiative bis 31. Oktober 2012 gefördert wird, in das
MARUM zu integrieren. Die Graduiertenschule wird die zentrale Plattform für die interdisziplinäre
Ausbildung von Doktorandinnen und Doktoranden in den Meereswissenschaften an der Universität
Bremen sein (unter Einbeziehung der Sozial- und Rechtswissenschaften). Es wurden bereits besondere Maßnahmen eingeleitet, um Nachwuchswissenschaftlergruppen zu unterstützen. Dazu
gehört die Möglichkeit, dass deren Leiterinnen und Leiter Doktorarbeiten selbstständig betreuen
dürfen. Das dritte Ziel ist es, Technologien und Infrastrukturen für die Meeresforschung in Kooperation mit der Industrie zu entwickeln und für die Forschung bereitzustellen. MARUM setzt eine
einzigartige Flotte von eigenen Unterwasserfahrzeugen ein, inklusive kabelgesteuerter Unterwasserfahrzeuge (ROV), Unterwasserbohrgerät und autonomer Unterwasserfahrzeuge (AUV). Durch
die Entwicklung und den Betrieb von modernsten Unterwassergeräten hat das MARUM sich als
eines der führenden Zentren in Meeresforschungstechnologien entwickelt. Das MARUM betreibt
ferner eines der weltweit drei Bohrkernlager des IODP sowie ein Weltdatenzentrum für marine
Umweltwissenschaften. Das vierte Ziel von MARUM ist zielgruppenorientierte Öffentlichkeitsarbeit,
einschließlich spezieller Angebote für Schulen. Das DFG Forschungszentrum MARUM wurde 2001
gegründet und befindet sich zurzeit in der dritten Förderphase, die bis zum 30. Juni 2013 dauern
wird. Im Jahr 2007 wurde das Forschungszentrum zu einem Exzellenzcluster erweitert. Seit 2011
ist das MARUM die erste Forschungsfakultät der Universität Bremen und als solche für die langfristige Entwicklung des universitären Wissenschaftsschwerpunktes im Bereich der Meeres- und
Klimaforschung zuständig. Im MARUM arbeitet die Universität Bremen eng mit dem AlfredWegener-Institut für Polar- und Meeresforschung in Bremerhaven, dem Max-Planck-Institut für Marine Mikrobiologie in Bremen, mit Senckenberg am Meer in Wilhelmshaven, dem Leibniz-Zentrum
für Marine Tropenökologie in Bremen und der privaten Jacobs University in Bremen zusammen.
MARUM 2012-2017
General Information
Key data
Host, speaker and other participating institutions (university and non-university)
Table 1: Participating institutions
Host university
University of Bremen* (UniB)
Participating university
Jacobs University (JU)
Participating non-university research institutions
Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research (AWI)
Max Planck Institute for Marine Microbiology (MPI)
Senckenberg by the Sea (SGN)
Leibniz Center for Marine Tropical Ecology (ZMT)
* Speaker university highlighted with an asterisk (*)
1) Institutions that will be funded by the cluster. Cooperation partners that will not be funded by the cluster
but will contribute their own funds to the cluster are listed in Table 20 in the appendix.
A detailed list of the participating institutions, their subunits and further cooperation partners is given in the
appendix, section 4.8, Table 20.
Principal investigators
Table 2: Principal investigators
Title, first name, surname
Prof. Dr. Rudolf Amann
Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Bach
Dr. Torsten Bickert
Prof. Dr. Antje Boetius
Prof. Dr. Gerhard Bohrmann
Prof. Dr. John Burrows
Dr. Nicole Dubilier
Prof. Dr. Michael Flitner
Prof. Dr. André Freiwald
Dr. Rainer Gersonde
Prof. Dr. Dierk Hebbeln
Prof. Dr. Kai-Uwe Hinrichs
Prof. Dr. Katrin Huhn
Prof. Dr. Achim Kopf
Prof. Dr. Andrea Koschinsky-Fritsche
Prof. Dr. Justus Notholt
Prof. Dr. Monika Rhein
Dr. Ursula Röhl
Prof. Dr. Sabine Schlacke
Prof. Dr. Michael Schulz
Prof. Dr. Tilo von Dobeneck
Prof. Dr. Gerold Wefer
Prof. Dr. Hildegard Westphal
Dr. Christian Winter
PD Dr. Matthias Zabel
UniB, Geosciences
UniB, Geosciences
UniB, Env. Physics
UniB, Social Sciences
SGN, Geosciences
AWI, Geosciences
UniB, Geosciences
UniB, Geosciences
UniB, Geosciences
JU, Geosciences
UniB, Env. Physics
UniB, Env. Physics
UniB, Law
UniB, Geosciences
UniB, Geosciences
Research area(s)
* new PIs compared to the initial proposal submitted 2007, ** extension of position until 2014
Further participating researchers are listed in the appendix (section 4.7). A list of the most important publications of the cluster is contained in section 4.2 and of additional evidence of qualification in section 4.4.
MARUM 2012-2017
General Information
Overview of the cluster’s structure
Table 3: Structure of the cluster
Ocean and Climate
Academic discipline and research direction
Climate Modeling
Physical Oceanography
Remote Sensing
Project leader, institute, location**
Dr. Torsten Bickert, MARUM
Dr. Rainer Gersonde, AWI
Prof. Dr. Monika Rhein, UniB
Dr. Ursula Röhl, MARUM
Prof. Dr. Michael Schulz, UniB
Geosphere-Biosphere Biogeochemistry
Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Bach, UniB
Prof. Dr. Antje Boetius, AWI/MPI
Marine Geology
Prof. Dr. Gerhard Bohrmann, UniB
Remote Sensing
Dr. Nicole Dubilier, MPI
Prof. Dr. Kai-Uwe Hinrichs, UniB
PD Dr. Matthias Zabel, MARUM
Sediment Dynamics
Prof. Dr. Dierk Hebbeln, MARUM
Marine Geotechnics
Prof. Dr. Katrin Huhn, UniB
Sediment Transport Modeling Prof. Dr. Achim Kopf, UniB
Marine Geophysics
Prof. Dr. Tilo v. Dobeneck, UniB
Dr. Christian Winter, MARUM
GLOMAR – Bremen
Marine Geosciences
Prof. Dr. Dierk Hebbeln, MARUM
International Graduate Physical Oceanography
School for Marine
Marine Biology
Marine Chemistry
Law of the Sea
Social Sciences
Marine Technologies, Marine Technology
Prof. Dr. Michael Schulz, UniB
Support and ManIODP Core Repository
Prof. Dr. Gerold Wefer, MARUM
Data Information Center
Lithosphere-Biosphere Marine Petrology
Prof. Dr. Rudolf Amann, MPI
Marine Microbiology
Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Bach, UniB
Dr. Nicole Dubilier, MPI
N(ew), E(nding)
* funded as Graduate School in the first phase of the excellence initiative from 1 November 2006 until 31
October 2012.
** location: UniB, MARUM, MPI – all Bremen, AWI – Bremerhaven
1.3 Overview
With the proposed research MARUM will advance our knowledge of the interaction of the ocean
with other components of the Earth system. This knowledge will enhance predictive skills in anticipating future changes in the marine environment, specifically to better cope with the effects of human activities on this environment. For example, information about the ocean’s role in climate
change, the functioning of ecosystems in the deep sea, the distribution of mineral resources, and
sediment stability will all contribute to sustainable use of the ocean. Additional goals are to educate
graduate and undergraduate students, to develop and provide infrastructures for marine research
at the national and international levels, and to communicate scientific results to the public (Fig. 1).
MARUM 2012-2017
General Information
Fig. 1: Mission and features of the Research Center / Cluster of Excellence with overarching goals and external links.
Funding of the Research Center and the first phase of the Cluster of Excellence was accompanied
by a major expansion of the research portfolio (cf. sect. 1.4), by integrating new working groups,
establishing new professorships and reorganizing the Research Areas. The previous phase was
also used to strengthen MARUM’s position within the University of Bremen, and in 2011 MARUM
became the first research faculty of the university. The key developments are outlined in Table 4
and will be described in detail in the following sections and in the description of Section Z. No major problems arose during the ongoing funding period and all the primary goals were achieved. The
key goals of the new funding period are to strengthen the research portfolio, to develop novel interdisciplinary research directions among the Research Areas, and to continue to develop MARUM
as central hub for marine research in the State of Bremen.
Research program
The ocean plays an important role in the Earth system through its intensive interactions with the
atmosphere, cryosphere, lithosphere, and biosphere. Energy and mass are continually exchanged
at the interfaces between water and air, ice, rocks, and sediments (Fig. 2). Processes at and below
the seafloor are a special research focus of MARUM. Study areas extend from coastal and shelf
seas across the ocean margins to oceanic ridges in the deep sea.
MARUM 2012-2017
General Information
Table 4: Major aims and measures
Expansion of research
1) New Research Area “Seepage
of Fluid and Gas” and “Lithosphere-Biosphere Interactions”
2) Expand former Research Area
“Paleoenvironment” to “Ocean
and Climate”
3) Establish four new professorships
Creating new research
opportunities / advancing international scope
1) Incentive funds
2) Extension of fellowship program
3) Guest-scientist program
Promotion of gender
equality and work-lifebalance
Emphasis throughout institution;
director oversight
1) Increasing the number of women in professorships
2) Extension of PhD term by up to
one year for parents
3) Mentoring program for women
in science
4) Return-to-Science fellowship
program for women
5) Dual-career program
1) Addition of space for offices,
labs and core repository
2) Advancement of deep-sea
3) Addition/upgrade of lab infrastructure
Infrastructure enhancements
Institutional developments
1) Strengthening MARUM’s position wihin the university
2) Strengthening links with nonuniversity partner institutions
3) Technology development
Results of the 1 funding period
1) New Research Areas successfully
established (integrated in GB as part
of FZT proposal for phase III)
2) Integration of aspects of physical
oceanography and ice-core paleoclimatology in new Research Area OC
3) Professorships filled (Geodynamics,
Aqueous Geochemistry, Isotope Geochemistry, Marine Geology)
1) 34 projects funded since 2007 (26
incl. international collaborations)
2) 15 fellowship awarded since 2007 (13
from abroad)
3) More than 150 guest scientists since
2007 (for longer than two weeks)
1) Proportion of women in professorships increased from 11% to 20%
2) 4 PhD terms for parents extended
since 2007
3) Mentoring program plan m at
MARUM/GLOMAR established
4) Two Return-to-Science fellowships
granted since 2010
5) Several successful dual-career arrangements
1) Completion of MARUM II building incl.
new core repository
2) Development of wire-line system for
deep-sea drill rig MeBo; AUV brought
into service; “sea-floor imaging” group
3) New MC-ICP-MS laboratory and several laboratory upgrades (extension of
organic geochemistry laboratory; new
mass spectrometers)
1) MARUM established as first research
faculty within UniB (2011)
2) Strategic-research alliance with AWI
founded in 2010 (AMAR: AWIMARUM Alliance)
3) Institute for Maritime Technologies
established in 2010 (MarTechBremen; members: MARUM, DFKI,
MARUM 2012-2017
General Information
Table 4: (cont.)
Aims of new funding
Strengthening research
Interdisciplinary graduate education
Creating new research
opportunities / advancing international scope
Promotion of gender
equality and work-lifebalance
Infrastructure developments
Institutional developments
Planned Measures
Funding of four new professorships (Micropaleontology / Paleoceanography,
Paleoceanography, Mineralogy, Remote Sensing; see 1.5.2 for details)
Integration of remote sensing
Establishment of “cross-cutting projects” between Research Areas
Integration of Graduate School GLOMAR (natural sciences, social sciences
and law)
Guest-scientist and incentive fund programs
Sabbaticals for senior scientists (“externships”)
Reduced teaching assignment for UniB professors involved in MARUM via
two lecturers funded by UniB
Emphasis throughout institution; director oversight
Extension of PhD term by one year for parents
Mentoring program for women in science
Program involving female guest scientists as role models
Dual-career program
Building of advanced deep-sea drill rig (MeBo II) and Hybrid-ROV in collaboration with industry
Establish MARUM as a leading global center for marine geoscience research and central hub for marine research in the State of Bremen
Information from the seafloor can be obtained from ship-based measurements and remote sensing. However, this type of information provides only a limited view of the ocean floor and the processes shaping this environment. Direct observation in the deep ocean requires use of the advanced technology provided by remotely operated vehicles (ROVs), autonomous underwater vehicles (AUVs), towed camera systems and landers. Ground-breaking new discoveries related to processes at or beneath the seafloor have been made during the past decade by means of direct observation and sampling. These findings include, for example, gas hydrates, cold seeps and hot
vents and their accompanying ecosystems, deep-water corals, the deep biosphere, and microbial
ecosystems that shape biogeochemical cycles. Moreover, new sampling technologies have allowed the reconstruction of past environmental conditions from marine archives at unprecedented
temporal resolution and quality. Since its establishment as a DFG Research Center in 2001,
MARUM has played a central role in advancing the frontier of knowledge regarding processes in
the ocean, especially at and below the seafloor.
After major expansions of the research portfolio in the second phase of the Research Center
(2005-2009; new Research Area “Seepage of Fluid and Gas”) and during the first phase of the
Cluster of Excellence (2007-2012; new Research Area “Lithosphere-Biosphere Interactions”, and
inclusion of aspects of ice-core paleoclimatology and physical oceanography), the six Research
Areas were re-organized in the proposal for the third phase of the Research Center (2009-2013).
The resulting three new Research Areas are: Ocean and Climate, Geosphere-Biosphere Interactions and Sediment Dynamics. The new structure was developed in close cooperation with our
partners and their programs. This re-organization has been very successful and we intend to keep
this structure.
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Fig. 2: Earth system components and processes. Figures at the bottom show examples of modern underwater technology that is in operation and under development for the scientific projects at MARUM.
To foster interaction among the Research Areas, new cross-cutting projects between the areas will
be developed. Interaction and co-operation are also promoted through joint expeditions and the
exchange of scientific ideas at workshops, seminars, and annual retreats that involve all Research
Areas. New research perspectives will be realized through the planned inclusion of remote sensing
(including a new professorship) into the research activities.
Research Area Ocean and Climate (OC)
Research Area OC aims to assess the role of the ocean in the climate system by testing hypotheses related to climate events and processes in modern times as well as in the geologic past. The
overarching goal is to obtain a quantitative understanding of the processes determining and underlying climate variations that were significant in the past and are relevant for future climate change.
Research activities are guided by the following objectives: What is the role of the large-scale ocean
circulation in generating and amplifying climate changes? What impacts do changes in ocean circulation have on terrestrial environments? How are atmosphere-ocean interactions and feedback
in and between high and low latitudes related to global climate behavior at interannual to orbital
timescales? These questions are addressed by a joint effort of proxy-based reconstructions, observations, and climate modeling experiments. The existing interdisciplinary approach, encompassing paleoceanography, climate modeling and physical oceanography, will be broadened by
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the integration of satellite-based remote sensing data. Research Area OC will be organized into
three projects and two cross-cutting projects. The research in OC will benefit from recently established professorships for Isotope Geochemistry (S. Kasemann) and Organic Sedimentology (G.
Mollenhauer). Key expertise will be provided by new professorships in Micropaleontology /
Paleoceanography (to be filled by M. Kucera), Paleoceanography (appointment in progress), and
in Satellite-Based Earth-System Modeling (in cooperation with GB).
Research Area Geosphere-Biosphere Interactions (GB)
Research Area GB focuses on biological, geochemical and geological processes and will test hypotheses associated with the transformation of matter and extraction of energy by microbial communities in marine environments. The geosphere-biosphere interactions to be examined are intimately linked with the cycling of elements at various temporal and spatial scales. The relationship
of some of these processes, such as benthic nitrogen-cycling in presently expanding oxygenminimum zones or carbon-cycling in benthic, hydrothermal and sub-seafloor environments, to
modern ecosystems and climate are poorly constrained. Understanding the associated feedback
mechanisms is one of the broad long-term objectives of MARUM. Research Area GB will be organized into three projects and one cross-cutting project. It will draw on the considerable expertise in
marine inorganic and organic (bio)geochemistry, marine geology, and microbiology, and further
include ecology, isotope geochemistry, marine geophysics, mineralogy and petrology, molecular
biology, numerical modeling, and remote sensing. The research will take advantage of the marinetechnology infrastructure at MARUM, which provides access to unique environments and sample
materials. We have brought in new expertise in remote-sensing (J. Burrows, J. Notholt), in marine
microbiology (M. Friedrich) and marine analytical chemistry (B. Koch), and in fluid geochemistry (A.
Koschinsky-Fritsche). Research in GB will benefit from recently established professorships for Isotope Geochemistry (S. Kasemann), Organic Sedimentology (G. Mollenhauer), Mineralogy (appointment in progress) and Satellite-Based Earth-System Modeling (to be announced in Sep.
Research Area Sediment Dynamics (SD)
The central focus of the Research Area SD is to understand and evaluate the driving forces, processes and interconnections of sediment dynamics between the shelves and continental slopes.
The hypothesis-driven research program aims at a process-based understanding of ocean-margin
sedimentary systems, which are controlled by the predominant or joint influences of waves, tides
and coastal currents, as well as climate and sea-level changes and finally by tectonics and fluid
flow. These three fundamental categories of environmental forcing factors act on distinct spatial
and temporal scales, and change their expression with ambient geological settings. Research Area
SD will combine modern geoscientific methods with numerical modeling and focus on three guiding
questions: What is the impact of small scale sediment dynamics on shelf-wide sediment distribu-
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Fig. 3: Working areas within the three Research Areas during 2012-2017. Available sample material from
completed expeditions (red) will be augmented by scheduled (orange) and planned (yellow) expeditions.
tion? How are kilometer-scale sedimentary features controlled by climate? What controls rapid
sedimentation events (landslides, mud volcanoes, and other mass-wasting phenomena)? Research Area SD will comprise three projects and two cross-cutting projects.
Ocean-margin sediments and rocks at mid-ocean ridges and oceanic islands clearly provide scientifically attractive study areas for the proposed research. The main working areas of the Research
Center/Cluster of Excellence are shown in Figure 3.
Section Z: Infrastructure, Support and Central Management
Section Z will offer a range of support measures for the Research Areas, including incentive funds
and funds for carrying out expeditions, as well as providing access to marine technologies and infrastructures. The latter two are also available to other marine science institutions in Germany and
Europe. The largest core repository for marine sediments and rocks in the world is operated in Project Z1: “IODP Core Repository / GeoB Core Collection / Lab Infrastructure”. Closely linked to research is the development of new marine research technologies covered in Project Z2: “Marine
Technology and Imaging”, such as drilling tools, remotely operated vehicles (ROV) and an autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV). Through the installation of PANGAEA by the International Council for Science (ICSU) as a World Data Center (WDC) for Marine Environmental Data, a data system of worldwide scope was developed (Project Z3). The goal of Project Z4 “Science Communication” is to inform and advise the public, state offices, schools, and companies about topics of interest in marine sciences. The Central Management / Information Technologies section (Project Z5) is
responsible for the administration of all finances and provides technical support with regard to information technologies and websites.
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Impact on the wider research field
MARUM has achieved a position at the forefront of science in several areas, including the subseafloor biosphere, processes underlying natural climate variations, the role of microbial processes
in shaping biogeochemical cycles, formation and disintegration of gas hydrates, and submarine
slope stability, as well as in integrating numerical modeling into Earth-system science. Detailed information can be found in the descriptions of the Research Areas. MARUM scientists have taken
leading roles in developing international programs, such as the science plans for IODP (20132023) and PAGES (2010-2014), the EU Deep-Sea Frontier initiative, and a strategic document on
the long-term development of Geosciences in Germany. Research conducted at MARUM has also
contributed to the assessments of the IPCC. Through its pioneering efforts in establishing a data
information system for Earth Sciences (PANGAEA), MARUM has laid the foundation for dataintensive research strategies in Earth sciences, which will likely increase in importance in the coming decades. Through the deep-sea drilling rig MeBo, MARUM has opened novel possibilities in
retrieving sediments and rocks from the seafloor as well as long-term deployment of instruments in
the sub-seafloor.
Added value of interdisciplinary cooperation
Earth-system science, and especially marine science, is interdisciplinary by nature. In the framework of MARUM it is only through the combination of marine geology, geophysics, geochemistry,
marine (micro)biology, petrology, sedimentology, numerical modeling, and physical oceanography
that it becomes possible to achieve the research goals and disentangle the relevant processes of
the Earth system. For example, the emerging field of the sub-seafloor biosphere is advanced by
integrating geochemical, geological and biological data. Similarly, proxy-based paleoceanographic
research relies heavily on sound information from geochemistry and sedimentology, and links reconstructions with physical oceanography and climate modeling. Finally, progress in assessing potential hazards linked to submarine slope instability can only be achieved when geotechnical results are combined with numerical modeling of slope failures.
MARUM is expanding its interdisciplinary profile in marine geosciences as research progress has
led naturally to new questions and new research opportunities that transcend traditional boundaries. With this proposal we intend to strengthen the link to physical oceanography in climate research and incorporate remote sensing as a new discipline. Further interdisciplinary research will
be carried out in the new cross-cutting projects which will combine expertise from different Research Areas. Further expansion of the disciplinary range comes through the integrated Graduate
School GLOMAR, which provides a bridge to social and legal sciences.
International visibility
MARUM has numerous research alliances around the world. International visibility of MARUM is
apparent through its participation in a large number of international programs and projects (see
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section 4.12). MARUM researchers are actively involved in the program planning at the international level (e.g. IODP, IGBP-PAGES, EU and ESF), and have been involved in more than 50 EU
projects (incl. one ERC Advanced Grant) since 2007.
International visibility is also evident in the citation frequency of our research work, the publication
of manuscripts in international peer-reviewed journals, and the numerous requests for peer reviews, and service on review panels. Scientific advances made by MARUM are documented in
more than 760 peer-reviewed publications since 2007 (Fig. 4). Key publications are listed in the
appendix and a full list is available at
Another indicator of international visibility is the very good response we receive to advertised positions. Of the 14 professorships filled since the start of the Research Center in 2001, six were filled
by applicants from foreign countries (four from the USA and two from the UK). In addition, Humboldt Research Fellowships to R. Summons (USA, 2008) and J. Zachos (USA, 2009) were initiated
by MARUM. About 28% of the post-doc positions are filled by persons from abroad and the proportion for fellowships is 87% (13 out of 15). International visibility among young scientists is enhanced by the international course program offered through the European College for Marine
Science (ECOLMAS) and the ECORD Summer
Schools (see GLOMAR). In addition, the large
number of international guest scientists visiting
MARUM attests to its international visibility (approximately 350 short-term visitors [less than 2
weeks] and 150 extended stays [two weeks to
one year] since 2007; cumulative counts for multiple visits per person). The IODP core repository
at MARUM also serves as an important international hub, bringing on average 200 scientists per
year to MARUM (without sampling parties).
International visibility has also been boosted by
the organization of international conferences by
MARUM: Annual meeting of the Geologische
Oceans (2009, 1200 participants), IODP Invest
Fig. 4: Peer-reviewed publications in the framework of MARUM since 2007. Shown are the total
number of publications per year and the number of
publications in high-profile journals (total of 31 in
Science, Nature, Nature Geoscience and Nature
Reviews Microbiology).
(2009, 600 participants), and International Meeting for Organic Geochemistry (2009, 600 participants).
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Support for the scientific community
Service facilities for working groups in Germany and at the international level include the World Data Center (see Z3) and the IODP core repository (see Z1). The equipment used by MARUM is also
made available to other working groups for expeditions. For example, the two remotely operated
vehicles and the underwater drill rig MeBo have been deployed multiple times for external groups
(see Z2). Many additional deployments of the available vehicles by other working groups are
planned for the coming years. The three X-ray fluorescence (XRF) scanners, for non-destructive
analyses, are heavily booked. To date, more than 33 km of cores have been scanned, contributing
to at least 200 publications (more than 60 by external users).
Important national and international partnerships
Dense national and international networks of scientific partners exist at the PI level through research projects (see section 4.12). The most important cooperation partners of MARUM are listed
in Table 20 (section 4.8). In addition, in the framework of program planning, MARUM has strong
links with the German Scientific Earth Probing Consortium (GESEP), a platform for providing drilling infrastructure, as well as the Consortium for Marine Research (KDM) and the German Consortium for Climate Research (DKK). The latter two consortia are involved in the strategic planning of
marine and climate research in Germany and at the EU level. Internationally, very close ties link
MARUM with IODP, ECORD (see Z1), the World Data Center system (see Z3), and IGBP-PAGES
for planning research on past global changes. In addition, there is a close technology exchange
with other research institutions in Europe (IFREMER, NIOZ) and the USA (WHOI, MBARI). Leading experts from these institutions are also part of our scientific advisory board (see section 4.10).
In the framework of the European Research Group (ERG): “German – French Alliance for Underwater Technologies for Marine Sciences” we promote the development of marine technologies together with IFREMER and AWI. Formalized partnerships exist with the AWI (AWI-MARUM Alliance; see section 1.9) and through MarTech-Bremen in the field of marine technology development (see section 1.8).
With regard to education, MARUM has been at the forefront of establishing internationally oriented
study programs at the University of Bremen. Today, collaborations in undergraduate education exist with the Universities of Amsterdam (Netherlands), Waikato (New Zealand), and Quingdao (China). Joint PhD supervisions are already in place with the Universities of Amsterdam and Utrecht
(The Netherlands), Lisbon (Portugal), Concepción (Chile) and the University of Waikato (NZ).
MARUM collaborates with the two other marine-oriented Clusters of Excellence: “Integrated Climate System Analysis and Prediction, CliSAP” (Hamburg) and “Future Oceans” (Kiel). The three
clusters complement the German marine science expertise and are each unique in their missions
and approaches. Since 2008 the three clusters have organized annual meetings that serve as plat-
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forms to discuss cross-cutting topics among the clusters. Out of these meetings an interdisciplinary
conference series for young scientists in marine and climate research has been developed.
Unique features of the cluster
Due to its initial status as a DFG Research Center, MARUM has a different structure than other
clusters. The DFG has been funding MARUM as a Research Center since 2001. The Research
Centers served as a model for the Clusters of Excellence in the excellence initiative. As a Research Center, MARUM has developed a highly coherent project structure with a strong focus on
marine geosciences. With the expansion of becoming a Cluster of Excellence in 2007, the disciplinary range was widened, specifically in the directions of marine microbiology, mineralogy, and
physical oceanography. The involvement of further disciplines (marine biology, social sciences,
law, maritime history) was introduced through GLOMAR, which collaborates very closely with
MARUM. GLOMAR has been funded separately since November 2006 as a Graduate School in
the first round of the excellence initiative.
Driven by the scientific demand, MARUM was the first institution in Germany to operate a large
ROV. Today, MARUM is one of the few research institutions in the world that operates a fleet of
large deep-water instruments, including an AUV and an underwater drill rig. MARUM is the only
host of an IODP core repository in Europe, and a globally recognized provider of datamanagement in Earth Sciences.
MARUM’s scientific, educational and technological goals are identical with one of the six research
foci of the University of Bremen and the long-term strategy of the State of Bremen to foster marine
sciences and technology.
Academic staff
Staffing situation
More than 30 professors, mainly from the University of Bremen, are involved in the DFG Research
Center / Cluster of Excellence. With the appointment of new professors two objectives have always
been considered: strengthening the research expertise in the field of marine sciences and development of attractive bachelor and master programs.
With the establishment of the DFG Research Center in 2001, nine professorships were created in
the field of Marine Geosciences (Table 5, top part), three of which overlapped with existing professorships. After retirement of the former holders of these positions, the professorships were transferred to the university budget. Six positions (including four junior professorships) were newly created. For the junior professorships, the University of Bremen implemented a tenure-track procedure. After an international review, three junior professorships were converted to permanent professorships at the W2 level (one of them, J. Peckmann, accepted a position at the University of Vienna in 2010). The fourth junior professor decided to follow a career path in teaching and accepted
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a position as lecturer at the Faculty of Geosciences of the University of Bremen. With the funding
of GLOMAR an additional professorship was created in Marine Geology (D. Hebbeln). Three university positions (Aquatic Geochemistry, Petrology of the Ocean Crust, Geodynamics) became vacant and were filled with scientists now integrated into MARUM. With funding of the Cluster of Excellence (2007), the university established a new professorship for Isotope Geochemistry.
The four professorships that are currently funded through the Research Center / Cluster of Excellence (K. Huhn, A. Kopf, and T. Mörz) and Graduate School GLOMAR (D. Hebbeln) will be transferred to the university budget from 01.11.2012.
The personnel of MARUM are employed by the University of Bremen and the professors are fully
integrated in the Bachelor and Master curricula of the Faculty of Geosciences (FB5). Starting in
2012, the teaching assignment for professors involved in the Research Center / Cluster of Excellence and funded by the University of Bremen can be reduced by up to 25%. The university will
fund two lecturer positions to compensate for this. (Note: professorships funded through the Research Center / Cluster of Excellence are entitled to a 50% reduction in teaching).
Moreover, six young investigator groups, funded through other sources, have been integrated into
and supported by MARUM (Table 5). The University of Bremen is very attractive as a host facility
for young investigator groups, since it provides their leaders with infrastructure and the right to supervise PhD students.
The outstanding educational standards upheld at the University of Bremen are apparent in the
wealth of professional opportunities that our graduates and scientific staff find at other research
institutes and universities. Since 2007, eight scientists from MARUM were offered professorships.
Of these, six scientists left MARUM and accepted the new positions.
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New professorships and junior research groups
With this proposal four new professorships will be established in the fields of Micropaleontology /
Paleoceanography, Paleoceanography (both Research Area OC), Mineralogy (Research Area
GB), and Satellite-Based Earth-System Modeling (Research Areas GB and OC; Table 6). The
professorships will expand our expertise and provide novel research opportunities. All positions
are permanent and will be transferred to the university budget after 2017. Two positions (Micropaleontology / Paleoceanography and Paleoceanography) will overlap with existing professorships, which will become vacant in the upcoming few years due to retirement.
For the new funding phase we will not apply for positions of junior research group leaders. Instead, we will actively support advanced postdocs from MARUM and from outside in applying for
funding for young investigator groups (e.g. DFG Emmy-Noether program, ERC young investigator grants). Support will include bridging funds, access to the internal funding system of MARUM
and to its infrastructure.
Table 6: New professorships
Research Area(s)
Salary category
Professor, W3
Micropaleontology /
Professor, W3
Professor, W3
Professor, W3
Satellite-Based EarthSystem Modeling
(to be filled in spring 2012 by
M. Kucera, Univ. Tübingen)
(filling in progress)
(filling in progress)
(to be announced in Sep. 2011)
Promotion of early career researchers
The undergraduate programs at the Faculty of Geosciences benefit in several ways from the Research Center / Cluster of Excellence: Since all professorships contribute substantially to teaching, it has been possible to significantly broaden the range of courses being offered (e.g. geotechnics, organic geochemistry, climate change, numerical modeling in Earth sciences). The new
professorships have also allowed establishment of the international Master Program “Marine Geosciences”. Students benefit greatly from numerous opportunities to work as student assistants in
the MARUM labs or by participating in expeditions. On the average, 80 students are involved as
student helpers at any given time. Moreover, with the establishment of the Research Center /
Cluster of Excellence, the number of geoscience students that have moved from other states in
Germany to Bremen has noticeably increased. Since 2004 MARUM has been offering a special
training program for undergraduate students from abroad (Student Fellowships).
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The Research Center / Cluster of Exellence has been at the forefront of establishing novel concepts in graduate training at the University of Bremen. These include international recruitment,
supervision by a team of 3-4 experienced researchers, a research stay of several months in another lab, a cumulative thesis, and an advanced-course program including soft-skill courses. Doctoral training concepts have been developed since 1998 at the University of Bremen within the
framework of the European College for Marine Sciences (ECOLMAS), which is jointly operated
by MARUM and the NEBROC cooperation between the University of Bremen and the NIOZ
(Texel, NL) as well as the Free University of Amsterdam.
During the first phase of the excellence initiative, the Bremen International Graduate School for
Marine Sciences (GLOMAR) was established. Based on the long experience in graduate training
at the Faculty of Geosciences, the graduate school successfully provided a comprehensive threeyear curriculum for doctoral students. At the same time, the disciplinary scope was expanded
from marine geosciences to encompass all aspects of marine sciences at the University of Bremen, including social and legal sciences.
Since its establishment, GLOMAR has cooperated very closely with MARUM. Approximately 2/3
of the students in GLOMAR are funded by the Research Center / Cluster of Excellence. Considering the substantial thematic overlap and the common goals and strategies in doctoral training,
we plan to include the Graduate School GLOMAR into MARUM. The integrated graduate school
will maintain its broad thematic spectrum. In addition to the PhD students of MARUM, graduate
students in marine sciences from all disciplines, who are not funded by MARUM, can apply for
membership to the graduate school (see GLOMAR).
Because of the quality of the scientific training and the additional soft skills acquired, the prospects for professional employment are very good (see GLOMAR). To bridge gaps between the
doctoral study and a follow-up position and to finalize manuscripts, we offer three-month long extensions to PhD students who submit their thesis within three years.
To sustain the successful measures introduced in graduate training by GLOMAR and MARUM,
the university has agreed to support the course program beyond the duration of the excellence
To foster collaboration with external research groups, especially at the international level, externships are offered to advanced post-docs and senior scientists involved in MARUM. The funding
includes travel and accommodation costs as well as support for families.
Doctoral students in their final year, as well as post-docs, are encouraged to submit proposals for
funding their own position (e.g. DFG, Marie Curie). To support the early-career scientists, a semester-long course on proposal writing has been offered since 2009. Advanced postdocs from
within MARUM but also from outside are encouraged and supported in applying for advanced
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funding schemes (e.g. DFG Heisenberg Program, DFG Emmy-Noether Program, ERC Young
Investigator Grant, HGF and MPG Young Investigator Groups). Support includes help with administrative details of a proposal and bridging funds for proponents while a proposal is under review. The groups are supported by the provision of office and lab space as well as eligibility to
submit proposals to the internal funding system of MARUM. Leaders of young investigator groups
can be granted the right to supervise doctoral students. Moreover, several early career scientists
from the Research Center / Cluster of Excellence have received awards for their outstanding
Young scientists are individually supported in their career planning. At the graduate level, career
perspectives are discussed as part of the thesis committee meetings. At the postdoctoral level,
MARUM staff members provide advice on funding opportunities and help young scientist in writing their first proposal. Advanced post-docs are individually encouraged by the director to develop proposals for advanced funding schemes (e.g. young investigator groups).
Promotion of gender equality
Gender equality is one of the guiding principles of the University of Bremen. The gender-equality
concept of the University of Bremen was recently top-ranked by the German Ministry for Science
and Education and the DFG (“Gleichstellungsstandards”).
Since the largest share of personnel in the Research Center / Cluster of Excellence is associated
with the Faculty of Geosciences, the following indicators are based on full-time equivalents in this
faculty over the past four years. Females comprise between 43 and 45 % of the students. At the
PhD level, the share ranges from 44 to 56% (average 47%). At the senior scientist level females
contribute between 24 and 30% (with no significant trend; taking only MARUM into account the
share increased from 25% in 2007 to 41% in 2011). At the level of professorships the number of
females has increased from 15% to 17% since 2007 (11% to 20% if non-university positions associated with the Faculty of Geosciences are also taken into account).
In the proposed MARUM structure, 33% (compared to 0% in the ongoing funding period) of the
vice directors and 31% (25% at present) of the members of the executive committee will be
women. In the project-leader assembly the proportion of female members will be 28% compared
to 25% in the ongoing funding phase.
The following measures have been implemented to increase the number of female scientists in
the framework of the Research Center / Cluster of Excellence: All personnel decisions are taken
with the participation of female committee members and in consultation with official women’s representatives. The director endorses discussions of gender-equality issues at the project-leader
assembly to raise awareness for this issue and to seek new pathways to overcome gender inequality. Since the fall of 2008 a mentoring program (“plan m at MARUM/GLOMAR”) has been in
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place to encourage women to follow a career path in science. The program is carried out in collaboration with a university-wide mentoring program established in 2005 (“plan-m”), which focuses primarily on scientists at an advanced career stage. In contrast, plan m at MARUM/GLOMAR
starts at the PhD level, has a shorter duration (15 months), and is offered in English if necessary.
In the first/second round of the program 8/3 PhD and 3/9 postdoctoral researchers participated.
In the future, the experience gained through this program will be transferred back into the university-wide program, and MARUM will participate in this enhanced program instead of continuing
with its own offering.
Since 2009 MARUM has been offering “Return-to-Science Fellowships” to women who have left
academia for one year or longer, and wish to continue a scientific career. The fellows are supported in their transition by a team of experienced scientists who act as mentors. So far, two fellowships have been granted.
In the next phase we will rely more heavily on women as role models in science. For this purpose
we plan to invite primarily women as guest scientists to work at MARUM for extended periods of
time to interact with early career scientists. We have gained good experience in encouraging
women individually to generate their own research proposals for a postdoctoral career or as
leaders of young investigator groups. This kind of encouragement at the individual level will be
expanded through the director and the coordinators of the Research Areas.
Much overlap exists between improving work-life balance and gender equality. The University of
Bremen has a long-term strategy to achieve a better work-life balance. Since 2007 the university
has been certified as a family-friendly institution (“Audit familiengerechte Hochschule”). MARUM
has successfully implemented an individually tailored family-support program, which includes financial support for a place in child care as early as six months after birth for early career scientists, an additional year of financing for PhD students when they raise children, financial support
for parents travelling with their children to conferences or research stays at other institutions.
Kindergartens are available both at the university and the Technology Park on the campus. The
university has established an initiative for child care in emergencies, for example, when childcare workers are out sick. The Faculty of Geosciences runs its own day-care room with the aim
of improved child care in the late afternoons and during school vacations. Finally, we have successfully encouraged fathers to go on parental leave.
Employees involved in home care of family members are fully supported. The support includes
rapid administrative action to allow personnel to quickly react to an emerging situation (e.g. by
offering part-time options or special vacation for extended time periods).
Dual-career-couples are supported through regional networks of research institutions, through
contacts with non-academic employers, and by special offers by the University of Bremen.
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Organization, management and infrastructure
Organization and management
Decisions in the Research Center / Cluster of Excellence are made by the project-leader assembly, the executive committee, and the director (Fig. 5). The Director represents the Research
Center / Cluster of Excellence to the outside world and with respect to the university, and chairs
meetings of the project-leader assembly and executive committee. The Vice Directors support
the Director with regard to specific topics, especially graduate training and support of young scientists (Dierk Hebbeln), marine technologies and planning of expeditions (Gerhard Bohrmann),
and cooperation with non-university partners (Antje Boetius). The Executive Committee is responsible for personnel matters, quality assurance, and overseeing the allocation of funds. Its
members are the coordinators of the Research Areas and representatives of AWI, JU, MPI and
SGN. The Project-Leader Assembly, is a central committee that consists of the leaders of the
projects as well as PhD, post-doc, and non-scientific staff representatives as full members. All
important decisions are taken in the project-leader assembly. This body is key in maintaining a
flat hierarchy throughout the Research Center / Cluster of Excellence. Moreover, because the
project leaders are affiliated with all partner institutions, the project-leader assembly also
strengthens the ties between the involved institutions. The meetings are held every 4-6 weeks.
So far, all key decisions have been reached by consensus. To solve delicate problems, e. g., between supervisors and PhD students (or other combinations), an Ombudsperson is available to
moderate discussions between
parties concerned. So far, her
advice has not been requested. In its graduate training,
with the university faculties that
award PhD degrees and are
Physics/Electrical Engineering,
FB2 Biology/Chemistry, FB5
Geosciences, FB6 Law, and
Graduate Studies Committee
develops the guidelines for
graduate education. Specifically, it ensures that the same
Fig. 5: Organizational structure of MARUM.
ployed in granting PhD de-
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General Information
grees across the disciplines. The committee is endorsed by the Rector of the University of Bremen and consists of members representing all disciplines involved in GLOMAR as well as the
PhD representatives. It is chaired by the Graduate Dean.
Internal communication on scientific topics is achieved through meetings at the Research Area
and project levels. During annual retreats outside Bremen, overarching aspects relevant to all
members and research highlights are presented and discussed.
Procedures for allocating funds
Funds are allotted to the Projects in the Research Areas. Scientists working in the Research Areas decide on the distribution within the individual projects. Incentive funds are used to fund projects in order to be able to react to new developments. Proposals can be submitted twice a year
to establish additional projects and the proposals are reviewed by two (or three if opposing recommendations result) resident or external peers. Funding decisions are made by a committee
which is elected by the Project Leader Assembly. Proposals for overhead funds can be submitted
twice a year for expanding and replacing basic equipment. The decision on the proposals is
made by the executive committee. The objective is to fund costly items that are not affordable
through normal university funding. At present, 2/3 of the overhead funds remain with the university and 1/3 are available to MARUM. In addition, there is the possibility for financing larger items
out of the university budget. The non-university institutions participate in overhead funds in proportion to their funding received through the Research Center / Cluster of Excellence.
Internal quality management
An internal reporting system is in place for quality assurance. The Research Areas, individual and
incentive projects, fellows and Section Z deliver annual progress reports. The executive committee evaluates the reports and gives recommendations if necessary. This results in more transparency and also helps to identify further potential links between projects. Measures are in place
in case recommendations are not followed (for example, excluding a responsible PI from the internal funding system).
Scientific advisory board
The board comprises 20 leading international experts (see section 4.10). Board meetings usually
last two days, and have been held in April 2006, October 2007, September 2008, and April 2011.
Besides advice on long-term development of MARUM, the board monitors the progress of how its
recommendations have been followed and checks the outcome of the evaluation of proposals for
incentive and overhead funds.
Science communication
MARUM offers a wide range of science communication activities including online publications,
print media such as books and brochures, films, and exhibitions. All of these reach out to specific
MARUM 2012-2017
General Information
target audiences such as children, teachers, decision-makers, media, and the general public. A
detailed account of the activities can be found in the description of project Z4.
Industry collaboration and technology transfer
For the development of new equipment and improvements in complex analytical instruments,
MARUM cooperates closely with partners from industry. An example is the construction of the
underwater drill rig, MeBo, built in close cooperation with the companies Schilling Robotics (Davis, USA), Prakla Bohrtechnik (Germany, part of the Bauer Group), and K.U.M. (Germany). This
successful collaboration forms the basis upon which the planned building of a larger drill rig will
be realized (MeBo-II; see Z2).
A major development has been the establishment of the institute MarTech-Bremen in 2010 by
MARUM, the DFKI Robotics Innovation Center at the University of Bremen and the DLR Institute
of Space Systems (part of the Helmholtz Foundation). The goal of the institute is to bundle the
existing expertise in underwater technology and autonomous system development in close cooperation with partners from industry ( The first joint project of this institute will be the development of a Hybrid-ROV (see Z2).
Close cooperation with industry also exist in the framework of the installation of wind farms in the
North Sea. Based on a contract between MARUM and the Federal Maritime and Hydrographic
Agency (BSH), drill cores are stored in the MARUM core repository and can be used for scientific
Data management
Data published within the framework of MARUM, including model output, is openly available
through the PANGAEA Data Information system, which is jointly operated by AWI and MARUM
(see Z3). Together with several publishers of scientific journals, PANGAEA has been at the forefront of linking online journal articles directly with the data stored in PANGAEA.
To ensure that project-related data are submitted to the database, several measures are in place.
For every new entry in the MARUM publication list, the director’s office checks whether the underlying data are stored in a data center. In addition, the annual reports (see “Internal quality
management”) must contain information on data management of project-related data. Special
training courses are offered to familiarize scientists with PANGAEA as early as possible in their
careers. Since 2011 these courses are obligatory for all PhD students in GLOMAR. MARUM, together with the AWI and the BSH, have been asked by the DFG Commission for Oceanography
to take the lead in developing a web-based “Portal of German Marine Science Data”, which will
allow access to all marine data by means of a single entry point. The actual data will remain distributed among different research institutions and governmental agencies.
MARUM 2012-2017
General Information
Marine sciences are an important research focus of the State of Bremen. The long-standing support of this research field is apparent through the large number of newly created professorships
that have been transferred to state funding (see section 1.3.2). In addition to funding personnel,
the State of Bremen, together with the university, built a new 6,200 m2 MARUM building. The
building was completed in March 2005, and extended by 1,300 m2 in April 2011 to provide additional space for the core repository, underwater equipment and offices. Moreover, the university
provides additional space in several buildings on the university campus close to the MARUM
building (together approx. 300 m2), and will provide the required space for the working groups
associated with the new professorships and young investigator groups.
Along with the development of the Research Center / Cluster of Excellence large scientific instruments have been acquired (Table 14 in section 3.1). These include deep-sea technologies
and analytical instruments. Funding was through special investment funds as well as start-up
funds. Since 2009, the overhead funds have been used to buy new equipment and to upgrade
existing instruments. Through state funding, access is provided to the supercomputer of the
Norddeutscher Verbund für Hoch- und Höchstleistungsrechner (HLRN).
The continuation of the Research Center / Cluster of Excellence MARUM beyond 2017 has been
discussed with the university and with the state government of Bremen. Both are aware of the
responsibility for the continuation of MARUM beyond 2017. This includes the transfer of professorships with associated working groups into the university budget, as well as continued financing of Section Z with the core repository, the marine technology group, and science communication as well as the support program for graduate training. In 2011, MARUM became the first research faculty of the University of Bremen. This new governance structure is similar to a faculty,
but more research oriented. With this new status, MARUM has taken on responsibility for the
long-term development of the strategic foci of the University of Bremen and the State of Bremen
in marine, polar and climate research.
MARUM 2012-2017
General Information
1.9 Relationship between the cluster, the host university and the participating
Within the university, various fields related to the role of the oceans in the Earth system are covered by the faculties of Physics/Electrical Engineering (FB1), Biology/Chemistry (FB2), Geosciences (FB5), Law (FB6), and Social Sciences (FB8). Marine geosciences is the strongest marine
research field at the University of Bremen. MARUM, the Center for Marine Environmental Sciences, has for years assumed a coordinating function among the various institutions, providing
infrastructure and promoting initiatives.
Networking between the University of Bremen and non-university research institutions, as well as
the private Jacobs University, is achieved through cooperative agreements between the University of Bremen and the Bremen-based MPI, ZMT and JU as well as the Bremerhaven-based AWI
and the Wilhelmshaven-based SGN. These agreements define, for example, appointment procedures, including joint search committees, for filling department leader positions at the nonuniversity institutions that are associated with a professorship at the University of Bremen.
Through these close links, most PhD students working at the participating non-university institutions receive their doctoral degree from the University of Bremen.
A strategic-research alliance between the University of Bremen, represented by MARUM, and
AWI was established 2010 (AMAR: AWI-MARUM Alliance). The alliance builds on almost three
decades of successful cooperation between AWI and the University of Bremen. The goal of the
binding agreement is to take the existing cooperation to a new level, which will involve joint longterm planning in research and development of infrastructure. For the first steps, AWI and
MARUM will conduct joint climate research in the North Atlantic region, and will cooperate more
closely in the development of underwater technologies and data-management infrastructures for
the Earth sciences.
MARUM 2012-2017
Ocean and Climate
Research Areas
Research Area OC: Ocean and Climate
Leaders of the Research Area
Dr. Bickert, Torsten
MARUM – Zentrum für Marine Umweltwissenschaften
Universität Bremen, 28334 Bremen
Phone: 0421-218-65535
E-Mail: [email protected]
Dr. Gersonde, Rainer
Alfred-Wegener-Institut für
Polar- und Meeresforschung
27515 Bremerhaven
Phone: 0471-4831-1203
E-Mail: [email protected]
Prof. Dr. Rhein, Monika
Institut für Umweltphysik, FB 1
Universität Bremen, 28334 Bremen
Phone: 0421-218-62160
E-Mail: [email protected]
Dr. Röhl, Ursula
MARUM – Zentrum für Marine Umweltwissenschaften
Universität Bremen, 28334 Bremen
Phone: 0421-218-65560
E-Mail: [email protected]
Prof. Dr. Schulz, Michael
Fachbereich Geowissenschaften
Universität Bremen, 28334 Bremen
Phone: 0421-218-65444
E-Mail: [email protected]
Research Area OC aims to attribute and assess the role of the ocean in the climate system by
studying climate events and processes in modern times and in the geological climate history. The
overarching goal is to obtain a quantitative understanding of the processes determining and underlying climate variations that are significant in the past and of relevance for future climate
change. The research activities are guided by the following objectives: (i) What is the role of the
large-scale ocean circulation in generating and amplifying climate changes? (ii) What is the impact of ocean-circulation changes on terrestrial environments? (iii) How are atmosphere-ocean
interactions and feedbacks in and between high and low latitudes related to the global climate
behavior at interannual-to-orbital timescales? These questions are addressed by a joint effort of
proxy-based reconstructions, observations, and climate modeling experiments. The research is
integrated into international programs (IODP, PAGES) and projects (e.g. EU Past4Future). Research Area OC will be organized into three projects, and three new cross-cutting projects will
link the research with Research Areas GB and SD. The research in OC will benefit from recently
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Ocean and Climate
established professorships for Isotope Geochemistry (S. Kasemann), Organic Sedimentology (G.
Mollenhauer), Micropaleontology/Paleoceanography (to be filled in spring 2012 by M. Kucera)
and Paleoceanography (appointment in progress), and the professorship in Satellite-Based
Earth-System Modeling.
Program of the Research Area
Research Area OC provides a much-needed understanding of longer-term environmental trends
as well as observations of the range of climate states and variability, which are required to understand how natural and possibly human-induced climate changes interact. The knowledge gained
from an interdisciplinary combination of paleoclimatic reconstructions, observational data, and
climate modeling experiments will greatly improve our understanding of the Earth's climate system. Ultimately, the Research Area aims at reducing the uncertainty in projections of future climate change at global and regional scales. To achieve this goal, quantitative paleoenvironmental
reconstructions at high temporal resolution are made by employing methods that are state-of-theart or at the forefront of methodological developments. The underlying technical infrastructure
encompasses mass-spectrometers, MC-ICP-MS, laser-ablation ICP-MS, non-destructive corelogging devices (including XRF core scanners), a Linux computer cluster, and access to highperformance computer facilities at the “Deutsches Klimarechenzentrum (DKRZ)” and the
“Norddeutscher Verbund für Hoch- und Höchstleistungsrechnen (HLRN)” for comprehensive climate model experiments. The facilties used for satellite-based retrievals of trace atmospheric
constituents and physical oceanography of the Institute for Environmental Physics (IUP) at the
University of Bremen will complement the research effort.
Achievements of the previous funding period
The emphasis of Research Area OC has been to reconstruct and promote understanding of past
environmental changes, focusing on the role of the North Atlantic in generating and amplifying
climate changes (project OC1 in the ongoing phase), the impact of ocean-circulation changes on
terrestrial environments, specifically on the hydrological cycle at low latitudes (OC2, OC4), on the
role of the oceans in linking climate variability between high and low latitudes (OC3), and on assimilation of paleodata to generate a synthesis of the glacial ocean circulation (OC5). Our work is
integrated with key international networks for research on past climate changes and recent observations (e.g. MARGO, PAGES, IODP, MedCLIVAR). A great emphasis has been placed on
the joint effort of data-based reconstructions (including state-of-the-art and novel proxies, see
Box OC1) and modeling (including coupled climate models, high-resolution ocean-circulation
models and ecosystem models, see Box OC2) to achieve the research goals. Some activities
have only been ongoing since July 2009 with the funding of the third phase of the Research Center. In addition, five fellowship projects have been involved with the development of new proxies
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Ocean and Climate
Fig. OC1: Completed, scheduled, and planned expeditions for Ocean and Climate research. “M” indicates
use of the deep-sea drill rig MeBo (see Z2).
and their application to the reconstruction of environmental and climate change (A. Govin, J.
Groeneveld, E. Hathorne, G. Méndez, H. Wu). The research was supported by intense seagoing
activities in the North and South Pacific (SONNE, POLARSTERN), in the Atlantic (METEOR,
MERIAN), and by a coral-sampling expedition along the Red Sea coast of Jordan (Fig. OC1).
Members of OC were instrumental in the success of several IODP cruises (IODP 310 Tahiti,
IODP 318 Wilkes Land, IODP 320/1 Eq. Pacific, and IODP 325 Great Barrier Reef), pre-site surveys (proposals 625, 784), and proposal preparation (661). In the following, some key achievements of the Ocean and Climate research are summarized.
Box OC 1: Achievements in proxy development:
Compound-specific hydrogen and stable carbon isotope analyses from plant waxes retrieved from marine sediments to infer changes in continental hydroclimate (Castañeda
et al. 2009, Collins et al. 2011, Niedermeyer et al. 2010)*
Endmember-modeling of bulk sediment elemental composition to quantify eolian dust
fluxes (Mulitza et al. 2010)
Quantification of the deep-sea carbonate saturation state from U/Ca in benthic foraminifera (Raitzsch et al. 2011)
Improved Mg/Ca-based temperature calibration for benthic foraminifers (Raitzsch et al.
An X-ray microtomography method for assessing dissolution in planktic foraminifer
tests and correcting Mg/Ca-based temperature estimates (Johnstone et al. 2011)
Quantitative reconstruction of temperatures in the deep chlorophyll maximum from the
stable isotope and element compositions of the phytoplankton species Thoracosphaera heimii (Gussone et al. 2010, Kohn et al. 2011)
*) Italicized references indicate MARUM publications, listed in section 4.3
MARUM 2012-2017
Ocean and Climate
Box OC 2: New model developments and applications:
Setup of a global ocean model, based on the AWI Finite-Element Sea-Ice Ocean Model (FESOM, Sidorenko et al. 2011), with a high horizontal resolution (7 km) focus on
North Atlantic deepwater formation areas
Implementation of water isotopes as a tracer for paleoclimate studies in the Community
Atmosphere Model (CAM3, Collins et al. 2004) as well as ECHAM5 (Roeckner et al.
Configuration of MIT General Circulation Model (MITgcm, Marshall et al. 1997) including its adjoint capability for state estimation of the glacial ocean circulation
Implementation of an aerosol module including the dust-radiative feedback into the
Community Climate System Model (CCSM3, Collins et al. 2006) for glacial aerosol
transport studies
Improvement of land-surface hydrology parameterizations in CCSM3 for coupled climate-dynamic vegetation experiments
Multiple one- and two-way nesting in the Regional Ocean Modeling System (ROMS,
Shchepetkin and McWilliams 2005) for simulating climate-induced changes in coastal
upwelling (Giraud and Paul 2010)
Development of a planktic foraminifer model coupled to a global marine ecosystem
model to assess seasonal biases in proxy records (Fraile et al. 2008)
Dynamics of the tropical rain belt
 Glacial reductions in North Atlantic deep-water formation led to intense increases in dust
export and reduced monsoonal rainfall in North-West Africa (Mulitza et al. 2008, Niedermeyer et al. 2010)
 In contrast to a long-held view, the African tropical rain belt responded symmetrically in
both hemispheres to changes in ocean circulation and insolation (Collins et al. 2011)
 The onset of commercial agriculture was accompanied by a twenty-fold increase in dust
flux from the northwest African Sahel to the Atlantic Ocean (Mulitza et al. 2010)
 Hitherto undocumented wet periods in the Sahara, driven by ocean circulation changes,
provided potential corridors for human migration (Castañeda et al. 2009)
 Australian/Indonesian summer monsoon variations were closely linked to Northern Hemisphere climate changes (Mohtadi et al. 2011)
The tropical rain belt is the Earth’s largest atmospheric hydrologic system, delivering water resources to a large part of the world with enormous consequences for the terrestrial biosphere and
human population. Its modern seasonal latitudinal migration is driven by seasonal insolation
changes. However, observational data are inconclusive with regard to the forcing mechanisms of
rain-belt variations on multi-decadal and longer timescales (cf. Niedermeyer et al. 2009). For the
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Ocean and Climate
Fig. OC2: Left: Compound-specific (n-C31 alkane) hydrogen isotope (D/H) records off NW Africa:
GeoB9501 (Beckmann et al. work in progress) in comparison to the West Sahel rainfall index (red, dimensionless, 11-pt average, (Fink et al. 2010), GeoB9504 (Niedermeyer et al. work in progress), GeoB9508
(Niedermeyer et al. 2010), Grey bars indicate the historical Sahel drought and the H1 (Heinrich Stadial 1)
interval. CE = Common Era. Low values (plotted upwards) indicate more rainfall on the adjacent continent.
Right: Precipitation anomaly (H1 relative to pre-industrial times) calculated from the numerical experiments by Merkel et al. (2010). Dots indicate position of cores.
first time, analyses of sediments from the northwest African margin have revealed pronounced
dust pulses and vegetation changes during the last glacial and the late Holocene (Tjallingii et al.
2008, Bouimetarhan et al. 2009, Mulitza et al. 2008, 2010) connected to extra-tropical forcing.
North Atlantic cold spells (Heinrich Stadials) during the last glacial period, triggered by slowdowns of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (McManus et al. 2004, Niedermeyer et
al. 2009), not only had an impact on eolian dust export (Itambi et al. 2009) but also on the
strength of the West African monsoonal rainfall (Niedermeyer et al. 2010) leading to millennialscale mega-droughts (Fig. OC2). Simulations with a comprehensive climate model have revealed
that changes in the African Easterly Jet, a vigorous wind in the middle troposphere, play a more
important role in shaping these dramatic climate deteriorations than previously assumed (Mulitza
et al. 2008). The wealth of available sediment material and information derived from new proxies,
in combination with climate modeling, indicate a leading role of the large-scale Atlantic overturning circulation in affecting the hydrological cycle in Northwest Africa over a range of timescales.
MARUM 2012-2017
Ocean and Climate
High-low latitude climate linkages
 Reconstructions support the model-based hypothesis that a weakening of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC) leads to a deepening of the tropical thermocline on
timescales from 101 to 106 years (Lopes dos Santos et al. 2010, Steph et al. 2010).
 Contrary to the widely held view, Holocene variations in Southern Hemisphere westerlies
were not characterized by simple north-south shifts, but were rather expressed by expansion and contraction of the wind belt (Lamy et al. 2010).
 Climate model experiments for the last glacial period suggest a stronger than expected dependence of El-Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO) teleconnections on background climate
(Merkel et al. 2010). In accordance with coral data (Felis et al. work in progress), ENSO
variability was particularly strong during Heinrich Stadial 1.
 A unique coral-based reconstruction of annually resolved salinity and winter temperature
extends the instrumental Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO) record back into the 19th century and reveals for the first time a regime shift in North Pacific salinity (Felis et al. 2009,
Surface ocean salinity is a key variable in climate dynamics, influencing ocean circulation and
water mass formation. Continuous instrumental salinity observations are scarce prior to 1970,
and the magnitude of 20th century salinity changes is largely unknown. An annually resolved coral-based reconstruction of western North Pacific salinity indicates an abrupt shift toward fresher
surface-ocean conditions between 1905 and 1910, which is unmatched in the short instrumental
record (Fig. OC3). This freshening resulted from a combination of atmospheric and oceanic advection processes, and preceded abrupt northern North Atlantic climate change by a few years
(Felis et al. 2009). The potential for abrupt interannual surface-ocean salinity shifts needs to be
SLP anomaly (hPa)
SSS (psu)
Less saline
More saline
Coral 18O (‰)
1880 1900 1920 1940 1960 1980 2000
Coral 18O(U/Ca)
Coral 18O(Sr/Ca) 0.4
Coral SSS anomaly (psu)
considered in climate projections for the coming decades.
1880 1900 1920 1940 1960 1980 2000
Year (CE)
-0.5 -0.4 -0.3 -0.2 -0.1 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5
Linear correlation
Fig. OC3: (A) Coral-based western North Pacific sea-surface salinity (SSS) reconstruction (Felis et al.
2009), local reanalysis SSS (Carton and Giese 2008), northeast Asia winter sea-level pressure (SLP)
(Basnett and Parker 1997). The 1905-1910 freshening lags an SLP shift by a few years. (B) Correlation
map for combined coral (Sr/Ca, U/Ca; rhomb)–clam (growth; square) index and winter SST (1901-1994,
Smith et al. 2008) resembles the Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO) pattern (Felis et al. 2010). Clam index:
Strom et al. (2004). Bold lines (A) and correlation map (B) based on 3-year running averages.
MARUM 2012-2017
Ocean and Climate
Role of the ocean in North Atlantic climate variability
 A new type of centennial-to-millennial scale climate oscillation involving two modes of Labrador Sea circulation was revealed in coupled climate simulations (Schulz et al. 2007).
 Updated decade-long time series of Labrador Sea conditions and deep water (LSW) formation rates were supplemented by measured continuous transport time series of the subpolar gyre. The LSW formation rate decreased significantly from 1997 to 2003, and increased afterwards (Rhein et al. 2011).
 A novel way to observe continuous meridional volume and heat transport in the subpolar
North Atlantic has been developed by combining observations and model results (Rhein et
al. 2011), thus leading to a concrete strategy for future measuring of barotropic flows in the
subpolar North Atlantic, which is important for the AMOC.
The subpolar North Atlantic is one of the key regions in the climate system. Here, the deep water
masses of the cold limb of the AMOC are formed (Labrador Sea Water, LSW, Kieke et al. 2007)
or significantly modified (overflow water masses). Our climate model studies (Schulz et al. 2007)
imply a key role of Labrador Sea circulation in driving millennial-scale climate variability and thus
provide, for the first time, a possible physical mechanism for the occurrence of “Bond climate cycles” found in Holocene proxy records from the North Atlantic (Bond et al. 2001). Focusing on the
modern variability in convection and deep-water formation in the central Labrador Sea, our comprehensive hydrographic data reveal pronounced deep convection down to a depth of 2,000 m
between 1988 and1995 (Rhein et. al. 2011). Comparison of the formation rate of deep LSW with
SST and sensible heat flux data revealed that the increased deep LSW formation was triggered
by a strong positive phase of the NAO. The newly available high-resolution finite element model
(FESOM) allows, for the first time, a realistic representation of the observed changes in deepwater formation (Fig. OC4) and is thus a major improvement relative to most other ocean models.
Towards a synthesis of glacial ocean circulation
 MARUM contributed significantly to the synthesis of oceanic surface conditions during the
Last Glacial Maximum (LGM; MARGO Project Members 2009), which provides important
constraints on climate sensitivity.
 The hydrography of the glacial deep ocean has been reconstructed for the Northwest and
Southwest African margins, as key contributions to the international community effort to
establish a Glacial Ocean Atlas (, see also Lynch-Stieglitz et al.
 In contrast to a widely held view, initial paleo-data assimilation experiments imply that the
strength of the AMOC can be inferred from the available (sparse) set of reconstructions for
the LGM ocean.
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Ocean and Climate
With a highly advanced approach of paleo-data assimilation, we aim to estimate the strength of
the AMOC during the LGM cold period (~19,000 to 23,000 years before present). We use
variational techniques to take full advantage of the available proxy data by combining them with
all we know about ocean dynamics comprised in an ocean general-circulation model. We can
thereby reduce the large uncertainty in current estimates from IPCC-type climate models (cf.
Otto-Bliesner et al. 2007), identify and correct model errors, improve model parameterizations,
and refine our grasp of the large-scale ocean circulation. All of these aspects are highly relevant
to estimating the sensitivity of climate to projected future changes.
Fig. OC4: Left: Formation area (red dot) and main spreading pathways of LSW. Right: Layer thickness of
the two modes of upper/deeper (u/d) Labrador Sea Water (LSW). The monthly values and the 3-year running-mean filtered dLSW and uLSW data of the model run are shown by thin and thick lines, respectively.
Observations (Rhein et al. 2011) are illustrated by filled circles (mostly summer), the observed standard
deviations in the formation area (see left panel) are shown by vertical bars.
The data-assimilation system was established about one year after the start of the project in 2009
and tested in controlled twin experiments. By modifying viscosity coefficients, we created three
different model simulations with different AMOC rates of 12.5, 18.3 and 22.9 Sv. We used the
18.3-Sv-simulation as an initial assumption and reconstructed the other two states from pseudoobservations of temperature and salinity sampled from them at the locations where LGM
reconstructions exist (Fig. OC5). The fundamental result is that we can successfully reconstruct
the AMOC from the sparse set of LGM observations. The simulations will be extended to longer
timescales and to passive tracer data such as 18O, 13C and Δ14C. Geochemical process models
that are required for this purpose have already been developed and are currently implemented in
the adjoint OGCM.
Proposed measures
During the ongoing funding phase, Research Area OC has been organized into five projects. With
MARUM 2012-2017
Ocean and Climate
Sedimentology) and a new group (remote sensing) will be integrated. In addition, the links with
physical oceanography will be strengthened. To accommodate these changes Research Area OC
will be organized into three projects plus additional cross-cutting projects with the other Research
Project OC1 is dedicated to the meridional heat transport associated with the large-scale overturning circulation. The existing link between paleoclimate research and physical oceanography
will be further strengthened by the incorporation of remote sensing and earth observation. Within
Project OC2, land-ocean interactions and climate variability at low latitudes will be studied with
the focus on the climatic history of the tropical rain belt from the Miocene to the present day, but
with an emphasis on the last 60,000 years and the Late Holocene. Project OC3 will focus on investigating atmosphere-ocean interactions and feedbacks in and between high and low latitudes
over timescales ranging from the Plio-Pleistocene to the Holocene using new sediment cores
from the mid- and high-latitude South Pacific and a unique network of Asian coral cores.
Fig. OC5: Data distribution (a, b) and correspondence of target and reconstructed AMOC for weak (c, e)
and strong (d, f) overturning cases calculated with the MIT general circulation model. Sampling locations
were based on actual geographical proxy-data coverage (cf. MARGO Project Members 2009) in order to
mimic the sparsity of paleoceanographic data.
MARUM 2012-2017
Ocean and Climate
Research Area OC is further enhanced by the inclusion of a novel cross-cutting project (CCP1)
addressing key issues related to the biogeochemical cycling and roles of aerosols in the Earth
system, in which the expertise from Research Areas OC, GB and SD will be augmented by a new
cooperative effort with the Department of the Physics and Chemistry of the Atmosphere (J. P.
Burrows et al.), University of Bremen. A second cross-cutting project (CCP2), will combine the
expertise of OC and SD, and focus on the impact of sea-level variations on shelf-slope systems.
The third cross-cutting initiative with contributions from OC will investigate the role of the deep
biosphere for the carbon cycle and climate change (CCP3, described in GB). With the proposed
work, Research Area OC will extend its working areas farther into the North Atlantic and into the
eastern Indian Ocean. Several expeditions using the deep-sea drill rig MeBo are included in this
proposal to retrieve long high-resolution sedimentary sequences (Fig. OC1).
Project OC1: Changes in large-scale overturning circulation: present and past
A. Paul, M. Losch, M. Rhein, S. Mulitza, G. Lohmann; J. Burrows, S. Kasemann, K. Zonneveld
Different processes affect the strength of the large-scale overturning circulation, for example,
ventilation of the thermocline and of the deep ocean, and interactions between the subpolar and
subtropical gyres. Their relative importance and underlying forcing factors on timescales from 101
to 103 years will be evaluated, using numerical models, recent observations, and paleodata.
The meridional heat transport associated with the large-scale overturning circulation controls the
maritime climate conditions in and around the North Atlantic Ocean, including northwestern Europe. According to climate model projections, this overturning circulation is very likely to become
weaker during the 21st century, possibly accompanied by significantly reduced formation of Labrador Sea Water (IPCC 2007). Details of the development of the AMOC, however, are uncertain
according to IPCC-type coupled climate models (IPCC 2007).The same is true for the strength of
the AMOC during the LGM (Otto-Bliesner et al. 2007), for which different climate models simulate
very different overturning rates. Thus, the LGM provides a prime target for assessing model behavior. Our goal is to connect a wide range of timescales from decades to tens of millennia by
numerical climate modeling, physical oceanography and paleoceanography, and clarify the reasons for the above ambiguities and improve our understanding of the sensitivity of the large-scale
ocean circulation to future perturbations.
Key hypotheses:
 The strength of the large-scale overturning circulation is primarily controlled by the highlatitude surface heat and freshwater fluxes, and less so by changes in the wind field. During
the LGM and for about the last 2000 years, high-latitude precipitation has been the dominant forcing factor.
MARUM 2012-2017
Ocean and Climate
 More inflow of warm water into the North Atlantic subpolar gyre is related to increased
deep-water ventilation and a stronger AMOC, a decreased ventilation of the thermocline
and a weaker subtropical gyre.
Specific methods comprise (i) data assimilation by the adjoint method, (ii) paired measurements
of oxygen isotopes and Mg/Ca ratios on benthic foraminifera to reconstruct deep-water temperature and salinity, (iii) neodymium isotopes and selective degradation of particulate organic matter
to estimate deep-water oxygen content, (iv) analysis of long-term observational time series including remote-sensing data, temperature, salinity, transient tracers, sea-surface height from altimetry, and (v) high-resolution numerical ocean modeling.
Project OC2: Land-ocean interaction and climate variability in low latitudes
E. Schefuß, M. Prange, M. Mohtadi, K. Zonneveld, L. Dupont; K. H. Baumann, T. Bickert,
J. Burrows, S. Kasemann, H. Kuhnert, S. Mulitza, J. Pätzold, U. Röhl
Combined paleoenvironmental and climate-model studies covering the late Holocene, the late
Quaternary and the late Neogene will provide detailed insights into the interactions of land-ocean
processes and into climate feedback mechanisms affecting low latitude areas.
We plan to extend our investigations from the north-west African system towards South America,
in particular to the Amazon River and the adjacent continental margin, allowing a direct comparison of the effects of ocean circulation changes on both sides of the Atlantic. Ongoing work off
East Africa (off Mozambique and Tanzania) will be extended towards the Gulf of Aden, the Red
Sea, and west of Indonesia. These comprehensive studies will cover the entire latitudinal range
of the large seasonal movement of the tropical rain belt for assessing possible oceanic controls
(e.g. changes in meridional and zonal SST gradients). The study of proxy records using highresolution marine terrestrial archives will be flanked by numerical climate modeling with dynamic
vegetation and water isotopes to allow for in-depth tests of hypotheses on the oceanic control of
tropical rain-belt variability derived from previous work.
Key hypotheses:
 Basin-wide changes in SST gradients control meridional and zonal shifts of the tropical rain
belt on centennial to millennial timescales, and reductions in the strength of the AMOC affect the tropical rain belt synchronously at a global scale.
 SST control on tropical hydrology is independent of glacial or interglacial boundary conditions.
 Anthropogenic changes in regional hydrology through land use (e.g. deforestation) have
surpassed natural variability during the Holocene.
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Ocean and Climate
 Cryosphere expansion during the Neogene is as important as changes in orography for the
evolution of the tropical rain belt.
Specific methods: (i) compound-specific isotope analyses on sedimentary plant lipids combined
with numerical climate models, including water isotopes to analyze changes in continental hydrology; (ii) non-traditional stable isotope (lithium, boron and calcium) analyses to trace erosion
processes, eroded sources, and to quantify weathering conditions and anthropogenic land use.
Project OC3: High- and-low latitude atmosphere-ocean interactions
F. Lamy, T. Felis, R. Gersonde, A. Abelmann; H. Fischer, S. Kasemann, G. Lohmann, U. Merkel,
G. Mollenhauer, M. Rutgers van der Loeff, M. Schulz, R. Tiedemann
We will provide new insights into dust-iron induced impacts on global climate and into high-low
latitude climate links at orbital-to-interannual timescales, thereby helping to estimate the potential
of geoengineering visions for mitigating future climate change and deciphering the operation of
climate links at human generation timescales beyond the instrumental record.
Atmosphere-ocean interactions at high latitudes are thought to play a key role in past atmospheric CO2 variability by controlling the sea-ice field, upper ocean physical parameters and stratification, nutrient utilization and biological export, deep-water exposure rates, and high-low latitude
exchange of nutrients and heat. Low-latitude atmosphere-ocean interactions (e.g. ENSO) have
severe impacts on global climate at society-relevant timescales, affecting the Asian monsoon and
European winter climate (Kumar et al. 1999, Brönnimann et al. 2007). For the first time it will be
possible to study Pleistocene-Pliocene atmosphere-ocean processes in the mid- and highlatitude South Pacific using an exceptional set of new sediment cores. In addition, tropicalsubtropical climate variability and teleconnections to high latitudes will be quantified at monthly
resolution for Holocene and last interglacial key intervals based on a unique network of Asian
coral cores in combination with data from observational climatologies, ice-core records, and Earth
system models.
Key hypotheses:
 The long-term cooling since the mid-Pliocene (Martinez-Garcia et al. 2010) was caused by
dust-iron induced changes in Southern Ocean productivity regimes, carbon export and burial.
 Glacial dust deposition in the Southern Ocean is not restricted to the Atlantic sector as previously postulated (Maher et al. 2010) but also occurred in the South Pacific from Australian/New Zealand sources (as proposed by Thiede 1979) and thus could have enhanced the
Southern Ocean role in regulating past atmospheric CO2 variability.
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Ocean and Climate
 Westerly winds impact the upwelling of deep water masses in the Southern Ocean and
control the return flow of intermediate waters to the tropics.
 Extreme seasonal to interannual events and regime shifts (droughts, floods, cyclones) were
characterized by frequencies, amplitudes and durations not observed in the short instrumental record, and were controlled by characteristic interactions between high (AO/NAO)
and low latitude (ENSO) climate modes during different mean states.
Specific methods: (i) quantification and localization of dust flux and sources based on sediment
composition analyses, including
Thexc flux, Nd determination and biomarkers (n-alkanes, BIT,
MBT/CBT); (ii) estimation of past ocean physical (SST, sea ice, ventilation) and biological
(paleoproductivity, nutrient utilization) variability based on foraminiferal (18O13C) and opal isotopic composition (18O30Si), alkenones, dioles, and diatom counts; (iii) Earth-system modeling,
including simulations with an interactive mineral dust module; (iv) SST and salinity reconstructions at monthly resolutions from corals (Sr/Ca, U/Ca, 18O), including physical mechanisms for
proxy-based climate reconstructions (climate data analysis, Earth-system modeling).
Cross-cutting project CCP1: Aerosol-induced feedbacks in the Earth system
J.-B. Stuut, U. Merkel, G. Fischer, J. Burrows; H. Fischer, M. Iversen, G. Mollenhauer, C. Vogt,
M. Vountas, W. v. Hoyningen-Huene, M. Zabel
The aim is to develop a mechanistic understanding of the transport processes of dust and to
shed light on the impact of dust deposition on marine environmental processes as a key element
in the biogeochemistry of the Earth system, by combining dust records with remote sensing and
climate modeling.
Large uncertainties remain in our understanding of the different roles of mineral aerosols in the
climate system (IPCC 2007). In addition to affecting the Earth’s radiative balance, it has been
suggested that mineral dust plays an important role in marine biogeochemical cycles through fertilization (e.g. Bishop et al. 2002) and ballasting effects (e.g. Armstrong et al. 2009). To enhance
the knowledge base, a multi-disciplinary approach to the study of Saharan dust deposited off the
northwest African coast and its impact on the North Atlantic is proposed. The project will combine
expertise from OC (on climate modeling and dust-flux reconstructions), SD (on dust mobilization,
transport and deposition), and GB (on ballasting) with information from remote sensing. In addition to the interactions with biogeochemical processes, we aim to quantify dust-related changes
of SST (Evan et al. 2009).
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Ocean and Climate
Key hypotheses:
 Mineral aerosol deposition has significant impact on ocean fertilization, ballasting, and
related feedbacks.
 The cooling effect of mineral aerosols on the upper ocean off NW Africa is sufficiently large
to induce a positive feedback on dust mobilization via reduced rainfall.
Specific methods: (i) Use of optimized retrieval algorithms, developed over the past 20 years at
the IUP using data from both NASA and ESA satellites, to provide the mineral aerosol amounts
over the North Atlantic; (ii) assess deposition processes using marine sediment traps off Cape
Blanc, the SOLAS station on the Cape-Verde Island, and the dust station on Barbados; (iii) use of
an appropriate set of specific dust-climate and sediment-transport model experiments to assess
feedbacks between mineral aerosols and climate (in close cooperation with OC2).
Cross-cutting project CCP2: The impact of sea-level variations on shelf-slope systems
A. Paul, T. Hanebuth, C. Winter; T. v. Dobeneck, D. Hebbeln, K. Huhn, T. Mörz, S. Mulitza,
J. Pätzold, T. Schwenk
To assess the effects of deglacial changes in water-mass geometry and ocean circulation on
sediment deposits in shelf-slope systems, a modeling system and sedimentary evidence from the
Uruguay/southern Brazil continental margin will be combined.
Sea-level rise during the last deglaciation is assumed to have exerted strong controls on the sedimentary systems of continental margins. Meltwater pulses contributed to the deglacial sea-level
rise, but it is currently not clear how much of the major meltwater pulse (“1A”; Fairbanks et al.
1989, Hanebuth et al. 2000) entered the ocean from the Antarctic rather than the Laurentide ice
sheet (Clark et al. 2002). This question is highly relevant for an assessment of the stability of the
West Antarctic Ice Sheet. By combining expertise from OC (on ocean-circulation modeling) and
SD (on sediment-transport modeling and sea-level driven changes in shelf-slope architecture),
we plan to develop a new approach to quantify past sea-level variations from sedimentological
data in combination with modeling. The modeling system will include standard hydrodynamics
and sediment-transport driven morphodynamics, nested into a basin-scale model for the northern
Argentina/southern Brazil shelf-slope system at kilometer-scale resolution. For the first time, this
setup will allow us to assess the effect of sea-level fluctuations and climate-driven ocean circulation changes on an entire shelf-slope system.
Key hypothesis:
 Sea-level variations and meltwater pulses leave a unique shelf-sedimentary fingerprint on
the shelf-slope system on the Uruguay/South Brazil continental margin.
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Ocean and Climate
Specific methods: (i) coupled ocean circulation-sediment transport modeling, (ii) seismo-acoustic
(bathymetric, seismo-stratigraphic), and (iii) sedimentological analyses (grain size, material composition) of deposits from the outer shelf and upper slope.
Added value of the existing and proposed interdisciplinary cooperation
The planned work will intensify the existing collaboration between geosciences (incl. paleoceanography, geochemistry, micropaleontology, sedimentology), climate modeling, and physical
oceanography, and expand the fruitful collaboration to include observations from remote sensing.
Through this unique combination of expertise, it will be possible to extend instrumental observations by means of paleoclimate reconstructions. The interdisciplinary approach allows for a comprehensive analysis of processes underlying natural and human-induced climate variations. The
resulting insights into the dynamics of climate variations are beyond the scope of a single discipline. For example, the unique combination of proxy records with climate modeling has already
provided unprecedented insights into the dynamics of changes in the tropical hydrologic cycle.
Position and impact of the Research Area in the wider research field, international visibility
Research Area OC has been at the forefront of integrating information from paleoclimate archives
with climate modeling. This highly successful research strategy has been used as a template for
national (e.g. DFG Priority Research Program 1266 “Integrated Analysis of Interglacial Climate
Dynamics, INTERDYNAMIC”) and international (e.g. EU FP7 Integrated Project “Past4Future”)
initiatives. The work of the Research Area is internationally recognized for its contributions to the
development of quantitative proxies. Over the past years, the Research Area has developed a
leading international role in land-ocean interactions at low latitudes and synthesis of LGM climate
reconstructions. Visibility was also enhanced through the organisation of international workshops
(e.g. “Response of the North African ecosystem” 2007 (50 participants), “Hydro-acoustics and
glacier activity in Greenland” 2008 (12 participants), “Reconstruction of glacial deep ocean circulation” 2008 (38 participants), “Dust workshop 2011: Processes and Quaternary history of dust
dynamics”, Oct./Nov. 2011). With its results, the Research Area contributed to the assessment of
Important national and international partnerships
Partnerships exist through collaborative projects. At the national level, ongoing projects include:
DFG Priority Program INTERDYNAMIC, DFG-Research Group “Understanding Cenozoic Climate
Cooling”, BMBF-funded collaborative project “Natural versus anthropogenic controls of past monsoon variability in Central Asia recorded in marine archives (CARIMA)”. International partnerships
exist through IODP, the PAGES-endorsed initiatives “Glacial Ocean Atlas” and “Atmospheric circulation and dust during the last glacial cycle: Observations and modeling (ADOM)”, EU FP7 Collaborative Project “Past4Future”, EU Marie Curie Initial Training Network “THROUGHFLOW”. In
addition, numerous cooperations exist at the PI level.
MARUM 2012-2017
Ocean and Climate
The top 30 references for results from the first funding phase of OC are italicized in the text and
are listed in appendix 4.3 only.
Armstrong et al. Deep-Sea Research II 56, 1470 (2009)
Basnett TA, Parker DE Hadley Centre Climate Research Technical Note CRTN 79 (1997)
Bishop et al. Science 298, 817(2002)
Bond G, et al. Science 294, 2130 (2001)
Brönnimann S, et al. Climate Dynamics 28, 181 (2007)
Carton JA, Giese BS Monthly Weather Review 136, 2999 (2008)
Clark PU, Mitrovica JX, Milne GA, Tamisea ME Science 295, 2438 (2002)
Collins WD, et al. Journal of Climate 19, 2122–2143 (2006)
Collins WD, et al. Technical Report NCAR/TN-464+STR (2004)
Evan AT, et al. Science 324, 778 (2009)
Fairbanks RG Nature 342, 637 (1989)
Hanebuth T, et al. Science 288, 1033 (2000)
IPCC, Climate Change 2007: The Physical Science Basis. Cambridge Univ. Press (2007)
Kieke D, et al. Geophysical Research Letters 34, L06605 (2007)
Kumar KK, Rajagopalan B, Cane MA Science 284, 2156 (1999)
Maher BA, et al. Earth-Science Reviews 99, 61 (2010)
Marshall J, et al. Journal of Geophysical Research 102, 5753–5766 (1997)
McManus JF, et al. Nature 428, 834 (2004)
Otto-Bliesner BL, et al. Geophysical Research Letters 34, L12706 (2007)
Roeckner E, et al. Journal of Climate 19, 3771-3791 (2006)
Shchepetkin AF, McWilliams JC Ocean Modelling 9, 347-404 (2005)
Sidorenko D, et al. Ocean Dynamics 61, 881-890 (2011)
Smith TM et al. Journal of Climate 21, 2283 (2008)
Strom A, et al. Geophysical Research Letters 31, L06206 (2004)
Thiede J Geology 7, 259 (1979)
MARUM 2012-2017
Geosphere-Biosphere Interactions
Research Area GB: Geosphere-Biosphere Interactions
Leaders of the Research Area
Prof. Dr. Bach, Wolfgang
Fachbereich Geowissenschaften
Universität Bremen, 28334 Bremen
Phone: 0421-2028-65400
E-Mail: [email protected]
Prof. Dr. Boetius, Antje
Alfred Wegener Institut
für Polar- und Meeresforschung
27515 Bremerhaven
Phone: 0471-4831-2269
E-Mail: [email protected]
Prof. Dr. Bohrmann, Gerhard
Fachbereich Geowissenschaften
Universität Bremen, 28334 Bremen
Phone: 0421-218-65050
E-Mail: [email protected]
Dr. Dubilier, Nicole
Max-Planck-Institut für Marine Mikrobiologie
Celsiusstr. 1, 28359 Bremen
Phone: 0421-2028-932
Fax :
E-Mail: [email protected]
Prof. Dr. Hinrichs, Kai-Uwe
Fachbereich Geowissenschaften
Universität Bremen, 28334 Bremen
Phone: 0421-218-65700
E-Mail: [email protected]
PD Dr. Zabel, Matthias
MARUM – Zentrum für Marine Umweltwissenschaften
Universität Bremen, 28334 Bremen
Phone: 0421-218-65103
E-Mail: [email protected]
Earth’s geosphere and biosphere are intimately linked by both the element cycles and the astonishing diversity of energy-generating processes sustaining life, from the ocean surface to its subsurface crust (Fig. GB1). A central theme of the first funding phase was to study links between
energy availability, biogeochemical function and diversity of marine life. We have made substantial progress in this interdisciplinary research field. Hence, deciphering feedbacks between the
geo- and biosphere will remain one of the overarching long-term objectives of MARUM in its second phase. Most importantly, we have combined and focused the expertise in quantifying biogeochemical and geologic processes associated with the transformation of matter and energy by
biological communities from the single-cell level to global scales. GB research can draw on an
outstanding capacity in the areas of marine geology, petrology, and geophysics; organic, inorganic, and isotope geochemistry; ecology, microbiology, molecular biology, and numerical modeling.
We have developed innovative methods and marine technologies that provide access to unique
environments and sample materials, and that allow us now to quantify fluxes of elements and energy in situ in numerous biogeochemical hot spots in the ocean, including the most remote and
extreme environments of the deep sea. We plan to add further expertise in satellite-based Earth-
MARUM 2012-2017
Geosphere-Biosphere Interactions
Fig. GB1: The deep biosphere within the seafloor is one of the largest contiguous ecosystems on Earth. Its
role in the global carbon cycle is being investigated at MARUM.
system modeling, analytical chemistry, mineralogy, and fluid geochemistry. The internal project
structure (Fig. GB2) will comprise four core projects linking pelagic processes to the ocean seafloor, including cold seeps, hot vents, and the deep subsurface. Additionally, four newly designed
cross-cutting projects will strengthen the links to the other two research areas.
Program of the Research Area
The interdisciplinary research area GB focuses on the interactions of geosphere and biosphere in
the marine realm. The processes of interest are associated with transformation of matter and extraction of energy by biological communities, in all areas of the ocean from the pelagic realm to
the subsurface seafloor. In the first phase, we have gained expertise in the central capacities (i)
to quantify processes of element cycling in the marine realm, (ii) to establish basic knowledge on
novel biogeochemical processes and marine ecosystems, and (iii) to demonstrate how geological
processes shape marine ecosystems, and vice versa. Our central goals for the next phase are to
arrive at a quantitative and/or mechanistic understanding of selected geosphere-biosphere interactions, to reveal their dynamics in space and time, and on local and global scales, and to decipher the specific adaptations of biological communities to extract energy from the geosphere in
different environmental settings.
MARUM 2012-2017
Geosphere-Biosphere Interactions
Fig. GB2: Proposed structure of Research Area Geosphere-Biosphere Interactions (GB) and main targets of
research. Strong linkages to the other Research Areas are expressed by four new cross-cutting projects
whose objectives can only be realized through intense collaboration between Research Areas. The integration of two new working groups will extend our capacity and available spectrum of methodologies.
Achievements of the previous funding period
GB research over the past five years has taken both process- and system-oriented approaches
towards disentangling and quantifying interactions between the geosphere and biosphere in a
range of marine settings of key importance for nutrient and element cycling.
Overarching questions have included:
Which environmental factors control the transformation and remineralization of organic
matter in the water column and sediments?
What types of microbes live the in the deep seabed and what is their significance for biogeochemical cycles?
Which geological and biological processes control fluxes from cold seeps to the marine
How does the energy flow at vents and seeps impact the diversity of microbial and faunal
In the first phase, our studies have linked transport, remobilization and chemical transformation of
sinking particles (GB1) to the cycling of major nutrients in benthic environments (GB2), and to
remineralization processes and microbial communities in subsurface sediments (GB3). We have
constrained the extent of seepage by geophysical analysis, mapping, and quantification of seep
areas (GB4), and examined the relationship of element fluxes through the sediment-water inter-
MARUM 2012-2017
Geosphere-Biosphere Interactions
face to the benthic ecology (GB5), mechanisms governing precipitation of minerals in marine environments (GB6), and the geochemistry, thermodynamics, ecology, and genomics in vent and
seep systems (GB7). Our interdisciplinary studies exploit the synergies available through the extraordinary concentration of expertise in marine geosphere-biosphere research between UniB,
MPI, and AWI. Our work is integrated with key international networks for research on the deep
biosphere, cold seeps, spreading ridges and studies of ocean nutrient cycles. Processes and biological communities studied at hydrothermal environments and in the sub-seafloor are relevant to
astrobiology and our studies at natural petroleum seeps have model character for constraining
the biological responses to major oil spills. Our group has also been active in the development of
tailored underwater and laboratory technologies for tackling the scientific problems relevant to
geosphere-biosphere interactions, specifically the use of deep submersible vehicles with a wide
range of in-situ sensing capacities, high resolution molecular fingerprinting and isotope geochemistry.
Particle flux: Degradation of sinking organic-rich particles in the water column affects the efficiency of the biological pump transferring carbon and energy to the seafloor. Our main objective was
to obtain a mechanistic and quantitative understanding of the processes involved in the degradation of organic matter during the sinking of particles. Experimental and field studies have provided
evidence that a high ballast content increases particle sinking rates (Fischer and Karakas, 2009),
and is most likely responsible for the high carbon fluxes recorded off NW Africa (Fischer et al.
2009). Recent imaging techniques suggest feeding rather than microbial degradation as the main
attenuation mechanism at the base of the euphotic zone (Iversen et al. 2010). Only the sinking
aggregates that escape flux feeding enter the mesopelagic zone where degradation processes
seem to be dominated by microbial activity at surprisingly constant rates of ~13 % d-1 (Iversen et
al. 2010). By using a seven-compartment biogeochemical and aggregation-disaggregation model
coupled to Regional Ocean Modeling System (ROMS), it was possible to reproduce reasonable
organic carbon fluxes when disaggregation of aggregates in the water column was included in
the model (Karakas et al. 2009). For the first time, we were able to image and sample particles
with a deep-ocean instrument platform and sediment traps simultaneously over two annual cycles.
Nutrient cycling in benthic environments: Our studies have aimed at generating a mechanistic
and quantitative understanding of nutrient cycling in benthic environments. Novel radiochemical
tracer applications were employed to examine turnover of P, S, N, and C in marine sediments.
For example, the novel application of
P-labeled phosphate to sediments of the Benguela
Upwelling provided the first direct evidence for the involvement of sulfur bacteria in phosphogenesis (Goldhammer et al. 2010). We further investigated which parameters trigger phosphate release in Beggiatoa. Our culture experiments revealed that anoxia, together with high sulfide con-
MARUM 2012-2017
Geosphere-Biosphere Interactions
centrations, induce the breakdown of polyphosphate stored in bacterial vacuoles (Brock and
Schulz-Vogt 2011). This finding highlights the importance of polyphosphate for the metabolism of
these bacteria. We have also adapted methods that utilize inorganic stable isotopes in oxyanions of phosphorous and sulfur to our studies of biogeochemical pathways in deeply buried
sediments. For example, our work on 18O in phosphate has shown that this parameter is sensitive to the kinetics of phosphate regeneration versus microbial phosphate uptake and turnover
(Goldhammer et al. 2011a, b). Furthermore, we used a new approach to study the degradation of
N-bearing organic matter, which is linked to the recycling of nutrient N (Schmidt et al. 2011). Using ultra-high-resolution mass spectrometry (FT-ICR-MS), we examined the distribution of Nbearing molecules and provided mechanistic molecular-scale details on the reactions involved in
the release of nutrient N from sediments.
Sub-seafloor biogeochemistry: In our studies of microbial communities and processes in marine
sub-seafloor sediments we developed and applied novel molecular-isotopic techniques for the
lipid-based detection of microbial biomass as well as the microbially mediated transformation of
organic matter and utilization of the resulting products by terminal metabolizers. We further developed intact polar lipids (IPLs) as proxies for detection and broad taxonomic classification of
microbial biomass. We demonstrated the predominance of archaeal over bacterial IPLs in a wide
range of sediments down to a depth of 400 m below seafloor, and concluded that this indicates
the predominance of Archaea in this energy-limited habitat (Lipp et al. 2008, Lipp and Hinrichs
2009). Notably, concentrations of IPLs correlate with those of total organic carbon (Lipp et al.
2008) and suggest a heterotrophic nature of the sedimentary deep biosphere.
Most studies in sedimentary systems have focused on low-molecular-weight electron donors that
are utilized by terminal metabolizers, but the connection to their macromolecular precursors is not
known. To fill this gap, we began to focus on the dissolved organic matter in pore water by FTICR-MS (Schmidt et al. 2009, 2011), since this pool is likely to harbor important information about
poorly defined intermediates in the microbially mediated breakdown of organic material. For example, the presence of a diverse suite of S-bearing organic molecules in sediments on the Iberian shelf points to the role of early diagenetic sulfurization affecting the pool of dissolved organic
matter (Schmidt et al. 2009).
Geology and biogeochemistry of marine hydrocarbon seeps: Active cold seeps with shallow gas
hydrates that supply energy and substrates for extensive chemosynthetic communities were
studied, e.g. in the Gulf of Mexico (Brüning et al. 2010) and in the Mediterranean (Pape et al.
2010). At the Chapopote asphalt volcano, we conducted an interdisciplinary study of the mechanisms driving this particular type of hydrocarbon seepage from subsurface reservoirs (Ding et al.
2010). This site has model character for studying the fate of heavy petroleum, which forms characteristic flow structures at the seafloor resembling magmatic lava flows (Brüning et al. 2010).
MARUM 2012-2017
Geosphere-Biosphere Interactions
We linked microbial communities to biodegradation of the heavy petroleum by using isotopic
compositions of lipids related to methanotrophic, methanogenic and heterotrophic archaea
(Schubotz et al. 2011a, b, Fig. GB3). Using IPL analysis as a means of differentiating between
the major microbial players in a global set of seep environments, we identified temperature, sulfate concentration and redox conditions as important factors controlling the distribution of the major ANME groups. These organisms are the key players in controlling methane emission from the
seafloor across a large range of gas fluxes (Wegener and Boetius 2009). Furthermore, long-term
studies at the Haakon Mosby Mud Volcano revealed the links between fluid flow, microbial gas
consumption and the distribution of seep communities (e.g. Felden et al. 2010, Fig. GB4).
Fig. GB3: Compound-specific stable carbon isotope analysis of intact archaeal and bacterial membrane
lipids in petroleum-impregnated sediments from the Chapopote asphalt volcano. The high diversity of  C
values testifies to the complexity of C-sources and metabolic pathways utilized by the microbial community;
inferred metabolisms and the expected range of associated lipids are shown in bottom panel. Symbols and
abbreviations in legend define the polar headgroup associated with the lipid moiety on vertical axis, which
was analyzed for its isotopic composition. For example, red square at bp0 designates  C value of archaeal acyclic biphytane (bp0) that was chemically released from diglycosyl (2Gly) glycerol dibiphytanyl
glycerol tetraether (GDGT; other abbreviations: 1Gly-PG = refers to GDGT with both monoglycosyl and
phosphoglycerol headgroup at each molecular end, likewise PG-PG designates GDGT with one PG at
each end, PE = phosphoethanolamine, PS = phosphoserine, PI = phosphoinositol, UK = unknown headgroup, DPG = di-PG, PA = phosphatic acid, PME = phospho-N-methyl-ethanolamine; compound symbols
on vertical axis: bp1 and bp2 refers to biphytane with one and two cyclopentane rings, MAGE = monoalkyl
glycerol ether (modified after Schubotz et al. 2011b).
Geofuels and ecology at hydrothermal vents: The central goal of our research involving thermodynamic modeling was to understand the causal relations and feedbacks between the supply and
distribution of energy through hydrothermal processes and its use by biological communities from
different submarine settings (e.g. Holler et al. in press, for thermophilic AOM). Studies on hydro-
MARUM 2012-2017
Geosphere-Biosphere Interactions
Fig. GB4: Example of a quantitative study of in-situ fluxes and biological responses (Haakon Mosby Mud
Volcano, 1250 m water depth). GB teams and partners established a budget of methane fluxes from the
subsurface geosphere to the hydrosphere, including the identification of key organisms providing a filter
against methane, by using novel marine technologies for hydrocarbon research (data from Felden et al.
2010 and references therein).
thermal systems hosted in serpentinite on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge demonstrated that hydrogen is
the primary energy source. The mechanisms and pathways of H2 generation in fluid-rock interactions were unraveled, and a thermodynamic method for modeling H2 production in seafloor hydrothermal systems was developed (Klein et al. 2009, Jöns et al. 2010). These models predict that
the most productive sources of H2 for biology should also produce the most favorable environments for abiotic organic synthesis. Petersen et al. (2011) discovered that hydrogen is used as
an energy source by the symbionts of mussels from serpentinite-hosted vents, using a novel
combination of methods that included metagenomics, fluorescence in-situ hybridizations, comparative physiology, and deep-sea in-situ measurements by mass spectrometry (Fig. GB5). This
study rejects the paradigm that only reduced sulfur compounds and methane can fuel primary
production in chemosynthetic symbioses. Further key results include the discovery of novel bacterial symbionts associated with the hydrothermal vent shrimp Rimicaris exoculata from the MidAtlantic Ridge (Petersen et al. 2010). Finally, an extensive review of the bacterial symbionts associated with animals from hydrothermal vents, cold seeps, and other chemosynthetic ecosystems revealed that the diversity of these associations is much higher than previously assumed
and that they have evolved multiple times from at least nine different lineages of bacteria (Dubilier et al. 2008).
MARUM 2012-2017
Geosphere-Biosphere Interactions
New technologies and methodologies: To better quantify gas emissions, we developed an acoustic system for deployment with a remotely operated vehicle (Nikolovska et al. 2008) and designed
a novel automated gas-bubble counting device (Thomanek et al. 2010). Free gas, dissolved gas
and gas hydrate have been quantified in sediments at seep locations by using a newly developed
autoclave piston corer (Pape et al. 2010). Molecular-isotopic techniques were advanced and
adapted for research in sub-seafloor and seep sediments (Lin et al. 2010, Rossel et al. 2011,
Schmidt et al. 2009, 2011, Schubotz et al. 2011b); these approaches provide a far more detailed
view of the complex patterns of carbon flow in natural microbial communities compared to conventional methods. A newly developed bottom-water profiling device (Holtappels et al. 2011) was
deployed for the non-invasive quantification of nutrient and oxygen fluxes across the sedimentwater interface, enabling the determination of the role of the seafloor in nutrient cycling. Finally,
we installed a deep-water mud volcano observatory hosting biogeochemical, oceanographic, geophysical and acoustic sensors to investigate triggers and subsequent dynamics of mud volcanism (Felden et al. 2010).
Proposed measures
Our central goals for the next phase are to arrive at a quantitative understanding of geospherebiosphere interactions, to reveal their dynamics in space and time as well as on local and global
scales, and to decipher the specific adaptations of biological communities to extract energy from
the geosphere in different environmental settings. We propose the following new measures on
the level of i) interdisciplinary projects GB1-4; ii) cross-cutting work with OC and SD (CCP3 hosted in GB; and CCP1, 4 and 5 with OC and SD); iii) new professorships with their own research
groups; iv) further developments of marine technologies.
Project GB1:
Particle flux, carbon turnover and nutrient regeneration
M. Zabel, G. Fischer, M. Kuypers, G. Mollenhauer, H. Schulz-Vogt; R. Amann, B. Brunner,
T. Ferdelman, T. Goldhammer, M. Holtappels, M. Iversen, G. Lavik, N. Nowald, V. Ratmeyer,
R. Schlitzer
The aim is to decipher the mechanisms and quantify the processes that control remineralization
of particle-associated organic matter in the water column and surface sediments.
The relative rates of production and degradation of organic carbon during its transit from productive surface waters to the sediments determine the efficiency of the biological pump (Arrigo
2005). Microbial and zooplankton activities drive high rates of organic consumption and remineralization in the euphotic zone; however, newly-developed imaging techniques suggest a clear
spatial separation of net primary production and the decrease of organic particles within the euphotic zone (Jackson and Checkley 2011). Sinking aggregates escaping consumption and remineralization in the photic zone enter the mesopelagic or dysphotic zone. Here they enter key
MARUM 2012-2017
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Fig. GB5: A: The hydrothermal vent mussel Bathymodiolus puteoserpentis. B: Fluorescence in-situ hybridization image of mussel gill tissues showing that the sulfur-oxidizing symbionts (red, with probe specific to their 16S rRNA) contain the hupLgene used for H2 uptake (green, with probe specific to the
hupLgene). Green arrow: specific signal, blue arrow: unspecific background. Length of scalebar: 20 µm.
C: Data obtained from in-situ mass spectrometric analysis showing consumption of H 2 in B. puteoserpentis
mussel beds (modified after Petersen et al. 2011).
zones of carbon and nutrient turnover such as the deeper nepheloid layers, the benthic boundary
layer and surface sediments. The efficiency of remineralization in these zones influences the burial of residual organic matter in sediments (see GB2). Close linkage between ecosystem respiration and bacterial abundance in particle-rich layers is undisputed (e.g. Jiang et al. 2010), yet the
rate-limiting steps in organic-matter degradation are poorly understood. Many questions remain
as to the microbial contributions to key processes such as redox reactions, chelation, particle
formation, and the sorption and desorption of organic and inorganic particles that are involved in
C, Fe, and P regeneration in particle-rich nepheloid and benthic bottom layers. For example, direct evidence for the participation of bacteria in phosphate sequestration into minerals has only
recently become available (Goldhammer et al. 2010, Ingall 2010). The intracellular storage of
polyphosphate in large sulfur bacteria and the formation of apatite may be linked to local geochemical conditions (e.g. Ca2+ to Cl- ion balances). The complex interactions between biogeochemical processes and biotic as well as abiotic conditions, and their effects on ocean geochemical dynamics and the magnitude of microbial transfer rates are the main focus of this project,
which is linked to GB2 and aspects of CCP3.
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Key hypotheses:
● The majority of particle-associated carbon turnover and nutrient regeneration in the water
column occurs in distinct layers.
● The environmental conditions within distinct layers influence the physiology of the key organisms responsible for particle degradation and ultimately the chemical composition of
those particles.
● The microbial contributions to the closely coupled cycles of Fe and P during transformations between inorganic and organic compounds have been strongly underestimated.
Project GB2: Biogeochemical processes fueling sub-seafloor life: transformations of C, S,
and Fe
K.-U. Hinrichs, T. Ferdelman, M. Friedrich, V. Heuer, S. Kasten; B. Brunner, M. Elvert, B. Koch,
Y.-S. Lin, F. Schmidt, M. Zabel
Molecular transformations of organic matter and their linkages to remineralization processes in
sub-seafloor sediments will be examined, and the role of metal and sulfur compounds as intermediaries mediating these transformations and mineralization processes will be explored.
This project seeks to constrain key biogeochemical mechanisms controlling metabolic energy
and microbial activity in the sub-seafloor, such as the respiration of particle-bound metal oxides,
the transformation of complex organic matter to low-molecular-weight compounds available to
terminal metabolizers, and the modulation of metal oxide cycling and dissolved-organic-matter
composition via reduced and intermediate oxidation state S-species.
Sub-seafloor sediments harbor a substantial fraction of the Earth’s biomass in the form of poorly
explored microbial communities (Whitman et al. 1998, Lipp et al. 2008). These microbial communities mediate cycles of C, S, Fe, P, and N and influence the chemical speciation of these elements in the ocean (cf. Jørgensen and Boetius 2007). Reduction of Fe and Mn oxides below the
sulfate-methane transition zone is observed in rapidly accumulating sediments and/or Fe-rich
depositional systems (e.g. Riedinger et al. 2005, Holmkvist et al. 2011); a link between metal reduction and the anaerobic oxidation of methane in such methanic sediments is conceivable (cf.
Beal et al. 2009). S cycling possibly links the reductive dissolution of Fe(III)-bearing oxides and
clays to the reduction of CO2 to methane (Holmkvist et al. 2011). Fe(III)-oxide reducing microorganisms are phylogenetically diverse in nature but can be identified by cultivation-independent
approaches such as stable-isotope probing (SIP) of nucleic acids (Friedrich 2006, Hori et al.
2011). Important insights into the mechanisms of microbially mediated degradation of particulate
organic matter at terminal substrates can be obtained through molecular analysis of the pool of
dissolved organic matter, e.g. by ultra-high resolution mass spectrometry (FT-ICR-MS; Schmidt
et al. 2009, 2011). The project will link field studies with process-oriented experimental studies in
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the laboratory. It is linked to CCP3 and to GB3 with regard to sub-seafloor methane cycling and
complements research in GB1 on nutrient cycling.
Key hypotheses:
● The degradation of complex, macromolecular sedimentary organic matter is the ratelimiting step governing the supply of terminal electron donors and therefore controls the
activity of the deep biosphere; molecular studies of composition of DOM as intermediate
pool will shed light on important mechanistic details.
● Fe(III)-bearing minerals act as important sources of oxidation power in sub-seafloor sediments, including methanic zones.
● Intermediates in the sedimentary sulfur cycle react with both DOM and Fe and therefore
are important regulators of the energy flux in the deep biosphere.
Project GB3: Contribution of cold seeps to geological processes, carbon fluxes, and ecosystem diversity
A. Boetius, G. Bohrmann, H. Sahling, F. Wenzhöfer; D. de Beer, N. Dubilier, M. Elvert, T. Feseker, T. Goldhammer, K.-U. Hinrichs, S. Kasten, J. Notholt, T. Pape, V. Spieß, G. Wegener
Spatial and temporal variations in geophysical, geological, biogeochemical and biological processes associated with hydrate formation and hydrocarbon gas emission from the seafloor will be
identified and quantified.
Cold seeps are sources of gases and reduced fluids to the hydrosphere, and with respect to gases, potentially to the atmosphere (Jørgensen and Boetius 2007). The main objective of GB3 is to
gain a holistic, quantitative understanding of spatial and temporal variations of the geological, geochemical and microbial processes controlling fluid flow and hydrocarbon emission at cold seeps
(Fig. GB4), and to improve the knowledge of the distribution and activity of cold seeps on continental margins, in order to assess their contribution to global hydrocarbon budgets.
Recent investigations suggest that the number of active submarine mud volcanoes, gas chimneys, pockmarks and shallow-hydrate reservoirs is much higher than anticipated, and that hydrocarbons emitted from deep-sea seeps can reach the upper ocean (Sahling et al. 2008). However,
the spatial and temporal dynamics of gas emission from active submarine seeps remain poorly
quantified. Hydrocarbons and their products of anaerobic degradation are rich in chemical energy, which is utilized efficiently by assemblages of microorganisms and chemosynthetic symbioses (Boetius et al. 2000, Dubilier et al. 2008). However, in some systems considerable quantities
of hydrocarbons can escape the biological filter (Niemann et al. 2006). Quantifications of fluidflow patterns linked to consumption of methane, sulfide, oxygen and other reactants are needed
for assessing the role of cold seeps in regional and global element budgets (Felden et al. 2010).
By using satellite imaging, geospatial statistics and long-term observations we will be able to es-
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timate the distribution of hydrocarbon flux to the ocean surface (Solomon et al. 2009) and the
temporal dynamics. This knowledge is key to evaluating the effects of both natural and anthropogenic oil and gas leakages on deep-sea communities. We will focus on seeps of polar and temperate margins as natural laboratories to study the timescales and ecosystem impact of petroleum degradation, especially in the light of seafloor warming in response to climate change (Westbrook et al. 2009). Geomicrobiological laboratory experiments and high-resolution molecular
studies will contribute to assessing the impact of hydrocarbon transformation on deep-sea ecosystems (Schubotz et al. 2011a, b, Holler et al. 2011). Past variability of fluid flow will also be assessed, e.g. by the analysis of authigenic minerals that typically precipitate in relation to AOM
(Nöthen and Kasten in press.). This project closely interacts with GB2 to assess the production
and migration of hydrocarbons, and with GB4 to compare the role of vents and seeps in carbon,
sulfur, nitrogen, and energy cycling.
Key hypotheses:
● Sedimentary, oceanic and tectonic conditions have a major impact on gas hydrates, free
gas formation and migration.
● The distribution of shallow gas hydrates and strength of hydrocarbon leakage determines
the distribution and composition of chemosynthetic communities and mineral precipitates.
● Local, regional and global methane emission rates from the ocean have been underestimated due to incomplete knowledge of their lateral extent, their control mechanisms and
transport pathways to the ocean surface.
Project GB4: From element and energy fluxes to vent ecosystems
W. Bach, R. Amann, Dubilier, S. Kasemann, Koschinsky-Fritsche; A. Boetius, C. Borowski, B.
Brunner, S. Bühring, T. Ferdelman, K.U. Hinrichs, N. Jöns, A., M. Mußmann, T. Pichler, A.
Ramette, E. Reeves, V. Schlindwein, H. Schulz-Vogt
Linkages between the dynamics of geological processes and ecosystem response at critical spatial and temporal scales will be examined, and knowledge pertinent to constraining the limits of
life and planetary controls on evolution will be aquired.
Hydrothermal vents are areas of intense heat and geochemical fluxes, where life can benefit from
high energy availability but faces harsh conditions. Our research aims to examine the geospherebiosphere interactions in a range of representative geotectonic settings, including magmatically
robust and magma-starved mid-ocean ridges as well as island-arc volcanoes. We will determine
the release mechanisms and fluxes of geofuels at the seafloor and examine how microbial and
symbiotic ecosystems use this energy. The systems we intend to study cover a wide range of
pressures and temperatures and exhibit highly variable geofuel compositions, and some may
host novel biogeographic provinces inhabited by vent fauna previously unknown to science.
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Very slowly spreading mid-ocean ridges, such as the South West Indian Ridge or the Gakkel
Ridge in the Arctic Ocean, host abundant vents (Bach et al. 2002) in tectonically exhumed lithospheric mantle rock with scarce volcanism (Schlindwein et al. 2005). The nature of this rock type
results in extremely alkaline and H2-rich fluids. Both properties are considered vital for prebiotic
chemistry (Martin et al. 2008) and have been linked to unique seafloor ecosystems (e.g. Brazelton et al. 2006). Our research will advance the understanding of energy flow, from magmatictectonic-hydrothermal feedbacks during exhumation of mantle to the H2-driven formation of organic molecules and their ultimate degradation by free-living and symbiotic microorganisms (Petersen et al. 2011). We will specifically concentrate on exploring such hydrothermal vents in highlatitude seas. Another focus will be on contrasting systems of oceanic island arcs venting acidic
fluids. These fluids are very rich in metals and constitute a previously unrecognized source of
these elements to the oceans. Organic compounds in vent fluids may play a critical role in providing metabolic energy and influencing the distribution of metals by complexation (Sander and
Koschinsky 2011). CO2- and SO2-rich systems are unique in terms of their very low pH values
(Inagaki et al. 2006) and extremely high concentrations of vital (Fe, Cu, W, Mo) and potentially
harmful (As, Sb, Tl) elements (Reeves et al. 2011). Integration of Li and B isotope studies for
tracing sub-seafloor magmatic and hydrothermal processes will be a new approach. Determining
the source of these compounds and their effects on the biogeochemistry of vent ecosystems will
be a primary target of our studies, to better assess the role of vents and seeps in ocean element
budgets and biodiversity, in collaboration with GB3.
Key hypotheses:
● The large chemical diversity of hydrothermal vents from different geological settings such
as mid-ocean ridges and arc-related systems will directly affect the composition of the
vent biota.
● Those microbes that are able to use the most energetically favorable geofuel present at a
given hydrothermal vent will dominate the diversity and biomass of that vent community.
Cross-Cutting Project CCP3: The role of the deep sub-seafloor biosphere for the carbon
cycle and climate
M. Zabel, K.-U. Hinrichs, U. Röhl; T. Bickert, V. Heuer, J. Lipp, M. Schulz
The flux of dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) from deeply buried sediments back to the ocean will
be quantified and geochemical and climate models will be established to reveal potentially unrecognized feedback mechanisms.
There is now compelling evidence that microbially mediated diagenesis of organic matter extends
to great sub-seafloor depths (e.g. D’Hondt et al. 2002, 2004). Although metabolic rates in deeply
buried formations are substantially lower than in surface environments, the enormous size of the
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deep biosphere suggests that its potential impact on the cycles of C and other elements should
not be ignored.
Currently, the rate of production of DIC by the deep biosphere and the flux of DIC back into the
ocean are largely unconstrained. Likewise, it is unclear how the remineralization of buried organic
matter scales with its concentration and fluxes into the sub-seafloor, and how fluxes of carbon
and other elements from the sub-seafloor back to the ocean relate to the activity and size of the
deep biosphere. With this cross-cutting project between research areas GB and OC, we want to
test the hypothesis that the long-term return of DIC via the deep sub-seafloor microbial pump
significantly influences the carbon budget of the ocean and its isotopic composition on timescales
of 104-105 years. For example, the largely unrecognized feedback mechanism could be responsible for temporal offsets between variations of isotopic compositions of sedimentary carbonate
species and ice volume during different intervals of the Cenozoic (e.g. Holbourn et al. 2007). To
tackle the associated questions, we will utilize archived geochemical data indicative of organic
carbon turnover for constraining fluxes of carbon into the modern ocean. A new module describing sub-seafloor biosphere processes will be incorporated into an isotope-enabled model of the
geological carbon cycle, to quantify the impact of the sub-seafloor biosphere, and to investigate
its potential lead-lag relationship with climate changes.
Key hypothesis:
● The slow but pervasive organic matter turnover in sub-seafloor sediments significantly influences long-term variations in the oceanic reservoirs of carbon.
Innovations in methods and technologies
In support of our field-based deep-sea research, we will develop and deploy innovative marine
technology such as novel in-situ sensing technologies to be used with MeBo, benthic landers,
ROV/AUV systems, and satellites, some of which will enable us to observe temporal variations
(e.g. mud volcano observatories) (strong link to Z). Using new hybrid ROV/AUV systems developed by Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI) and MARUM for under-ice diving, in
combination with novel sensor systems and classical tools of hydrothermal vent research, we will
investigate the complex interplay between the tectonic, magmatic and hydrothermal processes
that control the accretion of new oceanic lithosphere at ultraslow spreading ridges, and that
shape the niches for chemosynthetic vent fauna and associated life. We will use modern molecular methods including genomics, proteomics, isotope labeling and subsequent single-cell analyses with nano-SIMS, as well as novel techniques to analyze polar lipids, low-molecular-weight
metabolites and dissolved organic matter to examine how the diversity and function of chemosynthetic organisms contribute to biogeochemical processes at cold seeps, tapping the dark energy
from the seafloor. Furthermore, we will continue the development of complex microcosm and incubation experiments to identify microbial pathways and to control parameters for specific reac-
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tions, as well as to determine the influence of changes in geochemical conditions on benthic processes.
Added value of the existing and proposed interdisciplinary cooperation
GB’s research theme is inherently interdisciplinary. Furthermore, the common research goal of
understanding element cycles, their key agents and their evolutionary history requires the development of innovative interdisciplinary technologies, methods and experiments. GB provides an
integrative research environment with strong links to OC by providing quantitative data on climate-relevant chemical fluxes, to SD by looking at highly dynamic geosystems with relevance to
intermediate to large-scale disturbances on the seafloor, and to Z through the joint development
and use of innovative marine technology. In addition, the proposed measure of four new crosscutting projects to which GB contributes will foster internal cooperation.
Position and impact of the Research Area within the wider research field, international visibility,
and important national and international partnerships
The PIs of GB are actively involved in numerous highly visible scientific programs and committees such as IODP, the NSF Center for Deep Biosphere Interactions – C-DEBI, the Sloan Foundation’s Deep Carbon Observatory, InterRidge (International organization for the promotion of
interdisciplinary research on oceanic spreading; Working Groups “Long Range Exploration” and
“Vent Ecology”), SCOR (Scientific Committee on Oceanic Research; Working Groups 134 “The
Microbial Carbon Pump in the Ocean” and 135 “Hydrothermal Energy and Ocean Carbon Cycles”), the 7th FP EU projects ECO2, HYPOX, Deep Sea & Sub-Seafloor Frontier, Hermione, Eurofleets, ESONET, SENSEnet, SYMBIOMICS, and ESF IMCOAST. Furthermore, a partnership
exits within the SFB754 “Climate-Biogeochemistry Interactions in the Tropical Ocean”. Two ERC
Grants have been earned, a Starting Grant to H. Schulz-Vogt, and the Advanced Grant DARCLIFE to K.-U. Hinrichs. The PIs regularly host workshops and sessions at international conferences such as EGU, AGU, ASM, ISME, and GRC, and list > 50 international experts from 17
countries as close collaborators.
Cooperative ventures, including the transfer of results from basic research to applied research
and application, commercial and/or social significance, include significant MARUM participation in
the two major projects, SUGAR (funded by BMBF and industry) and ECO2. The goal of both projects is to establish technologies for the exploration of methane hydrate and storage of CO2 as
gas hydrate. The latter will establish a framework of best environmental practices to guide the
management of offshore CO2 injection and storage and as addendum to the EU directive on “Geological Storage of CO2” for the marine realm.
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The top 30 references for results from the first funding phase of GB are italicized in the text and
are listed in appendix 4.3 only (* Refs. with MARUM contribution).
Arrigo KR Nature 437, 349 (2005)
Bach W et al. Geochemistry Geophysics Geosystems 3, (2002)
Beal EJ et al. Science 325, 184 (2009)
Boetius A et al. Nature 407, 623 (2000)
Brazelton WJ et al. Applied Environmental Microbiology 72, 6257 (2006)
D’Hondt S et al. Science 295, 2067 (2002)
D’Hondt S et al. Science 306, 2216 (2004)
Friedrich MW Curr. Opin. Biotechnol. 17, 59 (2006)
*Holbourn A et al. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 261, 534 (2007)
*Holmkvist L et al. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 75, 3581 (2011)
Hori T et al. International Society of Microbial Ecology Journal 4, 267 (2011)
Inagaki F et al. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 103, 13899 (2006)
Ingall ED Nature Geoscience 3, 521 (2010)
Jackson GA, Checkley DM Deep-Sea Research I 58, 283 (2011)
Jiang L-Q et al. Biogeochemistry 98, 101 (2010)
*Jørgensen BB, Boetius A Nature Reviews Microbiology 5, 770 (2007)
Martin W et al. Nature Reviews Microbiology 6, 805 (2008)
Niemann et al. Nature 443, 854 (2006)
*Nöthen K, Kasten S Marine Geology doi:10.1016/j.margeo.2011.06.008 (in press)
*Reeves EP et al. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 75, 1088 (2011)
Riedinger N et al. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 69, 4117 (2005)
*Sahling H et al. Geochemistry Geophysics Geosystems 9, (2008)
*Sander S, Koschinsky A Nature Geoscience 4, 145 (2011)
Schlindwein V et al. Geophysical Research Letters 32, L18306 (2005)
Solomon EA et al. Nature Geoscience 2, 561 (2009)
Westbrook GK et al. Geophysical Research Letters 36, L15608 (2009)
Whitman WB et al. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 95, 6578 (1998)
MARUM 2012-2017
Sediment Dynamics
Research Area SD: Sediment Dynamics
Leaders of the Research Area
Prof. Dr. Hebbeln, Dierk
Prof. Dr. Huhn, Katrin
MARUM – Zentrum für Marine Umweltwis- MARUM – Zentrum für Marine Umweltwissenschaften, Universität Bremen
senschaften, Universität Bremen
28334 Bremen
28334 Bremen
Phone: 0421-218-65650
Phone: 0421-218-65860
E-Mail: [email protected]
E-Mail: [email protected]
Prof. Dr. Kopf, Achim J.
Prof. Dr. von Dobeneck, Tilo
MARUM – Zentrum für Marine Umweltwis- Fachbereich Geowissenschaften
senschaften, Universität Bremen
Universität Bremen
28334 Bremen
28334 Bremen
Phone: 0421-218-65800
Phone: 0421-218-65310
E-Mail: [email protected]
E-Mail: [email protected]
Dr. Winter, Christian
MARUM – Zentrum für Marine Umweltwissenschaften, Universität Bremen
28359 Bremen
Phone: 0421-218-65656
E-Mail: [email protected]
The central focus of Research Area SD is to understand and evaluate the driving forces, processes and interconnections of sediment dynamics at the coasts, on shelves and on continental
slopes. By combining modern geoscientific methods, e.g. high-resolution hydro-acoustic mapping, short and long-term monitoring, and analysis of high-resolution sedimentary archives with
numerical modeling, we aim at a process-based understanding of ocean-margin sedimentary
systems, which are controlled by the predominant or joint influences of waves, tides and winddriven currents, as well as climate and sea-level changes, and finaly by tectonics and fluid flow.
These three fundamental categories of environmental forcing act at distinct spatial and temporal
scales, and change their expression with the ambient geological setting. Towards this goal the
Research Area SD will focus on three guiding questions: (i) What is the impact of small-scale
sediment dynamics on shelf-wide sediment distribution? (ii) How are large-scale sedimentary features controlled by climate? (iii) What controls rapid sedimentation events (e.g. landslides and
mud volcanoes)? Within a new condensed project-structure, Research Area SD will form larger
research teams, thus creating new synergies. The new structure will comprise three projects:
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Sediment Dynamics
SD1: Bridging scales: From small-scale morphological and sedimentological features to coastal
and shelf systems, SD2: Climatic control on large-scale sedimentary structures, and SD3: Rapid
sediment mobilization. These will be accompanied by three cross-cutting projects linking MARUM
research areas SD, OC and GB, in the form of CCP2: The impact of sea-level variations on shelfslope systems (see OC), CCP4: Mud volcanic episodicity, and CCP5: Organic-matter mineralization and nutrient turnover in permeable sandy sediments.
Program of the Research Area
The key element of Research
Area SD is to improve the understanding of sedimentary processes and their governing factors along the shelves and continental slopes. The approach is
holistic, process-based and aims
based on regional case studies.
It combines state-of-the-art geoscientific field and laboratory
methods with numerical modelFig. SD1: Proposed structure of Research Area SD.
ing. Among the many drivers of
dynamic sediment processes, we target (i) waves, tides and wind-driven currents on predominantly short timescales, (ii) climate and sea-level change on long timescales, and (iii) tectonics
and fluid flow at both rapid and long-term scales (Fig. SD1). These three fundamental categories
of environmental forcings, which act at distinct spatial and temporal scales, will be addressed by
three proposed projects. Based on five projects in the ongoing phase, we are aiming at an optimized and further integrated structure with larger research teams, thereby merging different disciplines and creating new synergies. SD also contributes to cross-cutting projects related to sealevel change (CCP2, with OC), mud volcanic activity (CCP4), and organic matter remineralization
and nutrient flow in sandy sediments (CCP5), which are both linked to Research Area GB.
Proposed projects in Research Area SD
 SD1: Bridging scales: From small-scale morphological and sedimentological features to
coastal and shelf systems will assess interrelations between small-scale coastal sediment
transport processes and their effect on the large-scale shelf sedimentology.
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 SD2: Climatic control on large-scale sedimentary structures will investigate large-scale depositional structures on continental shelves and slopes to quantify the climatic control on centennial-to-millennial timescales.
 SD3: Rapid sediment mobilization will study mechanics and trigger mechanisms of sudden,
sometimes hazardous events linked to sediment failure at continental slopes and sediment
expulsion in mud volcanoes.
 CCP4: Mud volcanic episodicity will focus on developing new technologies to quantify fluidflow processes exhibited by mud volcanoes and diapirs (with GB).
 CCP5: Organic-matter remineralization and nutrient turnover in permeable sandy sediments
will establish estimates of organic-matter turnover for the coastal ocean (with GB).
Achievements of the previous funding period
Ocean margins extend from the base of continental slopes to the adjacent coasts, forming a dynamic part of the world ocean. They are shaped by sediment transport, erosion, deposition and
consolidation, and modified by mass wasting. In the ongoing funding phase, Research Area SD
studies the development of ocean margins and the controlling mechanisms by assessing continuous, cyclic and episodic processes qualitatively and quantitatively at their respective temporal
and spatial scales focusing on two overarching questions: (i) How do climate and sea-level
changes control continental margin architecture?, (ii) Which natural and anthropogenic factors
drive short-term sediment movements ranging from bedform formation to mass wasting?
In 2009 the Research Area SD was established through the merger of two separate Research
Areas that dealt with sedimentation processes and with coastal dynamics, in order to address
these questions in an integrated manner from diverse perspectives. Aiming to create new synergies among the involved scientists, five new individual projects were set up at this time: SD1:
Formation and infill of buried Pleistocene tunnel valleys in the North Sea; SD2: External forcing
and self-organization of clastic shelf systems; SD3: Slope architecture and evolution of sedimentary regimes; SD4: Dynamics of the fluid-bed interface; SD5: Trigger and failure mechanisms of
gravitational mass movements. These activities were accompanied by MARUM Fellowships
granted to Dr. Michael Strasser (2008-2011) and Dr. Furu Mienis (2010-2012). Major achievements of SD research are highlighted in the following:
Bedform dynamics and suspended sediment transport
Processes at the fluid-bed interface have been investigated, particularly the hydrodynamic drivers
of bed instability and time and length scales of pattern formation in suspended sediments, applying a deterministic, process-based approach that combines detailed field studies with numerical
models. Based on repeated high-resolution hydro-acoustic surveys of tidal channels in the Danish and German Wadden Sea, the dynamics and hydraulic effects of asymmetric subaqueous
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compound bedforms in
alternating currents have
been analyzed, including
their tidal variations and
impacts of human activity
(Ernstsen et al. 2011).
Following up on these
field studies, models of
bedform hydrodynamics
have been developed.
Approaches range from
empirical models linking
subaqueous dune migration with the effective
Fig. SD2: Top: 3D non-hydrostatic high-resolution simulation of the flow
structure induced by large compound bedforms in tidal currents. The model
resolution is 0.2 m in the vertical and 0.5 m in the horizontal, thus enabling
a detailed picture of the flow separation on the lee side of the bedforms in
the instantaneous currents. Bottom: The temporal integration of the velocities over one tidal cycle reveals residual circulation patterns that are assumed to induce and contribute to the development of the large bedforms.
stress (Bartholdy et al.
2010), to high-resolution
process-oriented simulations (Fig. SD2). Common methods and evaluation schemes for a criti-
cal assessment of numerical models for the simulation of coastal sediment dynamics are discussed in Winter (2007), addressing also the significance of statistical parameters and their limitations considering time lags in tidal simulations.
The transport of suspended sediment in a back-barrier system on the German North Sea coast
was investigated at seasonal, tidal and hourly timescales. The long-term results revealed a balanced budget during low-energy (fair weather) conditions. In contrast, during a major storm
event, an export of suspended matter towards the North Sea was observed, highlighting the significance of extreme events in near-coastal sediment transport budgets (Bartholomä et al. 2009).
To assess the impact of storm surges by process-based morphodynamic numerical modeling,
Winter et al. (2009) proposed a dynamic data-downscaling approach to link global meteorological
information to small-scale hydrodynamic models.
Shelf architecture and the development of mud depocenters
The formation and lateral shifting of shelf sediment deposits on continental shelf systems have
been investigated on three modern non-glaciated clastic shelves off NW Iberia and NW Africa
(Mauritania and Senegal). The response of the NW Iberian margin to the last deglacial sea-level
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rise provides a case study on the sedimentary evolution of a high-energy,
low-accumulation shelf system. The
spatial and temporal distribution of
distinct facies types on the NW Iberian
shelf was essentially controlled by the
local interplay of sediment supply,
shelf morphology, and strength of the
hydrodynamic system (Lantzsch et al.
2010; Fig. SD3). A typical feature for
such shelf systems is a pronounced
mid-shelf mud belt that has developed
off NW Iberia since 5 cal. ka BP. By
linking the shelf with the slope sedimentary system (mainly through a series of channels), sediments pass
through the “marginal filter”, leading to
distinct sorting, distribution and deposition patterns in shallow and deep
waters. This “filter” was assessed by
tracking the production, distribution,
and deposition of multiple sources of
Fig. SD3: Development of the mud belt on the NW Iberian
shelf. Initial onset of this depocenter was around a local nucleus at 5 cal. ka BP and fully detached from its main sediment source in the south. Further stepwise expansion led to
the formation of an elongated mud body parallel to the coast.
(Schmidt et al. 2010).
The Mauritania shelf off NW Africa is presently characterized by the interplay of high, upwellingrelated carbonate production, an intensive input of Saharan dust and strong ocean currents, resulting in contrasting facies provinces resulting from the dominance of sediment redistribution
processes (Michel et al. 2009). In contrast to earlier expectations, this hyper-arid system is not
almost-starving, but hosts successions of thick late Pleistocene units illustrating the interplay of
long-term, massive dust load with sea-level fluctuations. However, regarding the overall architecture of the Mauritania shelf, sea level was the main factor promoting or suppressing deposition in
terms of (i) creating local erosional swales; (ii) determining the type of sedimentary facies refilling
these depressions; (iii) interacting with seafloor morphology, and thus controlling the timing of
initiation and growth geometry of mud wedges (Hanebuth and Lantzsch, 2008). The shelf off
Senegal also has a well-developed mud belt. There, the development of the mud belt is closely
related to climate-controlled fluvial sediment input delivered by the Senegal River (Nizou et al.
2010). Whereas the early Holocene deceleration in the rate of sea-level rise could have enabled
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initial mud deposition on the shelf, its further development was favored by the high river discharge associated with the African humid period.
Climate control on continental slope sedimentation
A direct link between changing onshore precipitation, with its accompanying modes of sediment
erosion and sediment transport, and offshore sedimentation has been quantified for the Chilean
continental margin and the nearby Andean mountain range (Hebbeln et al. 2007). Compared to
the Holocene, sediment supply to the margin and thus onshore erosion were substantially enhanced during the last glacial, when continental rainfall in the region was higher. Interestingly,
major changes in precipitation forcing in the southern Andes on such glacial-interglacial timescales appear to be transferred to offshore sedimentation rates by a fixed relationship.
Comparative studies of sediment cores from canyon systems off Mauritania (Henrich et al. 2010)
and off Senegal (Pierau et al. 2010) indicate that turbidity currents attained highest frequencies
and largest volumes during glacial sea-level lowstands. Turbidite frequency remained high in
both areas during deglacial sea-level rise, but decreased considerably with the shift into more
humid Holocene climates. During the past 5000 years increased dust supply onto the shelf appears to occur almost contemporaneously with periods of turbidite events in the Timiris Canyon
off Mauritania. Hence, over-pressuring caused by the rapid accumulation of thick dust layers
could be suspected as a potential trigger of turbidity currents (Hanebuth and Henrich, 2009).
In addition to predominantly sedimentological and seismic studies, numerical modeling has also
been applied to the study of sediment transport processes in relation to changing environmental
settings. Using a model geometry mimicking the upwelling region offshore from Walvis Bay, Namibia, reveals that major sea-level changes can cause a shift of the upwelling front in a crossshelf direction, and of sediment depocenters along the slope (Huhn et al. 2007).
A new research focus of Research Area SD is the Uruguayan/Argentinean shelf and slope system, which was visited in 2009 to investigate cross-shelf, along-slope and down-slope sedimenttransport processes from the coast to the deep sea by means of hydroacoustic and seismic mapping, as well as coring with conventional tools and the new MARUM seafloor drill rig (MeBo). The
initial results indicate that seaward sediment transport is largely channeled through the prominent
Mar del Plata Canyon and smaller canyons that interact with along-slope contour currents. Canyons originate at a midslope position, and the absence of buried upslope extensions strongly
suggests upslope erosion as major process for canyon evolution (Krastel et al. 2011).
Factors controlling submarine mass movements
Over the past several years, numerous cruises and international expeditions co-led by MARUM
researchers have been carried out to investigate the causes and consequences of submarine
mass movements along passive and active continental margins. Long-term experiments carried
out to monitor in-situ conditions governing slope stability off Nice, southern France, indicate that
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slope stability along the Ligurian margin is controlled by lateral freshwater flux (Kopf et al. 2010),
seismicity, sedimentary loading, human activity and embedded weak clay phases. The hydrologic
conditions in coastal aquifers apparently govern pore-pressure transients and thus slope stability.
Many of these results were funneled into an IODP proposal (748-full2).
Mineralogical composition and pore-fluid pressure are crucial controls for mechanical stability in
water-saturated sediments. In-situ measurements of these properties were made in earthquaketriggered deposits characterized by two lithological units: slightly underconsolidated silty clays
overlying overconsolidated fine-grained deposits with coarser components. In the event of an
earthquake, hydrofracturing in the overconsolidated section facilitates an upward pore-pressure
pulse to the base of the softer, less stable unit. Here, excess pore pressure initiates sliding along
a failure plane at the lithological boundary, causing the entire upper sedimentary section to slip
downslope (Stegmann et al. 2007). Probably many submarine landslides at active and passive
continental margins follow this mechanism of pore-pressure-induced failure.
Furthermore, the role of tectonic margin evolution on recurring slope-failure as well as on the type
and magnitude of landsliding has been documented for active margins such as the Cretan Sea
(Strozyk et al. 2010) or the Nankai Trough (Strasser et al. 2009). These studies suggest that, although earthquake shaking is a likely ultimate trigger mechanism, other factors such as sediment
physical properties, tectonic slope oversteepening and hydrologic subsurface conditions are relevant in preconditioning slopes for failure (Strozyk et al. 2010). In combining seismic reflection data from the Nankai margin with geological data collected by IODP, Strasser et al. (2009) found
that a splay fault cutting an accretionary wedge was affected by recurring phases of activity that
were initiated ~1.95 million years ago. Alternating periods of high and low activity along the splay
fault hint at episodic changes in the mechanical stability of accretionary prisms.
Mass wasting is a common process along the continental margin of NW Africa. Located on the
high-upwelling regime off the Mauritanian coastline, the Mauritania Slide Complex (MSC) is one
of the largest events known on the Atlantic margin with an affected area of 30,000 km2. On seismic data images, stacked slide deposits separated by undisturbed stratified sediments indicate
that undisturbed sediment accumulation was interrupted by several phases of slope failure (Henrich et al. 2008). Geotechnical measurements and strain analyses were conducted on detached
slide deposits of the MSC separated by undisturbed hemipelagic sediments (Förster et al. 2010).
While the hemipelagites are characterized by normal consolidation with a downward increase in
bulk density and shear strength, the slide deposits of the uppermost debris flow event exhibit
constant bulk density values. These data point to at least two different source areas with a sequential failure mechanism as the origin for the different mass wasting events.
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Factors controlling shear strength in marine sediments
Reviewing the relationship between undrained shear strength and porosity with increasing depth
in the upper 50 m of marine sediments reveals that only about half of the investigated sites exhibit the expected downhole increase in strength (59%) and associated decrease in porosity (49%)
(Bartezko and Kopf, 2007). Moreover, a significant correlation coefficient for both strength and
porosity with depth is found at only 31% of the sites. Fine-grained siliciclastic sediments in delta
deposits and along the Atlantic passive continental margins meet the expectations. In contrast,
fine-grained carbonates, reef-facies carbonates and extensional arc sediments often show a significant correlation only for one property, either shear strength or porosity.
High organic content and low consolidation levels in estuarine and harbor sediments result in unpredictable geotechnical properties (e.g. shear strength) in the border zone of viscous to plastic
soil behavior where no established soil models are available. Using an analog laboratory consolidation model with shear-strength evolution as a function of shear rate, consolidation stress and
water and gas content were formulated for the first time (Schlue et al. 2011).
Because numerous shear tests have indicated that the composition and texture of sediments are
crucial for shear and frictional strength, a numerical shear box using the discrete element method
was used to simulate particle interactions on a micro-scale level during shearing (Kock and Huhn,
2007). Based on the granular model approach, detailed information about slip localization and
rates, forces at particle contacts, and particle rotation can be quantified as function of particle
shape, stress conditions, and shear rate. Furthermore, numerical experiments reveal the key role
of grain shape and sediment texture on the frictional strength of sediments.
The Nankai margin has been the focus of many multi-methodological surveys, including half a
dozen scientific deep-sea drilling expeditions. However, for the first time a basement temperature
of up to~ 110 ºC, probably affecting the consolidation state of the sediments, has been considered (Hüpers and Kopf, 2009). Based on a series of heated uniaxial consolidation experiments, a
positive correlation between temperature and pore-space reduction was found, suggesting that
temperature has an influence on the consolidation state of underthrust sediments in Nankai.
Technological and methodological advances
 NIMROD is a new tool for rapid geotechnical characterization of surface sediments allowing
deployment from from boats of various sizes (even as small as a kayak) (Stark et al. 2009).
 MARUM dynamic triaxial device is used for advanced dynamic soil testing (Kreiter et al. 2010).
 NERIDIS III is a new electromagnetic multi-sensor benthic profiler for shelf sediment (0-50 cm)
characterization, measuring magnetic, electric and hydrological properties (Müller et al. 2010).
 GOST is a new offshore cone penetration test tool to be deployed at the seafloor allowing numerous measurements as far down as 15 m below the seabed in short time.
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 Innovative laboratory seepage experiments explain the longevity of seep sites, the formation
of fluid flow-related structures and offer new insights to fluid mechanics (Mörz et al. 2007).
Proposed measures
Research Area SD will continue its multidisciplinary approach combining seismo-acoustic mapping, short- and long-term monitoring, analyses of high-resolution sedimentary archives, and numerical modeling of sediment properties and transport processes. Common to all SD studies is a
significant expansion of numerical modeling activities, which will improve the process-based understanding and enhances the quantification and predictability of ocean margin sediment dynamics. The proposed research is organized in cooperative projects SD1, SD2, and SD3 and crosscutting projects CCP4 and CCP5 between research areas SD and GB. SD scientists will further
contribute to CCP2 by addressing questions related to sedimentation and sea-level change.
Project SD1: Bridging scales: From small-scale morphological and sedimentological features to coastal and shelf systems
C. Winter, T. v. Dobeneck, A. Bartholomä; V. Ernstsen, T. Hanebuth, K. Huhn, A. Kopf
Interrelations between small-scale coastal sediment-transport processes and their effect on the
large-scale shelf sedimentology will be assessed using a combined methodological approach of
detailed in-situ observations and spatio-temporal inter- and extrapolation of physical processes
by numerical models.
Sediment transport pathways from estuaries and coasts to the shelf seas are governed by various physical and biogeochemical processes across wide ranges of spatial and temporal scales.
This project aims towards a process-based understanding of the sediment dynamics and morphodynamics of coastal and shelf systems based on physical and biogeochemical principles. Existing transport concepts and parameterizations of particle dynamics at micro-scales (Kostaschuk
and Villard, 2009) to bedform dynamics (Van Oyen et al. 2010) and depocenters at kilometer
scales shall be tested and enhanced. High-resolution surveys with innovative in-situ technologies
including multi-sensor benthic profilers, landers, specialized camera systems, penetrometers,
and ship-based optical and hydro-acoustic measurements will enable the determination of sediment physical properties and processes under natural conditions. Effects of steady, seasonal and
episodic forcing mechanisms will be isolated based on monitoring installations at selected sites in
cooperation with national and international partners. Process-based numerical models will be applied to interpolate and extrapolate field data and to simulate interrelations between processes
across greatly different scales.
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Key hypotheses:
 The formation of patterns in bed morphology, and in the bed and suspended sediments in tidal
environments, is controlled by the interplay between sediment characteristics and coherent
hydrodynamic structures, which are superimposed on the harmonic tidal forcing.
Patterns in morphology and suspended-matter dynamics form and act at different temporal and
spatial scales, respectively: e.g. compound bedforms, which are ubiquitous rhythmic bed features
that develop in sandy shallow and deep-water environments (Ernstsen et al. 2005). Likewise, fine
particles are suspended and transported into the water column, where they aggregate and group
as seen by distinct turbidity oscillations. Under low-energy conditions they settle in depositional
areas, which range from small domains like the troughs of bedforms to large mud deposits on the
shelf. The interaction between initiation and replication of rhythmic patterns and the forced or free
behavior of sedimentary elements, still commonly treated separately, will be investigated by insitu measurements and experimental numerical model investigations.
 The morphodynamics of small-scale features (e.g. tidal bedforms) affect the evolution of largescale coastal systems, which in turn act as controlling boundary conditions on the development of smaller system entities.
This hypothesis will be tested by studying examples of the interactions between morphodynamic
scales, which range from the effect of sediment properties on initial ripple stages to the superimposition of bedforms of varying size, and to the dynamics of coastal and shelf systems. Crossscale effects like adaptation time and length scales of sedimentary features under varying forcing
shall be quantified and expressed in process-based models.
 Natural and anthropogenic signatures in sedimentary units of coastal and shelf systems can
be deciphered by relating their geometry and sedimentology to coherent forcing hydrodynamics and sedimentological boundary conditions.
Sedimentary units from coastal bedforms to mid-shelf mud depocenters attain dynamic equilibria
depending on the availability of sediments and the hydrodynamic forcing. The effects of changes
in boundary conditions on different environments will be studied: Large-scale surveys of the transition zones and dating of mud depocenter margins aim to assess seasonal changes and anthropogenic influences. At smaller scales, the effects of tidal and extreme conditions on the geometry
and internal structure of bedforms and on suspended matter dynamics will be quantified.
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Project SD2: Climatic control on large-scale sedimentary structures
T. Schwenk, T. Hanebuth, T. Mörz, D. Hebbeln, R. Henrich; A. Bartholomä, M. Elvert,
A. Freiwald, S. Kasten, H. Keil, H. Lantzsch, H. Müller, M. Strasser, V. Spieß, T. v. Dobeneck
Depositional structures on continental shelves and slopes will be investigated in the field and assessed by numerical modeling to quantify the climatic control (sea level, material availability,
ocean circulation) on shelf and slope sediment dynamics on centennial-to-millennial timescales.
The sedimentary systems of continental shelves and slopes host various large-scale depositional
and erosional features whose formation processes are controlled by sediment flux, hydrodynamic
conditions, sea level, and local topography (Nittrouer et al. 2007). All of these parameters commonly interact with each other in a complex way and react strongly to climatic conditions. The
effect of climatic forcing on locally confined depocenters (shelf mud belts, shelf sand fields,
lowstand deltas, slope contourites), elongated depressions (paleo-valleys, slope canyons), and
characteristic erosional features (furrows, scars) will be studied by interdisciplinary approaches.
Major advances supporting such studies are provided through the MeBo system, which has already been successfully applied for SD studies at the Uruguay margin, and by the newly developed GOST system providing in-situ geotechnical data.
Key hypotheses:
 Major transgressions cause significant reorganization of the entire shelf system that is best
recorded in shelf-crossing paleo-valleys.
Our understanding of paleo- and modern sediment dynamics related to transgressive scenarios
is limited due to the often discontinuous nature of open-shelf sedimentary records. Paleo-valleys
formed during sea-level lowstands offer a great preservation potential for early transgressional
sedimentary sequences (Green, 2009). Using seismic, sedimentological, geotechnical and numerical modeling approaches, transgressional sedimentary sequences will be investigated following in the wake of the last deglacial sea-level rise (Vink et al. 2007). Understanding the development of shelf (re-)organization during transgressions is also of societal relevance. Regions of interest are the Elbe/Weser paleo-valley and its tributaries in the central North Sea, and the continental shelf off Uruguay.
 Deciphering the formation history of shelf depositional and erosional elements is essential to
properly interpreting their sensitive records of environmental variability.
Locally confined sediment depocenters and erosional features in shelf systems reflect the variability of hydrodynamic and climatic conditions (Hanebuth et al. 2011). Evolution of these elements
will be assessed by high-resolution seismo-acoustic mapping and ground-truthing (sedimentology, geochemistry) combined with numerical sediment-transport modeling. Dislocation of such
depocenters (by sediment supply, current-topography interaction, relocation of transport pathways, sea level) leads to a reorganization of the entire shelf system including sedimentary links
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from shelf to slope. We will calculate volumes and masses of sediment depocenter successions
and integrate them into a shelf-wide, LGM-to-present numerical sediment-distribution model to
unravel the dominant environmental forces and to extract responses within the shelf-slope system in a prognostic way. Regions of interest are the shelves off SE South America, NW Spain
and the SE North Sea.
 Climate change controls the complex build-up of contouritic depositional systems by the interaction of different forces (e.g. sea level, ocean circulation, sediment input from land, etc.).
Contouritic depositional systems are generated by long-lasting contour-parallel currents whose
strengths and boundaries are forced by variations in climate and sea level. Their architecture is
also controlled by the interaction of ocean currents with local factors such as sediment supply
and bottom topography, and by events such as abyssal storms (Rebesco and Camerlenghi,
2008). The relative impacts of these forces on depositional geometries will be assessed. Additionally, processes triggering the sediment instability frequently observed within contouritic deposits will be investigated. Focusing on the current-dominated slope off Argentina/Uruguay,
seismo-acoustic, sedimentological, geochemical, geotechnical and transport/depositional modeling approaches will be used to decipher the relevant long- and short-term processes.
 Sediment dynamics within submarine canyons are governed by climate-controlled down-slope
transport processes and the interaction of along-slope transport and seafloor morphology.
Canyon systems operate either as primary conduits for sediments from the continental margin to
the deep sea or as major sediment sinks. Sea-level changes control the sediment delivery by
changing the shelf configuration and by influencing the dynamics of bottom currents, and therefore their interaction with the canyon topography (Henrich et al. 2009). The type and volume of
material available and the sediment transport mode are linked to the climatic regime. In particular,
variations in the frequency and volume of turbidite successions will be explored in the context of
regional paleoceanographic (contour-currents) and paleoclimatic changes. We will apply geophysical, geotechnical, sedimentological (MeBo drilling) and geochemical methods to the study of
canyon systems off SE South America and NW Africa.
Project SD3: Rapid sediment mobilization
A.J. Kopf, K. Huhn, C. Spiegel; T. Feseker, S. Kasemann, M. Kölling, T. Mörz, M. Strasser
Sudden, sometimes hazardous events linked to sediment failure at continental slopes and sediment expulsion in mud volcanoes mainly controlled by fluid dynamics and sediment properties
will be explored to assess sedimentary preconditions for failure and trigger mechanisms.
Among the wealth of sedimentary processes, the rapid, highly dynamic end of the spectrum includes two phenomena of particular importance for researchers because of their societal relevance and, oftentimes, because of their catastrophic nature and consequences: Submarine slope
failure and mud volcanism. Both processes are known to be potentially associated with lateral
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fluid flow (Sultan et al. 2004), fluid upward migration, weak clay-rich strata (Harders et al. 2010;
Locat and Lee, 2002), rapid sedimentation, seismic triggering events (Strasser et al. 2011), and
tectonic forcing. In this project we want to apply a multidisciplinary approach, initially combining
geophysical and sedimentological data and later using primarily geotechnical and numerical experiments to identify and quantify the impacts of steady, seasonal and episodic forcing mechanisms. Key target research areas are the Mediterranean Sea (Ligurian Margin; Gela Basin, Cretan Margin) and ocean margins off Uruguay, Norway, and Japan employing MARUM technologies, e.g. MeBo, ROV, and the proposed MeBo-CORK technology (see below).
Key hypotheses:
 Both the mineralogical composition (i.e. high clay content) and consolidation state of continental margin deposits control the location and mechanics of failure.
The role of distinctive textures and frictional strength on slope stability and failure mechanisms
will be studied on a micro- (i.e. particle) level. This will employ a combined approach of in-situ
tests, geotechnical laboratory experiments, and numerical modeling focusing on the role of layering and failure surface roughness on deformation styles. Because the physical properties of slope
sediments control both initial failure and the transport mechanisms of mass-wasting events, we
will quantify crucial physical properties, such as peak strength, friction coefficient, cohesion, consolidation state and permeability of slope sediments at the pre- and post-failure stages. Light will
be shed on failure plane geometry, transport length and mechanism, etc., by utilizing a largescale numerical model simulating a generic, continuously steepened slope that will be compared
to observations in nature.
 Multi-parameter long-term observations are the only means for reliably identifying and distinguishing between the short-term triggers of landslides in areas where multiple drivers for slope
failure prevail.
The stability of marine sediments at ocean margins is a function of the intrinsic strength of the
material and the forces counteracting this strength, most prominently pore pressure. This relationship, known as the effective stress (Hubbert and Rubey, 1959), is a crucial aspect in slope
stability, since pore pressures may equal the overburden stress, exceed lithostatic values, and
hence cause liquefaction (in coarse-grained sediment) or softening (in fine-grained material) by
destroying the particle network. Both non-destructive soft-sediment deformation (creeping,
slumping, liquefaction) and brittle failure (faulting, hydrofracture) are important processes in mass
wasting along continental slopes, and both occur over long timescales (cf. Locat and Lee, 2002).
Other factors, such as groundwater intrusion, seismic shaking, or rapid sediment accumulation
may also act as triggers (Stegmann et al. 2011). The diversity of such processes will be unambiguously identified using in-situ measurements of strain, fluid flow, electrical conductivity, seismicity or turbidity.
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 The driving mechanisms of fluid-flow in deep-seated mud volcanoes and diapirs are similar to
those triggering slope failure, i.e., pore pressure transients from geoprocesses.
Like submarine landslides, mud volcanic eruptions are instantaneous, rapid and externally driven.
Submarine mud domes may cause the formation or destruction of small islands, harm ecosystems, or (in case of diatremes and pockmarks) release of large amounts of free gas into the water column (e.g. Dimitrov, 2002; Kopf, 2002). At the same time, the material extruding at the surface provides a “window into depth”, and reveals information that is otherwise inaccessible to direct sampling because it originates several kilometers below the seafloor. We will use sedimentological and petrophysical as well as geotechnical techniques to assess the depth of origin of the
solid-phase mud volcano products to reconstruct the driving mechanisms and evolution (Fig.
SD4). Via CCP5 (see below) this work will be linked to Research Area GB where porewater and
gas chemistry will be analyzed, and gas flux quantified.
Fig. SD4: Example of a mud volcano on the Mediterranean Ridge accretionary complex, including potential
sources for fluids ([1] fluid expulsion from compaction, [2] biogenic methane, [3] fluid migration along faults,
[4] mineral dehydration reactions, [5] thermogenic methane and higher hydrocarbons). The episodic nature
and driving mechanisms of such features will be studied in detail in SD3 and CCP4 (Kopf, 2002, 2008).
Cross-Cutting Project CCP4: Mud volcanic episodity
T. Feseker, A.J. Kopf; A. Boetius, G. Bohrmann, T. Freudenthal, M. Kölling, V. Ratmeyer
Fluids, gases and mud expelled by fluid-flow controlled mud volcanoes, carrying signatures from
up to several kilometers below the seafloor, will be investigated to assess the depth of origin of
the solid phase to reconstruct episodicity, driving mechanisms, and mud-volcano evolution.
Mud volcanism is one of the most dynamic sedimentary processes on Earth, widely known on
active margins, recognized as windows into the deep biosphere and as sources of methane in
the ocean, and fuelling fascinating microbial life and chemosynthetic ecosystems at the seafloor
(Kopf, 2008). In Research Area GB processes linked to gas hydrates and methane seepage have
been investigated on mud volcanoes for biogeochemistry and distribution of chemosynthetic life.
Given the episodic nature of activity, we now want study mud volcanic products (gas, water and
sediments) with dedicated long-term observatories and multiple joint SD-GB cruises into key areas, employing MARUM technologies.
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Key hypotheses:
 Episodicity of mud extrusions is governed by tectonics and microbial processes, and in turn
drives microbial activity and ecosystems.
The main objective of the proposed cross-cutting theme is to investigate the interactions of geological, physical, chemical, and biological processes at mud volcanoes by observing ongoing
changes and reconstructing past evolution in order to improve estimates of gaseous and dissolved methane emission with time, and to better understand the role of mud volcanoes as geohazards. The investigations will be based on repeated mapping by AUV and side-scan sonar, insitu measurements of temperature and chemical parameters, and microbiological sampling along
with long-term acoustic and video observations. From these data, we aim to identify changes in
mud volcano activity and the morphology of mudflow generations, and to understand the associated succession of methanotrophs and chemosynthetic communities over time.
 Transient changes in physical properties (low strength, high fluid content, low density) affect
the mode of eruption, mud emplacement/flow, and long-term dynamics of a mud volcano.
Techniques such as dating of mud-flow events in cores using modeling of porewater chemistry,
isotope geochemistry, or petrophysical proxies and assessing the fate of deep biosphere communities reaching the seafloor with ascending mud will be used. We will identify triggers of mud
volcano eruptions by linking changes in pressure and temperature with geological transients (e.g.
long-term incubation of sensors at a borehole observatory, MeBo-CORK, that will be funded
through other sources), studying compression and flow behavior of gaseous sediments, and investigating the role of temperature and fluid flow in hydrate destabilization.
Cross-Cutting Project CCP5: The role of seabed morphology and sediment mobility in organic matter remineralization and nutrient turnover in permeable sandy sediments
M. Holtappels, C. Winter; A. Bartholomä, D. de Beer, V. Ernstsen, T. Goldhammer, M. Kuypers,
F. Wenzhöfer
Knowledge of small-scale morphodynamics and biogeochemistry in sandy sediments will be
combined to establish estimates of organic-matter turnover for the coastal ocean.
Porewater flow in sandy sediments is a function of sediment permeability, bottom-water currents
and seabed morphology (Huettel et al. 1996). Porewater flow accelerates the mass transport into
sandy sediment causing strongly increased rates of organic matter (OM) remineralization (de
Beer et al. 2005) and denitrification (Rao et al. 2007). Although ~60% of the highly productive
shelf areas are covered by permeable sediments (Emery, 1968), OM remineralization and denitrification rates in these sediments are poorly constrained and are probably strongly underestimated. This SD-GB project will investigate interactions between physical sediment properties, hydroand morphodynamics and rates of benthic OM remineralization and denitrification in coastal areas.
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Key hypotheses:
 Different seabed morphologies (from small ripples to large dunes) and morphodynamic timescales (from steady-state to highly dynamic) significantly affect OM and nutrient turnover in
permeable sediments.
Current and turbulence measurements in combination with high-resolution bathymetric mapping
of the seafloor morphology will be applied to quantify the amount of redistributed sediment
(Ernstsen et al. 2005) and the pressure field that drives porewater flow. Benthic oxygen uptake
and denitrification rates will be determined using in-situ approaches (Berg et al. 2003; Holtappels
et al. 2011) and experimental approaches (de Beer et al. 2005) applicable to permeable sediments. Measurements will be used to parameterize and improve existing numerical models of
hydro- and morphodynamics, porewater transport and biogeochemical reactions.
 Physical sediment properties, morphologies and hydrodynamic settings correlate with specific
OM and nutrient turnover rates. Local rates can be extrapolated to establish a budget for the
German Bight/North Sea.
By combining the findings of measurements and models with existing databases on the spatial
distribution of sediment properties, bathymetry, and hydrography, we aim to extrapolate OM and
nutrient turnover from case studies to the larger scale (German Bight).
Added value of the existing and proposed interdisciplinary cooperation
Interdisciplinary approaches in terms of methodology and scientific analysis form the basis for
ongoing and future SD research projects. Researchers trained in geosciences, engineering, and
other natural sciences work together towards a fundamental cross-disciplinary understanding of
various sediment transport processes. SD scientists will follow a multidisciplinary approach, integrating field studies and increasingly applying various numerical modeling techniques. In collaboration with MARUM technologies (Z2) new long-term observatory systems will be developed, e.g.
to gain a process-based understanding of seafloor instabilities (MeBo-CORK systems) and benthic boundary layer dynamics (lander systems). The interplay between (bio)geochemistry and
sediment dynamics involving research areas SD and GB is given special focus with two CCPs.
Position and impact of the Research Area within the wider research field, international visibility
The integrated approach of SD has been recognized by the national and international scientific
communities, leading to involvement in international programs and projects, in part with leadership roles by SD scientists. These include, e.g. EU Deep Sea & Sub-Seafloor Frontier Initiative,
UNESCO IGCP511 “Submarine mass movements and their consequences”, ESONET, INTERCOAST and COSYNA (see below). SD scientists have also contributed to the international exchange of scientific ideas by convening numerous sessions at large international conferences
and organizing targeted scientific workshops, including “Sediment Dynamics in the SW Atlantic”
in Bremen (2011), “Submarine mass movements off Sicily” in Bremen (2011), “Quaternary valley
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structures in the German North Sea” in Bremen (2011), and the Kyoto conference (2011) of the
UNESCO ICPG511 “Submarine mass movements and their consequences”. They also serve on
IODP panels and as chairs/coordinators of international projects such as UNESCO IGPC585 or
EU Deep Sea & Sub-Seafloor Frontier Initiative. The Research Area’s visibility was also enhanced through the appointment of MARUM fellow Dr. M. Strasser as Professor for Sediment
Dynamics at ETH Zürich and by a Heisenberg Fellowship granted to PD Dr. T. Hanebuth.
Important national and international partnerships
Partnerships exist through collaborative projects: Deep Sea & Sub-Seafloor Frontier (Coordination Support Action under the 7th Framework Program of the EU), ESONET and HERMIONE (Integrated Projects under the 7th Framework Program of the European Commission), COSYNA &
WIMO (BMBF-funded coastal observing system & State of Lower Saxony-funded development of
related monitoring concepts), INTERCOAST (DFG-funded Research Training Network), AufMod
(BMBF-funded project on coastal morphodynamics), GPDN (BMBF-funded project on geological
inventory of the North Sea), ESF EUROCORES – EuroMARC Project CARBONATE, and IODP.
Cooperative efforts with industry include RWE, ENOVA, EON, and ANCAP.
The top 30 references for results from the first funding phase of SD are italicized in the text and
are listed in appendix 4.3 only (* Refs. with MARUM contribution).
Berg P et al. Marine Ecology-Progress Series 261, 75 (2003)
*de Beer D et al. Limnology and Oceanography 50, 113 (2005)
Dimitrov LI, Earth-Science Reviews 59, 49 (2002)
Emery KO, AAPG Bulletin 52, 445 (1968)
*Ernstsen VB et al. Journal of Geophysical Research 110, F04S08, (2005)
Green AN, Marine Geology 263, 46 (2009)
* Hanebuth TJJ et al. Earth-Science Reviews 104, 92 (2011)
Harders R et al. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 11, Q05S23 (2010)
*Henrich R et al. Advances in Natural and Technological Hazards Research 28, 447 (2009)
*Holtappels M et al. Limnology and Oceanography: Methods 9, 1 (2011)
Hubbert MK, Rubey WW, Geological Society of American Bulletin 70, 115 (1959)
Huettel M et al. Limnoolgy and Oceanography 41, 309 (1996)
*Kopf AJ, Reviews of Geophysics 40, 52 (2002)
*Kopf AJ, Nature Geoscience, 1, 500 (2008)
Kostaschuk R, Villard P, Fluvial Sedimentology VI, DOI: 10.1002/9781444304213.ch1 (2009)
Locat J, Lee HJ, Canadian Geotechnical Journal 39, 193 (2002)
Nittrouer CA et al. IAS Special Publication 37, 549 (2007)
Rao AMF et al. Continental Shelf Research 27, 1801 (2007)
MARUM 2012-2017
Sediment Dynamics
Rebesco M, Camerlenghi A, Sedimentology 60, 688 (2008)
*Stegmann S et al. Marine Geology 280, 168 (2011)
*Strasser M et al. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems 12, Q0AD13 (2011)
Sultan N et al. Marine Geology 213, 291 (2004)
Van Oyen T et al. Geophysical Research Letters 37, L18401 (2010)
Vink A et al. Quaternary Science Reviews 26, 3249 (2007)
MARUM 2012-2017
GS: Bremen International Graduate School for Marine Sciences – GLOMAR
Graduate Dean
Prof. Dr. Dierk Hebbeln
MARUM – Zentrum für Marine Umweltwissenschaften, Universität Bremen
28334 Bremen
Phone: 0421-218-65650
E-Mail: [email protected]
The Bremen International Graduate School for Marine Sciences (GLOMAR) encompases natural
sciences as well as social and legal sciences. GLOMAR has been funded independently of
MARUM since 1 November, 2006 during the first phase of the excellence initiative. With respect
to a substantial thematic overlap and similar graduate-training concepts, GLOMAR will be integrated into MARUM with this proposal. Building on the successful interdisciplinary cooperation
already developed in the Graduate School, GLOMAR will serve as MARUM’s interface with those
marine science activities in Bremen/Bremerhaven that are not directly linked to the established
MARUM research portfolio. Thus, GLOMAR will also be open to PhD students in marine sciences
that are not funded by MARUM. GLOMAR will continue to follow its path initiated in 2006 to train
PhD students to become interdisciplinary thinking and internationally networking scientists with
excellent disciplinary qualifications. GLOMAR provides a research training program, including
team supervision, a clearly structured curriculum, the advanced ECOLMAS course program, international exchange, and experience in project acquisition and management.
Program of the Graduate School
GLOMAR’s main objective since 2006 has been to provide an optimal environment for PhD student training and to foster excellence in education and research with a clear focus on marine sciences. The Graduate School has followed a threefold strategy in order to prepare young marine
scientists for their future career: (i) to train them to become excellent scientists in their respective
fields, (ii) to provide them with a broad interdisciplinary background, and (iii) to give them the opportunity to learn the transferable skills necessary for a career in academia, industry, or administration. To facilitate cooperation across disciplinary boundaries, GLOMAR provides young scientists with the needed communication skills.
MARUM 2012-2017
Through its training and qualification program, GLOMAR supports the PhD students on their way
to becoming first-class scientists. In addition, the graduate school enables PhD students to view
their own research in a wider context, including associated disciplines, but also aspects of fields
that may appear quite unrelated at first glance (e.g. natural vs. social sciences). This approach
aims at preparing young scientists to play a part in addressing the “grand challenges” our society
is facing on the path towards global sustainability (cf. Reid et al. 2010, Science, 330, 916).
In summary, GLOMAR’s achievements are and will continue to be threefold: (i) adding to the
knowledge base in marine sciences (incl. natural and social/legal sciences), (ii) advancing the
field by preparing a new generation of scientists (in terms of e.g. interdisciplinary and international perspectives), and – of utmost importance here – (iii) providing the PhD students with the best
possible training to successfully continue their career in science, industry or administration.
Achievements of the previous funding period (2006-2012)
GLOMAR was founded in November 2006, with a thematic focus on
“Global Change in the Marine
Realm”, and with four research
themes: Ocean & Climate, Coastal
Zone Processes, Marine Ecology &
Biogeochemistry, and Challenges
to Society. The 93 present and
former GLOMAR PhD students
Fig. GS1: Development of GLOMAR PhD student numbers in
relation to the research themes.
form an interdisciplinary (Fig. GS1)
and international marine science
community with roughly one-third coming from outside Germany, and with almost equal gender
shares (56% female, 44% male). Of these 93 PhD students, 22 successfully completed their PhD
projects, 6 left at an early stage of their project for industry, and 65 are currently enrolled.
Membership in GLOMAR is open to all PhD students enrolled at the University of Bremen working on a global change-related marine science topic in its widest sense. The majority of the
GLOMAR PhD students (>80%) is funded by external sources (incl. MARUM). As an alternative
to the thematically pre-defined PhD projects generally offered, GLOMAR has provided up to three
fellowships for “self-designed” PhD projects per year (11 of 65 currently active PhD students).
The educational concept of GLOMAR offers the PhD students a well-scheduled career plan,
generally with a duration of three years. The major components of the GLOMAR curriculum (Fig.
GS2) are team supervision, a research stay at an external research institution, a diverse and interdisciplinary course program, interdisciplinary exchange, active participation in conferences,
and active project-management training by providing competitive funds.
MARUM 2012-2017
Team Supervision: The immediate supervisor shares
the supervision of a PhD
student with a thesis committee. This consists of a professor or senior scientist
from another working group
and at least a third scientist,
who could be the student’s
immediate research advisor
Fig. GS2: Gantt chart of the GLOMAR curriculum.
(often an experienced postdoc). In many cases, external national and international experts have also been invited to be
members of the thesis committee. All PhD students convene their thesis committee at least twice
a year. In addition, PhD students and their supervisors sign an obligatory supervision agreement
that defines the terms of conduct for both sides. Initiated by GLOMAR, the concept of team supervision is increasingly adopted at the University of Bremen and now serves as a model for its
newly developed Graduate Center (ProUB).
Research residences: So far, more than 60 GLOMAR PhD students have spent a research residence at internationally recognized institutions worldwide for an average duration of three
months. During these research residence periods, the PhD students gained experience in international scientific cooperation and established their own international networks.
Training courses: In cooperation with MARUM, GLOMAR has organized and arranged a total of
88 courses within ECOLMAS, all taught in English. GLOMAR training courses include introductory courses (12 to date), expert courses (46) and courses on transferable skills (30) (see, and Tab. GS1). In addition, five international ECORD
Summer Schools were organized by GLOMAR and scientifically coordinated by MARUM. So far,
more than 1200 young scientists from Bremen, but also from other places in Germany, Europe
and even beyond, have taken part in the GLOMAR course program.
Tab. GS1: Selection of topics covered within the GLOMAR course program since 2007.
Introductory Courses
Expert Courses
Soft Skill Courses
Marine Sciences Part I: Physical
Oceanography & Paleoclimate
Marine Sciences Part II: Biogeochemical Oceanography & Climate
Natural Marine Sciences for Social Scientists
Social Sciences in the Marine Realm
The Data Library PANGAEA
Coastal and Offshore Engineering
Polar Oceans and Global Change
The Global Carbon Cycle
International Marine Environmental
Scientists as Policy Advisors
Science and Society
Marine Conservation
Proposal Writing for Natural Scientists
Communicating Marine Scientific
Topics to the Public
Leadership & Presentation Skills
Time & Conflict Management
Scientific Writing
MARUM 2012-2017
Interdisciplinary exchange: GLOMAR specifically aims to provide PhD students with a broader
framework in addition to the generally rather specialized dissertation topics. During monthly research seminars (>100 so far), the PhD students discuss their own or newly published scientific
results, practice the presentation of their work, and learn about the research topics of their colleagues. Several times per year, these seminars are held as joint seminars linking several
GLOMAR research themes. The entire thematic scope of GLOMAR is discussed mainly based
on PhD student presentations but also on interdisciplinary team presentations twice a year during
a retreat. Furthermore, during ~30 open GLOMAR workshops, young scientists from all fields of
marine sciences presented their work. By repeatedly bringing an interdisciplinary PhD community
together, by teaching PhD students from the natural (social) sciences the basic elements of social-science (natural-science) aspects of marine research, and through a number of Graduate
School events, the communication across disciplinary boundaries is facilitated. This enables
cross-disciplinary fertilization of the scientific discourse far beyond usual academic practice.
Mini-proposal program: GLOMAR offers an internal competitive and peer-reviewed funding system to which PhD students can submit applications for financial support to participate in international conferences and summer schools or to conduct research stays. To date ~130 proposals
have been funded.
Support measures: A number of specific support measures have been offered by GLOMAR to its
PhD students and associate scientists during the first phase. Among these are (i) child-care support, (ii) extension of the PhD term by up to one year for PhD students who become parents
(granted 4 times so far), (iii) additional funding for 3 months to finalize scientific manuscripts for
PhD students who have submitted their thesis within 3 years (granted 5 times since 2009), (iv)
participation in the mentoring program “plan m at MARUM / GLOMAR” designed to support
young female scientists on an academic career path (see 1.7). For the next phase, measures (i),
(ii), and (iv) will be included in section Z.
Quality management: To monitor GLOMAR’s performance from the PhD student’s point of view,
students and alumni are regularly asked to fill in a questionnaire (anonymously) about their experiences in the graduate school (PhD students), and whether and how GLOMAR contributed to
their career (alumni). The course program is evaluated by the participants after each course. The
results of the quality management are used to constantly adjust the graduate school’s program.
A major indicator for the performance of a graduate school is the final qualification received by
the PhD students for a subsequent career in science, industry or administration. As of today, 22
PhD students have successfully completed their projects. Of these, 27% (n=6) submitted their
thesis within 3 years and 68% (n=15) within 3.5 years (overall average: 3.4 years). Comparing
the duration of these 22 PhD theses to the Faculty of Geosciences (FB5) record, it becomes obvious that participation of the PhD students in the GLOMAR program indeed resulted in on aver-
MARUM 2012-2017
age shorter promotion times (Fig. GS3). Key elements here are the knowledge transferred via the
course program reducing the initial study period
for a PhD student entering a special research
field, and the continuous thesis committee support.
Of 22 GLOMAR alumni, 13 took a postdoc position in academia (e.g. at Oregon State Univ., CalTech,
Hamburg, IFM-GEOMAR Kiel), four work in industry (e.g. Shell, Sinopec, Fugro), four who recently
finished their thesis are looking for new opportunities, and one is just entering a family phase (Fig.
GS4). In addition, five PhD students obtained new
positions immediately following their three year
Fig. GS3: Duration of individual PhD projects
until thesis submission in the Faculty of Geosciences (FB 5) from 2000-2008 and from 20092011 (excluding GLOMAR PhD students) and in
GLOMAR from 2009-2011). Boxes indicate lower
and upper quartiles, line in box is median, and
whiskers show minimum and maximum.
PhD terms (two in industry, three in research institutes), but before completing their theses (“external PhDs” in Fig. GS4). Industry has also recognized GLOMAR as a source for recruiting talented scientists not holding a PhD. Six PhD students have been hired by industry at an early
stage of their PhD term (“early jobbers” in Fig. GS4). Finally, the GLOMAR alumni network links
the actual PhD student community to “role models” for future career developments.
The PhD students in the four research themes are supported by four associate scientists. These
postdoctoral researchers divide their time equally between GLOMAR tasks and their individual
research projects. They make major contributions to the training and scientific output of GLOMAR
and develop their own scientific profiles. The latter point is well documented by the careers of the
first generation of GLOMAR associate scientists, two
of whom received professorships (Prof. Dr. Winfried
Osthorst, Univ. of Applied Sciences, Bremen; Ass.
Prof. Dr. Verner Ernstsen, Univ. of Copenhagen) and
two of whom continued their scientific careers as experienced scientists (Dr. Sabine Hüttl-Kabus, BSH,
Hamburg; Dr. Philipp Assmy, Univ. of Tromsø).
schools has been established, especially with those
that are funded as part of the Clusters of Excellence
in Kiel and in Hamburg, and with other graduate
schools in Bremen and Bremerhaven (e.g. MARMIC;
Fig. GS4: Overview of the GLOMAR alumni
and the GLOMAR PhD students on the job
(May 2011). “Early Jobbers” refers to PhD
students hired by industry at an early stage
of their PhD term, and “External PhDs” to
PhD students who accepted a new position
before completing their theses but still plan
to do so.
MARUM 2012-2017
POLMAR). A major highlight of this cooperation was the jointly organized “1st Young Scientist Excellence Cluster Conference” (Hamburg, Oct. 4-6, 2010) that strengthened networking and cooperation of PhD students in marine sciences in Northern Germany. The “2nd Young Scientist Excellence Cluster Conference on Marine and Climate Research: Perspectives from Natural and Social Sciences” will be held in Bremen (Oct. 4-5, 2011).
Proposed measures
GLOMAR Structure: GLOMAR’s original focus on global change research covered not all PhD
topics in MARUM. To provide a thematic umbrella for all MARUM PhD students in the next
phase, four new GLOMAR research themes are proposed here (Fig. GS5). Expanding the topical
scope, we expect that the number of GLOMAR PhD students will increase. Most of the expected
~75 PhD students to be hosted by GLOMAR, including all MARUM PhD students, will be financed by MARUM or other third-party funded research projects. This approach will guarantee
the integration of PhD students into ongoing research activities. In addition, GLOMAR plans to
offer PhD fellowships to strategically support research topics that are not explicitly covered by
MARUM’s research agenda (e.g. in social sciences/law), but which would contribute substantially
to the overall thematic range covered by GLOMAR. PhD students can apply for membership to
GLOMAR within the first six months of their PhD term.
Another goal for the near future is to bring the average time needed until thesis submission even
closer to three years. New instruments toward this end will include a series of workshops guiding
the PhD students structurally through their PhD projects (Lifting off, Keeping momentum, and Finishing up). By establishing even closer contacts between the PhD students and the GLOMAR
management, deviations from planned time lines will also be recognized earlier and addressed.
Graduate Studies
Ocean & Climate
Prof. Dr. Dierk Hebbeln
Prof. Dr. Monika Rhein
Ocean & Life
Prof. Dr. Antje Boetius
Prof. Dr. Wilhelm Hagen
Prof. Dr. Dieter Wolf-Gladrow
Ocean & Seafloor
Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Bach
Prof. Dr. Hildegard Westphal
Ocean & Society
Prof. Dr. Michael Flitner
Prof. Dr. Sabine Schlacke
Fig. GS5: The four proposed GLOMAR research themes and some of the disciplines they cover. The responsible PIs for the themes form MARUM’s Graduate Studies Committee (see section 1.8).
MARUM 2012-2017
Supervision Concept: In moving beyond the traditionally close link between supervisor and PhD
student, GLOMAR has followed (and will follow) the concept of team supervision. Thus, in addition to the day-to-day contacts between PhD students and their primary advisors, thesis committees will be installed (see above). Convened by the PhD student, the committee will meet at least
twice a year. The committee will give advice on all scientific and management aspects of the PhD
project (e.g. planning the research residence, safeguarding good scientific practice). During each
meeting, the progress of the PhD project will be carefully monitored to enable the successful
submission of the dissertation. Further support to the PhD students will be offered by the four associate scientists. Experience shows that such support is greatly appreciated by the PhD students with respect to topics ranging from scientific issues, life as a scientist, to personal and career development.
Research Training Program: GLOMAR’s curriculum will comprise a number of measures for qualification (Fig. GS2), aiming to broaden the scope and to widen the scientific base, to develop the
international integration, and to foster the management skills of the PhD students. Several qualification measures, as described below, will be offered by the Graduate School.
The course program will comprise introductory and expert courses as well as courses on transferable (soft) skills, all taught in English. Introductory courses, offered annually, will provide an
overview of marine sciences for natural scientists, an introduction to the social and legal science
aspects of the marine realm (mandatory for natural scientists), an introduction to the basic natural
marine sciences (mandatory for social and legal scientists), and basic information regarding good
scientific practice and data management. On average, ten expert courses per year with an average duration of 3-5 days will provide advanced knowledge in specific fields of research. PhD students will be encouraged to make suggestions for expert course topics. Expert courses will be
taught by scientists from the participating institutions and by invited specialists. Finally, transferable skill courses are offered, including communication skills, teamwork, summarizing scientific
knowledge for administrative, political and judicial proceedings, and various management aspects. For these courses (on average 6-8 per year), usually professional instructors will be hired.
In total, GLOMAR PhD students will attend at least 25 course days during their 3-year-term.
PhD students will also continuously be trained in presenting their research concepts and results.
Interdisciplinary audiences are met during GLOMAR workshops, annual retreats, and during the
Bremen Marine Science PhD Days (organized by the PhD students). More specialized audiences
will be addressed during the monthly research seminars. Furthermore, the PhD students will be
required to present their research (as talks or posters) at a minimum of two, preferably international, scientific conferences. Thus, the PhD students will repeatedly present their work, thereby
developing their skills for communicating research to very different audiences.
MARUM 2012-2017
As an integral and mandatory component of the curriculum, the PhD students will be supported in
conducting research stays at external sites lasting several months, e.g. by visiting other, preferably foreign research institutions, taking part in expeditions, etc. During the stay at a host institute,
the PhD students will experience a different research culture, gain access to specific infrastructures, collaborate independently with foreign scientists and, finally, start to establish their own international network.
In order to develop an understanding of project work, proposal writing skills, and time and project
management, the mini-proposal program will provide the best students with additional support,
e.g. for participating in international meetings and summer schools, or for research stays. This
internal competitive and peer-reviewed funding system will adopt common research grant application schemes, to which the PhD students can submit applications. Thus, in addition to assuring
funding for the international activities of the PhD students, this system trains them in applying for,
handling of, and reporting on external funding.
At the end of the PhD project, the doctoral thesis can be submitted and defended in either English or German. Most of the participating faculties encourage cumulative theses, usually consisting of at least three first-authored research papers for publication in peer-reviewed international
scientific journals. Such a cumulative thesis has become the standard procedure in recent years.
There is also the option to submit the thesis as a monograph. PhD students who submit their thesis within three years can apply for a “manuscript finalization” grant, including funding for an additional three-month period to allow, for, e.g. revision and resubmission of the manuscripts.
GLOMAR Management: Operating the graduate training program, managing the funds of the
Graduate School, and taking care for the day-to-day management of all school-related issues will
be the responsibility of the Graduate Dean. He will be supported by a scientific coordinator, a
secretary and an administrator. Together, they will be responsible for handling the administrative
affairs related to the Graduate School’s funds and the documentation of the students’ progress,
thesis committee reports, PhD student proposals, and for organizing the research training program. Further support will be provided by the associate scientists, each of whom is responsible
for one of the four research themes. They organize monthly research-theme seminars, expert
courses relevant to their respective research theme, and serve as theme-related contact partners
for the PhD students. Furthermore, they facilitate networking within “their” group of PhD students
and the exchange between the research themes. They are also in charge for evaluating the miniproposals. In order to provide an opportunity for associate scientists to further pursue their own
scientific career ~ 50% of their working time will be reserved for an individual research program.
Positions are for two years with an option for an extension by one year.
MARUM 2012-2017
Section Z: Infrastructure, Support and Central Management
Prof. Dr. Schulz, Michael
Fachbereich Geowissenschaften
Universität Bremen
28334 Bremen
Phone: 0421-218-65444
E-Mail: [email protected]
Prof. Dr. Wefer, Gerold
MARUM – Zentrum für Marine Umweltwissenschaften, Universität Bremen
28334 Bremen
Phone: 0421-218-65500
E-Mail: [email protected]
Section Z offers a range of support measures for the Research Areas, including incentive funds,
funds for carrying out expeditions, as well as providing access to marine technologies and infrastructures. The latter two are also available to other marine science institutions. The largest core
repository for marine sediments and rocks in the world is operated in Project Z1: “IODP Core Repository / GeoB Core Collection / Lab Infrastructure”. Closely linked to research is the development of new marine research technologies covered in Project Z2: “Marine Technology and Imaging”, such as drilling tools, remotely operated vehicles (ROV) and an autonomous underwater
vehicle (AUV). Other technology projects are developed within the Research Areas. Another goal
of the technology group is to process multi-beam and sidescan-sonar data during expeditions,
and to ensure long-term data availability. Through the installation of PANGAEA by the International Council for Science (ICSU) as a World Data Center (WDC) for Marine Environmental Data,
a data system of worldwide scope was developed (Project Z3). The goal of Project Z4 “Science
Communication” is to organize the dialogue for target audiences such as the general public, state
offices, schools, and companies, with topics of interest in marine sciences. “Central Management
/ Information Technologies” (Project Z5) is responsible for the administration of all finances related to the Research Center / Cluster of Excellence and for providing technical support with regard
to computers and network.
Project Z1: IODP Core Repository / GeoB Core Collection / Lab Infrastructure
U. Röhl, J. Pätzold, M. Segl, W. Hale, H. Kuhlmann, M. Kölling, H.-J. Wallrabe-Adams
Since 2003 deep drilling beneath the ocean floor has been carried out worldwide through the Integrated Ocean Drilling Program (IODP) by the crews of scientific drilling ships, including the recently renovated JOIDES Resolution, the riser vessel Chikyu, and Mission Specific Platforms
(MSPs). The cores retrieved offer a unique view into the origin, development, and present-day
structure of the ocean floor.
MARUM 2012-2017
As partner to the ECORD Science Operator
(ESO) Consortium for IODP, MARUM is responsible for the curation, databasing and
archiving of collected cores, as well as
providing offshore (mobile laboratory containers) and onshore laboratory facilities for
systematic core sampling and further data
measurement policies.
Fig. Z1: The Bremen Core Repository reefer now archives 141 km of ocean drilling cores in ~220,000 sec- The Bremen Core Repository (BCR) is the
largest of the three international core reposi-
tories of the IODP, and contributes significantly to the exchange and transfer of marine science
knowledge. Important international events held at the University of Bremen in this framework include the community-wide, major conference on the future directions of scientific ocean drilling
for renewal of the program (INVEST, IODP New Ventures in Exploring Scientific Targets), Bremen, September 23-25, 2009 with 600 participants.
Core repository
The BCR, established in 1994 stores more than 141 km of cores from 83 expeditions in more
than 220,000 sections (Fig. Z1). Almost four thousand scientists have visited the repository, often
cooperating in week-long sampling meetings (Fig. Z2). So far more than 643,000 samples have
been taken at the BCR and distributed worldwide. There is a continuous exchange of ideas between the international visitors and working groups of the MARUM, leading to co-operation and
scientific interaction with the leading geosciences institutes of the world. Close collaboration with
the other implementing organizations within IODP in the USA and Japan assures international
program-wide consistency and transparency for scientists working with this valuable resource
One of the IODP Satellite Micropaleontological Reference Centers (MRCs) has been located in
Bremen since 1996, storing prepared reference materials of foraminiferal and radiolarian samples
for both present and future investigators.
With the core reefer in the MARUM building (since 2005) and the new MARUM II building (since
2011), the total capacity of BCR is now 270 km of cores. The BCR now stores all the DSDP,
ODP and IODP cores drilled over more than four decades in the Atlantic Ocean, Arctic Ocean,
Mediterranean Sea, and Black Sea.
The GeoB Core Collection currently comprises more than 12 km of marine sediment cores (gravity cores, piston cores, MeBo cores, multicorer cores, etc.) from about 140 expeditions to the
South and North Atlantic, North Sea, Baltic Sea, Mediterranean Sea, Black Sea, Red Sea, Indian
MARUM 2012-2017
Ocean and Pacific Ocean, carried out by
University of Bremen scientists on various
research vessels since 1988.
First national continental core repository
The BCR now also stores lake sediments
from the ICDP, e.g. for ICDP Project Lake
Van, Turkey. In early 2011 these cores were
split and the scientists described, analyzed,
and sampled the cores at the BCR. This new
Fig. Z2: Sampling meeting at the BCR.
effort to increase professionalism in core
processing and core storage was initiated by the German Scientific Earth Probing Consortium
(GESEP) and will contribute to closer cooperation between the two research drilling programs
Virtual IODP ship at ECORD summer schools
BCR also plays a key role for the ECORD summer schools, which combine practical exercises on
IODP-style “shipboard” methodologies as well as lectures and interactive discussions on the
main themes of IODP (“Paleoceanography” in 2007, “The Deep Subseafloor Biosphere” in 2008,
”Geodynamics of Mid-Ocean Ridges” in 2009, “Dynamics of Past Climate Changes” in 2010,
“Subseafloor fluid flow and gas hydrates” in 2011, ”Submarine Landslides, Earthquakes and Tsunamis” approved for 2012). These courses bring graduate students and young PostDocs in touch
with IODP at an early stage of their careers and prepare them for future participation in IODP expeditions.
ECORD Science Operator (ESO)
As partner to the ESO Consortium for IODP, University of Bremen provides the necessary facilities and personnel to open the cores and carry out the required IODP measurements for Mission
Specific Platform (MSP) operations. Mobile Offshore Laboratories (e.g. for core curation, porewater chemistry, microbiology) have been provided for all of the MSP projects so far completed.
The Onshore Science Party (OSP) takes place in Bremen after the offshore operations are completed. At the OSP, cores are split and the scientists have their first opportunity to study and
sample the cores in detail (Fig. Z2). ECORD member countries have agreed, in principle, to continue as a consortium in a new phase of ocean drilling (after 2013) and to provide funding for
MSP operations. In order to insure a smooth transition, the ECORD Council has endorsed an executive proposal allowing the ECORD Science Operator (ESO) to continue to serve in its present
configuration for at least the first three years of the new program.
MARUM 2012-2017
Lab Infrastructure
The lab infrastructure at the MARUM features a
unique set of state-of-the-art, high-capacity facilities, both for the initial handling and for highly
sophisticated analyses of marine sediments. As
in previous years, analyses by other working
groups from Germany, European and overseas
countries shall also be carried out in the future.
For example, on the average, 35% of the XRF
core scanning at the MARUM lab was done
for/by external groups, and 30% of the isotope
analyses on carbonate fossils were carried out
by the MARUM isotope lab, either for collaboration projects with or as a service for other institutes, comprising more than 22,000 samples in
the last 4 years.
Project Z2: Marine Technology and Imaging
Fig. Z3: ROV MARUM-QUEST (top) and deployment of the MARUM bubblemeter (bottom) positioned and triggered by ROV QUEST
at the Makran accretionary margin in 3000 m
water depth (Thomanek et al. 2010, Oc. Sci. 6,
G. Meinecke, T. Freudenthal, L. Linsen, N. Nowald, V. Ratmeyer, G. Ruhland, C. Waldmann
The development and operation of advanced
technology and methodology is seen as a cross-
cutting activity, which serves the technological and methodological needs of the three Research
Areas. Existing instruments and systems are modified to reflect the current state of knowledge,
and new technologies will be developed. MARUM operates the following equipment:
Two remotely operated vehicles (ROVs) for water depths of up to 1,000 and 4,000 m
A portable MeBo drill which can be deployed on the seafloor
A moving lander CMOVE, which can be operated on the seafloor
An autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV)
At present, a Hybrid-ROV (H-ROV) is being developed at MARUM.
ROV – Remotely Operated Vehicles
Deep-ocean seabed sampling and detailed, high-precision observations are dependent on remotely operated vehicle technology, such as the MARUM deep-water ROV QUEST 4000 (Fig.
Z3). This vehicle has proven its scientific value on 26 expeditions since 2003, with a present record of 317 dives to depths from several hundred to 4014 m. Tasks range from high-precision
sampling, instrument deployment, observatory maintenance, and large device recovery to highdefinition video observation and photo mosaicing.
MARUM 2012-2017
A set of major upgrades has
These have included new and
more efficient buoyancy, a new
umbilical, digital telemetry and
a new control van. For the future, the implementation of improved still-video and multichannel HDTV capabilities, including 3D HDTV, is planned.
To extend the capabilities of
navigation, visual display of
awareness during dives with
remotely operated vehicles, the
development of an immersive Fig. Z4: Top: Final checks on the newly developed sea-floor drill rig
MeBo before a deployment from the German Research Vessel ME-
HDTV video and data display is TEOR. Bottom: Composite record of two MeBo holes at site
GeoB15020 retrieved off Chile in 550 m water depth showing the
planned with university funds. logarithmic ratio of iron and calcium measured by XRF scanning (G.
Fraunhofer Martínez-Méndez, work in progress).
FIRST (Fraunhofer Institut für
Rechnerarchitektur und Softwareentwicklung), Berlin, this project endeavors to combine existing,
state-of-the-art underwater technology with the devolpment of new software for real-time 3D GIS
display within an immersive projection environment.
The 1000 m depth-rated, mid-size inspection class ROV CHEROKEE has been operational now
for almost ten years and has been deployed on more than 20 expeditions with a total of 117
dives. The system is being continuously improved (still camera, winch levelwind, etc.).
Sea-floor drill rig MeBo (Meeresboden-Bohrgerät)
To bridge this gap in sediment-coring techniques between gravity/piston coring and drill ships, we
developed a remotely operated underwater drill rig MeBo (“Meeresboden-Bohrgerät”, German for
“sea-floor drill rig”). This portable drill can be operated from a variety of available research vessels in water depths of up to 2,000 m. It is an electro-hydraulic system that is controlled remotely
from the ship (Fig. Z4). A steel armored umbilical cable with a diameter of 32 mm is used to lower
the 10-ton device to the sea bed. The MeBo is capable of retrieving 70-m long cores with a diameter of 57-63 mm from sediments and hard rocks using wire-line drilling technology.
To date, the MeBo has been deployed on 10 research expeditions from the Research Vessels
METEOR, MARIA S. MERIAN, SONNE and CELTIC EXPLORER. During these cruises the Me-
MARUM 2012-2017
Bo was deployed in water depths between 25 and 1700 m. During 68 deployments about 1026 m
were drilled with a core recovery of about 60%, in consolidated sediments recovery is near 100%.
Continuous records can be obtained by drilling and splicing two parallel cores at the same location (Fig. Z4, bottom) as practiced by IODP.
Sea-floor crawler CMOVE
The underwater vehicle CMOVE (Fig. Z5) was developed at MARUM and has been operated
since 2005. The stage of development that the CMOVE vehicle has now reached allows for highly versatile use, e.g. for the MERIAN cruise M15-1 in 2010, a set of four biochemical sensors and
instruments with an overall weight of 150 kg in the air were integrated into the vehicle's frame to
allow investigations of exchange processes between the water column and the sediment. The
vehicle can be operated either as an autonomous or as a tethered system. The vehicle can also
operate under free-fall deployment and unaided surfacing.
Autonomous Underwater Vehicle AUV SEAL 5000
Detailed bathymetric data of the seafloor are obtained with an autonomous underwater vehicle
(AUV). The chosen vehicle is based on the proven design of the EXPLORER Marine Science
AUV from the Canadian company International Submarine Engineering (ISE) (Fig. Z6).
The basic attitude-sensor suite of the AUV consists of a highly accurate IXSea PHINS inertial
navigation unit, in combination with a 300 kHz RDI DVL, differential GPS, and a Paroscientific
depth sensor. For underwater communication, a long-range acoustic modem (SercATS 200) is
installed, used in parallel with an IXSea USBL system, equipped either with a GAPS (shallow water) or a POSIDONIA (deep water) transponder. The main scientific configuration comprises a
Seabird FastCat SBE 49 CTD and the high-quality RESON Seabat 7125-B AUV-type multibeam
echosounder. In late 2011 a highly modern multibeam echosounder system will be tested
onboard the AUV – the Kongsberg
EM2040. In addition, an IXSEA
Echoes 5000 sub-bottom profiler
and a Benthos SIS 1624 sidescan
sonar are included as equipment
with a separate PC
(Linux or Windows) onboard the
Fig. Z5: The underwater crawler CMOVE equipped with several
instruments during deployment.
MARUM 2012-2017
The AUV SEAL 5000 has a realistic operational duration of more than 16 hours and a range >75
km at 3 knots, based on approximately 15 kWh Lithium-Ion batteries (15.6 kWh in total). The
AUV has been operated on 7 cruises (42 dives) and 4 different vessels since June 2007. At a European level, the cooperation with the IFREMER group at La Seyne sur Mer (Toulon) has been
continuously intensified, e.g as part of EUROFLEETS Project with the aim to develop software
and hardware for various underwater vehicles, e.g. the 3D-HD camera system.
The hybrid underwater vehicle – MARUM H-ROV
Although the two vehicle types ROV and AUV each have their specific advantages and operational settings, they also have operational disadvantages, mainly resulting from geometry and the
need for larger umbilicals for energy supply and remote control. Together with a growing scientific
demand to work in high-risk areas, e.g. extreme topography or underneath ice, the need for a
new vehicle type was recognized – the Hybrid-ROV, purely battery-driven and steered by a thin
fiber-optic cable, but also working as an autonomous underwater vehicle. Recently funded in part
by BMBF, the new “prototype” underwater vehicle will be developed within the next three years at
MARUM, in close cooperation with MarTech-Bremen and IFREMER in Toulon.
Data storage
Operation of underwater vehicles produces huge amounts of valuable data. These data have to
be stored for the long term but also be available at short notice to investigators on board. In the
event of a combined deployment of the AUV and ROV, the ROV team needs to have a map
made available for its deployment as soon as possible after the completion of the AUV survey.
Fig. Z6: Left: AUV MARUM-SEAL from the Canadian company ISE (International Submarine Engineering
Ltd.) available at MARUM since 2007. Right: AUV map from Helgoland mud volcano, Black Sea.
MARUM 2012-2017
The duty of the imaging working group is to install appropriate programs for data retrieval, processing, and storing, and to adapt these to the special needs of the ROV and AUV deployment.
Proven systems are applied that are also being used by our cooperative partners such as
IFREMER, MBARI and NOC. Initial agreements with these partners already exist.
Project Z3: Data Information System PANGAEA® / ICSU World Data Center (WDC)
M. Diepenbroek, H. Grobe
PANGAEA – Data Publisher for Earth & Environmental Science - takes care of the data management. PANGAEA is an information system for the acquisition, processing, long-term storage,
and publication of geo-referenced data related to Earth science fields ( The
system currently holds ~550,000 data sets comprising 5.5 billion data items from all Earth environments. The growth of the data inventory is exponential. So far, more than 40,000 data sets
have been archived from MARUM. All data are freely accessible through a map-enhanced search
engine. The interoperability of PANGAEA allows further dissemination of metadata into global
catalogues, thus ensuring international visibility and widespread usage of data.
Data management
Data management comprises all data and metadata related to MARUM, which includes observational data and output from numerical models, cruise and sampling information, parameters and
methods used, as well as a bibliography specific to MARUM. Data are generally archived in
PANGAEA using its relational database as backend. For better performance, high-volume and
binary data (e.g. geophysics, pictures) are stored in consistent formats on hard-disk arrays and
tape silos. Data under moratorium can be password protected. Published data sets are registered
and made citable through the usage of DOI as persistent identifiers ( Publication of data implies proofreading of data sets by authors/PIs. Larger data inventories can be published using the Earth System Science Data Journal at Copernicus (ESSD) or WDC-MARE reports. The PANGAEA data managers will also give support for compilation of data products to be
used, e.g. for data-model integration or Web GIS presentation of data.
Besides the support for MARUM, PANGAEA is currently supplying data management services
for ECORD, the European arm of IODP (MSP) and for “post cruise” data of IODP (NSF contract),
(consortium agreement with PANGAEA), SESAME (IP), CENSOR (IP), EPOCA (CP), SPICOSA
(NoE), and CoralFish (CP), as well as in the national context for the SPP144, BIOACID, INTERDYNAMIC, GENUS, and SOPRAN (German SOLAS), the latter carried out in coordination with
SOLAS UK and Norway.
MARUM 2012-2017
Data infrastructures
A further focus lies on the implementation of standard-conforming Spatial Data Infrastructures
(SDI) and related web services, whereby PANGAEA on the one hand takes the role as distributor
of data and metadata (e.g. GBIF, OBIS) and on the other hand implements networks, portals, or
serves as broker between different e-infrastructures. Current activities are the implementation of
the Scientific Earth Drilling Information Service (SEDIS) for IODP (, for the World
Data System (, for the EUR-OCEANS consortium, and for various EU projects
including ESONET/EMSO (ESFRI). The latter aims at networking European oceanographic observatories.
Collaboration with science publishers
PANGAEA has built up a broad base of collaboration with science publishers. Activities in this
context are: (i) Cross-linking scientific articles with supplementary data through web services
supplied by PANGAEA. A prominent aspect is the PANGAEA embed on splash pages of articles
from Science Direct1,2. Similar services have been implemented or are in preparation for Springer, AGU, Nature, Oxford, Wiley, and Copernicus. In addition, through a common web service, all
PANGAEA metadata are harvested into Web of Knowledge. (ii) Direct collaboration with journals
relevant to PANGAEA. This activity started in 2010 and so far comprises journals from Springer,
Elsevier and Oxford.
For an example see:
Elsevier and PANGAEA Take Next Step in Connecting Research Articles to Data, press release (2010),
MARUM 2012-2017
Project Z4: Science Communication
B. Donner, A. Gerdes, T. Klein, M. Pätzold, F. Schmieder, J. Stone
The goal of this project is to organize the dialog with target audiences such as the general public,
state offices, schools, and companies about topics of interest in marine sciences.
The website plays an increasingly important role for MARUM science communication. More than
100 news flashes have been produced in the past 12 months. The education and outreach pages
on contain two columns: Public Relations and Discover. Interactive elements
( plays an important part in communicating i.e. with TV journalists and museums who intend to use MARUM's HD underwater footage in documentaries and
exhibitions (see below). About 50 short, semi-professionally produced films are available on
MARUM's YouTube channel. Films about life in the deep and black smokers had more than
16,000 and 13,000 views, respectively. MARUM films hosted by media websites such as
Deutsche Welle TV (Berlin) or Focus magazine TV (Munich) show up to 100,000 single views. All
in all 175,000 unique visitors have accessed the MARUM website during the last 12 months.
World Expo Shanghai
From 1 May until 31 October 2010, MARUM was involved in the Bremen presentation at the EXPO 2010 in Shanghai (Fig. Z7). More than 70 million visitors were registered at the EXPO 2010.
The Expo motto “Sharing a
vision” offered the opportunity to present some of
our activities with underwater movies about gas hydrates and cold-water corals.
shown with Chinese subtitles. Moreover, a model of
the ROV CHEROKEE and a
simulation of some missions
were presented.
Fig. Z7: MARUM module at the EXPO 2010 in Shanghai with a model of
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This interactive traveling
through German shopping malls managed by
since June 2009. Covering 220 m2, it combines
7 modules on themes
like “Stones, Sand and
Fig. Z8: One of the seven modules of the interactive traveling exhibition
MeerErleben (“Experience the Seas”). Especially the young visitors enjoy
controlling a small ROV in the 2,500 liter aquarium.
the Sea”, and “Marine Technology”. Highlights include a cinema where HD underwater video material is shown on large flat screens, and a 2,500 liter aquarium which contains a small ROV that
vistitors can operate themselves (Fig. Z8). The shopping malls count 10,000 to 30,000 visitors
daily and MARUM uses this opportunity to reach a lot of people, many of whom would normally
not visit museums. The exhibition is supplemented by a website ( and a
36-page booklet with additional information and recommendations for popular science books and
informative websites. It will tour in Germany until 2014 and afterwards exhibitions in other European countries are planned.
Ozeaneum Stralsund
The marine museum Ozeaneum was named European Museum of the Year for 2010. Here the
outreach team of the German Marine Research Consortium (KDM) arranged an exhibition on marine research which opened in August 2011. Themes such as ocean and climate, geobiochemistry in the deep ocean, marine resources, and marine technologies are presented together with
HD video material, which is used for a so-called deep-diving exhibition module. MARUM not only
contributed exhibits, photos, text, and editorial advice, but also coordinated the activities of the
KDM outreach group.
Lokschuppen Rosenheim
MARUM is contributing to an ocean exhibition being planned for a six-month period in 2012, to be
held at the exhibition hall Lokschuppen in Rosenheim, Bavaria. Using a rather popular approach,
this project will cover issues such as birth of the planet Earth, ocean legends and myths, marine
biodiversity, resources, and other aspects of marine research. Among other tasks, MARUM will
MARUM 2012-2017
contribute advice to the exhibition makers, underwater video material for a deep-diving lounge, and articles for a
book to be published in this context.
Expedition Erde
This 461-page book (Fig. Z9) was first published in 2002
during the German Year of Geosciences. The third edition
was published in 2010, comprising 58 articles written by
scientists from MARUM and colleagues from other institutions. Up to now, a total of 18,000 copies of the three editions have been distributed for a fee covering the printing
Fig. Z9: The book “Expedition Erde”
published in the MARUM Library.
MARUM brochure
At the beginning of 2010 a 32-page brochure on MARUM
research was produced in German and English with a print run of 5,000 and 3,000 copies, respectively. It contained overviews and more specific articles on the research areas.
School classes, teachers and kindergarten children
Regular courses with a central focus on geosciences are offered in the MARUM UNISchool lab
( The courses are for school classes from grades 3 to 12 and are held
three to four days a week. Since its establishment in 2001, approximately 28,000 pupils participated, including handicapped children. Cooperation agreements exist with two primary schools
and one gymnasium in Bremen. MARUM is actively involve in the University of Bremen program
of advanced teacher training “Sommeruniversität” (summer university) and has its own training
program on geoscientific topics for high-school teachers. Geoscientiific subjects are part of the
Bremen school curricula. Four times a month, MARUM offers special activities for kindergarten
children (e.g. “science theater”).
MARUM uses a number of distribution channels to efficiently address local, regional, national,
and international media. TV and online journalists make frequent use of the underwater footage
available on MARUM TV and the MARUM channel on YouTube (see above). In order to provide
updates on MARUM research activities, the new short-film series MARUM Report was recently
introduced. Three films are presently available. Major public and private German TV stations as
well as international stations such as the Australian Broadcasting Service, National Geographic,
and Arte France have used MARUM footage for reports and documentaries. Regular reports
about MARUM research have appeared in the leading local/regional newspaper and in a wide
MARUM 2012-2017
variety of national newspapers and magazines. On a monthly basis, print media reports on
MARUM research has reached an average circulation of more than 1.2 million copies.
MARUM 2012-2017
Overview of the Cluster’s Resources
Available resources
Staff (Employees who will be working in the cluster, but whose positions will not be financed by
the funding of the cluster)
Table 13: Staff
Funded by the host Funded by particiuniversity/universities pating institutions
Funded by
other sources
Number of positions
Academic staff
Professors and equivalent
Junior research group leaders and
Postdocs and equivalent
Doctoral researchers and equivalent
Other academic staff
Total academic staff
Non-academic staff
1a) University of Copenhagen, ETH Zürich, and University of Bern; 1b) Emmy Noether (2) and Heisenberg
(2); 1c) EU (4), DFG (3), BMBF (2); 1d) DFG, BMBF, Foundations; 1e) EU (3), DFG (2)
Infrastructure (working space is described in section 1.8)
Table 14: Instrumentation exceeding € 150,000 per item
Year of purchase
a) Instrumentation provided by the host university
Autonomous Underwater Vehicle AUV
Subbottom Profiler IXSEA
Deep-Sea Drill Rig MeBo
Scanning Electron Microscope
MARUM II Building
Isotope Mass Spectrometers MAT 253/ Delta V Plus
Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometer
ROV-QUEST (incl. upgrades)
b) Instrumentation provided by the participating institutions
c) Instrumentation provided by the cluster during the 1st funding period
Gas Chromatograph (with mass spectrometer coupling)
ROV-CHEROKEE (upgrade)
MARUM 2012-2017
4 Appendices
Five-page proposal summary (executive summary)
Over almost three decades a widely diverse potential in marine sciences has been developed in
the State of Bremen. Parallel to the establishment of non-university research institutions (Alfred
Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research in Bremerhaven, Max Planck Institute for Marine Microbiology in Bremen, and Leibniz Center for Marine Tropical Ecology in Bremen), the
University of Bremen has introduced new curricula and research groups in the fields of marine
geosciences, marine biology, marine chemistry, and physical oceanography. The closely networked fields of marine, polar, and climate research represent the largest area of natural sciences activity in Bremen. Marine geosciences in particular have achieved an international scope,
both in terms of the science and with respect to providing international service facilities. Shortly
after the founding of the Faculty of Geosciences (1986), the Sonderforschungsbereich 261 (Collaborative Research Project 261) of the German Research Foundation (DFG – Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft), “The South Atlantic in the Late Quaternary” (1989-2001) was established.
Other examples include three DFG-funded (international) graduate training groups (“Mass
transport in geosystems”, “Proxies in Earth history”, and “Integrated coastal zone and shelf-sea
research”), and the DFG Research Center MARUM, which was established in 2001. The Research Center has taken decisive initiatives and accepted important coordination responsibilities
within the university and in the State of Bremen, for example, implementing a special training
program for PhD students. In addition to support from the State of Bremen, external funding has
been of great importance to the program.
At present, the Research Center is in its third funding period, which will last until 30 June 2013. In
2007 the Research Center was expanded to a Cluster of Excellence. Due to its start as a DFG
Research Center, MARUM has a strong focus on marine geosciences. With its expansion to a
Cluster of Excellence, the range of disciplines was widened, specifically in the directions of marine microbiology, mineralogy, and physical oceanography. The involvement of further disciplines
(marine biology, social sciences, law, maritime history) was introduced through the “Bremen International Graduate School for Marine Sciences” (GLOMAR), which collaborates very closely
with MARUM. GLOMAR has been funded separately since November 2006 as a Graduate
School in the first round of the excellence initiative.
Through the Research Center / Cluster of Excellence, the University of Bremen cooperates with
working groups from the following institutions:
MARUM 2012-2017
Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research in Bremerhaven (AWI)
Max Planck Institute for Marine Microbiology in Bremen (MPI)
Senckenberg by the Sea in Wilhelmshaven (SGN)
Jacobs University Bremen (JU)
Leibniz Center for Marine Tropical Ecology in Bremen (ZMT)
Agreements of cooperation are in effect between the University of Bremen and the other participating research institutions. In February 2011 MARUM became the first research faculty within
the University of Bremen. This new governance structure is similar to the faculties of the university, but more research oriented. With this new status, MARUM has taken on responsibility for the
long-term development of the university’s strategic focus in marine, polar and climate research.
At the same time, the new status allows for exploring new directions in the governance of the
university. A strategic-research alliance between the University of Bremen, represented by
MARUM, and AWI was established 2010 (AMAR: AWI-MARUM Alliance). The alliance builds on
almost three decades of successful cooperation between AWI and the University of Bremen. The
goal of the binding agreement is to take the existing cooperation to a new level, which will involve
joint long-term planning in research and development of infrastructure.
The Research Center / Cluster of Excellence has the following overarching goals:
to carry out top-level research in an interdisciplinary and international framework,
to train young scientists in an interdisciplinary and international “research environment”,
to develop/provide technologies and infrastructure for marine research in cooperation with
to communicate complex scientific issues to the public.
Specific goals of the new funding period are to strengthen the research portfolio, to develop novel
interdisciplinary research directions among the Research Areas, to foster the careers of female
scientists, and to establish MARUM as a leading global center for marine geoscience research
and central hub for marine research in the State of Bremen.
With the proposed research, MARUM will advance our knowledge of the interactions of the ocean
with other components of the Earth system. This knowledge will enhance predictive skills in anticipating future changes in the marine environment, specifically to better cope with the effects of
human activities on the environment. For example, information about the ocean’s role in climate
change, the functioning of ecosystems in the deep sea, the distribution of mineral resources, and
sediment stability will all contribute to sustainable use of the ocean. Ground-breaking new discoveries related to processes at or beneath the seafloor have been made during the past decade
by means of direct observation and sampling. These findings include, for example, gas hydrates,
cold seeps and hot vents and their accompanying ecosystems, deep-water corals, the deep bio-
MARUM 2012-2017
sphere, and microbial ecosystems that shape biogeochemical cycles. Moreover, new sampling
technologies have allowed the reconstruction of past environmental conditions from marine archives at unprecedented temporal resolution and quality. It is only through the integration of marine geology, geophysics, geochemistry, marine (micro)biology, mineralogy, petrology, sedimentology, numerical modeling, and environmental physics that it becomes possible to achieve the
research goals and disentangle the relevant processes of the Earth system.
After major expansions of the research portfolio in the second phase of the Research Center
(2005-2009) and during the first phase of the Cluster of Excellence (2007-2012), the six Research Areas were reorganized in the proposal for the third phase of the Research Center (20092013). The resulting three new Research Areas are: Ocean and Climate, Geosphere-Biosphere
Interactions and Sediment Dynamics. To foster interaction among the Research Areas, new
cross-cutting projects between the areas will be established during the next funding period. New
research perspectives will be realized through the planned inclusion of remote sensing (including
a new professorship) in the research activities.
The expansion of the research portfolio since the founding of the Research Center in 2001 has
been closely linked to the establishment of new professorships in various fields of marine geosciences. As many as nine professorships have been funded by the Research Center / Cluster of
Excellence and Graduate School at a time. Most have already been transferred to the university
budget; the remaining four will be transferred by 31.10.2012. With this proposal four new professorships will be established in the fields of Mineralogy, Micropaleontology / Paleoceanography,
Paleoceanography, and Satellite-Based Earth-System Modeling. All positions are permanent and
will be transferred to the university budget by November 2017.
Research Area “Ocean and Climate” aims to assess the role of the ocean in the climate system
by testing hypotheses related to climate events and processes in modern times as well as in the
geologic past. The overarching goal is to obtain a quantitative understanding of the processes
determining and underlying climate variations that were significant in the past and are relevant for
future climate change. Research activities will be guided by the following objectives: What is the
role of the large-scale ocean circulation in generating and amplifying climate changes? What impacts do changes in ocean circulation have on terrestrial environments? How are atmosphereocean interactions and feedbacks in and between high and low latitudes related to global climate
behavior at interannual to orbital timescales? These questions will be addressed by a joint effort
of proxy-based reconstructions, observations, and modeling experiments. The existing interdisciplinary approach, encompassing paleoceanography, climate modeling and physical oceanography, will be broadened by the integration of satellite-based remote sensing data.
Research Area “Geosphere-Biosphere Interactions” focuses on biological, geochemical and geological processes, and will test hypotheses associated with the transformation of matter and ex-
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traction of energy by microbial communities in marine environments. The geosphere-biosphere
interactions to be examined are intimately linked with the cycling of elements at various temporal
and spatial scales. The relationship of some of these processes, such as benthic nitrogen cycling
in presently expanding oxygen-minimum zones or carbon cycling in benthic, hydrothermal and
sub-seafloor environments, to modern ecosystems and climate are poorly constrained. Understanding the associated feedback mechanisms is one of the broad long-term objectives of
MARUM. This Research Area will draw on the considerable expertise in marine inorganic and
organic (bio)geochemistry, marine geology, and microbiology, and take advantage of the marinetechnology infrastructure at MARUM, which provides access to unique environments and sample
The central focus of Research Area “Sediment Dynamics” is to understand and evaluate the driving forces, processes and interconnections of sediment dynamics between the shelves and continental slopes. The hypothesis-driven research program aims at a process-based understanding
of ocean-margin sedimentary systems. These are controlled by the predominant or joint influences of waves, tides and coastal currents as well as climate and sea-level change and finally by
tectonics and fluid flow. These three fundamental categories of environmental forcing factors act
on distinct spatial and temporal scales, and change their expression with ambient geological settings. This Research Area will combine modern geoscientific methods with numerical modeling
and focus on three guiding questions: What is the impact of small-scale sediment dynamics on
shelf-wide sediment distribution? How are kilometer-scale sedimentary features controlled by
climate? What controls rapid sedimentation events (landslides, mud volcanoes, and other masswasting phenomena)?
MARUM has achieved a position at the forefront of science in several areas, including the subseafloor biosphere, processes underlying natural climate variations, the role of microbial processes in shaping biogeochemical cycles, formation and disintegration of gas hydrates, submarine slope stability, and in integrating numerical modeling into Earth-system science. Through its
pioneering efforts in establishing a data information system for Earth Sciences (PANGAEA),
MARUM has laid the foundation for data-intensive research strategies in Earth sciences.
The Research Center / Cluster of Excellence has also been at the forefront of establishing novel
concepts in graduate training at the University of Bremen. These include international recruitment, supervision by a team of 3-4 experienced researchers, a research stay of several months
in another lab, a cumulative thesis, and an advanced-course program including soft-skill courses.
During the first phase of the Excellence initiative, the “Bremen International Graduate School for
Marine Sciences” (GLOMAR) was established. Based on the long experience in graduate training
at the Faculty of Geosciences, the graduate school has successfully provided a comprehensive
three-year curriculum for doctoral students. At the same time, the disciplinary scope was expanded to encompass all aspects of marine sciences at the University of Bremen, including so-
MARUM 2012-2017
cial and legal sciences. Major progress has been achieved in educating a new generation of scientists who are specialists in their discipline but have also gained valuable experience in other
disciplines. Considering the substantial thematic overlap and the common goals and strategies in
doctoral training, we propose to integrate the graduate school GLOMAR into the Research Center / Cluster of Excellence. The integrated graduate school will maintain its broad thematic spectrum, covering all disciplines involved in marine sciences at the University of Bremen. In addition
to all PhD students of MARUM, graduate students in marine sciences from all disciplines who are
not funded by the Research Center / Cluster of Excellence can apply for membership to the
Graduate School.
MARUM has taken a leading role in developing the gender-equality initiatives of the University of
Bremen further. It has introduced new Return-to-Science Fellowships and developed a new mentoring program for female early-career scientist (plan m at MARUM / GLOMAR) together with the
The Research Center / Cluster of Excellence also provides technologies and infrastructure for
marine research. Driven by the scientific demand, MARUM was the first institution in Germany to
operate a large remotely operated vehicle (ROV) and other large-scale deep-sea technologies,
such as an Autonomous Underwater Vehicle (AUV) and has developed an underwater drill rig
(MeBo). Today, MARUM is one of the few research institutions in the world that not only operates
a fleet of large deep-water instruments but also develops new deep-sea technologies (e.g. Hybrid-ROV and advanced deep-sea drill rig, MeBo-II). For the development of new equipment and
improvements in complex analytical instruments, MARUM cooperates closely with partners from
industry. A major development has been the foundation of the institute MarTech-Bremen by
MARUM, the Robotics Innovation Center at the University of Bremen and the Institute of Space
Systems (part of the Helmholtz Foundation). The goal of the institute is to develop technologies
for a sustainable use of the oceans as a source of energy and mineral resources. Through the
development and operation of modern underwater instruments the Research Center has established itself as a leading center of marine research technology in Germany, and is a favored partner in international cooperative projects. Moreover, MARUM operates one of the three IODP core
repositories in the world.
Science communication at the MARUM comprises a wide variety of activities in the fields of education and outreach. A well-defined target-group concept forms the basis of these activities. It
includes frequent media contacts and exhibitions, as well as regular courses for school classes,
kindergarten children, and teachers.
MARUM 2012-2017
Most important publications of the Research Center / Cluster of Excellence
Petersen, JM, Zielinski, FU, Pape, T, Seifert, R, Moraru, C, Amann, R, Hourdez, S, Girguis, PR,
Wankel, S, Barbe, V, Pelletier, E, Fink, D, Borowski, C, Bach, W, Dubilier, N (2011) Hydrogen is an energy source for hydrothermal vent symbioses. Nature 476, 176-180
Collins, JA, Schefuß, E, Heslop, D, Mulitza, S, Prange, M, Zabel, M, Tjallingii, R, Dokken, T,
Huang, E, Mackensen, A, Schulz, M, Tian, J, Zarriess, M, Wefer, G (2011) Interhemispheric
symmetry of tropical African rainbelt over the past 23,000 years. Nature Geoscience 4, 4245
Rhein, M, Kieke, D, Hüttl-Kabus, S, Rößler, A, Mertens, C, Meissner, R, Klein, B, Böning, CW,
and Yashayaev, I (2011), Deep-water formation, the subpolar gyre, and the meridional
overturning circulation in the subpolar North Atlantic. Deep-Sea Res. II 58, 1819-1832
Westerhold, T, Röhl, U, Donner, B, McCarren, HK, Zachos, JC (2011) A complete high-resolution
Paleocene benthic stable isotope record for the central Pacific (ODP Site 1209).
Paleoceanography 26, PA2216, doi:10.1029/2010PA002092
Bartholdy, J, Ernstsen, VB, Flemming, B, Winter, C, Bartholomä, A (2010) A simple model of
bedform migration. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 35, 1211-1220
Goldhammer, T, Brüchert, V, Ferdelman, TG, Zabel, M (2010) A key to the phosphorus puzzle:
microbial sequestration in anoxic upwelling sediments. Nature Geoscience 3, 557-560
Merkel, U, Prange, M, Schulz, M (2010) ENSO variability and teleconnections during glacial climates. Quaternary Science Reviews 29, 86-100
Mulitza, S, Heslop, D, Pittauerová, D, Fischer, HW, Meyer, I, Stuut, J-B, Zabel, M, Mollenhauer,
G, Collins, JA, Kuhnert, H, Schulz, M (2010) Increase in African dust flux at the onset of
commercial agriculture in the Sahel region. Nature 466, 226-228
Felis, T, Suzuki, A, Kuhnert, H, Dima, M, Lohmann, G, Kawahata, H (2009) Subtropical coral reveals abrupt early-twentieth-century freshening in the western North Pacific Ocean. Geology 37, 527-530
Fischer, G, Karakas, G (2009) Sinking rates of particles in biogenic silica- and carbonatedominated productions systems of the Atlantic Ocean: implications for the organic carbon
fluxes to the deep ocean. Biogeosciences 6, 85-102
Hanebuth, TJJ, Henrich, R (2009) Recurrent decadal-scale dust events over Holocene western
Africa and their control on canyon turbidite activity (Mauritania). Quaternary Science Reviews 28, 261-270
Hüpers, A, Kopf, AJ (2009) The thermal influence on the consolidation state of underthrust sediments from the Nankai margin and its implications for excess pore pressure. Earth and
Planetary Science Letters 286, 324-332
MARGO Project Members: Waelbroeck, C, Paul, A, Kucera, M, Rosell-Mele, A, Weinelt, M,
Schneider, R, Mix, A C, Abelmann, A, Armand, L, Barker, S, Barrows, T T, Benway, H, Cacho, I, Chen, M -T, Cortijo, E, Crosta, X, de Vernal, A, Dokken, T, Duprat, J, Elderfield, H,
Eynaud, F, Gersonde, R, Hayes, A, Henry, M, Hillaire-Marcel, C, Huang, C -C, Jansen, E,
Juggins, S, Kallel, N, Kiefer, T, Kienast, M, Labeyrie, L, Leclaire, H, Londeix, L, Mangin, S,
Matthiessen, J, Marret, F, Meland, M, Morey, A E, Mulitza, S, Pflaumann, U, Pisias, N G,
Radi, T, Rochon, A, Rohling, E J, Sbaffi, L, Schäfer-Neth, C, Solignac, S, Spero, H,
Tachikawa, K, Turon, J-L (2009) Constraints on the magnitude and pattern of ocean cooling
at the Last Glacial Maximum. Nature Geoscience 2, 127-132
Sepulveda, J, Wendler, JE, Summons, RE, Hinrichs, K-U (2009) Rapid Resurgence of Marine
Productivity After the Cretaceous-Paleogene Mass Extinction. Science 326, 129-132
Strasser, M, Moore, GF, Kimura, G, Kitamura, Y, Kopf, AJ, Lallemant, SJ, Park, JO, Screaton,
EL, Su, X, Underwood, MB, Zhao, X (2009) Origin and evolution of a splay fault in the Nankai accretionary wedge. Nature Geoscience 2, 648-652
Dubilier, N, Bergin, C, Lott, C (2008) Symbiotic diversity in marine animals: the art of harnessing
chemosynthesis. Nature Revievs Microbiology 6, 725-740
Lipp JS, Morono Y, Inagaki F, Hinrichs K-U (2008) Significant contribution of Archaea to extant
biomass in marine subsurface sediments. Nature 454, 991-994
MARUM 2012-2017
Mulitza, S, Prange, M, Stuut, J-B, Zabel, M, von Dobeneck, T, Itambi, AC, Nizou, J, Schulz, M,
Wefer, G (2008) Sahel megadroughts triggered by glacial slowdowns of Atlantic meridional
overturning. Paleoceanography 23, PA4206, doi:10.1029/2008PA001637
Sahling, H, Bohrmann, G, Spieß, V, Bialas, J, Breitzke, M, Ivanov, M, Kasten, S, Krastel, S,
Schneider, RR (2008) Pockmarks in the northern Congo Fan area, SW Africa: Complex
seafloor features shaped by fluid flow. Marine Geology 249, 206-225
Wegener, G, Niemann, H, Elvert, M, Hinrichs, K-U, Boetius, A (2008) Assimilation of methane
and inorganic carbon by microbial communities mediating the anaerobic oxidation of methane. Environmental Microbiology 10, 2287-2298
Hebbeln, D, Lamy, F, Mohtadi, M, Echtler, H (2007) Tracing the impact of glacial/interglacial climate variability on erosion of the Southern Andes. Geology 35, 131-134
Huhn, K, Paul, A, Seyferth, M (2007) Modeling sediment transport patterns during an upwelling
event. Journal of Geophysical Research-Oceans 112, C10003
McGregor, HV, Dima, M, Fischer, HW, Mulitza, S (2007) Rapid 20th-Century Increase in Coastal
Upwelling off Northwest Africa. Science 315, 637-639
Mörz, T, Karlik, EA, Kreiter, S, Kopf, AJ (2007) An experimental setup for fluid venting in unconsolidated sediments: New insights to fluid mechanics and structures. Sedimentary Geology
196, 251-267
Winter, C (2007) On the evaluation of sediment transport models in tidal environments. Sedimentary Geology 202, 562-571
MARUM 2012-2017
Most relevant publications of the Research Areas
Research Area OC: Ocean and Climate
Mohtadi, M, Oppo, DW, Steinke S, Stuut, J-BW, De Pol-Holz, R, Hebbeln, D, Lückge, A (2011)
Glacial to Holocene swings of the Australian-Indonesian monsoon. Nature Geoscience 4,
Raitzsch, M, Kuhnert, H, Hathorne, EC, Groeneveld, J, Bickert, T (2011) U/Ca in benthic foraminifers: A proxy for the deep-sea carbonate system. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems
12, Q06019, doi:10.1029/2010GC003344
Collins, JA, Schefuß, E, Heslop, D, Mulitza, S, Prange, M, Zabel, M, Tjallingii, R, Dokken, T,
Huang, E, Mackensen, A, Schulz, M, Tian, J, Zarriess, M, Wefer, G (2011) Interhemispheric
symmetry of tropical African rainbelt over the past 23,000 years. Nature Geoscience 4, 4245
Johnstone, HJH, Yu, J, Elderfield, H, Schulz, M (2011) Improving temperature estimates derived
from Mg/Ca of planktonic foraminifera using X-ray computed tomography-based dissolution
index, XDX. Paleoceanography 26, PA1215, doi:10.1029/2009PA001902
Kohn, M, Steinke, S, Baumann, K-H, Donner, B, Meggers, H, Zonneveld, KAF (2011) Stable oxygen isotopes from the calcareous-walled dinoflagellate Thoracosphaera heimii as a proxy
for changes in mixed layer temperatures off NW Africa during the last 45,000 yr. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 302, 311-322
Rhein, M, Kieke, D, Hüttl-Kabus, S, Rößler, A, Mertens, C, Meissner, R, Klein, B, Böning, CW,
and Yashayaev, I (2011), Deep-water formation, the subpolar gyre, and the meridional
overturning circulation in the subpolar North Atlantic. Deep-Sea Research II, 58, 1819-1832
Felis, T, Suzuki, A, Kuhnert, H, Rimbu, N, Kawahata, H (2010) Pacific Decadal Oscillation documented in a coral record of North Pacific winter temperature since 1873. Geophysical Research Letters 37, L14605. doi:10.1029/2010GL043572
Fink, C, Baumann, K-H, Groeneveld, J, Steinke, S (2010) Strontium/Calcium ratio, carbon and
oxygen stable isotopes in coccolith carbonate from different grain-size fractions in South Atlantic surface sediments. Geobios 43, 151-164
Giraud, X, Paul, A (2010) Interpretation of the paleo-primary production record in the NW African
coastal upwelling system as potentially biased by sea level change. Paleoceanography 25,
PA4224, doi:10.1029/2009PA001795
Gussone, N, Zonneveld, KAF, Kuhnert, H (2010) Minor element and Ca isotope composition of
calcareous dinoflagellate cysts of Thoracosphaera heimii. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 289, 180-188
Lamy, F, Kilian, R, Arz, HW, Francois, J-P, Kaiser, J, Prange, M, Steinke, T (2010) Holocene
changes in the position and intensity of the southern westerly wind belt. Nature Geoscience
3, 695-699
Lopes dos Santos, RA, Prange, M, Castañeda, IS, Schefuß, E, Mulitza, S, Schulz, M, Niedermeyer, EM, Sinninghe Damsté, JS, Schouten, S (2010) Glacial-interglacial variability in Atlantic meridional overturning circulation and thermocline adjustments in the tropical North
Atlantic. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 300, 407-414
Martinez-Garcia, A, Rosell-Mele, A, Clymont, EL, Gersonde, R, Haug, GH (2010) Subpolar link to
the emergence of the modern equatorial Pacific cold tongue. Science 328, 1550-1553
Merkel, U, Prange, M, Schulz, M (2010) ENSO variability and teleconnections during glacial climates. Quaternary Science Reviews 29, 86-100
Mulitza, S, Heslop, D, Pittauerová, D, Fischer, HW, Meyer, I, Stuut, J-B, Zabel, M, Mollenhauer,
G, Collins, JA, Kuhnert, H, Schulz, M (2010) Increase in African dust flux at the onset of
commercial agriculture in the Sahel region. Nature 466, 226-228
Niedermeyer, EM, Schefuß, E, Sessions, AL, Mulitza, S, Mollenhauer, G, Schulz, M, Wefer, G
(2010) Orbital- and millennial-scale changes in the hydrologic cycle and vegetation in the
MARUM 2012-2017
western African Sahel: Insights from individual plant wax D and 13C. Quaternary Science
Reviews 29, 2996-3005
Steph, S, Tiedemann, R, Prange, M, Groeneveld, J, Schulz, M, Timmermann, A, Nürnberg, D,
Rühlemann, C, Saukel, C, Haug, GH (2010) Early Pliocene increase in thermohaline overturning: A precondition for the development of the modern equatorial Pacific cold tongue.
Paleoceanography 25, PA2202, doi:10.1029/2008PA00164
Bouimetarhan, I, Dupont, LM, Schefuß, E, Mollenhauer, G, Mulitza, S, Zonneveld, KAF (2009)
Palynological evidence for climatic and oceanic variability off NW Africa during the late Holocene. Quaternary Research 72, 188-197
Castañeda, IS, Mulitza, S, Schefuß, E, Lopes dos Santos, RA, Sinninghe Damsté, JS, Schouten,
S (2009) Wet phases in the Sahara/Sahel region and human migration patterns in North Africa. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, USA 106
Felis, T, Suzuki, A, Kuhnert, H, Dima, M, Lohmann, G, Kawahata, H (2009) Subtropical coral reveals abrupt early-twentieth-century freshening in the western North Pacific Ocean. Geology 37, 527-530
Herold, M, Lohmann, G (2009) Eemian tropical and subtropical African moisture transport - an
isotope modelling study. Climate Dynamics 33, 1075-1088
Itambi, AC, von Dobeneck, T, Mulitza, S, Bickert, T, Heslop, D (2009) Millennial-scale northwest
African droughts related to Heinrich events and Dansgaard-Oeschger cycles: Evidence in
marine sediments from offshore Senegal. Paleoceanography 24, PA1205,
MARGO Project Members: Waelbroeck, C, Paul, A, Kucera, M, Rosell-Mele, A, Weinelt, M,
Schneider, R, Mix, AC, Abelmann, A, Armand, L, Barker, S, Barrows, TT, Benway, H, Cacho, I, Chen, M-T, Cortijo, E, Crosta, X, de Vernal, A, Dokken, T, Duprat, J, Elderfield, H,
Eynaud, F, Gersonde, R, Hayes, A, Henry, M, Hillaire-Marcel, C, Huang, C-C, Jansen, E,
Juggins, S, Kallel, N, Kiefer, T, Kienast, M, Labeyrie, L, Leclaire, H, Londeix, L, Mangin, S,
Matthiessen, J, Marret, F, Meland, M, Morey, AE, Mulitza, S, Pflaumann, U, Pisias, NG,
Radi, T, Rochon, A, Rohling, E J, Sbaffi, L, Schäfer-Neth, C, Solignac, S, Spero, H,
Tachikawa, K, Turon, J-L (2009) Constraints on the magnitude and pattern of ocean cooling
at the Last Glacial Maximum. Nature Geoscience 2, 127-132
Niedermeyer, EM, Prange, M, Mulitza, S, Mollenhauer, G, Schefuß, E, Schulz, M (2009) Extratropical forcing of Sahel aridity during Heinrich stadials. Geophysical Research Letters 36,
L20707, doi:10.1029/2009GL039687
Fraile, I, Schulz, M, Mulitza, S, Kucera, M (2008) Predicting the global distribution of planktonic
foraminifera using a dynamic ecosystem model. Biogeosciences 5, 891-911
Mulitza, S, Prange, M, Stuut, J-B, Zabel, M, von Dobeneck, T, Itambi, AC, Nizou, J, Schulz, M,
Wefer, G (2008) Sahel megadroughts triggered by glacial slowdowns of Atlantic meridional
overturning. Paleoceanography 23, PA4206, doi:10.1029/2008PA001637
Raitzsch, M, Kuhnert, H, Groeneveld, J, Bickert, T (2008) Benthic foraminifer Mg/Ca anomalies in
South Atlantic core top sediments and their implications for paleothermometry. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems 9, Q05010. doi:10.1029/2007GC001788
Tjallingii, R, Claussen, M, Stuut, J-B, Fohlmeister, J, Jahn, A, Bickert, T, Lamy, F, Röhl, U (2008)
Coherent high- and low-latitude control of the Northwest African hydrological balance. Nature Geoscience 1, 670-675
Lynch-Stieglitz, J, Adkins, J, Curry, WB, Dokken, T, Hall, IR, Herguera, JC, Hirschi, JJ-M, Ivanova, EV, Kissel, C, Marchal, O, Marchitto, TM, McCave, IN, McManus, JF, Mulitza, S, Ninnemann, U, Peeters, FJC, Yu, E-F, Zahn, R (2007) Atlantic meridional overturning circulation during the Last Glacial Maximum. Science 316, 66-69
Schulz, M, Prange, M, Klocker, A (2007) Low-frequency oscillations of the Atlantic Ocean meridional overturning circulation in a coupled climate model. Climate of the Past 2, 97-107
MARUM 2012-2017
Research Area GB: Geosphere-Biosphere Interactions
Brock, J, Schulz-Vogt, HN (2011) Sulfide induces phosphate release from polyphosphate in cultures of a marine Beggiatoa strain. ISME Journal 5, 497-506
Goldhammer, T, Brunner, B, Bernasconi, S, Ferdelman, T, Zabel, M (2011a) Phosphate oxygen
isotopes: insights into sedimentary phosphorus cycling from the Benguela upwelling system. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 75, 3741-3756
Goldhammer, T, Max T, Brunner, B , Einsiedl, F, Zabel, M (2011b) Marine sediment pore-water
profiles of phosphate 18O using a refined micro-extraction. Limnology and Oceanography:
Methods 9, 110-120
Holler, T, Widdel, F, Knittel, K, Amann, R, Kellermann, M, Hinrichs, K-U, Teske, A, Boetius, A,
Wegener, G (in press) Thermophilic anaerobic oxidation of methane by marine microbial
consortia. ISME Journal, doi:10.1038/ismej.2011.77
Holtappels, M, Lorke, A (2011) Estimating turbulent diffusion in a benthic boundary layer. Limnology and Oceanography: Methods 9,1-13
Petersen, JM, Zielinski, FU, Pape, T, Seifert, R, Moraru, C, Amann, R, Hourdez, S, Girguis, PR,
Wankel, S, Barbe, V, Pelletier, E, Fink, D, Borowski, C, Bach, W, Dubilier, N (2011) Hydrogen is an energy source for hydrothermal vent symbioses. Nature 476, 176-180
Rossel, PE, Elvert, M, Ramette, A, Boetius, A, Hinrichs, K-U (2011) Factors controlling the distribution of anaerobic methanotrophic communities in marine environments: Evidence from
intact polar membrane lipids. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 75, 164-184
Schmidt, F, Koch, B, Elvert, M, Schmidt, G, Witt, M, Hinrichs, K-U (2011) Diagenetic transformation of dissolved organic nitrogen compounds under contrasting sedimentary redox conditions in the Black Sea. Environmental Science & Technology 45, 5223-5229
Schubotz, F, Lipp, JS, Elvert, M, Kasten, S, Prieto Mollar, X, Zabel, M, Bohrmann, G, Hinrichs, KU (2011a) Petroleum degradation and associated microbial signatures at the Chapopote
asphalt volcano, Southern Gulf of Mexico. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 75, 43774398
Schubotz, F, Lipp, JS, Elvert, M, Hinrichs, K-U (2011b) Stable carbon isotopic compositions of
intact polar lipids of hydro- carbon degrading microbial communities at the Chapopote asphalt volcano in the southern Gulf of Mexico. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 75, 4399–
Brüning, M, Sahling, H, MacDonald, IR, Ding, F, Bohrmann, G (2010) Origin, distribution, and alteration of asphalts at Chapopote Knoll, Southern Gulf of Mexico. Marine and Petroleum
Geology 27, 1093-1106
Ding, F, Spiess, V, Fekete, N, Murton, B, Bruning, M, Bohrmann, G (2010) Interaction between
accretionary thrust faulting and slope sedimentation at the frontal Makran accretionary
prism and its implications for hydrocarbon fluid seepage. Journal of Geophysical Research
115, B08106, doi:10.1029/2008JB006246
Felden, J, Wenzhöfer, F, Feseker, T, Boetius, A (2010) Transport and consumption of oxygen
and methane in different habitats of the Håkon Mosby Mud Volcano. Limnology and
Oceanography 55, 2366–2380
Goldhammer, T, Brüchert, V, Ferdelman, TG, Zabel, M (2010) A key to the phosphorus puzzle:
microbial sequestration in anoxic upwelling sediments. Nature Geoscience 3, 557-560
Iversen, MH, Nowald, N, Ploug, H, Jackson, GA, Fischer, G (2010) High resolution profiles of vertical particulate organic matter export off Cape Blanc, Mauritania: Degradation processes
and ballasting effects. Deep-Sea Research I 57, 771-784
Jöns, N, Bach, W, Klein, F (2010) Magmatic influence on reaction paths and element transport
during serpentinization. Chemical Geology 274, 196-211
Lin, YS, Lipp, JS, Yoshinaga, MY, Lin, SH, Elvert, M, Hinrichs, K-U (2010) Intramolecular stable
carbon isotopic analysis of archaeal glycosyl tetraether lipids. Rapid Communications in
Mass Spectrometry 24, 2817-2826
MARUM 2012-2017
Pape, T, Kasten, S, Zabel, M, Bahr, A, Abegg, F, Hohnberg, HJ, Bohrmann, G (2010) Gas hydrates in shallow deposits of the Amsterdam mud volcano, Anaximander Mountains, Northeastern Mediterranean Sea. Geo-Marine Letters 30, 187-206
Petersen, JM, Ramette, A, Lott, C, Cambon Bonavita, MA, Zbinden, M, Dubilier, N (2010) Dual
symbiosis of the vent shrimp Rimicaris exoculata with filamentous gamma- and epsilonproteobacteria at four Mid-Atlantic Ridge hydrothermal vent fields. Environmental Microbiology
12, 2204-2218
Thomanek, K, Zielinski, O, Sahling, H, Bohrmann, G (2010) Automated gas bubble imaging at
sea floor - a new method of in-situ gas flux quantification. Ocean Science 6, 549-562
Fischer, G, Karakas, G (2009) Sinking rates of particles in biogenic silica- and carbonatedominated productions systems of the Atlantic Ocean: implications for the organic carbon
fluxes to the deep ocean. Biogeosciences 6, 85-102
Fischer, G, Karakas, G, Blaas, M, Ratmeyer, V, Nowald, N, Schlitzer, R, Helmke, P, Davenport,
R, Donner, B, Neuer, S, Wefer, G (2009) Mineral ballast and particle settling rates in the
coastal upwelling system off NW Africa and the South Atlantic. International Journal of
Earth Sciences 98, 281-298
Karakas, G, Nowald, N, Schaefer-Neth, C, Iversen, M, Barkmann, W, Fischer, G, Marchesiello,
P, Schlitzer, R (2009) Impact of particle aggregation on vertical fluxes of organic matter.
Progress in Oceanography 83, 331-341
Klein, F, Bach, W, Jöns, N, McCollom, TM, Moskowitz, B, Berquo, T (2009) Iron Partitioning and
Hydrogen Generation During Serpentinization of Abyssal Perdotites from 15°N on the MidAtlantic Ridge. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 73, 6868-6893
Lipp, JS, Hinrichs, KU (2009) Structural diversity and fate of intact polar lipids in marine sediments. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 73, 6816-6833
Schmidt, F, Elvert, M, Koch, B, Witt, M, Hinrichs, K-U (2009) Molecular characterization of dissolved organic matter in pore water in continental shelf sediments. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 73, 3337-3358
Wegener, G, Boetius, A (2009) An experimental study on short-term changes in the anaerobic
oxidation of methane in response to varying methane and sulfate fluxes. Biogeosciences 6,
Dubilier, N, Bergin, C, Lott, C (2008) Symbiotic diversity in marine animals: the art of harnessing
chemosynthesis. Nature Reviews Microbiology 6, 725-740
Lipp, JS, Morono, Y, Inagaki, F, Hinrichs, K-U (2008) Significant contribution of Archaea to extant
biomass in marine subsurface sediments. Nature 454, 991-994
Nikolovska, A, Sahling, H, Bohrmann, G (2008) Hydro-acoustic methodology for detection, localization and quantification of gas bubbles rising from the seafloor at gas seeps from the
eastern Black
Sea. Geochemistry, Geophysics,
9, Q10010,
MARUM 2012-2017
Research Area SD: Sediment Dynamics
Ernstsen, V, Lefebvre, A, Bartholdy, J, Bartholomä, A, Winter, C (2011) Spatiotemporal height
variations of large-scale bedforms in the Grådyb tidal inlet channel (Denmark): a case study
on coastal system impact. Journal of Coastal Research 64, 746-750
Krastel, S, Wefer, G, Hanebuth, TJJ, Antobreh, AA, Freudenthal, T, Preu, B, Schwenk, T,
Strasser, M, Violante, R, Winkelmann, D, M78/3 Shipboard Scientific Party (2011) Sediment Dynamics and Geohazards off Uruguay and the de la Plata River region (NorthernArgentina, Uruguay). Geo-Marine Letters 31, 271-283
Müller, H, von Dobeneck, T, Nehmiz, W, Hamer, K (2010) Near-surface electromagnetic, rock
magnetic, and geochemical fingerprinting of submarine freshwater seepage at EckernfördeBay (SW Baltic Sea). Geo-Marine Letters 31, 123-140
Schlue, BF, Moerz, T, Kreiter, S (2011) Undrained shear strength properties of organic harbor
mud at low consolidation stress levels. Canadian Geotechnical Journal 48, 388-398
Bartholdy, J, Ernstsen, VB, Flemming, B, Winter, C, Bartholomä, A (2010) A simple model of
bedform migration. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 35, 1211-1220
Förster, A, Ellis, RG, Henrich, R, Krastel, S, Kopf, AJ (2010) Geotechnical characterization and
strain analyses of sediment in the Mauritania Slide Complex, NW-Africa. Marine and Petroleum Geology 27, 1175-1189
Henrich, R, Cherubini, Y, Meggers, H (2010) Climate and sea level induced turbidite activity in a
canyon system offshore the hyperarid Western Sahara (Mauritania): The Timiris Canyon.
Marine Geology 275, 178-198
Kopf, AJ, Kasten, S, Blees, J (2010) Geochemical evidence for groundwater-charging of slope
sediments: The Nice airport 1979 landslide and tsunami revisited. In: Mosher, DC, Ship,
RC, Moscardelli, L, Chaytor, JD, Baxter, CDP, Lee, HJ, Urgeles, R (eds) Submarine mass
movements and their consequences. Advances in Natural and Technological Hazards Research 28, Springer, Dordrecht, 203-214
Kreiter, S, Mörz, T, Straßer, M, Lange, M, Schunn, W, Schlue, BF, Otto, D, Kopf, AJ (2010) Advanced dynamic soil testing - introducing the new MARUM dynamic triaxial testing device.
In: Mosher, DC, Ship, RC, Moscardelli, L, Chaytor, JD, Baxter, CDP, Lee, HJ, Urgeles, R
(eds) Submarine mass movements and their consequences. Advances in Natural and
Technological Hazards Research 28, Springer, Dordrecht, 31-41
Lantzsch, H, Hanebuth, TJJ, Henrich, R (2010) Sediment recycling and adjustment of deposition
during deglacial drowning of a low-accumulation shelf (NW Iberia). Continental Shelf Research 30, 1665-1679
Nizou, J, Hanebuth, TJJ, Heslop, D, Schwenk, T, Palamenghi, L, Stuut, J-B, Henrich, R (2010)
The Senegal River mud belt: A high-resolution archive of paleoclimatic change and coastal
evolution. Marine Geology 278, 150-164
Pierau, R, Hanebuth, TJJ, Krastel, S, Henrich, R (2010) Late Quaternary climatic events and sealevel changes recorded by turbidite activity, Dakar Canyon, NW Africa. Quaternary Research 73, 385-392
Schmidt, F, Hinrichs, K-U, Elvert, M (2010) Sources, transport, and partitioning of organic matter
at a highly dynamic continental margin. Marine Chemistry 118, 37-55
Strozyk, F, Strasser, M, Förster, A, Kopf, AJ, Huhn, K (2010) Slope failure repetition in active
margin environments: Constraints from submarine landslides in the Hellenic fore arc, eastern Mediterranean. Journal of Geophysical Research 115, B08103,
Bartholomä, A, Kubicki, A, Badewien, TH, Flemming, B (2009) Suspended sediment transport in
the German Wadden Sea-seasonal variations and extreme events. Ocean Dynamics 59,
MARUM 2012-2017
Hanebuth, TJJ, Henrich, R (2009) Recurrent decadal-scale dust events over Holocene western
Africa and their control on canyon turbidite activity (Mauritania). Quaternary Science Reviews 28, 261-270
Hüpers, A, Kopf, AJ (2009) The thermal influence on the consolidation state of underthrust sediments from the Nankai margin and its implications for excess pore pressure. Earth and
Planetary Science Letters 286, 324-332
Michel, J, Westphal, H, Hanebuth, TJJ (2009) Sediment partitioning and winnowing in a mixed
eolian-marine system (Mauritanian shelf). Geo-Marine Letters 29, 221-232
Stark, N, Hanff, H, Kopf, AJ (2009) Nimrod: a tool for rapid geotechnical characterization of surface sediments. Sea Technology 50, 10-14
Strasser, M, Moore, GF, Kimura, G, Kitamura, Y, Kopf, AJ, Lallemant, SJ, Park, JO, Screaton,
EL, Su, X, Underwood, MB, Zhao, X (2009) Origin and evolution of a splay fault in the Nankai accretionary wedge. Nature Geoscience 2, 648-652
Winter, C, Chiou, MD, Kao, CC, Lee, BC (2009) Dynamic downscaling of meteorological fields for
the hydrodynamic simulation of extreme events. In: McKee Smith, J (ed), Coastal Engineering 2008 2, 1135-1146, World Scientific Publishing, London
Hanebuth, TJJ, Lantzsch, H (2008) A Late Quaternary sedimentary shelf system under hyperarid
conditions: Unravelling climatic, oceanographic and sea-level controls (Golfe d'Arguin,
Mauritania, NW Africa). Marine Geology 256, 77-89, doi:10.1016/j.margeo.2008.10.001
Henrich, R, Hanebuth, TJJ, Krastel, S, Neubert, N, Wynn, RB (2008) Architecture and sediment
dynamics of the Mauritania Slide Complex. Marine and Petroleum Geology 25, 17-33
Bartetzko, A, Kopf, AJ (2007) The relationship of undrained shear strength and porosity with
depth in shallow (< 50 m) marine sediments. Sedimentary Geology 196, 235-249
Hebbeln, D, Lamy, F, Mohtadi, M, Echtler, H (2007) Tracing the impact of glacial/interglacial climate variability on erosion of the Southern Andes. Geology 35, 131-134
Huhn, K, Paul, A, Seyferth, M (2007) Modeling sediment transport patterns during an upwelling
event. Journal of Geophysical Research 112, C10003, doi:10.1029/2005JC003107
Kock, I, Huhn, K (2007) Influence of grain shape on the frictional strength of sediments – a numerical case study. Journal of Sedimentary Geology 196, 217-233
Mörz, T, Karlik, EA, Kreiter, S, Kopf, AJ (2007) An experimental setup for fluid venting in unconsolidated sediments: New insights to fluid mechanics and structures. Sedimentary Geology
196, 251-267
Stegmann, S, Strasser, M, Anselmetti, FS, Kopf, AJ (2007) Geotechnical in-situ characterization
of subaquatic slopes: The role of pore pressure transients versus frictional strength in landslide initiation. Geophysical Research Letters 34, L07607, doi:10.1029/2006GL029122
Winter, C (2007) On the evaluation of sediment transport models in tidal environments. Sedimentary Geology 202, 562-571
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Additional evidence of qualification
Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Prize, DFG: Antje Boetius (2009)
Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Prize, DFG: Kai-Uwe Hinrichs (2011)
Alfred Wegener Medal, European Geosciences Union: Gerold Wefer (2011)
William Nordberg Medal, Committee on Space Research (COSPAR): John P. Burrows
Bergey’s Award Systematic Bacteriology: Rudolf Amann (2004)
Communicator Award, DFG and Stifterverband: Gerold Wefer (2001)
ERC Advanced Grant: Kai-Uwe Hinrichs (2010)
Scientific councils, panels, and coordinated projects
Member, Science Council of Germany (Wissenschaftsrat): Antje Boetius (since 2010)
Chair, DFG Commission for Oceanography: Michael Schulz (since 2011)
Chair, DFG Commission for Perspectives of Geosciences: Gerold Wefer (since 2008)
Elected Member, DFG Review Panel 204: Rudolf Amann (since 2004)
Elected Member, DFG Review Panel 313: Monika Rhein (since 2008)
Elected Member, DFG Review Panel 314: Andre Freiwald (since 2004)
Chair, IODP Board of Governors: Gerold Wefer (since 2011)
Member, SCOR Working Group Hydrothermal Energy Transfer and its Impact on the
Ocean Carbon Cycle: Wolfgang Bach (since 2008)
Member, SCOR Working Group Hydrothermal Energy Transfer and its Impact on the
Ocean Carbon Cycle: Nicole Dubilier (since 2008)
Member, IGBP Past Global Changes (PAGES) Steering Committee: Michael Schulz
(since 2007)
Member, German Advisory Council for Global Change: Sabine Schlacke (since 2008)
Coordinating lead author, IPCC working group I, Chapter 3: Monika Rhein (since 2009)
Coordinating lead author, IPCC working group I, Chapter 5: Michael Schulz (since 2009)
Member, Board of Reviewing Editors, Science: Kai-Uwe Hinrichs (since 2011)
Coordinator, EU Deep Sea & Sub-Seafloor Frontier Initiative: Achim Kopf (since 2010)
Coordinator, DFG Research Group “Understanding Cenozoic Climate Cooling”: Gerrit
Lohmann (since 2008)
Speaker, DFG International Research Training Group INTERCOAST: Katrin Huhn (since
Coordinator, DFG Priority Research Project INTERDYNAMIC: Michael Schulz (since
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Other participating researchers
Table 19: Other participating researchers of the cluster
Title first name
Dr. Andrea Abelmann
Dr. Alexander Bartholomä
Dr. Karl-Heinz Baumann
Dr. Christian Borowski
Dr. Benjamin Brunner
Dr. Solveig Bühring
Dr. Dirk de Beer
Dr. Michael Diepenbroek
Dr. Barbara Donner
Dr. Lydie Dupont
Dr. Marcus Elvert
Prof. Dr. Verner B. Ernstsen
Dr. Thomas Felis
Dr. Tim Ferdelmann
Dr. Tomas Feseker
Dr. Gerhard Fischer
Prof. Dr. Hubertus Fischer
Dr. Tim Freudenthal
Prof. Dr. Michael W. Friedrich
Albert Gerdes
Dr. Tobias Goldhammer
Dr. Hannes Grobe
Prof. Dr. Willi Hagen
Walter Hale
PD Dr. Till Hanebuth
Prof. Dr. Rüdiger Henrich
Dr. Verena Heuer
Dr. Moritz Holtappels
Dr. Morten Iversen
Dr. Niels Jöns
Prof. Dr. Simone Kasemann
PD Dr. Sabine Kasten
Dr. Hanno Keil
Thorsten Klein
Prof. Dr. Boris Koch
Dr. Martin Kölling
Dr. Holger Kuhlmann
Dr. Henning Kuhnert
Dr. Marcel Kuypers
Dr. Frank Lamy
Dr. Hendrik Lantzsch
Dr. Gaute Lavik
Dr. Yu-Shih Lin
Prof. Dr. Lars Linsen
Dr. Julius Lipp
Prof. Dr. Gerrit Lohmann
Research area(s)
Sen. Sci.
Sen. Sci.
Sen. Sci.
Sen. Sci.
Sen. Sci.
Sen. Sci.
Sen. Sci.
Sen. Sci.
Sen. Sci.
Sen. Sci.
Sen. Sci.
Sen. Sci.
Sen. Sci.
Sen. Sci.
Sen. Sci.
Sen. Sci.
Sen. Sci.
Sen. Sci.
Sen. Sci.
Sen. Sci.
Sen. Sci.
Sen. Sci.
Sen. Sci.
Sen. Sci.
Sen. Sci.
Sen. Sci.
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Dr. Martin Losch
Dr. Gerrit Meinecke
Dr. Ute Merkel
Dr. Mahyar Mohtadi
Prof. Dr. Gesine Mollenhauer
Prof. Dr. Tobias Mörz
Dr. Stefan Mulitza
Dr. Hendrik Müller
Dr. Marc Mußmann
Dr. Nicolas Nowald
Dr. Thomas Pape
Dr. Jürgen Pätzold
Dr. Martina Pätzold
Dr. Andre Paul
Prof. Dr. Thomas Pichler
Dr. Matthias Prange
Dr. Alban Ramette
Dr. Volker Ratmeyer
Dr. Eoghan P. Reeves
Götz Ruhland
Dr. Michiel Rutgers v. d. Loeff
Dr. Heiko Sahling
Dr. Enno Schefuß
Dr. Vera Schlindwein
Prof. Dr. Rainer Schlitzer
Dr. Frauke Schmidt
Dr. Frank Schmieder
Dr. Heide Schulz-Vogt
Dr. Tilmann Schwenk
Dr. Monika Segl
Prof. Dr. Cornelia Spiegel
Prof. Dr. Volkhard Spieß
Jana Stone
Dr. Michael Strasser
Dr. Jan-Berend Stuut
Prof. Dr. Ralf Tiedemann
Dr. Wolfgang von Hoyningen-Huene
Dr. Christoph Vogt
Dr. Marco Vountas
Dr. Christoph Waldmann
Dr. Hans-J. Wallrabe-Adams
Dr. Gunter Wegener
Dr. Frank Wenzhöfer
Prof. Dr. Dieter Wolf-Gladrow
PD Dr. Karin Zonneveld
Sen. Sci.
Sen. Sci.
Sen. Sci.
Sen. Sci.
Sen. Sci.
Sen. Sci.
Sen. Sci.
Sen. Sci.
Sen. Sci.
Sen. Sci.
Sen. Sci.
Sen. Sci.
Sen. Sci.
Sen. Sci.
Sen. Sci.
Sen. Sci.
Sen. Sci.
Sen. Sci.
Sen. Sci.
Sen. Sci.
Sen. Sci.
Sen. Sci.
Sen. Sci.
Sen. Sci.
Sen. Sci.
Sen. Sci.
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Participating institutions and cooperation partners
Table 20: Detailed list of the participating institutions and the most important cooperation
Institutes and institutions of the host university
Faculty 5: Geosciences
Faculty 1: Physics and Electrical Engineering with Institute
for Environmental Physics (IUP)
Faculty 2: Biology and Chemistry
Faculty 6: Law with Center for European Environmental
Faculty 8: Faculty of Social Sciences with Center for Sustainability Studies (artec)
Institutes and institutions of the participating universities 1)
Jacobs University: School of Engineering and Science
Institutes of the non-university institutions 1)
AWI: Research Divisions Geosciences, Biosciences and
Climate Science
MPI: Department of Biogeochemistry, Department of Molecular Ecology, and Ecophysiology Group
SGN: Divisions Marine Geology and Marine Sedimentology
ZMT: Department of Biogeochemistry / Geology
Most important cooperation partners 2)
Clusters of Excellence Clisap and Future Ocean
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI)
Institut français de recherche pour l'exploitation de la mer
COPAS Center for Oceanographic Research
Netherlands Institute for Sea Research (NIOZ)
Intergrated Ocean Drilling Program (IODP)
Bauer Group
K.U.M. Umwelt- und Meerestechnik Kiel GmbH
Kippenberg Gymnasium
ECE Projektmanagement GmbH & Co. KG
Hamburg, Kiel
Woods Hole, USA
Brest, France
Concepcion, Chile
Texel, The Netherlands
College Station, USA
Institutions that will be funded by the cluster.
Institutions or individuals that will not be funded by the cluster but will contribute their own resources
to the cluster (e. g. research partners, industrial cooperation partners or other partners in the field of
service providers, museums, cultural institutions, applications partners, etc...).
Letters of intent / Statements of cooperation
Clusters of Excellence Clisap and Future Ocean
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI), USA
Institut français de recherche pour l'exploitation de la mer (IFREMER), Brest, France
COPAS Center for Oceanographic Research, Chile
Netherlands Institute for Sea Research (NIOZ), The Netherlands
Intergrated Ocean Drilling Program (IODP), USA
Bauer Group
K.U.M. Umwelt- und Meerestechnik Kiel GmbH
Kippenberg-Gymnasium Bremen
ECE Projektmanagement GmbH & Co. KG, Hamburg
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4.9 Scientific advisory board
Prof. Dr. Jesper Bartholdy
Institute of Geography, University of Copenhagen
Dr. James G. Bellingham
Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute, Moss Landing
Prof. Dr. Angelo Camerlenghi Facultat de Geologia, Universitat de Barcelona
Prof. Dr. Margaret L. Delaney Ocean Sciences Department, University of California, Santa Cruz
Prof. Dr. Gerald Dickens
Department of Earth Science, Rice University, Houston
Prof. Dr. Helge Drange
Department of Geophysics, University of Bergen
Dr. Christopher R. German
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole
Dr. Heike Langenberg
Nature, London
Prof. Dr. Nadine Le Bris
Prof. Dr. Ian MacDonald
Laboratoire d’Ècogéochimie des Environnements Benthiques,
Department of Oceanography, Florida State University, Tallahassee
Prof. Dr. Douglas Masson
National Oceanography Centre Southampton
Prof. Dr. Larry Mayer
Center for Coastal and Ocean Mapping, University of New Hampshire, Durham
Prof. Dr. Ian N. McCave
Department of Earth Sciences, University of Cambridge
Prof. Dr. Jack J. Middelburg
The Netherlands Institute of Ecology, Yerseke
Prof. Dr. Alan Mix
Prof. Dr. Mike R. Phillips
College of Oceanic & Atmospheric Sciences, Oregon State University, Corvallis
Faculty of Applied Design and Engineering, Swansea Metropolitan University
Prof. Dr. David J.W. Piper
Bedford Institute of Oceanography, Dartmouth
Vincent Rigaud
IFREMER centre de Brégaillon, Toulon
Prof. Dr. Pinxian Wang
Dr. Gert Jan Weltje
State Key Laboratory of Marine Geology, Tongji University,
Faculty of Civil Engineering and Geosciences, Delft University of
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General information on the host university
University of Bremen
The University of Bremen was founded in 1971. Now, with 250 professors and 17,000 students, it
is a mid-sized university offering a broad spectrum of subjects. 100 different programs of study
are available under 30 academic disciplines. Soon after enactment of the Bologna Declaration,
the university had already begun to develop the new curricula for bachelor and masters studies,
and was awarded the honor of “Bologna University” by the Standing Conference of the State Ministers of Education at an early stage of this development. The goal of the Bologna Declaration is
to create a European domain of higher education. The guiding principles of education and research at the University of Bremen include an interdisciplinary approach, the practical application
of academic endeavors, and a commitment to the social aspects of education. These principles,
which were instituted at the time the university was founded, have since been augmented by the
addition of modern goals: equal opportunity, ecological responsibility, and expansion of the international scope of education and research. The greatest assets for teaching and research are
personnel of superior quality and professional expertise. To achieve these qualities, the University of Bremen long ago introduced internal measures for student evaluation of the instructors
and a policy of external evaluation and accreditation of its study and research programs.
The university has 12 faculties: Physics/Electrical Engineering (1), Biology/Chemistry (2), Mathematics/Computer Science (3), Production Engineering (4), Geosciences (5), Law (6), Business
Studies and Economics (7), Social Sciences (8), Cultural Studies (9), Linguistics and Literary
Studies (10), Human and Health Sciences (11), Pedagogical and Educational Sciences (12), and
MARUM as a research faculty.
The University of Bremen fosters the exchange of students around the world through international programs and partnerships. Aspects of international impact are earnestly considered in the development of study programs, including new forms of study (delivery of lecture classes in a foreign language, study modules) as well as internationally oriented courses of study that encourage or require a period of foreign residence. These international study programs are primarily
operated in cooperation with partner universities in other countries.
With support from the State of Bremen, the university develops measures and programs designed to promote gender equality in research and in the administration. Indeed, gender equality
is one of the guiding principles of the University of Bremen and its gender-equality concept was
recently top-ranked by the BMBF and the DFG (“Gleichstellungsstandards”).
TheUniversity of Bremen has always focused on fostering young talent and high-quality research
across traditional disciplines. Long before the DFG research training groups were initiated, the
university had already established doctoral research groups. It also created a competitive tenure
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track for “junior professors” (assistant professors), which became known as the “Bremen Perspective”. The most recent development in this area is the university’s Research Academy, an
umbrella unit set up to support all aspects of doctoral studies. And finally, the university’s Central
Research Funding is based on competitive calls in accordance with DFG standards, and offers a
total of 60 full-time research positions for creative research projects within all of its faculties. This
type of innovative model has become the trademark of the university.
Research conducted at the University of Bremen is interdisciplinary, concentrating on six crossfaculty research themes, also known as high-profile areas: 1. Ocean and Climate Research, 2.
Materials Science, 3. Information-Cognition-Communication, 4. Social Sciences, 5. Health Science, and 6. Logistics.
At the University of Bremen more than 1,600 scholars and scientists are working on cutting-edge
research projects. The University of Bremen is one of the most successful universities in Germany in terms of the acquisition of external funding for research projects. In 2010, researchers at the
University of Bremen obtained external funding of more than 90 million Euros. Nearly half of this
sum came from the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG). External funding accounts for
about one-third of the university’s entire budget. This is the second highest ratio between external
funding and overall university budget in all of Germany. In addition to the numerous projects and
collaborative research centers supported by the DFG, there are many other projects that are financed by the European Union, the Federal Government, various foundations, and the commercial-enterprise sector.
Investigating and identifying solutions to pressing social issues has a long tradition at the University of Bremen. This applies to both fundamental and applied research. The university meets its
commitment to education and research in the interest of society at large by cooperating with public institutions and commercial entities, as well as by offering a broad spectrum of services directly to the community. These public services range from asthma training for children to free genetic counseling, and also include public access to its socio-political archives.
The research profile of the University of Bremen is largely defined by marine and climate research in the natural sciences, engineering in the field of production and manufacturing technology, and current topics in the social sciences. These major areas are represented by four collaborative research centers, the DFG Research Center / Cluster of Excellence “The Ocean in the
Earth System”, two Graduate Schools of the excellence initiative, and several research training
groups. Computer science plays a particularly prominent role in two additional collaborative research centers, in the fields of logistics and spatial cognition. In the humanities, smaller research
networks operate in conjunction with individual scholars who are specialists in their respective
fields of study.
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The university profile is further enhanced by the designation of six high-profile research areas,
and is distinguished by its close cooperation with prominent and internationally recognized outside institutes.
21 external institutes – 18 on campus and three in Bremerhaven – are contractually bound to the
university by cooperative agreements. These comprise eight federally financed institutes of the
Max Planck Society (MPG), the Helmholtz Association (HGF), the Wilhelm Gottfried Leibniz Association (WGL), and the Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft (FhG), as well as eleven research institutes
financed by the State of Bremen, the DFKI, and the Research Institute for East European Studies
financed by the Standing Conference of the Ministers of Education and Cultural Affairs.
The relatively close proximity of these institutes helps to foster opportunities for close cooperation
in research projects. There are currently around 30 joint professors working both within and outside of the university. This impressive research infrastructure is convincing commercial enterprises in ever-increasing numbers to locate their offices in the technology park surrounding the campus. Some 400 high-tech corporations are already located here. Finally, close cooperation with
other universities throughout northwestern Germany strengthens the potential for all of the institutions. Since 1997, for instance, the Hanse-Wissenschaftskolleg (HWK) – Institute for Advanced
Study – has been making major contributions to international networking as well as to regional
cooperative efforts.