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1:44 PM
Page 53
Chapter 16
Class __________________
Date ______________
Evolution of
Vocabulary Review
True or False
If the statement is true, write true. If it is false, write
1. All of the genes in a population make up the
relative frequency of the population.
2. When two related species live in the same
area but mate during different seasons, they
are separated by directional selection.
3. Traits controlled by two or more genes are
polygenic traits.
4. Reproductive isolation occurs when members of two populations cannot interbreed
and produce fertile offspring.
5. The separation of two populations by barriers such as rivers or mountains results in
temporal isolation.
6. The Hardy-Weinberg principle states that
allele frequency in a population will remain
constant unless one or more factors cause
those frequencies to change.
7. When two populations can breed but do not
because of differences in mating rituals or
other similar behaviors, behavioral isolation
8. Genetic drift is the formation of new species.
9. Geographic isolation is a random change in
the allele frequencies of a small population.
________________ 10. Genetic equilibrium occurs when the allele
frequencies in a population remain constant.
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