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Chapter 35
Converting the Economy
• American workers were twice as
productive as German workers
and five times more productive
than Japanese workers
• It was industry that would turn
the tide in our favor
• We were ready because we
started building up our
defenses before we were at war
• The auto industry began to
produce trucks, jeeps, tanks,
and nearly one-third of the
military equipment made
during the war
Building an Army
• Within day’s of the beginning
of the war in Europe 227,000
soldiers joined the US army
• After the French surrendered
to Germany we saw the first
peacetime draft in American
• The flood of recruits caused a
shortage of supplies and many
men felt they had been poorly
prepared for war
Women in the Defense Plants
• The popular belief pre-WWII
was that women should remain
in the home and allow men to
have the jobs to support their
• The wartime labor shortage
meant that married women
were now being recruited to
• Many African American women
got jobs in factories instead of
in domestic service
• Women did not receive the
same pay as men for doing the
same job, despite attempts at
government intervention
• Most women left the factories
after the war, though some
wanted to continue to work
Rosie the Riveter
All day long, whether rain or shine
She’s a part of the assembly line
She’s makin’ history
Workin’ for victory
Rosie the Riveter
Keeps a sharp look out for sabotage
Sittin’ up there on the fuselage
That little friend can do
More than the men can do
Rosie the Riveter
Rosie’s got a boyfriend, Charlie
Charlie, he’s a Marine
Rosie is protectin’ Charlie
Workin’ overtime on the riveting machine
When they gave her a production E
She was as proud as a girl could be
There’s somethin’ true about
Red, white, and blue about
Rosie the Riveter
Everyone stops to admire the scene
Rosie at work on the B-19
She’s never twittery
Nervous or jittery
Rosie the Riveter
Once she’s smeared with oil and grease
Doing her bit for the old land-lease
She keeps the gang around
They like to hang around
Rosie the Riveter
Rosie buys a lot of war bonds
That girl really has sense
Wishes she could purchase more bonds
Puttin’ all her cash into the national defense
Senator Jones, who’s in the know
Shouted these words on the radio
Berlin will hear about
Moscow will cheer about
Rosie the Riveter
Rosie ……. the Riveter
African Americans Demand War Work
• Factories hired women, but
resisted hiring African Americans
• A. Philip Randolph (head of a
major African American railroad
worker union) informed FDR that
he would organize a march on
Washington to secure jobs for
African Americans
• FDR issued an order stating that
there could be no discrimination in
the defense industries or the
government based on “race, creed,
color, or national origin”
African Americans in the War
• The military was segregated
for most of the war and at
the beginning African
Americans were not allowed
in combat
• FDR realized that many of
the people who reelected
him were African American
and he ordered that they be
allowed to serve in combat
• The Tuskegee Airmen
distinguished themselves as
fighter pilots in the
Mexicans Become Farmworkers
• Over 200,000 Mexicans
came to the USA by the
request of our
government to help in the
harvest of fruits and
vegetables in the
Southwest and to
maintain railroads
• Was called the “Bracero
(Worker) Program”
• Continued until 1964
A Nation on the Move
Housing Crisis
• People moved to cities to be
closer to available work, but
the cities had nowhere to put
• The government used over
$1.2 billion to create public
housing, schools, and
community centers
Racism Explodes Into
• African Americans moved out of
the South again into the North
and West
• The worst racial violence of the
war erupted in Detroit 1943
▫ On a hot summer day nearly
100,000 people crowded into
a park on the Detroit River to
cool off
▫ Fights erupted between
groups of white and African
American teenage girls,
triggering riots across the city
that left 34 people dead
Japanese Internment
• Hostility toward
Japanese Americans
increased after the
attack on Pearl Harbor
• Americans felt that there
were Japanese spies
• Everyone of Japanese
ancestry (110,000
people) regardless of
citizenship was removed
from the west coast to
camps in remote areas
Japanese Internment
• They were not told where they were going or what
would happen to their lives back home:
▫ “When we were sent to Fort Lincoln [Bismarck, ND] I
asked the FBI men about my fishing nets. They said
‘Don’t worry. Everything is going to be taken care of.’ But
I never saw my nets again, nor my brand-new 1941
Plymouth, nor our furniture. It all just disappeared. I
lost everything.” – Henry Murakami
• Korematsu v. United States
▫ Fred Korematsu (born in U.S., but Japanese ancestry) ordered by
government to move to internment camp, refused, was arrested
▫ Took case to Supreme Court where he lost
▫ Conviction finally overturned in 1983
Legal Challenges and Japanese
• Some Japanese Americans
the internment and 4
Americans in the Military challenged
cases went to the Supreme Court
• It was determined that the
internment was constitutional, but
many people still didn’t feel right
about it
• Upon release, in early 1945, many
Japanese Americans had lost
• In 1988, Congress passed a law
awarding each surviving Japanese
American internee a tax-free
$20,000 and the government
officially apologized
• The military refused to accept
Japanese Americans into the
armed forces until early 1943, but
when they were allowed many
signed up
• The soldiers of the all-Japanese
442nd Regimental Combat Team
won more medals for bravery than
any other unit in U.S. history
Daily Life in Wartime America
• Government agencies were created to
regulate wages and prices to control
• Many items were rationed to make
sure there was enough for the soldiers
• People got ration books of small
coupons that they had to redeem
whenever they shopped to make sure
they weren’t buying too much of
• Victory gardens were planted to have
more produce available in the home
• Scrap drives were organized to collect
necessary materials to make items for
Paying for the War
• The war cost more than the
government had spent from
Washington’s administration
to the end of FDR’s second
• To raise money the
government raised taxes, but
not as much as FDR wanted
them to
▫ Tax money only covered
about 45% of the expenses of
the war
▫ The rest came from people
buying war bonds
Soldiers and Segregation
• Strict segregation of white and
African American troops
• Troops also faced segregation at
▫ One GI recalled: “ ‘You know we
don’t serve coloreds here,’ the man
repeated… We ignored him, and
just stood there inside the door,
staring at what we had come to see
– the German prisoners of war who
were having lunch at the counter…
We continued to stare. This was
really happening. It was no jive talk.
The people of Salina [KS] would
serve these enemy soldiers and turn
away black American GIs.” – Lloyd
• 1942 Poll: 6 out of 10 whites believed
black Americans were satisfied with
existing conditions and needed no
new opportunities
• CORE (Congress of Racial Equality)
was created and organized sit-ins at
lunch counters to fight for equality
Riots and Relocation
• Most men wore a “victory suit” during
the war, which used as little fabric as
possible to conserve it for the war
• Zoot suits used lots of fabric, many saw
them as unpatriotic
• Many Mexican American teenagers had
begun wearing zoot suits and when
some sailors heard they were attacking
other sailors they stormed into many
Hispanic neighborhoods in Los Angeles
and attacked the teenagers, cutting their
hair and ripping off their suits
• Police did nothing to stop it, but the city
of L.A. eventually banned zoot suits
Women Join the Armed Forces
• Women were allowed
to join the military,
but were not allowed
to serve in combat
• They were needed to
“release a man for
combat” and served
as clerks, nurses, or
(rarely) pilots
Ernst Barlach, Wandering Death
Max Beckmann,
Otto Dix, Portrait des Rechtsanwalts
Hugo Simons
Max Ernst, La
George Grosz, Dallas Broadway
Vasilly Kandinsky, Painting with green center
Ernst Ludwig
Kirchner, Dancers
Paul Klee, Doppel
Franz Marc, Die grossen blauen Pferde
(The Large Blue Horses)
László Moholy-Nagy, Konstruktion Z 1
Piet Mondrian, Composition no. V
Emil Nolde, Herbstmeer XI
Kurt Schwitters, Mz 601
Wilhelm Lehmbruck, Inclined Head of
a Woman
Bauhaus Art (example)
Nazi Policies
• Nuremberg Laws
▫ stripped Jews of their citizenship
▫ Outlawed marriages between Jews
and non-Jews
▫ Most lost their jobs or had to sell
their businesses to Aryans
▫ Jewish doctors and lawyers were
forbidden to serve non-Jews
▫ Jewish students were expelled from
public schools
• A Jew was anyone who had three or
four Jewish grandparents, regardless
of his or her current religion or
someone who had at least two
Jewish grandparents and practiced
• Nazis changed the middle names of
Jewish women to Sarah and men to
• Eventually all Jews in Germany and
German-occupied areas had to wear
yellow stars marked “Jew” on their
Hitler’s Police
• Hitler formed the Gestapo as
secret police who pursued enemies
of the Nazi regime
• He also formed the SS
(Schutzstaffel) an elite guard that
became the private army of the
Nazi party
• The SS guarded concentration
camps under harsh conditions
• The camps were originally
designed for political prisoners,
but later held anyone who the
Nazis considered “undesirable”:
Jehovah’s Witnesses
The Homeless
Refugees Seek an Escape
• When Nazi thugs across Germany
and Austria looted and destroyed
Jewish stores, houses and
synagogues (Kristallnacht) and
thousands of Jews were shipped
off to concentration camps in one
night, Germany’s remaining Jews
sought any possible means to leave
the country
• Many Jews sought protection in
the United States, Latin America,
and Palestine
• Most countries, including the
United States, did not want to
open their doors to immigrants
because jobs were limited due to
the Great Depression
The Einsatzgruppen
• Hitler ordered the Einsatzgruppen (mobile
killing squads) to shoot Communist political
leaders and all Jews in German-occupied
territory of the USSR
• Typically, they would round up their victims,
drive them to freshly dug pits and shoot them
into them
• In a ravine outside of Kiev the Nazis killed more
than 33,000 Jews in two days
• Hitler saw this method as unsuitable for the
conquered nations of western Europe and had
death camps built to commit the genocide
The Death Camps
• The Nazis chose poison gas as the
most effective way to kill people
• The gas chamber was disguised as
a shower room in Auschwitz
• These camps were not the same as
concentration camps because they
existed primarily for mass murder
rather than forced labor and
• Some people were kept alive and
forced to work or had cruel
medical experiments performed on
them before being sent to the gas
• In Auschwitz 12,000 people could
be gassed and cremated in one day
with as many as 1.5 million people
murdered overall
Fighting Back
• Some resistance groups rose
up in Poland and France and
caused riots against the
• Escape was the most
common form of resistance
• Most people who tried to
escape were unsuccessful,
and those who did escape
were usually caught
• Some, however, were able to
get out and get word to the
outside world of what was
Rescue and Liberation
• The U.S. government knew about
the death camps as early as
November 1942, but the press
showed little interest in reporting
the story and Congress didn’t raise
immigration quotas
• Roosevelt finally created the War
Refugee Board, over the objection
of Congress, in 1944 to try to help
people threatened by the Nazis
• The WRB saved some 200,000
lives by helping them to escape to
other countries and in a few cases
bringing them to the U.S.
• As the Allies advanced, the Nazis
abandoned the camps outside of
Germany and forced their
prisoners to march with them to
camps on German soil
Americans Join the Struggle
• U-Boats were still successful in the
• Churchill (British Prime Minister)
and Roosevelt met to discuss
progress after the Allied campaign
in North Africa was successful:
they would accept nothing less
than the unconditional surrender
of Italy, Germany, and Japan
• General Patton and his troops
invaded the island of Sicily to
move to mainland Italy and many
Italians lost faith in their
leadership and ousted Mussolini
• He was quickly restored to power
by Hitler
• Eventually, the Allies captured
Rome and within a few months the
Germans surrendered
War in the Soviet Union
• Hitler broke his earlier pact with
Stalin and launched an attack
against the USSR
• The Germans were easily able to
invade Russia and many people
welcomed them as liberators
before troops introduced forced
labor and began executing civilians
• Stalin adopted a scorched earth
policy when the Germans pressed
on and pleaded for help from the
• Finally the USSR was able to push
Germany back when winter
arrived and the Germans were
unprepared and easily surrounded
▫ The Battle of Stalingrad would be
the turning point of the war in
Eastern Europe
• The Allies developed “Operation Overlord”, led by
General Eisenhower, to invade Western Europe
• Midnight June 6, 1944: 4,600 invasion craft and
warships crossed the English Channel and about 1,000
RAF bombers pounded German defenses in
Normandy, France while 23,000 British and American
soldiers parachuted behind enemy lines
• At dawn on D-Day the invasion began with the largest
landing by sea in history
• Hitler hesitated, fearing a second attack, allowing for a
more forceful Allied invasion
• Within a week 500,000 men had come ashore and by
late July the Allied force in France would number
more than 2 million troops
Liberating France
• Patton used a blitzkrieg to
open a hole in the German
lines and moved out of
• The French Resistance, aided
by the U.S., liberated Paris
• British and Canadian forces
freed Belgium and a combined
Allied force attacked the
Germans in the Netherlands
• Americans crossed the
western border of Germany
• All of these advances
happened very quickly,
leaving the Germans little
time to react
The Battle of the Bulge
• The Nazis fought desperately to
defend their conquests and Hitler
reinforced the army with thousands
of new draftees (some as young as
• Germany launched an attack in
Belgium and Luxembourg, pushing
back the U.S. First Army and
forming a bulge in the Allied line
• Many small units, cut off from the
rest of the U.S. army, fought against
overwhelming odds
• Eisenhower ordered more troops to
the scene and the combined First
and Third armies knocked the
Germans back and restarted their
drive into Germany
• This was the largest battle in
Western Europe and the largest
battle ever fought by the U.S. Army
• After this battle most Nazi leaders
recognized that the war was lost
The Battle of the Bulge
• Hitler wanted to make one last ditch
effort to win the war and attacked
the American troops by surprise
• As the troops raced Westward their
lines bulged out, giving the battle its
• The Americans took over a town
called Bastogne and Germans tried
to surround and take over
• General Patton moved quickly to
prevent this and the Germans felt
heavy losses
The Yalta Conference
• Before the German surrender,
the leaders of the U.S., Britain,
France, and the Soviet Union
met to discuss the plan for
Germany and the postwar world
• They agreed to split Germany
into four zones (each controlled
by a major Ally)
• Stalin agreed to allow elections in
the nations of Eastern Europe
that were liberated from the
Germans and promised to enter
the war against Japan within
three months of Germany’s
surrender (he would not fulfill
these promises)
The War in Europe Ends
• On the eastern front, at any given
time, 9 million soldiers were
• 11 million Soviet and 3 million
German soldiers died (more than
2/3 of all soldiers killed in the war)
• Soviet troops fought their way into
• Hitler’s generals advised him to
flee the city, but he chose to
commit suicide in an underground
• A few days later, Germany’s
remaining troops surrendered
• American soldiers and civilians
celebrated V-E Day (Victory in
Europe Day) but knew they still
had to defeat Japan
The Bataan Death March
• The attack on Pearl Harbor was in
hopes that U.S. forces would
withdraw and leave them access to
the natural resources of Southeast
• Americans and Filipinos had to
surrender control of the Philippines
to the Japanese
• Captured soldiers, already in poor
physical shape due to lack of food and
medical care, were forced to march
almost 70 miles
• Many were beaten and tortured along
the way and all were denied water
and rest
• At least 10,000 prisoners died and
more were executed when they were
seen as too weak to keep up
• Survivors were sent to prison camps
were 15,000 more died
Allied Victories Turn the Tide
Battle of Midway
• After Pearl Harbor, the U.S. was
focused on getting a handle on the
situation in the Pacific
• Japanese Admiral Yamamoto
Isoroku, who planned Pearl Harbor’s
attack, wanted to lure us into a battle
near Midway Island (which was vital
to the defense of Hawaii)
• The Battle of Midway was fought from
the air
• U.S. warplanes surprised Japan’s
carriers when planes were being
refueled and reloaded with bombs
• Four Japanese carriers were sunk,
250 planes were destroyed, and most
of Japan’s naval pilots were killed
• Japan was never again able to launch
any more offensive operations in the
Battle of Guadalcanal
• The Japanese were building airfields in
Guadalcanal to threaten nearby Allied
bases and lines of communication to
• When 11,000 marines landed the 2,200
Japanese defenders fled into the jungle
• The marines fought in the swamps and
made easy targets for Japanese snipers
hidden in the trees
• Both sides fought hard for five months,
but eventually U.S. marines took
control of the waters around the island,
limiting Japanese reinforcements from
• As they became outnumbered, the
Japanese surrendered
Struggle for the Islands
• U.S. forces began island-hopping
(attacking specific islands that would
cut off supply lines to the enemy)
• MacArthur convinced FDR that we
needed to free the Filipino people, so
we invaded
• At the Battle of Leyte Gulf, the
Japanese directed almost every
warship still afloat to attack the U.S.
• This was the first battle that used
kamikaze planes to inflict maximum
• The U.S. force virtually destroyed the
Japanese navy and won
• It took a year of fighting on land, but
the Allies eventually regained control
of the Philippines
Bomber pilots were having trouble
getting to Japan because of the long
flight without refueling, so American
military planners decided to invade Iwo
Jima so the planes could refuel
The Japanese ruthlessly fought back, but
the marines continued on
Meanwhile, pilots began to use
firebombs filled with napalm (jellied
gasoline) to start fires that would destroy
cities like Tokyo
Okinawa was the last obstacle to an
Allied invasion of Japan and most of the
inhabitants pledged to fight to the death
We wanted the Japanese to surrender
unconditionally, but they wanted to keep
their emperor in power, so they chose to
The invasion of Okinawa is second only
to the Normandy invasion in size
After more than 2 months of fighting, the
Japanese surrendered and the Allies had
a clear path to Japan
The Manhattan Project
• FDR received a letter from Albert
Einstein, a Jewish physicist who
fled Europe, in August 1939
suggesting that an incredibly
powerful new type of bomb could be
built by the Germans
• FDR wanted to build the bomb
before the Germans and organized
the top secret “Manhattan Project”
• July 16, 1945 scientists field-tested
the world’s first atomic bomb in the
desert of New Mexico
• It blew a huge crater into the earth
and shattered windows 125 miles
• As he watched, J. Robert
Oppenheimer remembered the
words of the Bhagavad Gita (Hindu
holy book): “Now I am become
Death, destroyer of worlds.”
“Boys, if you ever pray, pray for me
now… When they told me yesterday
what had happened, I felt like the
moon and the stars, and all the
planets had fallen on me.”
-Harry S. Truman
“The Bomb”
• We had other alternatives to end the war:
▫ Massive invasion
▫ Naval blockade to starve Japan
▫ Demonstration of the new weapon on a
deserted island
▫ Softening demands for unconditional
• Heavy American casualties at Iwo Jima and
Okinawa led the committee that gathered to
discuss the options to decide that the Bomb
was the only option
• After Okinawa, Japan was given an
ultimatum: surrender unconditionally or face
“prompt and utter destruction”. Japan did not
• August 6, 1945 the first atomic bomb “Little
Boy” was dropped on Hiroshima
• The bombing stunned the Japanese and three
days later we dropped a second bomb “Fat
Man” on Nagasaki
• The Japanese were forced to surrender on
August 14, 1945
Creating the United Nations
• Roosevelt had wanted to create
a world organization to prevent
another world war
• It would be called the United
Nations (UN)
• The UN could investigate
international problems,
propose solutions, and send
peacekeeping forces into
nations who were involved in
The Nuremberg Trials
• After seeing, firsthand, the
horrors of the camps the
Allies placed many former
Nazi leaders on trial and
charged them with crimes
against peace, crimes
against humanity, and war
• The tribunal firmly
rejected the Nazis’
arguments that they were
only “following orders”
Putting the Enemy on Trial
• Trials were held in Germany
and in Japan for war crimes
committed by military leaders
• 154 people would be prosecuted,
with only 3 acquitted
▫ All others served prison sentences
or were executed
▫ Of the 24 Nazi defendants, 12
received the death sentence
• We chose not to prosecute the
Japanese emperor for fear that
the Japanese would stage an