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CW: Chapter 10 section 1
 CW: Ancient Egyptian
 Reminder:
States Map Test Friday, Aug:
Chapter 10 section 1 quiz
Monday, Aug. 17th
Chapter 10 Test Wednesday
Aug. 19th
Look up Ch. 10 Sect. 1
 Write a sentence using
each word.
** You DO NOT have to write
the definition of each
word, just use it in a
Mesopotamia and Ancient Egypt
Egypt and Mesopotamia – earliest known
 Egypt in North Africa
 Mesopotamia in Southwest Asia
Located between the Tigris and Euphrates
 Using a 12-month calendar
 Predicting the floods
 Used the plow
 Irrigation system
Sumer – location of the earliest known citystate
 The wheel
 The sailboat
Polytheism – worship of many gods or
Ziggurat – large tower that led to a temple
where the priests lived
Theocracy – government controlled by
religious leaders (right to rule from the gods)
First to keep lists and written records
Cuneiform – wedge like symbols in clay tablets
Schools called “tablet houses”
Only the wealthy could go to school
Wrote 1st known story – “Epic of Gilgamesh”
(similar to Noah’s Ark)
2300 B.C. – Akkad conquered Sumer and
created the first empire
Empire – groups of states under one ruler
Babylon eventually conquered Akkad
Created number system based on 60
▪ An hour
▪ Minute
▪ Circle
Hammurabi’s Code – an eye for an eye and a
tooth for a tooth
“Gift of the Nile”
King Narmer united
Upper and Lower
Eqypt in 3100 B.C.
An Egyptian ruler is called a pharaoh.
They believed in theocracy (religion). What
does that mean?
They believed the pharaoh was a GOD.
Considered the center of Egyptian life.
Theocracy – gods based on nature
 Re – sun god
 Hapi- river god
 Horus – sky god
 Osirus – harvest and eternal life god
Said that the soul could not exist without the
After death, Egyptians were:
 Embalmed
 Organs removed
 Slowly dry the body
 Wrapped in long strips of ribbon
Massive tombs for the bodies of pharaohs
Statues also used to remember the great
pharaohs (Sphinx)
Put writing on monuments of papyrus (plant
from the Nile)
First to use splints, bandages, compresses,
stitching wounds, and setting bones.
Conquered by Greece and Rome
Using the diagram on page 317, create a
 On the pyramid use pictures and only
pictures to describe how you would want to
be remembered.
*Remember: it will be easier to draw on your
pyramids before you glue them together.
*use construction paper and colors; we will
hang these from the ceiling after you are