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Healthy Eating:
3 New Whole Grains to Diversify Your Diet
By Michèle Turcotte, M.S., R.D., L.D.N.
Carbohydrates should be the staple of your diet and should be the foundation of every
meal (or 2/3 of your plate). Fruits, vegetables, and whole grains are some examples of
healthful carbohydrate-rich foods. This advice has stood the test of time and remains
unchanged despite recent diet fads. Carbohydrates fuel mind and body so you can push
hard and go the distance. Think creatively and nutritiously! The best choice is brightly
colored produce and fiber-rich grains. Whole grains and cereals are the new health food.
You know oatmeal, whole wheat bread, pasta, and brown
rice are grains (or grain-rich). Keep in mind that a varied
diet is one that incorporates many foods. Want to
experience new flavors and textures while increasing the
nutrition in your diet? Then try out the hottest trends in
the grain family: quinoa, barley, and amaranth. These are
new only to the American plate, as they have been around
for thousands of years and are commonly found in the diets
of cultures around the world.
Quinoa. Quinoa has been cultivated in the mountain regions of Peru and Chile for over
5,000 years and was a staple in the native Indian diet. Most commonly considered a
grain, quinoa is actually a relative of leafy green vegetables (spinach and Swiss chard). It
is a birdseed-shaped and mild-flavored. Quinoa surpasses many foods in its nutritional
content, boasting 700% more iron than the same serving size of enriched white rice. It is
a protein-rich grain, a good source of calcium and can be used as a substitute for rice in
casseroles, stuffed bell peppers, side dishes, soups and stews, or as a hot cereal.
Do the DASH
Participant Handout
Session 5
Barley. Barley originated in Ethiopia and Southeast Asia, where it has been cultivated
for more than 10,000 years. Roman athletes honored barley for the
strength that barley gave them and gladiators were known as
hordearii, which means “eaters of barley”. In the 17 th century,
English and Dutch settlers brought barley with them to the United
States. It’s a versatile cereal grain with a nutlike flavor and an
appealing chewy, pasta-like consistency. Adding whole grain barley
to your pot will improve your health along with the flavor of
whatever soup or stew you're cooking. Another claim to barley’s
nutritional fame is that it is an excellent source of fiber and
selenium, (also a good source of phosphorus, copper, and manganese). A cup of cooked
barley provides 52 percent of the daily value for selenium, an important benefit since
many Americans do not consume enough selenium-rich foods. You can find instant
pearled barley at most grocery stores (same aisle as cereals or rice). It can’t get much
easier than that!
Amaranth . Amaranth has a colorful history, is highly nutritious, and the plant is both
attractive and useful. It’s technically both a vegetable and a grain (leaves of the plant are
the vegetable and the seeds are the grain). It was cultivated as a vegetable crop by early
civilizations over 2,000 years ago, and continues to be used world-wide even today.
Amaranth didn’t gain support in the United States until 1975 but is now grown in
several states. It is not a mainstream food however. You can find it in natural food
stores. Amaranth seeds can be ground into flour and used in baked goods and pasta.
Amaranth flour must be mixed with other flours for baking yeast breads (one part
amaranth flour to 3-4 parts other grain flours). In non-yeast baked goods, such as
flatbreads and pancakes, you can use 100% amaranth flour. Add the flour to soups and
stews as a nutritious thickening agent. Amaranth can be cooked as a cereal, popped like
popcorn, sprouted, or toasted. It is very high in protein and contains high levels of
calcium and iron when compared to other cereal grains. Sprouting amaranth seeds will
increase the level of some of the nutrients and the sprouts can be used on sandwiches
and in salads, or just to munch on.
Do the DASH
Participant Handout
Session 5