Download BELL RINGERS DAY 1 1. The period in American history that

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1. The period in American history that preceded World War I was called the Progressive
Era because the United States —
A implemented political and social reforms.
B became an industrial leader.
C emphasized educational reform.
D expanded its military capability.
2. One form of imperialism is the extension of a nation's political and economic power
through the acquisition of territory. Which of the following conflicts involved
American imperialism?
A The Civil War
B The Spanish-American War
C World War I
D World War II
3. American participation in World War I contributed to the economic opportunities
available to African Americans by —
A creating a need for African American workers on Midwestern grain farms.
B encouraging the African American owners of small businesses to seek war contracts.
C inflating the price of cotton and thus increasing profits from sharecropping.
D opening up Northern industrial jobs to African American workers.
4. One of the PRIMARY reasons for the United States to build the Panama Canal was to
A force transcontinental railroads to reduce their rates.
B decrease the United States Navy’s sailing time between the Atlantic and the Pacific.
C fulfill obligations under a treaty with the French.
D protect the environment and native cultures of the Central American countries.
1. In 1916, African Americans in the southern states took advantage of increased
opportunities in cities such as Detroit and Chicago by —
A building new textile factories.
B moving north in large numbers.
C gaining control of state legislatures.
D developing social programs in urban areas.
2. Which one of the following was MOST decisive in changing America’s neutrality to
support for the Allied Powers in World War I?
A The sinking of the battleship U.S.S. Maine
B Unrestricted German submarine warfare
C Publication of the De Lomé Letter
D Violation of the Polish border by German troops
3. The completion of which of the following in 1914 helped the United States to become
a major world sea power?
A Nuclear submarine
B Suez Canal
C Transatlantic cable
D Panama Canal
1. President Wilson’s vision for international policy after World War I is contained in
the —
A Open Door Notes.
B Kellogg-Briand Pact.
C Fourteen Points.
D Camp David Accords
2. The Selective Service Act was passed by Congress in May of 1917 and was designed
to —
A create civilian conservation jobs to help people who had lost their jobs in the
B offer interned Japanese American men the opportunity to serve in special military
C expand the small peacetime army that had existed before the United States entered
World War I.
D eliminate the old system of government patronage jobs in favor of a new system
based on merit.
3. Who was the American President during the period shown on the time line?
A Theodore Roosevelt
B Woodrow Wilson
C Warren Harding
D Calvin Coolidge
1. According to the above chart, and based on your historical knowledge of United
States international relations, U.S. exports increased by nearly 1 billion dollars at
the same time that —
A Panama declared independence from Columbia.
B France signed a peace treaty with the Axis Powers.
C the United States entered World War I.
D Germany surrendered to the Allied Powers.
2. The period being depicted in the cartoon above involves the United States after
which of the following conflicts?
A The Spanish-American War
B World War I
C World War II
D The Vietnam War
1. Which of the following acts was intended to prevent disloyalty among United States
citizens during World War I?
A The Hepburn Act
B The Sedition Act
C The Volstead Act
D The Hatch Act
2. From 1919–1920, people in the United States were caught up in the Red Scare,
which was a fear of —
A the government being taken over by business interests.
B the government being influenced by communists.
C the country being invaded by a foreign army.
D corporations being controlled by labor unions.
3. During World War I, war bonds were PRIMARILY sold to —
A increase the involvement of volunteer organizations.
B inspire loyalty among immigrants who had recently arrived.
C demonstrate the determination of the United States government.
D help the United States government finance the cost of the conflict.
4. The spirit of postwar isolationism in America was BEST illustrated in 1920 when
the United States Senate rejected American participation in the —
A European Union.
B League of Nations.
C North Atlantic Treaty Organization.
D Commonwealth of Independent States.
5. In 1919, what became illegal throughout the United States as a result of the 18th
Amendment to the United States Constitution?
A Poll taxes
B Political parties
C Alcoholic beverages
D Federal income taxes