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Makayla V
December 13, 2007
President of the United States
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue
NW Washington, DC
Dear Mr. President,
This is a letter to you because you wanted to know about earthquakes. I
will tell you about the most recent one and where they might happen again,
I will tell you about volcanoes and earthquakes all together. I’m writing this
letter as an assignment and to explain things about international
To start, I will begin with the most recent earthquakes, also where there’re
mostly going to happen again. In Northern Chile, and the coast near there,
they have many earthquakes with magnitude over 4.0. The reason is that
Chile lives on the South American plate and the Nazca plate. The second
place is the famous San Andreas Fault. The San Andreas Fault is a strikeslip boundary. Even though it has some earthquakes it has very little ones
to add to it. It has had some that are over 4.0. The San Andreas Fault lives
on the Pacific and Northern Plate.
The easiest way to find out which area is most prone to any kind of
earthquake is to know about the plate boundaries, because is a country
was on a boundary it would be very prone to earthquakes. Example: the
San Andres Fault. The San Andreas Fault lives on a plate boundary.
The movement of magma within a volcano causes earthquakes (usually
small ones), in this way, you can say that the volcanoes "caused" the
earthquakes. Only very rarely can a case be made for a large earthquake
causing an eruption. Earthquakes make volcanoes. Volcanoes also destroy
almost as much as earthquakes.
The old legend of the god, Zeus, getting mad and making the earth move
and the plates rub against each other is not true. It is heat from the core
and radio active decay from the mantle. When the heat goes up, it makes
things separate into pieces, just like our earth. As they push and pull and
go up against other plates, makes mountains, volcanoes, trenches, ect. It
makes everything move! Our earth used to be Pangaea, but now it is seven
continents of earth.