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Digestive System
Name:_______________ Date:________
1. Give the function/location of the following parts of the digestive system:
a. Mouth:
b. tongue:
c. teeth:
d. submandibular salivary glands:
e. sublingual salivary glands:
f. parotid salivary glands:
g. pharynx:
h. cardiac sphincter:
i. stomach:
j. pyloric sphincter:
k. duodenum:
l. liver:
m. gall bladder:
n. pancreas:
o. small intestine:
p. appendix:
q. large intestine:
r. colon:
s. ascending colon:
t. transverse colon:
u. descending colon:
v. sigmoid colon:
w. rectum:
x. anus:
2. Using some of the above terms, list all the structures through which food passes
as it moves through the entire digestive system.
3. Define ingestion:
4. Define digestion:
5. Define absorption:
6. Define elimination:
7. Define the following terms/processes related to digestion:
a. Mastication:
b. Swallowing:
c. Peristalsis:
d. Segmentation:
e. Emulsification:
f. Bolus:
g. Chyme:
h. Accessory organ:
i. List all accessory organs of digestion:
8. What is gastrin?
9. What is secretin?
10. List 7 functions of the liver:
9. Complete the following table:
Salivary amylase
Pancreatic amylase
10. Fill in the blanks:
a. Starch digestion begins in the _______________________. Here, the
ducts empty from the _________________________ glands, bringing
juices that contain the enzyme ____________________
___________________. This enzyme breaks down starch to the
disaccharide _______________________. Starch digestion is complete
when this disaccharide is broken down to ____________________, a
monosaccharide which can be absorbed by the intestinal projections called
___________________. They enzyme that converts maltose to glucose is
__________________________, which is secreted by the
______________________ gland.
b. Protein digestion begins in the __________________________. Here, the
___________________ glands line wall of the stomach. They secrete the
enzyme _____________________________ in the precursor form
____________________. This enzyme breaks down proteins, forming
_________________________. Another enzyme, secreted by the
pancreas, is __________________________. It is secreted into the
____________________intestine and acts on proteins. Protein digestion
is complete when peptides are broken down into __________________
______________, molecules small enough to be absorbed by the intestinal
villi. The glands that secrete peptidases are the
_______________________ glands located at the base of the villi.
c. Fat is emulsified by ___________________, a substance made by the liver
and stored in the ____________ __________________. He contents of
the latter enter the small intestine by way of the ______________
____________ ______________. After the fat has been emulsified, it is
broken down b the enzyme ______________________. This enzyme
enters the small intestine by way of the pancreatic ___________________.
Fats are broken down to ________________ and ______________
___________, molecules small enough to be absorbed by the intestinal
villi. Once within the villi epithelial cells, the endoplasmic
________________ within those cells use the fatty acids to resynthesize
_______________ molecules similar to those digested. They are then
encased in __________________, forming ________________________,
which then pass into the ____________________ of the villi. Lymph in
the lacteals and other lymphatic vessels carry chylomicrons to the
_______________________. Some fatty acids that are of
_______________ size (having shorter carbon chains) may absorbed
directly into the _______________________ of the villi without being
first changed back to ___________.
d. Food consists of the large organic molecules ____________________,
_______________________ and __________________, as well as some
___________________ ____________. In the mouth, the only type of
food digested in ____________________. The mouth has a
________________ pH. Te food passes down the long tube called the
________________________. A rhythmic contraction called
______________________pushes the food along. After passing through a
sphincter (circular muscle) called ________________
___________________ sphincter, or ________________ sphincter, it
enters the __________________. Here, the food primarily acted upon is
_______________________. The stomach has an __________________
pH of approximately ______________. The food is now called acid
____________________. It passes through another sphincter, the
____________________ sphincter, into the small ___________________.
The first portion of the small intestine is the ___________________. Two
ducts enter this organ: the ______________________ duct from the
pancreas, and the _______________ duct from the gall ______________.
Bile contains an ______________________________ that causes the fat
particles to be divided into small ______________________. Pancreatic
juice contains enzymes that act on _______________________,
_______________________, _________________ and ___________
______________. Lining the walls of the intestines are small projections
called __________________ punctuated by ___________________
glands. These glands finish digestion by secreting a watery fluid that
contains ___________________. These enzymes include
___________________, which split peptides into their constituent amino
acids, ____________________, ______________________, and
________________ which split the disaccharides into
____________________, fructose and galactose (all monosaccharides),
and _______________________ lipase , which splits fats into
_______________ acids and __________________.The resulting small
nutrient molecules absorbed by the villi are ___________________
___________, simple ________________, fatty ________________ and
____________, and nucleotides. Fatty acids are reassembled and enter the
______________________ as ____________________. The remainder
enter the blood vessels and eventually the __________________ portal
vein, which carries them to the ____________________. The liver is an
organ of ___________________________, maintaining balance in many
ways in the body. For example, the liver stores
_______________________ and maintains the blood
__________________ level. This organ can also remove ____________
groups from amino acids, converting the amino groups to
________________, a nitrogenous waste product.
11. What affect does HCl have on:
a. Pancreatic juice:
b. Pepsinogen:
c. pH of the stomach:
i. Why must the stomach contain an acidic environment?
12. Using the headings below, explain how the small intestine is specialized for
digestion and absorption:
a. Surface area of villi:
b. Relationship between the villi and microvilli:
c. Role of the blood vessels within villi:
d. Role of the lacteals within villi:
13. What hormone does the pancreas secrete and what is its significance?
14. Describe the large intestine and its role in the process of digestion:
15. What is the role of E.coli in the large intestine?
16. Outline the digestion of lipids from start to finish:
17. A mutation occurs which inhibits the hormone CCK. How will this affect
18. The pancreatic duct is blocked. How would this change the digestion of
19. Label the following diagram:
20. Label the following diagram: