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Chemistry is something that I thought that is too complicated to know about.
I didn’t think that it is accompany with me every single day! I used to think
chemistry is just for specific field for chemists, pharmacologists, or in chemistry
industry, etc. It’s not only me but a lot of other people also do not put chemistry
affect into their daily activities. Chemistry is so strange to me.
I came from Vietnam. It took me two years to come up with the decision:
Living in America. The reason took me two year for that decision is stableness for
me again. My children are American citizens. I’d like to give the best foundation
for their future: education. Unfortunately, Vietnamese education is reliable out of
the country. And I couldn’t effort to send my kids to International school there
($10,000/year for Kindergarten). I was exhausted after paid for my daughter for
two years. On the other side, American Education system is the best reliable in
the world. Finally, I decided to migrate to USA. We picked Utah because of its
good education system. When I first came here I was struggled to find the way to
survive over here. One time I wanted to go back VN. My education degree
couldn’t be recognized over here. But my children are very much enjoying to be
here. Then I decided to go to school again. It’s very tough for me at this age to
start all over again. Especially, when I have to studied science field in English. I
was using English in my job in VN, but in business only. As I see the definition of
something in Economy English is different with the Medical English. But for the
future of my children and me, I had decided to take the Nursing program at the
Salt Community College.
The most difficult part experienced from some other student is “Chemistry”.
When I joined the Organic Chemistry class, and one of my assignments was
writing about “CHEMISTRY IN LIFE”. I was confused what I was going to write
about chemistry? It is basically unfamiliar to me at the first place. But that was my
assignment which I have to get it done. Therefore I started looking, checking,
asking, etc. about chemistry. I was looking things at things at fundamental
chemical angle rather than just grabbed them and ignored what they were made
I have being surprised about how important of chemistry in our life. In every
single corner of our life, chemistry is getting involved in. Even though in nature,
chemistry is also taking an important role. For instant, how tree photosynthesize
from inorganic substances (carbon dioxide and water) to organic substances like
sugar carbohydrate and oxygen. How about the process of photosynthesize? Well,
we all just know that they convert carbon dioxide into oxygen. But when I have
been studying Biology about the “Pathway of Photosynthesis”, I found out that
wasn’t that simple. Just for instant, in the process of photosynthesis, there are
two chemical reactions happen. First, it’s the light reaction taken place in
thylakoid. When tree gets water combined with solar energy to oxidize oxygen.
And the second reaction is called Calvin circle reaction which reduced
carbohydrate like the following reaction
CO2 + H2O + sunlight→ C6H12O6 + O2. This is the redox reaction.
Water which we are taking into our body every day but whether all of us know
about its chemical molecular compound and how Oxygen and Hydrogen
combining together, its properties, its cohesion and adhesion characteristics, and
how it work in our body (I myself did not know about that as well) Those are the
whole complex chemical reaction sequences but we don’t pay attention or
somehow we don’t want to pay attention. But chemistry is representing
everywhere around us. And in our life, chemistry is getting involved more and
more every day, especially Cloths, food, seasoning, cosmetics, beverage, and so
much other heavy industry, chemistry is taking a very crucial role for those
running right. Therefore scientists identified taking a very crucial role for those
running right. Therefore scientists identified that “Chemistry is the central of
science”. Thus chemistry is built on an understanding of laws of physics that
govern particles. Chemistry is an important “bridge” to connect from science to
I am so fascinated about this “discover”, (for myself) I have being just
wondered how we can survive without it. All living organism have had chemical
exchanging (metabolism) in every second in their body. Particularly, human being
is a very complex organism structure so in our body chemical exchange is more
complicated than other living organism on Earth. For instant, chemical reactions
happen in the digestive tract, synthesize proteins in cells, cell division carried
huge responsibility genetic inheritance etc. When we take a closer look we would
amaze the whole process of the whole picture.
I am neither chemist expert nor having a huge knowledge in chemistry field. I
even did not know about the coefficient correlation between chemistry and life. I
just might have a very general idea about this science. However, after this
assignment my basic knowledge about chemist had been improved.
In organic chemistry, we studied a lot about the essential elements which made
up all living organism. They are: Hydrogen, Oxygen, Carbon, Nitrogen,
Phosphorus, Sulfur. And these elements play a very essential in living organism.
HYDROGEN: It’s a very universal knowledge that hydrogen and oxygen forms
water, an essential substance for life on Earth. However this element is very
important in so much organic chemical compounds and an important element in
organic biomolecule as well. For instant, we all know carbohydrate which built up
our body structures. And in the formula of carbohydrate, hydrogen takes an
important role. Almost biomolecules have Hydrogen atom in the formula like
Lipids, Proteins, Carbohydrate, and Nucleic acid. Hydrogen can bond with carbon
to make up diversity functions.
Oxygen: Just like Hydrogen, Oxygen is also an important element. Oxygen is a
fundamental element for living organism. Life on Earth depends on Oxygen. It is
representing everywhere around us. Almost things can be oxidized. Just only few
metal elements can’t be oxidized like gold, platinum. In chemical industry, Oxygen
is the most consideration. There are a lot of knowledge out there to learn about
Oxygen. However, I would like to discuss about Oxygen in organic compounds.
Oxygen is being represented in most likely biomolecules as well. Plus the fact,
Oxygen is taking an crucial role respiratory system for living organism. Oxygen is
very important in our circulation system. For instance, the cell Hemoglobin could
not perform its crucial function without Oxygen. And our body needs Oxygen to
generate energy (ATP) in our activities. For instant, breaking down the
carbohydrate, called glycolysis, needs oxygen in the stage of “Electron transport
chain” to capture energy for the ATP production.
Cellular respiration reaction:
C6H12O6 +6O2 →6CO2 +6H2O + energy.
This is also redox reaction as well.
What would happen if Oxygen didn’t present? Well, we would been going to the
fermentation. We really don’t like that. In the Medical field, Oxygen can be used
in some therapy for some patients who need particular high concentration of
oxygen. I had short time practice as a CNA which stand Certified Nursing
Assistant, I saw a lot patients who were therapy by Oxygen. For instant, patient
with COPD which stands for chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases, and other
lung related disease needed Oxygen in their therapy schedule. However, this is a
very active element. At the concentration can cause fire very easy. The facilities
which in the processing oxygen in used pay a very high caution. I’m always curious
how the Oxygen look like? We can’t touch, smell or see it. But we can’t live
without it. That is pretty true. Oxygen is represented in most biomolecules, like
carbohydrates, proteins, lipids, and nucleic acids. I had never expected that I
would dig deep in the chemistry like this. However, thanks for this project, I’m
more appreciated Oxygen that I used to be. It’s amazing how scientific had
discovered about the properties of Oxygen. And they make it become useful for
our life. It is very essential element that keep living organism alive.
Carbon: We are going to love this one. Carbon is a very central element in
organic molecule. It can bond with other four atoms like Hydrogen, Oxygen,
Nitrogen to form Carbohydrate, Lipids, Proteins, etc. It is a black bone for the
organic compounds. Like in carbonyl group: Ketone and Aldehyde. Carbon is also
very important for the paleontologists to trace back the age of Earth. In
biomolecules, Carbon is representing in every single one.
Nitrogen: is an organic nitrate representing in protein, amino acids forming
the polypeptides bonds. Nitrogen occurs in all living organisms. Nitrogen is a
constituent element of 20 amino acids and formed the peptide bonds called
protein and also represented Nitrogen containing base in nucleic acids (DNA and
Nitrogen also occurs in nature. We can find nitrogen in leaf, roots of trees. Some
of the are very poisonous called Alkaloid. Fortunately, with the development of
the technology nowadays, Some Alkaloid can be useful in Medical field, especially
in pharmacology.
Phosphorus: is an organic phosphate. It is very important for life. It is a
component of DNA, RNA, in bonding with sugar Ribose to form Sugar-Phosphate
backbone . The ATP molecule is also has Phosphate group. Phospholipids have in
all cell membranes to protect the cells organelles. It also presents in nucleotides,
a monomer of nucleic acids.
Sulfur: is an essential element for life, and widely used in biochemical
processes. In metabolic reactions, sulfur compounds serve as both fuels and
respiratory (oxygen-replacing) materials for simple organisms. In the twenty
amino acids, there is one essential amino acids named: Cysteine with the thiol
group to form the disulfide bridge in protein. Disulfide bonds are largely
responsible for the mechanical strength and insolubility of the protein keratin,
found in outer skin, hair, and feathers, and the element contributes to their
pungent odor when burned. And another essential amino acid named Methionine
has one Sulfur element. Organic Sulfur is also presented in the vitamin biotin and
thiamine. Sulfur is an important part of many enzymes and in antioxidant
molecules like glutathione and thioredoxin. These six elements play an important
role to keep us alive. Now let take a look how they work in our body:
Carbohydrates, Proteins, Lipids, Nucleic acid.
Carbohydrates: represented plants- Starch. Starches are used by plant.
Glycogen builds structures of animals, while cellulose is an important compound
that adds strength and stiffness to a plant's cell wall.
Carbohydrates are energy and structure components. There are two type of
carbohydrate: Simple carbohydrates provide quick energy, and the complex
carbohydrates store energy and structural support. Other carbohydrates are
involved as structural components in cells, such as cellulose which is found in the
cell walls of plants and glycoprotein in animal cell membranes. For the complex
carbohydrates, happen after we consume food, saliva containing enzyme amylase
starts breaking down the complex carbohydrate (polysaccharides) into simpler
types (monosaccharide). The digestive processing still keep going in the stomach
under acidic condition but slow down. And then cuts down complex
carbohydrates sugars - maltose, lactose and sucrose into simple sugar glucose.
And eventually glucose absorbed through the intestinal walls into the
bloodstream. Glucose are absorbed inside the cell, with the organelle
Mitochondria to convert each glucose molecule into 36-38 ATP molecules (energy
synthesize). Notice that this processing couldn’t happen without Phosphate
Protein: I’m very interested in this one. We get protein from foods such as
meat, eggs, and beans consist of large molecules of protein.As we all realize that
protein is very important biomolecule. Protein performs many essential functions
in our body. Most the enzymes are made up by protein. An enzymatic reaction is
the conversion of one molecule into another; a chemical reaction catalyzed at the
reactive sites on the enzyme.
Enzyme +substrate →Enzymes Substrate Complex +Enzyme + products.
The purpose is to break down the big molecules into the smaller products. By the
helpful of enzymes, the activation barrier is lower in the enzymatic reactions.
Because enzymes are protein, which affected by the temperature, the extreme
PH the concentration, very important in metabolism system.The other functions
of protein are hormones, Store essential substances available, contributed in
build up the structure, protect the body from foreign substance, transfer other
substance through the body fluid. Protein is the polymer of twenty amino acids.
The amino acids form peptide bond to make up protein. There are nine non-polar
amino acids: G, L, A, I, M, W, P, V, F. These amino acids are responsible to bond
the hydrophobic side chain in protein. They usually create a water free pocket
which is very important to keep the structure shape of protein. This side chain can
be disrupt by organic detergent. The other polar amino acids are: N, C, Q, S,T,Y.
These are responsible for the hydrophilic side chain which help protein can move
around through the body in the watery environment. The amino acid Cysteine is
very essential in forming disulfide bridges from the far away apart of the protein
together by forming a loop. This side chain can be disrupted by some organic
solvent like acetone and alcohol and heat. Especially, Cysteine can be disrupted
by some heavy metal. The other are D,E which have acidic side chain. The last
three are K,H, R. These act like the base to form the salt-bridge. Those can be
disturbed by inorganic salt and extremely PH environment. Understanding the
structure and function protein lead medication a huge improvement in synthesis
some new drug to cure a lot of diseases like aciclovir; cidofovir; famciclovir;
foscarnet; ganciclovir; penciclovir; valaciclovir; valganciclovir. These antiviral
drugs act by interfering with DNA production and thus prevent the virus from
Lipids: Fat molecules are a rich source of energy for the body. This is longterm store energy. The first step in digestion of a fat is to dissolve it into the
watery content of the intestinal cavity. Cholesterol represented in cell membrane
is important to build cells structure. Cholesterol are as hormones and as the bile
acids produced by the liver act as natural detergents to dissolve fat in water and
allow the enzymes to break the large fat molecules into smaller molecules. Thus,
bile acids are important for digestion of fats and oils. The bile acids combine with
the fatty acids and cholesterol and help these molecules to move into the cells of
the mucosa. In these cells the small molecules are formed back into large
molecules, most of which pass into vessels (called lymphatic) near the intestine.
These small vessels carry the reformed fat to the veins of the chest, and the blood
carries the fat to storage depots in different parts of the body. Prostaglandins
which was discovered in prostate cells is used to stimulates contraction of the
uterus and in clinically to induce labour, another has been in experimental use as
a birth control agent. Prostaglandins also control the substances involved in the
transmission of nerve impulses, participate in the body’s defend against infection,
and regulate the rate of metabolism in various tissues. However, recently
researches has shown that Prostaglandins is responsible for lower blood pressure,
influence platelet aggregation during blood clotting, lower extent of gastric
secretions, pain and swelling accompanied inflammation.
Nucleic acids: are biological molecules essential for life. Nucleic acids are
polymer of nucleotide. It’s included DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) and RNA
(ribonucleic acids).They’re function as coding, transmitting and expressing genetic
information. The nucleic acids are very large molecules that have two main parts.
The backbone of a nucleic acid is made of alternating sugar and phosphate, called
the side of the ladder because of the double helix of DNA resembles as a twisted
ladder. The hydrogen bonded bases make up the run of the ladder.
Complimentary base pairing containing Nitrogen base coded for genetic material.
DNA specifies the sequence of amino acids in a polypeptide because every three
bases stand for an amino acid. Therefore, DNA is said to have a triplet code: T-A;
G-C. RNA the base uracil replace for thymine. For instant, DNA: T A C A C G →
mRNA transcription: A U G U G C code for two amino acids Met and Cys. DNA
replication happens prior the cell division. The small molecule mRNA code the
genetic information in nucleus (transcription) then escape out the nucleus by the
nuclear pore. mRNA attaches ribosome containing ribosomal rRNA in cytoplasm,
tRNA brings amino acids to ribosome to synthesis protein(translation). During
replication, the DNA molecule is duplicated so that there are two DNA molecules.
Chromosome is composed of two sister chromatids and each chromatid is a
complete DNA molecule. The chromatids separate during cell division so that each
daughter cell has a copy of each chromosome. The nucleotide bases serve as a
sort of genetic alphabet on which the structure of each protein in our bodies is
encoded. In most living organisms (except for viruses), genetic information is
stored in the molecule deoxyribonucleic acid DNA.
Our body also needs the
“cofactors” to synthesize enzymes. These are vitamins which we can from fruits,
vegetables, etc. Water and salt are also involved into the process as well.
Living organism in general, in human being metabolism system is a
completely complex chemical reaction apparatus. These chemical reactions are
taking a vital role keeping us stay alive.
Hope more and more people getting interested in chemistry!!!!