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Six Weeks Review!
What is osmosis?
The movement of
water across a
How do particles
High to low
What are nerve cells called?
• What are the male parts?
Stamen (anther & filament)
• What are the female parts?
Pistil (stigma, style & ovary)
What trophic level contains the most energy?
Why did the birds below develop
different shaped beaks?
Different available food
What is secondary succession?
Give two examples.
Rebuild of community after a
natural disaster.
Forest Fire
Flood or Tsunami
Avalanche or Mudslide
What happens as a result of
secondary succession?
Most of the species die.
What is primary succession?
The building of a community
where no soil is a present.
What are pioneer species?
Algae & lichens that create soil
for primary succession to occur
Which two species are more closely related?
A. Culicomorpha & Blephariceromorpha
B. Xylophaghomorpha & Tabanomorpha
Give the subunits for the following
a. Carbohydrates
b. Proteins
c. Lipids
d. Nucleic Acids
a. Sugars
b.Amino acids
c. Fatty acids
What do scientists mostly use
to make models of extinct
They examine fossils
How does the circulatory &
respiratory system work
Brings oxygen to the cells &
takes CO2 back to the heart &
Which organelle provides energy to the
6 - Mitochondria
What is an enzyme and
how does it affect the
reaction rate of a
chemical reaction?
Protein that speeds
up the breakdown
of substances
Using fossils scientists can
determine what about living
Life has become more complex over time
Which two species have the
most characteristics in common?
Chimpanzee and bonobo
How does wind help
flowers to reproduce?
Carries the pollen
In cats, the bones in the legs involved in
walking are very similar to the bones in
whales’ flippers that are involved in
swimming. Although they have different
functions, these bones, called homologous
structures, lead us to the theory that cats
and whales:
have a common ancestor
If there are 50,000 kilocalories of
energy at the producer level in a
habitat, how many kilocalories would
be at the tertiary consumer level?
50 tertiary
500 secondary
5,000 primary
50,000 producer
Which organelle controls the processes of
the cell and contains DNA?
3 - Nucleus
Which statement does not accurately describe
natural selection?
• Individual organisms change their genes to
adapt to their environment.
• The genetic composition of a population
changes from one generation to the next.
• More advantageous traits become more
common in populations.
• Beneficial and useful traits are inheritable.
What does the cell
membrane do?
Regulates what enters & leaves
the cell
If there are 10 kilocalories of energy at
the tertiary level in a habitat, how
many kilocalories would be at the
producer level?
10 tertiary
100 secondary
1,000 primary
10,000 producer
How are viruses and prokaryotes
A virus does not replicate on its own,
but prokaryotic cells do replicate on
their own.
How can a scientist distinguish
between virus and bacteria?
A virus attacks the cell’s genetic
material, while bacteria use toxins to
kill a cell.
Do the daughter cells produced from
mitosis have the same number or
half the number of chromosomes as
the parent cell?
Same number
(Mitosis makes two identical cells)
Decomposers like fungi and bacteria obtain
carbon from dead plant matter and then
release that carbon into the atmosphere.
The same carbon is then returned to the
plants for use in photosynthesis. What
would happen if decomposers where
The amount of carbon flowing back
into the atmosphere would decrease.
In a habitat, horned toads eat ants
and ants eat grass. What would
happen if the number of horned
toads increased?
The number of ants will decrease &
the amount of grass will increase
• Which step is asexual and which is sexual?
Explain which animals would be affected if a
disease killed out all the grass.
All would be affected because of lack of food.
A farmer uses a pesticide on his
crops to kill off the insects. Which
organism in the food chain would be
the first to decline in population?
Why is overfishing bad?
The fish can’t adapt fast enough
What is
homeostasis? Give
an example.
Ability to maintain
equilibrium – sweating when
you are hot
How does your
body detect that
you are hot?
Nerve cells sense the change
in temperature
Why are photosynthesis
& cellular respiration
considered opposites?
Photosynthesis uses CO2 &
produces O2, Cellular
respiration does the opposite
Birds and reptiles have many
similar structures. What is the
best explanation for this?
They have a common ancestor
Unattached earlobes (E) are dominant to
attached earlobes (e). A man with
attached earlobes marries a woman who
is heterozygous for the trait. What would
the genotypes of their children be?
e Ee ee
e Ee ee
Put the following in order from
most to least complex
Animal cell
Plant cell
Animal cell
Plant cell
What happens to
the DNA during
It replicates (doubles)
What is the
significance of meiosis
to a species?
Genetic variation
What are gametes &
what is their function?
Sex cells; provide half number of
What do all living
things have?
Genetic material
In rabbits, black is dominant to white.
If a rabbit has a litter of 8, of which 4
are black and 4 are white, what would
the genotypes of the parents be?
b Bb bb
b Bb bb
Fossils are the preserved remains
of organisms that lived in the
past. How can scientists use fossil
records to describe the history of
species on Earth?
To show how species evolve
from simple to more
complex organisms.