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Possible Final Exam Questions 3/7/07
Identifying the Right Measure to Use
Given a problem, identify the proper measure to use from a subset of the following: (Mean, Median, Mode,
Range, Interquartile Range, Sample Variance, Population Variance, Sample Standard Deviation, and
Population Standard Deviation).
Identifying the Right Technique to Use
Situations will be presented. In each case, circle the one best method to accomplish the desired end from a
list of possibilities.
a histogram,
a Pareto chart,
a pie chart,
a run chart,
Stem and Leaf Chart *
a scatter plot,
a cross tabulation table
a box-and-whisker diagram,
a p-chart, *
a mean chart, *
a range chart, *
a normal probability plot, **
a confidence interval on a proportion, *
a confidence interval on a mean (sigma unknown), *
a confidence interval on a mean (sigma known), *
a Z test of hypothesis for the mean (sigma known), *
a t test of hypothesis for the mean (sigma unknown), *
a Z test of hypothesis for the proportion, *
a F test for differences in c means, **
a chi-squared test for differences in c proportions, *
the Tukey Kramer test **
the Marasculio procedure **.
a regression on a causal model, **
a regression on a time series model,
a t test for the slope, * **
a Durbin-Watson statistic, **
a correlation matrix **
a t test on for the significance of association,
a test for the significance of the multiple regression model. **
Calculation and Interpretation Questions:
Some of the above items have not yet been tested or are so important that you should know them, therefore
any item with an * could appear as a calculation problem and any item with ** (regression for sure) could
have a computer printout to interpret.
Be able to write the formal hypotheses for a problem.
Identify if skewing or outliers exist by using a Box and Whisker diagram.
Be able to explain the consequences of type I and type II errors in the context of a problem.
Be able to calculate the p-value for the Z test on the mean or Z test on the proportion.
Be able to label quality control charts and use the rules to determine if a control chart is in or out of control.
Be able to recognize when a regression model is causal.
Look at a residual plot and identify what assumptions, if any, are violated.
Be able to use the VIF to identify where or not multicolinearity exists.
Be able to find the Q used in the Tukey Kramer test.