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Name:___________________________________________ Class:______Entry:_____
Sedimentary Fill-in-the-Blank Notes p 154-158
1. Sediment is small, solid pieces of materials that come from rocks or living things.
A. Water, wind, and ice can carry sediment and deposit it into layers.
2. Forces tend to break up and wear away rock. This is called weathering. These forces
include heat and cold, rain, waves, and grinding ice.
3. Erosion is when loosened rocks are carried away.
4. The process by which sediment settles out of water or wind is deposition
5. After deposition, compaction and cementation change the sediment into sedimentary rock.
6. Compaction is the process that presses sediments together, squeezing them tightly
7. Cementation is the process in which dissolved minerals crystallize and glue together over
millions of years to create a solid sedimentary rock.
8. There are three major groups: Clastic, organic, chemical
A. Clastic is a rock that forms when rock fragments are squeezed together. Examples:
shale, sandstone, conglomerate, breccia
i. Conglomerate=rounded edged clastic rock
ii. Breccia= sharp edged clastic rock
B. organic is a rock that forms when remains of plants and animals are deposited in
thick layers. Examples: coal, limestone
i. Limestone=chalk, made from the shells of ocean, microorganisms
ii. Coal=remains of swamp plants/animals under pressure for millions of yrs.
C. Chemical rock forms when minerals that are dissolved in a solution crystallize.
Examples:Rock salt made when water evaporates from a salt water mixture
Rock candy made when water evaporates form water sugar mixture.
Sedimentary Rock Guided Reading Key
1. What is sediment? Small solid pieces of rock, sand, etc.
2. What is erosion and what are some of the things that cause it? Carrying away of soil;
Water, wind
3. What is “deposition”? sediment settling out of water column or settling from wind
4. What are the 2 processes that turn sediment into sedimentary rock? compaction,
5. What is the difference between compaction and cementation? Compaction- pressing down
tightly together; cementation- becoming “glued” together.
6. What are the 3 types of sedimentary rock? clastic, organic, chemical
7. The definition of a “clastic” sedimentary rock is? Forms when rocks are pressed together
8. What type of sedimentary rock is made from tiny pieces of clay? shale
9. What type of clastic sedimentary rock is made from sand particles? sandstone
10. Describe the difference between conglomerate and breccia? Round vs. sharp edges
11. Rocks that are made from the remains for plants and animals is what type of sedimentary
rock? organic
12. Coal is made from what? Swamp plants/organisms
13. How can limestone be called an organic sedimentary rock? made from shells of once living
14. What is chalk? Limestone- made from shells of microorganisms
15. What is a “chemical” sedimentary rock? rock made from minerals dissolved in a solution
16. Two common uses of limestone and one use of sandstone is…. Limestone- décor of walls,
smelting iron ore, cement….Sandstone-décor of walls.