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Name: __________________________
Year / Section: __________
Score: ________
First Periodical Examination
Multiple Choices. Instruction: Encircle the letter of your answer.
1. These are the regions divided by two lines particular to each other in the
Cartesian plane.
a. abscissa
b. quadrants
c. ordinate
d. origin
2. It is the point at which the number lines intersect.
a. origin
b. first point
c. region
d. quadrant
3. This corresponds to a number on the x-axis.
a. ordinate
b. y-axis
c. abscissa
d. origin
4. He is the mathematician who introduced the Cartesian coordinate system.
a. Rene Descartes
b. Anders Celsius
c. Aristotle
d. Plato
5. Which of the following lie on the third quadrant?
a. (2,2)
b. (-2,-2)
c. (-2,2)
d. (2.-2)
6. What is the value of x in 2x + y = 4 if you solve x in terms of y?
a. 4
b. 3
c. 2
d. 0
7. The set of all ordered pairs of real numbers that satisfy every equation in
the system is called?
a. linear set
b. equations
c. set of points
d. solution set
8. This consists of two or more linear equations with the same variables.
a. algebraic equation
b. system of linear equation
c. intersection
d. none of the above
9. It is the measure of the steepness of a line.
a. slope
b. run
c. rise
d. solution
10. If two equations have the same slope and the same y-intercept, it is called
a. consistent equation
b. independent equation
c. equivalent equations
d. inconsistent equation
11. What is the value of x given two equations 3x + 2y = 1 and y = 4x.
a. 1
b. 2
c. -1
d. -2
12. It states that quantities equal to the same quantity are equal.
a. Transitive property of equality
b. Substitution method
c. Elimination method
d. Distribution property
13. The solutions of the graph of quadratic equation is called,
a. set
b. solution
c. roots
d. all of these
14. It states that if the indicated product of two or more factors is zero, at least
one of the factors is equal to zero.
a. identity property of equality
b. zero-product property
c. transitive property of equality
d. addition property if equality
15. All slopes are equal.
a. never true
b. sometimes true
c. always true
d. none of these
True or False. Instruction: Write true if your answer is true, otherwise
1. The ordinate corresponds to a number on the x-axis.
2. The first quadrant has coordinates (+,-).
3. The fourth quadrant has coordinates (-,-).
4. The y variable is the dicriminant of the quadratic formula.
5. There is only one point on the plane that is named by a given ordered pairs
of numbers.
6. Square root of -4 is irrational.
7. Quadratic equations can be solved by graphing.
8. y = (-b+ (b^3 + 4ac))/ 2a is the quadratic formula.
9. Fractional equations are equations that do not involve rational expressions.
10. Factoring is the only way quadratic equation is solved.
Fill in the Blank. Instruction: Write your answer in the space provided.
In the equation ax^2 + bx + c = 0. (For #s. 1-4 only)
1. If b^2 – 4ac ____ 0; roots are real, rational, and equal.
2. If b^2 – 4ac ____ 0; roots are real, rational, and unequal.
3. If b^2 – 4ac ____ 0; roots are real, irrational, and unequal.
4. If b^2 – 4ac ____ 0; roots are imaginary.
5. (x/(x+1)) + (2/x), x(x+1) is the _____ of the equation.
6. ax^2 + bx = c is called __________.
7. ax^2 + bx – c = 0 is called _________.
8. The ________ equation is of second degree.
9. (3,4), 3 is called the ________ while 4 is called the ______.
10. (-,-) the point is in the ________ quadrant.
11. Lines intersect at exactly ___ point.
12. An inconsistent system has no _______ and whose graph consists of
______ lines.