Download • Bond: come together • Charge: there is either a positive or negative

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Bond: come together
Charge: there is either a positive or negative charge
Compound: two or more elements coming together.
Electrons: negative charged
Electron clouds: a visible model of the most likely locations for the electrons in an atom.
Electron level: A quantum-mechanical concept for energy levels of electrons about the
nucleus; electron energies are functions of each particular atomic species.
Fission: a nuclear reaction in which an atomic nucleus is split into two smaller parts.
Unit: the chemical formula with the least number of elements outof the set of empirical fo
rmulas having the same proportion of ions as elements.
Fusion: a nuclear reaction in which the nuclei of which atoms combine to form of two atoms
combine to form a larger nucleus
Group: a column of elements in a periodic table
Half-Life: The time required for one half of a sample of radioactive isotope to decay
Ion: an atom or a group of atoms that has a positive or negative charge
Ionic Bond: The force that holds cautions and anions together
Isotope: Atoms of a given element that have different numbers of neutrons and different
mass number.
Mass number: The sum of the number of protons and neutrons in the nucleus of an atom
Metal: Elements that are good conductors of heat and electric current
Molecule: A neutral group of atoms that is joined together by one or more covalent bond.
Monomer: A small organic molecule that joins with other monomers to form a polymer
Neutron: neutral charge
Nucleus (nuclei): The dense, positively charged mass located in the center of an atom:
Oxidation number
Period: A row in a periodic table of elements the time required for one complete cycle of a
periodic motion
Periodic table: An arrangement of elements in columns based on a set of properties that
repeat from row to row
Polar: Pertaining to a compound exhibiting polarity or dipole moment, that is a compound
bearing a partial positive charge on one side and a partial negative charge on the other.