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Nuclear Division Study Guide: Mitosis vs. Meiosis
1. Which of the following is true about meiosis?
a. meiosis produces four genetically different haploid cells
b. meiosis produces four genetically different diploid cells
c. meiosis produces two genetically different haploid cells
d. meiosis produces two genetically different diploid cells
2. The purpose of meiosis is to produce _________________ cells that form a
3. The purpose of mitosis is to produce _________________ cells
4. Compared with a body cell, a sperm cell of the same species has less ____________
5. During mitosis the genetic material replicates _________________________________
6. The purpose of meiosis is to produce cells that contain the __________ number of
7. Chromatids are held together by a (n) _______________________.
8. If a cell has 48 chromosomes, how many chromosomes will each daughter cell have
after mitosis occurs? _____________________________
9. If a cell has 48 chromosomes, how many chromosomes will each cell have after
meiosis? _____________________________
10. The phase of mitosis that is characterized by the lining up of chromosomes in the
middle of the cell is known as _____________________________
11. What is the correct order of mitosis?
_________________ _________________ _________________ _________________
12. The new cells produced by meiosis are called _________________
13. When there are two sets of chromosomes the cell is said to be _________________
14. Mitosis is a process by which the __________________ divides
15. The diploid number of chromosomes in a human skin cell is 46. The number of
chromosomes found in a human sperm is _________________
16. The diffusion of water across a selectively permeable membrane is called _________
17. Which type of transport requires energy from the cell? _______________ _________
18. Diffusion is the movement of molecules from an area of _____________
concentration to
an area of _____________ concentration
19. An animal cell that is surrounded by fresh water will expand because the osmotic
pressure causes water to move ___________ the cell
20. Engulfing of large particles by the cell is called _______________
21. Which of the following is NOT a principle of the cell theory?
a. Cells are the basic units of life.
b. All living things are made of cells.
c. Arise from spontaneous generation.
d. All cells are produced by existing cells.
22. The cell theory applies to
a. bacteria.
b. plants and animals.
c. multicellular organisms.
d. all of the above
23. Which of the following describes a eukaryotic cell?
a. large and complex
b. defined nucleus
c. specialized organelles
d. all of the above
24. Prokaryotes lack
a. cytoplasm
b. a cell membrane
c. a nucleus
25. Eukaryotes usually contain
a. a nucleus
b. specialized organelles
c. genetic material
d. all of the above
26. The thin, flexible barrier around an animal cell is called a
a. Cytoplasm
b. Cell wall
c. Cell membrane
d. Nuclear membrane
27. The cell structure that contains the genetic material and controls the cell’s activities
is called the
a. organelle
b. nucleus
c. cell envelope
d. cytoplasm
28. Which organelle destroys tissue and cleans cellular debris?
a. lysosome
b. ribosome
c. golgi apparatus
d. vacuole
29. Which organelle is responsible for protein production?
a. lysosome
b. mitochondria
c. ribosome
d. vacuole
30. Which of the following cells contains a large, central vacuole used for storing water?
a. plant cells
b. animal cells
c. prokaryotic cells
d. fungal cells
31. You will find a cell wall in which of these kinds of organisms
a. fish
b. dog
c. tree
d. frog
32. Which organelle would you expect to find in plant cells but NOT in animal cells?
a. mitochondrion
b. ribosome
c. chloroplast
d. smooth endoplasmic reticulum
33. The system of membranes responsible for transportation within the cell is the
a. nucleus
b. golgi apparatus
c. endoplasmic reticulum
d. ribosomes
34. The organelle responsible for modifying and packaging proteins for export is
a. the endoplasmic reticulum
b. golgi apparatus
c. nucleus
d. mitochondria
35. Amino acid is to protein as
a) fat is to lipid
b) DNA is to RNA
c) sugar is to fat
d) simple sugar is to starch
36. Which macromolecule are the main source of energy for living things? __________
37. Which of the following is NOT a function of proteins?
a) store and transmit heredity
c) control the rate of reactions and regulate
cell processes
b) help to fight disease
d) build tissues such as bone and muscle
38. Which statement is true?
a) simple sugars are made of polysaccharides
b) glycerol is made of fatty acids
c) RNA molecules are made of nucleotides
d) amino acids are made of proteins
39. Proteins are polymers formed from ______________________
40. Which compound is a primary source of energy in respiration?
41. Which compound is used for building blocks and enzymes in living things?
42. Which compound is used for protection, energy storage, and insulation in the body?
43. Made of amino acids ______________________
44. Examples: sunflower oil, corn oil, lard, butte ______________________
45. Examples: DNA, RNA ______________________
46. Produced in the process of photosynthesis ______________________
47. What is the word equation for photosynthesis? _______________________________
48. What is the balanced equation for photosynthesis? ___________________________
49. What is the word equation for respiration? _______________________________
50. What is the balanced equation for respiration? _______________________________