Download Erin Connors 12/14/10 Chemistry Mrs. Galfunt Atomic Structure

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Erin Connors
Mrs. Galfunt
Atomic Structure- hx+ struc
1. Isotopes are atoms of ________ elements that have diff _______ # due to a diff # of ___________
2. _________ is a particle with a positive charge and a mass of 1 amu
3. _________ is a particle with zero charge and a mass of 1 amu
4. _________ is a particle with a negative charge and a mass if 1/1837 amu
5. Protons have a mass of ________ and a ________ charge
6. e- have a mass of _______ and a _________ charge
7. Neutrons have a mass of _______ and a _________ charge
8. The atomic 3 is the # of _______
9. The atomic # is _______ to each element
10. The mass # is the # of ____________
11. ______________ is the general name for the 2 particles found in the nucleus (_______ & _______)
12. The mass # is written to the ______________ corner of an element’s ___________
13. In _____________ gold foil experiment, _____________ were shot at gold foil most ____________
which shows that most of the atom is ______________Some were ______________ which shows that
the atom has a _________________
14. Dalton’s atomic theory stats that all elements are made of _________ which ___________ be
divided. _________ of the same element are identical. Atoms of ___________ elements are
__________. Two or more different atoms can combine to form ______________
15. Bohr’s model show e- ______________ the nucleus X just like planets _____________ the sun. In
this model e- travel in ______________
16. The e- cloud model differs from Bohr’s in that e- _________ travel in __________
17. The __________ is the region in which e- are most commonly found
18. Mass # = # __________ + # _________
19. # neutrons= _______# - # ________
20. The # of protons is the ______________
21. The atomic number is the number of ______________
22. ______________ are electrically neutral
23. As the # of protons increases, the charge of the nucleus _____________
24. As the number of e- increase, the charge of the nucleus _____________
25. As the # of neutrons increases the charge of the nucleus _____________
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Aim: What is the structure of the atom?
1. Three subatomic particles are ______________, ______________ and ______________
2. ______________ & ______________ are found in the nucleus
3. Because ______________ & ______________ are found in the nucleus, they are called __________
4. ___________ are found outside the nucleus
5. The region where _____________ are most likely to be found are called _____________
6. ____________ have a positive charge
7. ____________ have a negative charge
8. ____________ have no charge and are neutral
9. ______________ & _____________ have a mass of 1 amu
10. ______________ have a mass of 1/1837 of an amu (0)
11. The _______________ is the number of protons
12. The _______________ is unique for every element
13. Every atom of lithium (Li) will have ______________ protons which is the ______________
14. Z is the letter used to represent the __________ #, which is the number of protons
15. _____________ & ______________ have mass
16. The mass number is the number of ______________ plus the number of ___________
17. A is the letter used to represent the mass number, which is the mass ________________
18. Mass # = # ___________ + # ______________
19. In a given element, every atom must have the same # of ______________
20. In a given element, the # of ______________ may be diff from atom to atom
21. To calculate the # of neutrons, you would perform a calculation of ________ minus __________
22. It is possible for atoms of the same element to have a diff # of ___________ + a diff _________#
23. ______________ are 2 or more atoms of the same element with diff mass #s
24. An element is represented by a symbol. The __________ is located on the upper left. The _________
May be written on the bottom left but does not need to be written because ____________________
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Atomic Structure – Hx
1. An atoms is the smallest particle of an _____________ that maintains _____________
2. Rutherford’s experiment is the _____________
- This is what he did:
- This is what he observed
- This is what he concluded: