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The Renaissance
The Renaissance
 Meaning: “renewal”
 Refers to the renewed interest in
classical learning and literature—the
writings of ancient Greece and Rome.
 Because of the emphasis on human
ability and new discoveries, the
Renaissance is often considered the
beginning of the modern world.
Beginnings of the Renaissance
 Began in Italy; spread to other European
countries- France, Germany, Spain, and lastly
England. Many writers and artists visited and
looked to Italy for inspiration.
 Invention of the printing press (around 1455)
made books a reality and working tools for
scholars. By 1500, printers—particularly
Italian printers—had published in book form
the works of most of the important Latin
Renewal of reading and learning led to a renewal of
the human spirit, of curiosity and creativity.
Visual Arts flourished (Michelangelo, Leonardo da
Exploration and trade became widespread
 Christopher Columbus (1442)- One of MANY
 European exploration at this time marked the
first stages of European colonial and
commercial domination.
 Science began to flourish; new inventions created
(Galileo, Gutenberg)
 Emphasized the abilities of the
human mind and achievement
versus medieval emphasis on God
and denial of worldly things.
 Sought to answer questions: What
does it mean to be human? What is a
good life? How do I lead a good life?
 Desired to harmonize two great
sources of wisdom: the Bible and
the classics.
Renaissance in England
Renaissance in England was gradual, due to political
Henry VIII (8th) (1509-1547)
Powerful political leader
Created Royal Navy
Declared himself
Supreme Head of the
Church of England
(Anglican Church) when
pope refuse to grant a
Demanded supreme
authority and allegiance at
high cost (Sir Thomas More
–locked in tower and
beheaded for treason)
Henry VIII
 Was considered a “renaissance man” –person of
many interests, skills, talents
 Poet, musician, hunter
 Well-educated- studied French, Italian, Latin
 Opened the door to writers and artists in royal
court (Sir Thomas Wyatt)
Elizabeth I (1558-1603)
 One of the most powerful and successful monarchs
in history.
 Reestablished the Church of England and again
rejected pope’s authority (like her father).
 Leader in economics and foreign affairs, which led to
prosperity in England and defeat of Spanish Armada.
Elizabeth I (1558-1603)
 Renaissance and literary influence
 Well-educated, accomplished linguist and poet
 Encouraged and inspired many writers. Elizabeth
became a beloved symbol of peace, security, and
prosperity. She provided inspiration for poetry,
drama, and fiction.
 Elizabethan drama led to the triumph of
dramatically spoken English.
James I (1603-1625)
 Elizabeth's cousin , James VI
(6th) of Scotland
 Gunpowder Plot (1605) –
Conspiracy by Catholic
church to blow up
parliament because of
discontent with James’
support of Church of
England; said to be partial
inspiration to Shakespeare’s
 General Oliver Cromwell
(1599-1658)- led
Parliamentary forces
(Puritans) against
England’s royalist
(Roman Catholics)
forces in civil war.
Eventually, new
government failed and
the king was restored to
the throne, beginning
the Restoration Period.
Other Important Renaissance
Figures & Influences
 Writers & Poets
 Petrarch (1304-1374) –Italian poet; one of the first
influences upon the Renaissance.
 Boccaccio (1313-1375)- “Federigo’s Falcon”
 Sir Thomas More- Utopia (1516) is considered the
first literary masterpiece of the English
 Christopher Marlowe (1564-1593)- poet, playwright,
contemporary of Shakespeare’s.
 William Shakespeare (1564-1616)- most well-known
poet & playwright of the Renaissance.
 Artists
 Michelangelo (1475-1564)- Italian
painter, sculptor, architect
(Sistine Chapel ceiling; “David”
 da Vinci (1452-1519)- Mona Lisaone of the most recognized
paintings in the world.
 Rulers
 Lorenzo de’ Medici (1449-1492)“Lorenzo the Magnificent” Ruler
of Italy and patron of several
great artists (Botticelli,
Michelangelo, da Vinci)
Terms to Know
 Soliloquy: A speech that a character makes while alone on
stage to reveal thoughts, motives, or feelings to the audience.
 Aside: When a character makes a statement meant to be heard
by the audience or by another character, but not by ALL of the
characters on stage.
 Dramatic Irony: When the audience knows more than the
characters; the characters expect one thing to happen, but
something else happens instead.
 Iambic Pentameter: A line of poetry made up of five stressed
syllables and five stressed syllables, creating a ten-beat per
line rhythm.
 Blank Verse: Unrhymed iambic pentameter; the verse of most
of Shakespeare’s plays.
Terms to Know (cont’d)
 Renaissance - The revival of art and literature (especially
classical forms) in the 14th–16th centuries; “renewal”
 Restoration – Refers to the return of the monarchy in
England, beginning in 1660 under Charles II
 Elizabethan – The time period in England surrounding the
reign of Queen Elizabeth I (1558-1603)
 Metaphysical – An philosophical movement that began in the
17th century and sought to connect the study of human
nature with the structure of the universe
 Neoclassicism – Refers to the revival of the classical forms of
literature that began in the Renaissance and continued into
the 17th and 18th centuries
The Shakespearean Tragedy
What do you know?
Characteristics of a Shakespearean
 The main character, called the tragic hero comes to
an unhappy ending.
 The tragic hero is generally a person of importance
in society, such as a king or queen.
 The tragic hero exhibits extraordinary qualities, but
also a tragic flaw, which is a fatal error in judgment
or weakness that leads directly to his or her
 The hero faces an antagonist, his enemy, who may
contribute to his downfall.
 A series of related events leads to a catastrophe,
which involves the death of the hero.
 The tragic hero usually recognizes his or her tragic
flaw by the end and gains the audience’s sympathy.
 The tragic hero meets his or her doom with
courage and dignity, reaffirming the greatness of
the human spirit.