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Philosophy of Law
Libera Università Maria Ss. Assunta (LUMSA)
Philosophy of Law
Course reference for final exam preparation:
L.Palazzani, Gender in Philosophy and Law, Springer, Dordrecht
Philosophy of Law
 1. defining our field of enquiry
 2. the role of “Gender” in philosophy and law
 3. the interdisciplinary nature of the sex/gender debate
Philosophy of Law
1. Defining our field of enquiry
 Preliminary remarks
ʽGenderʼ denotes:
a conceptual category referring to things or persons that
share essential properties (e.g. kind, species, class, type). It
refers to human kind.
the grammatical category distinguishing between masculine
and feminine (male/female distinction).
Philosophy of Law
At a linguistic and semantic level the structural
ambiguity of the term is manifest, as it can be
used both to indicate individuals belonging to
the human species (including males and
females) and to point out the male/female
Philosophy of Law
Conceptual definitions:
Sex indicates the biological condition of man and woman, of the
male or female being (how one is born). Our genetic, gonadal,
hormonal, genital, morphological condition. It denotes how we are,
our natural condition.
Gender refers to the interior psychological perception of one’s
own identity (how we feel), but also the exterior social, historical
and cultural condition (how we appear to others) in behaviour,
habits and roles that are given and assumed by masculinity and
femininity. It designates how we become, our acquired condition.
Philosophy of Law
The use of Gender in feminist thought:
It indicates women, privileging the peculiarity of the female condition in
employing the term, based on the assumption of their historical, social
and cultural disadvantage with respect to men, therefore, requiring
special consideration.
Simone de Beauvoir in Le deuxième sex (1949) addresses the issue of
the subordination of women, investigating the underlying reasons for this
condition through a detailed analysis carried out in biological,
psychoanalytical and historical terms. The author argues that «one is not
born a woman, but becomes one» (due to internal biological and
psychological conditions, alongside external social and historical
conditions. A woman is not a “fixed reality”, but a “becoming”.
Philosophy of Law
As a consequence, Gender covers several meanings:
human gender
male/female gender
female gender
What is the relationship between sex and gender?
One naïve answer is to consider that the meanings of the two terms
overlap indifferently, arguing that gender is only a preferable
expression compared to sex, since it is more polite.
Philosophy of Law
Sex/gender theories
We must take into account the structured theoretical debate
- biological determinism (pre-modern theory), reducing gender to
- social constructionism (modern theory), separating gender from
- deconstructionism (post-modern theory), thematizing a priority
of gender over sex.
Philosophy of Law
In other words, a debate among those arguing that:
- there must be a correspondence between sex and gender (biological
determinism), i.e. between how we are and how we become
- there may be no correspondence between sex and gender, i.e. we can
become different from how we were born (social constructionism)
- only what we become really matters (deconstructionism)
A debate between those on the side of nature (claiming a priority of sex
over gender) and those on the side of culture (in favour of a priority of
gender over sex).
Philosophy of Law
Critical issues
The question becomes increasingly complex whenever considering
that, following the broadening of scientific knowledge, sex
determination is not only directly connected with what appears at
the moment of birth:
The cases of children born with genital ambiguities/sexual
Adults discovering the incongruity between acquired identity and
genetic sexual belonging
These two cases are empirical proof of this.
Philosophy of Law
Possible outcomes
In this context, gender is separated from sex to designate an identity
being shaped by a feminine/ masculine-oriented education, following a
medical transformation of the body, in an attempt to achieve a difficult
sex/gender correspondence.
It is no coincidence that the distinction between sex and gender was born
in the field of psycho-sexology, with the purpose of looking for a
theoretical and practical answer in such difficult cases:
- gender variability made it possible to explain sexual identification even in
cases of sex reassignment
- psychoanalysis expounds sexual identification as the gradual process of
gender identity acquisition in correspondence or opposition to sex (i.e.
transsexualism) or in cases of non-correspondence between the sex
embodied and the gender experienced psychologically.
Philosophy of Law
2) the role of Gender in philosophy and law
Gender in philosophy and law takes on two ambitious
tasks: disambiguating the confusing ways in which the
language of “sex” and “gender” have been used and
explaining how law ought to address issues of sex and
gender, in light of the recent treatment of sex and
gender in international and European law.
Philosophy of Law
3) the interdisciplinary nature of the sex/gender debate
The debate by psycho-sexology and psychoanalysis was taken up by a set
of feminist orientations with different modalities and arguments at many
- sociological
- cultural-anthropological
- philosophical
Main goal:
investigating reasons for the disadvantaged condition of women in history,
society and culture.
According to a number of feminist theories, the way in which gender was
constructed, or the cultural and social expectations towards women,
alongside the assigning of roles to them, linked to their biological
condition, led to the subordination of women with respect to men.
Philosophy of Law
Feminism and social constructionism
A new construction of gender at a social and cultural level which sets aside
sex is viewed as a chance to achieve a position, if not of advantage, at
least of equality and symmetry with respect to men.
In this perspective, the use of reproductive technologies is seen as a way
for women to have children without a partner, without pregnancy and
without childbirth (i.e. heterologous assisted fertilization techniques or
surrogate motherhood). It is called ʽgender revolutionʼ, like a sort of
second sexual revolution:
- the first one was aimed at the sexual liberation from inhibitions and
repressions of moral norms for the affirmation of free love transforming
ʽpolitics into sexʼ
- the second revolution transforms ʽsex into politicsʼ, modifying sexual
politics towards a transformation of the sexual relationship meant as a
relationship of power/subordination
Philosophy of Law
A conceptual shift from modern to post-modern lines of
 In this context, gender already previously set free
from sex, multiplies itself in ʽdifferencesʼ, strictly and
intentionally declined in the plural form.
Philosophy of Law
ʽSexuality studiesʼ:
 Gender denotes not only individual psychological, social
and cultural identity acquired regardless of sex, but also
sexual orientation or the choice and preference with regard
to the relationship with the other person of the same sex,
opposite sex, as well as of both sexes.
 The debate on heterosexuality, homosexuality and
bisexuality arises from this assumption.
Philosophy of Law
Post-gender theorisations
In post-modern thought, post-gender theories are drawn up:
Post-gender means beyond gender, de-constructing both sex and
gender, moving away from nature which is considered irrelevant, but also
from culture, perceived as the cause of ʽnormalisationʼ/ʽnaturalisationʼ, e.g.
the restrictive imposition of assumed roles.
To deconstruct means ʽun-doingʼ sex and gender, in favour of transitory
instinctive pulsionality of multiple and plural identities( both male and
female or neither male nor female identities, i.e. trans-gender), deeming
any homo/hetero/bisexuality equivalent.
This perspective rises against every paradigm that may claim complying
with a hetero-sexual social model (standardisation)
The exaltation of in-difference, neutrality, which ends up denying identity
Philosophy of Law
 Post-modern
theories get to the point of
challenging sexual binarism (e.g. the sexes
are two and opposite) and heterosexism
(which declares the privilege of unions
between two opposite sexes).
 These
theories exalt sexual polymorphism and
pansexualism, which admits any tie between
Philosophy of Law
Practical examples:
For the first time, in Australia, a man/woman asked for the
registration of a neuter sex.
In Canada, two parents have not revealed the sex of their
son/daughter with the intention of raising him/her ʽwithout sexʼ so
that he/she can decide freely.
Post-modern theories are extremely provocative. It is not easy to
foresee the developments of the gender debate, due to its interdisciplinarity and non-systematic nature, alongside an underlying
intention to not express the reasoning clearly.
Philosophy of Law
Problematic scenarios
the cases of sexual ambiguities at birth show that even the
determination of biological sex is not univocal
the cases of psychological non-recognition of one’s identity in the
body (transsexualism)
the provocative cases of trans-gender claims of neutral identity
are increasing (in the sense of accepting/exalting ambiguity
identified with the co-existence of both female and male features,
or perhaps neither male nor female ones.
Philosophy of Law
The concept of neutrality and relationships
Neutrality also affects the relationship between
individuals, outlining a comparability between
hetero/homo/bisexuals. The relationships of men with
men, women with women (also more than two), of
transsexual and transgender persons with each other
are placed on an equal footing. Everything becomes
indistinct and indistinguishable.
Philosophy of Law
The queer theory
 The post-modern fragmentation of the concept of
gender is exemplified by the queer theory.
 The gender category is replaced with queer to denote
how the diversity must not be considered ʽstrangenessʼ
but ʽnormalityʼ, eliminating any distinction between
normal and abnormal, by the very denial of every
diversity. Individuals create their own identities,
unconstrained by the strictures of biology, social
constructions, or cultural constructs.
Philosophy of Law
This raises many questions:
Are males and females really different? To what extent
and how?
Can we be neutral, i.e. neither men nor women or men
and women?
 Is the fact that a certain identity is given to males and
females and a role according to their anatomy a natural
fact or convention? What is the source of individual and
relational diversity, biology, culture or individual will?
Philosophy of Law
Gender studies are often ignored by public opinion. However, they have already
begun to produce effects at different levels:
This is maybe caused by the very ambiguity and the non-immediate understanding
of the language. A real silent paradigmatic subversion is even suggested, through
educational, cultural and political institutions, with the aim of transforming society:
the so-called ʽgender agendaʼ/ʽgender mainstreamingʼ.
The term ʽgender ideologyʼ is also used to indicate the studies that have debated
this issue in connection with gender identity, but also to the ideology underpinning it.
Ideology means a structured system of ideas formulated and theorised at a
philosophical level, which is proposed as a total interpretation of the social and
historical reality, in order to reach the above-mentioned transformation of society,
according to the suggested social model.
Philosophy of Law
The gender ideology proposes the following theorisation:
 the irrelevance of nature for sexual identity
 the irrelevance of sexual difference for setting up a family,
exalting freedom as a result of individual desire
 a ʽsex-lessʼ society, without sexual identity and sexual
 It is important to reconstruct the debate to understand if it still
makes sense to ground sexual identity in nature, whether sexual
difference in the relationship still matters.
Philosophy of Law
Our goal is to:
analyse the different theories that have dealt with
the gender category, highlighting the theoretical and
philosophical aspects, while devoting particular
attention to the sex/gender dichotomy.
We will mainly refer to the Anglo-Saxon literature in
which the debate is considerably developed,
alongside the international one.
Philosophy of Law
Setting our focus:
The sex/gender debate is structurally interdisciplinary, relating to
the scientific areas of genetics, biology, endocrinology, anatomy,
physiology, neurology and the field of human sciences (i.e. history,
sociology, cultural anthropology, psychology, psycho-sexology,
psychoanalysis, etc.). Particular reference will be made to the
common applicative issues:
Philosophy of Law
A roadmap through theories in order to achieve a critical
 From a juridical point of view, the introduction of the term
gender without providing any explanation is evident. It is
possible to grasp its meaning by analysing the philosophical
 Our focus will shift from the de-construction of gender to a
possible philosophical-juridical re-construction of the
importance of nature in sexual identity and of sexual
difference within the family relationship.
 We will disclose the dangers of an in-different law, the
contradictions and ambiguities that arise behind the appeals
to equality and non-discrimination, in order to call for a
central role of the fundamental rights of the person before
gender claims.
Philosophy of Law
 Theoretical connections between social constructionism
and feminist perspectives
Gender and sociological approaches:
 Gender thematisations in the psychosexological and
psychoanalytical field share the critique of biological
 Other theories in the sphere of social psychology and sociology
elaborate criticism of the naturalistic paradigm, thematising the
priority of the social assumption of gender role for the perception
of gender identity in relation to sex.
 Society has a decisive influence on the perception of subjective
identity. It is the theory of “gender socialisation” bringing
together the perspectives that explain the acquisition of gender
as identity through a dynamic process of socialisation/social
learning, leading to a certain way of feeling inwardly and acting
Philosophy of Law
 Gender performance
 Gender coincides with the acting and carrying out of
behaviour that expresses and represents identity in
role, with regard to body changes, interaction and
 The theory of gender performance argues that
gender falls into the dimension of “doing”: it is not the
reflection of traits inherent to individuals, but the
product of social interaction
 Sexual identity of assignment of sex (male/female)
depends on acting, i.e. acting determines gender,
both as role and as identity.
Philosophy of Law
 According to functionalists, diversity in the
evolution of men and women is caused by the
different need to achieve the complementary
functions essential for survival.
 Sociobiologists explain different behaviours of
men and women as linked to different
reproductive strategies that have evolved to
ensure survival.
Philosophy of Law
 Doing gender theories:
 They interpret socialisation as an active process that is not reduced to
mere passive internalization of external expectations, but implies and
involves negotiation and modification
 The “agents” of gender socialisation are identified as family,
communication and social expectations. The family is the primary
source of socialisation (the first institution children enter into). From
birth onwards, parents start to treat children in different ways,
addressing them with specific language, dressing them in certain
colours, entailing a symbolic value that helps others to interact with
 Family communication is a further source of socialisation: it
encompasses a particular way of communicating, more emotionally for
females and more rationally and action-directed for males.
 Different social expectations strengthen gender identification, guided by
the family. The agents of socialisation encourage the development of
traits and behaviour directly or indirectly.
Philosophy of Law
 The theory of social role:
 It explains the development of gender in relation to society,
detecting social stereotypes as the root of role production.
 Features of gender stereotyping:
 the common beliefs about people based on belonging to social
 they vary according to physical characteristics, psychological
traits (aggressive and competitive in men, cooperative in
women), behaviour (justice-oriented in men, subordinate, careoriented in women), alongside task/functions (participation in
public life for men with regard to the economy and political
power, the private realm of domestic life for women).
Philosophy of Law
Social Constructionism
 A theory developed in the field of sociology, having a major
impact in the philosophical debate on gender.
“Constructionism” refers to “constructivism”. Constructivism
is a philosophical and epistemological theory according to which
it is not possible to objectively represent reality, given that the
sphere of our experience is the result of our constructive activity.
Nothing exists in itself, regardless of the person who brings it
into being.
Therefore, constructionism is a sociological theory that
applies the constructivist theory to society, believing that society
is the building process through which people create not by
means of their being, but through action and interaction, a
common reality, experienced as objective.
Philosophy of Law
Main lines of thought:
 This theory does not investigate what people “are”, but what
they “do” together as part of the social relations in specific
historical and cultural contexts. It has contributed to the social
elaboration of gender.
Starting from the undisputed fact that there are two sexes
(man and woman)/sexed identities, the gender category refers
to socialisation (gendering process) and the result of this
process (male/female division in society).
As a consequence, social constructionism states that the
source of gender is not nature, but history, along with human
action/interactions. Gender becomes the construction of
femininity and masculinity: it is an external creation, influenced
by society and determined by culture.
Philosophy of Law
Socialisation process:
 It is constituted by the widespread association
repeated in time between one sex
(male/female) and specific social
actions/practices (roles, responsibilities,
 In this framework, there is a regular
association of female with the reproductive
and domestic role and male with the
economic and political role.
Philosophy of Law
 The male/female distinction becomes social opposition of the
sexes/genders. The opposition means that belonging to one sex
implies (at the historical-social level) the possession of
conflicting characteristics:
 to be a man means not being a woman/not assuming the role of
women and vice versa
 hierarchy does not come from natural distinction, but from the
social construction associated with it, insofar as society
privileges one category, placing it in a position of
superiority/exclusivity, while devaluing the other.
 Constructionism argues that people are not marginalised
because different with respect to sex, but different owing to
marginalisation in relation to gender.
Philosophy of Law
A turning point for theorisation
 Social constructionism does not stop at the description of the
social emergence of gender, but devotes attention to power
relations between gender roles.
 The theories of this perspective point out the emergence of
models of gender identity/difference that devalue women and
the female role. However, it focuses on a preliminary
 men and women can take over both spaces or life styles (i.e.,
women can participate in public life and man in private life, it
being an issue of gender or social role, not of biological sex)
 Social constructionism suggests new models that revalue
women with respect to men, believing that social status is
changeable, de-constructable and re-constructable
Philosophy of Law
Subordination and oppression are “unnatural”
inasmuch as they are not rooted in nature,
but conveyed by society and culture.
Philosophy of Law
 This theory does not oppose, in principle,
sex/gender dualism
 It rather detects the contrast, highlight the
strong interaction between nature and
society. On such grounds, constructionism
considers that ignoring this interaction leads
to a distorted way of understanding our body
(as inert matter) and society (as not influential
on nature).
Philosophy of Law
 This theoretical orientation is not opposed to
identity categories (as in post-modern
 Sexual identities (men and women) do not
have predetermined essence. Although,
neither are they elusive due to their instability.
 They have variable content changing in
society and history, as part of a material
Philosophy of Law
the cultural construction of gender
 The theorisation of gender as cultural construction is
along the same lines:
 An innate and unchanging character of sex
“uncontaminated by cultural influences” is deemed
inexistent and unknowable.
 Ann Oakley (a British sociologist and feminist) points
out that gender is a “matter of culture”, as it refers to
the cultural classification of masculine and feminine
in opposition to sex, that biologically distinguishes
male from female. Therefore, biology has a minimal
role in the development of gender identity, while
gender is not a direct, mechanical and automatic
product of sex.
Philosophy of Law
Gayle Rubin ( American cultural anthropologist):
 the author identifies in the sex/gender distinction the most
effective conceptual pair to express the male/female relationship
 sex indicates the natural difference that in itself does not
produce different social roles
 gender refers to the roles produced by culture and the sociohistorical context
 The sex/gender system encompasses the set of measures
related to the organisation of human sexual relations or
“institutional forms of sexuality” (for instance, through the
structure of marriage)
 She believes that the difference in roles is shaped by culture,
regardless of sexual difference
Philosophy of Law
The sex/gender system according to Rubin
 In Western societies, it has mainly led to the
dominion of men:
 heterosexual marriage and the division of labour
based on sex caused the attribution of the maternaldomestic role to women and of the public role to men
 Sexual asymmetry has determined social asymmetry
from which the oppression of women and, at the
same time, the perception of “compulsory
heterosexuality” are contingent.
Philosophy of Law
 According to Rubin, gender is not only the
identification with one sex, but also the obligation to
direct sexual desire toward the opposite sex.
 In this sense, there should be a denaturalisation of
the subordination of women/men, as well as the
heterosexual choice.
The sex/gender system is a series of ways dealing
with gender identity and sexuality and identifies with
the cultural and social organisation of gender, as a
structure subject to transformation and development
in space and time. It represents the series of
strategies through which the biological material of
sexuality and procreation is shaped by human
Philosophy of Law
 The author emphasizes that what feminism
has to fight, so that women can achieve a
position of equality to men, is not the
difference of sex, but the difference of
 gender needs to be eliminated, sex liberated
from roles imposed by gender
 one method to reach an equal position should
be through the expansion of care to the father
alongside the mother
Philosophy of Law
Feminist theories: equality/difference
 The theory of social constructionism is elaborated within the
field of sociological and cultural anthropology, closely connected
with some feminist orientations.
 Starting from the 70s, Feminist philosophy frequently relies on
the use of the gender category, in relation to the debate
involving the relationship between men/women.
 The core concept of feminism is the search for the origin of the
phenomenon of sexual discrimination, generally referred to as
“sexism”, in the sense of patriarchal androcentrism. It is in this
context that some theories fit into the sex/gender debate,
applying the conceptual distinction specifically to the feminist
Philosophy of Law
Feminism thematises the gender category as
distinct from sex in the analysis of the
man/woman relationship (only marginally in
relation to sexuality). The idea that develops
with increasing conviction is that gender does
not coincide with sex.
Philosophy of Law
 On the basis of the thematisation of the
distinction of sex/gender, a part of feminism
envisages the possibility that the male/female
hierarchy is overturnable:
 The conceptual pair sex/gender is theorized
first implicitly, then explicitly in the various
liberal, socialist and radical stances.
Philosophy of Law
Early feminism
 It focuses on the categories of equality/difference and only
implicitly on gender:
 the sexual difference of men/women is considered irrelevant, in
a prospective of egalitarian assimilation of man
 The reason for the oppression of women is found in society
(therefore in gender) and not in the sexual condition.
 Equality becomes an absolute paradigm
 Subsequent explicit shift to the categories of sex/gender. It is
outlined in gender feminism as opposed to the equality
feminism. The sexual condition of women, understood as the
anatomy of the female body and reproductive function in the
gestational sense (pregnancy, childbirth, breastfeeding) is
considered to be the root of women’s inferiority in relation to
men, and their condition of subjection.
Philosophy of Law
Women have acquired a private, domestic and
caring role, because of their biological
condition. This hinders their participation in
public, social, political and economic life to
which men have access.
Philosophy of Law
Feminism and sex/gender separation
 Through this distinction feminism intends to liberate
women from marginalization and make them regain a
position of equality, in accordance with a number of
philosophical lines:
 showing the irrelevance of sex for gender and the
consideration of gender as a social construction
 the use of new technologies (contraception,
sterilisation, abortion and reproductive technologies)
separating sex from procreation, allow women to
overcome this “disadvantage” determined by their
biological condition
Philosophy of Law
 hierarchy is not caused by sexual difference
 reproductive technologies lead to forms of
manipulation of the body (for women and
Philosophy of Law
Problematic conceptual distinctions:
 the gender category is sometimes used as a
synonym for sex, other times as a meta-biological
category that allows the theorising of a path for
women’s liberation.
 There are not only linguistic reasons for the choice of
the term, but also a precise political and social
theory. Gender gives weight to the social construction
of sexual inequality. In this direction, even in
feminism, a critique of biological determinism
emerges gradually and in an extensive manner.
Philosophy of Law
First wave feminism (1848-1918)
 The birth of feminist thought in the late eighteenth
and early nineteenth century:
 Publication of A vindication of the rights of women by
Mary Wollstonecraft (1792)
 The Déclaration des droits de la femme et de la
citoyenne by Olympe de Gouges (1791)
 Wollstonecraft can be considered an anticipator of
the sex/gender debate. The author is aware that the
oppression of women is not a fact of nature but a
social fact, i.e., it does not depend on internal factors,
such as biological condition, but on external factors,
such as education and social organisation. In other
words, it is a matter of gender, not sex.
Philosophy of Law
 De Gouge aims to combat sexist oppression,
in order to reaffirm the “sacred and
inalienable rights of women”. She argues that
“woman is born free and lives equal to man in
her right”, appealing to the concept of “equal
 This is the conceptual approach within which
the first wave of feminism is structured:
 It focuses on emancipation, in the sense of
freeing nature from the oppression of society
Philosophy of Law
Equality feminism is divided into two main
 liberal
 socialist
 These orientation, despite their differences in
argumentation, share the emancipationist
Philosophy of Law
Liberal and socialist feminism on gender equality
Liberal feminism:
 Harriet Taylor in the essay The Emancipation of
Women (1851) and John Stuart Mill in The Subjection of
Women (1869) reject the alleged natural inferiority of
women, claiming that every human being is by nature
rational and autonomous morally.
 There is an attempt to overcome the subjection of
women due to education, history and culture so that
women can regain their natural rights, denied and not
recognised by society.
Philosophy of Law
Harriet Taylor:
 She particularly insists on education, employment,
political participation, believing that women can
achieve freedom through liberation from care and
John Stuart Mill:
 He states that women, although physically weaker
than men, should not be subjugated to them.
Philosophy of Law
Physical difference does not justify social subordination,
that is a sort of slavery:
 The enslavement of women in the family, exercised
not through strength, but with affection, which prevents
collective rebellion. In this sense, women educated
constantly to the duty of self-denial, must vindicate
equality in political rights by appealing to rational
 It is the natural equality of the rights of every human
being regardless of sex that calls for the obligation of
equal treatment in education, economic management,
employment and voting.
Philosophy of Law
The Emancipation of Women (Harriet Taylor):
 It makes a case not merely for giving women the ballot but for
“equality in all rights, political, civil, and social, with the male
citizens of the community”.
 This essay contains many of the same lines of argument as The
Subjection of Women, written by Mill and published in 1869,
although it expresses a somewhat more radical view of gender
roles than the later essay.
 It maintains that the denial of political rights to women tends to
restrict their interests to matters that directly impact the family,
with the result that the influence of wives on their husbands
tends to diminish the latter's willingness to act from publicspirited reasons.
Philosophy of Law
 Furthermore, it contends that when women do not
enjoy equal educational rights with men then wives
will impede rather than encourage their husbands'
moral and intellectual development.
 The major point of difference between the two is that
while the Subjection rather notoriously suggests that
the best arrangement for most married couples will
be for the wife to concentrate on the care of the
house and the children.
 Taylor’s essay instead argues for the desirability of
married women's working outside the home.
Philosophy of Law
According to H. Taylor:
“Even if every woman, as matters now stand, had a
claim on some man for support, how infinitely preferable
is it that part of the income should be of the woman's
earning, even if the aggregate sum were but little
increased by it…. Even under the present laws
respecting the property of women, a woman who
contributes materially to the support of the family,
cannot be treated in the same contemptuously
tyrannical manner as one who, however she may toil as
a domestic drudge, is a dependent on the man for
Philosophy of Law
The Subjection of Women (J. Stuart Mill)
 His view on the problem of gender equality as expressed in this
essay is commonly regarded as one of the core texts of liberal
feminism of the 19th century. It is based on the principle of
equality of women and men:
 J. Stuart Mill considered this to be one of the key principles for
building a liberal and democratic society. His interest in the
emancipation of women was systematic and continuous.
 He was a “public man”, an enthusiastic participant in public and
political debates concerning various social problems of his time,
and was especially interested in legal and social reform. Among
the issues on which Mill campaigned most intensively were
women’s rights, suffrage and women’s equal access to
Philosophy of Law
 From 1850 onwards, he actively supported the
women’s movement as it developed during this
period and participated in many forms of women’s
political struggle against subjection and
discrimination, advocating for civil and political rights,
as well as social and political reforms aimed at
improving their situation.
 Mill worked to influence legislation and public policy
concerning issues affecting women:
 He was critical about the idea that husbands, through
their right to vote, served as the protectors of their
wives. For him, women’s emancipation meant the
greater struggle for women’s equality.
Philosophy of Law
In The Subjection of Women, Mill discusses the
situation of an intelligent woman confined by patriarchal
institutions and customs that deny her individuality:
 He reached the strong conviction that woman’s
suffrage was an essential step towards the moral
improvement of humankind, and that the relationship
between husband and wife ought to be grounded in
legal as well as real equality.
 “ Marital slavery ” should be replaced by “ marital
Philosophy of Law
Mill formulates the fundamental argument of The
Subjection of Women in its first paragraph:
“the principle which regulates the existing social
r elat i ons bet ween t he t wo sexes – t he lega l
subordination of one sex to the other – is wrong in itself
and now one of the chief hindrances to human
improvement; and […] ought to be replaced by a
principle of perfect equality, admitting no power or
privilege on the one side, nor disability on the other”.
Philosophy of Law
Mill’s criticism of the social status of women is based on
his analysis of the social injustice excluding women
from public and civil life, from politics and decisionmaking.
He stresses that this kind of social injustice is one of the
main barriers to human progress and the moral
improvement of humankind. Analysing the
consequences of women’s subjugation, he points out
that such conditions negatively affect not only the lives
of women, but of men as well.
Philosophy of Law
 Men and women alike are harmed by such a
situation, and consequently the subjection of women
negatively affects the whole of society. As a liberal
thinker, Mill expresses his strong conviction that the
subordination of women, which deprives them of
freedom, is an unjust violation of the principle of
liberty. Moreover, it is a historical anachronism, “an
isolated fact in modern social institutions”.
 Mill declares that this “relic of the past is discordant
with the future, and must necessarily disappear”. He
locates the origin of women’s oppression in men’s
physical strength, assuming that the more influence
reason has in a society, the less importance physical
strength will have.
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 In such a state of affairs, women would no longer be
disadvantaged, as physical strength becomes less
important as civilisation progresses. This progress
implies the development of reason which, according
to Mill, is the same in either sex.
 Hence the subjection of women in an advanced
society has no other basis than habit or custom, both
of which are serious hindrances to the full
development of reason. In this way, Mill
conceptualises human life as progressing from the
passionate and the natural to the rational and the
Philosophy of Law
 According to Mill, inequality represents a serious
barrier to the advancement of an entire society, and
is also an obstacle to progress on an individual level,
that is, to individual improvement and prosperity.
Precisely this is Mill’s point of departure in arguing for
the need to dismantle social and legal relationships
that subjugate women and establish perfect equality
and partnership between the sexes, in both the public
and private spheres.
 However, some of his views are more similar to
certain radical feminist ideas developed within
“second-wave feminism”.
Philosophy of Law
When speaking about women’s status, especially in the
family and marriage, he often uses the image of slavery:
 Mill considers marriage, or more precisely the marital
law of his society, as the main factor in generating,
perpetuating and enforcing women’s slavery. In his
view, women are in a double bind: they are not free
within marriage, and they are not free not to marry. This
lack of freedom not to marry results from the fact that
they cannot acquire education or earn money in the
public sphere. Thus there is strong social and economic
pressure to marry: law and custom dictate that a woman
has scarcely any available means of gaining a
livelihood, except as a wife and mother.
Philosophy of Law
 Mill’s reflections on women’s status within marriage contain not
only this critical moment, but also some constructive ones. He
outlines a vision of marital partnership based on the principles of
equality, partnership, cooperation and reciprocity between
woman and man, and stresses that only such a relationship
between married persons is acceptable, not only in a political
but also in a moral sense:
 “The equality of married persons before the law, is not only the
sole mode in which that particular relation can be made
consistent with justice to both sides, and conducive to the
happiness of both, but it is the only means of rendering the daily
life of mankind, in any high sense, a school of moral cultivation”.
Philosophy of Law
 Accordingly, he believes that marital relations based
on partnership and equality would transform not only
the domestic but also the public sphere.
 In compliance with his liberal political and
philosophical convictions, he maintains that the very
principle of justice requires that women possess the
same rights as men, and that equality before the law
will lead to justice in all spheres of social and political
life. Mill’s analysis of the subjection of women in
society clearly reveals his utilitarian position, as well
as his participation in the English liberal tradition.
Philosophy of Law
 Mill justifies the necessity of women’s emancipation mainly by
the need to create room for each individual (which means not
only men, but also women) to develop their personal inclinations
and talents, so as to realise the maximum of their personal
happiness and, as a consequence, contribute to the
development of the whole of society.
 It is not difficult to identify the utilitarian principle of maximum
happiness in the background of such argumentation; for it is the
well-being of the maximum number of people which Mill uses to
demonstrate the disutility of women’s oppression and exclusion
from public life. Other principles which are central to his
argumentation are the liberal principle of equality and freedom,
the principle of equal opportunities, and the principle of free
individual choice. Accordingly, since human beings are equal,
the fact that someone is born a woman should not determine her
lifelong position and status in society, and neither philosophy
nor customs should.
Philosophy of Law
 As for Mill’s strategy, it may be said that he, like Harriet Taylor,
wanted to extend the ideology of liberal individualism to women;
for both of them sought to secure an independent, autonomous
identity for women as distinct individuals.
 In short, Mill’s argumentation is bound to two fundamental
assumptions or theses, which permeate his thoughts throughout
the whole essay:
 According to the first, the equality of women before the law is an
imperative proceeding from the very principle of social justice.
The second focuses on his thesis regarding the social utility of
eliminating the oppression of women, not only for them but for
society as a whole. These two assumptions are joined into one
thesis of fundamental importance, according to which the
inequality of women and men is unjust as well as harmful, both
for individuals (individual women and men) and for society.
Philosophy of Law
 In accordance with his liberal social and political philosophy, Mill
stresses the similarities between women and men, rather than
their differences, emphasising that “any of the mental
differences supposed to exist between women and men are but
the natural effect of the differences in their education and
circumstances, and indicate no radical difference, far less
radical inferiority, of nature”.
 Mill argues that any gap in intellectual achievement between
men and women can be explained by the better education and
privileged social position which men enjoy. On the other hand,
he endeavours to emphasise and positively evaluate the
importance of those mental or behavioural traits of women
which supposedly differ from men’s. For example, while arguing
for women’s suffrage and their representation in public life, he
suggests that “the general bent of their talents is towards the
practical”, thus making them fit for a life of public action.
Philosophy of Law
 Mill stresses that “what is now called the nature of
women is an eminently artificial thing, i.e., the result
of forced repression in some directions, unnatural
stimulation in others”.
 Here Mill not only calls attention to the impossibility of
knowing the “nature” of women; for what we now call
the nature or natural traits of women is the result of
culturally determined factors such as socialisation
and education and the effect of the social
circumstances in which women live.
Philosophy of Law
Objections and ambiguities in Mill’s philosophical thinking
 One of the main targets in current criticism of Mill’s liberal
feminism is his universalist and, at the same time, biased view
of human life and human nature. As already mentioned, Mill
conceptualises human life as progressing from the passionate
and the natural to the rational and the cultural.
 Although Mill criticises women’s status as wives and mothers
and condemns the injustice of marital slavery, his views on
marriage show certain limits to his liberal feminism. He does not
fight traditional assumptions regarding women’s and men’s
different responsibilities in a household, and accepts the notion
that when women marry they should be responsible for taking
care of the home and children, while men provide the family
Philosophy of Law
 It would seem that his emphasis on the importance of
legal and political equality, on equality before the law,
makes him less sensitive to other forms of inequality
and discrimination.
 Mill considered the principle of equality to be a moral
imperative, while the division of labour was an
empirical matter, one which might be altered
according to actual conditions and experience.
Philosophy of Law
Socialist feminism
 Liberal feminism developed mainly in England and in the U.S.,
given the greater weight of political liberalism compared to
 However, after World War II, in European countries, following
the development of welfare state systems, socialist feminists
conveyed the vindications of women.
 Marxist and socialist thought, even though in a different
theoretical perspective, share with liberal feminism, claims for
the emancipation of women, through access to employment and
the public sphere.
 This theory frames the issue of the problem of women’s status
in the context of class inequalities arising from the capitalist
economic system.
Philosophy of Law
 Even in this perspective, the reasons for the
oppression of women are not identified in nature, but
in society:
 The prospects for women status improvement are
found in social change, specifically in the economic
conditions of women, through their integration into
the working class, fighting for recognition of equal
access to employment.
Philosophy of Law
Socialist feminism:
 It calls for State intervention in the field of social
policies to ensure the conditions that enable women
to participate in employment and public life (in
opposition to liberal feminism, which relies on free
market competition). This perspective believes that
through the communist revolution, in a socialist
society, all forms of subordination will disappear,
along with those of the proletarians in relation to
 The interests of women are, therefore, proposed as
an ally of the proletarians for the socialist revolution.
Philosophy of Law
The Origin of the Family, Private Property and the State (Friedrich
Engels, 1884)
 He reconstructs anthropologically the original state of sexual
promiscuity (in which all males had sexual relations with all
females, regardless of age and kinship).
 This condition characterized society before the formation of the
monogamous family.
 The author highlights that women in the prehistory of humanity
were not placed in a subordinate position: indeed, they were
venerated even religiously as a symbol of fertility.
 In the social transformation of work (from hunting to farming,
agriculture and war), the male acquires a primary role as head of
the family, owner of territory, livestock, slaves and also women.
Philosophy of Law
 According to Engels, the monogamous family was
born in the Greek and Roman civilisations with the
institution of private property. Consequently, in this
context, sexual relationships were transformed:
 The first exclusion regarded the sexual relations of
mothers-fathers with their sons-daughters, then
between consanguineous (brothers-sisters) in the
transition from “matriarchy” (a state of equality, if not
of female superiority) to “patriarchy” (a state of male
Philosophy of Law
 In Engel’s view, the shift from prehistory to history
marks the birth of “women’s enslavement”:
 Monogamous marriage is considered men’s dominion
over women.
 The socialist revolution is put forward as a condition
for the liberation of all women, through the change of
social conditions (i.e. gender), the abolition of private
property and the establishment of common property.
The care and education of children becomes a public
Philosophy of Law
 In striving for the pursuit of equality, liberal and
socialist feminism encompass the thematisation of
the idea that what should be changed is not nature,
deemed equal in men and women, but society, the
source of inequality. Therefore, the modification of
social conditions, allowing access to education and
employment for women, provides the guarantee of
equal rights:
 Gender starts to be, although implicitly, a benchmark
in the search for change of the female social role,
regardless of natural condition.
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