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Where is Mars?
• Mars is about 250 million miles
away from the Earth.
• Mars is 130.1 million miles from
the sun!
Mars is the fourth planet from
the sun.
What Size is Mars?
• The radius of Mars is 3,389.5 km.
• The circumference of Mars is 21,344 km.
• The volume of Mars is 163,116,000,000
• The mass of Mars is
641,690,000,000,000,000,000,000 kg.
• The diameter of Mars is 4 221.59588
Moons on Mars
• The fact that Mars is half the size of Earth, it might
shock you that Mars has two moons.
• One of the moons that Mars has is called, Phobos, the
other moon is Demios.
• Phobos is the larger moon it orbits closer to the surface
of Mars, Phobos orbits about twice a day around Mars,
it orbits at an average distance of 9,377 km above
• Demios orbits at an average distance of 23,460 km
above Mars. Demios is much smaller than Phobos . It
takes about 30.35 hours for it to orbit Mars.
Theory of Mars
• Mars could of once been cold and wet.
• There has been a debate over this issue for
many years because some researchers believe
that water likely formed many features of
Mars’ landscape, but other researchers
believe that Mars was cold with temperatures
far below freezing points of water.
• The Atmosphere of Mars is absolutely
transparent and very thin. There is no clouds
of water vapor, the only clouds that you see
are mainly made from dust and carbon
• Many dust storms happen on Mars.
• Occasionally water frost covers the ground
during winter time. Some people wonder if
this tiny amount of moisture be the trace
remains of a once water- flourished planet.
• Mars rotates 24.6 hours (1.03 Days)
• Mars rotates at a speed of 868.22 km/h at the
• Mars only rotates about 40 minutes slower than
Earth, this is one category where two planets are
not very different.
• Mars rotates counter clockwise (prograde), like
most planets except Venus.
• Mars rotates on it’s axis, completing one
revolution in/every 24.6 hours.
• In Earth days it lasts 686.98 days and in Earth
years it lasts 1.88 years.
Visitors on Mars!
• In mid 2003 NASA sent two twin space rovers to
Mars, there names were Opportunity and Spirit.
• Opportunity and Spirit are both still on Mars. They
have been on Mars for NINE YEARS!
• Opportunity will spend the next several months at a
site informally named "Greeley Haven.”
• Spirit and Opportunity completed there three-month
prime mission in April 2004. The rovers are
continuing for years of bonus, extended missions.