Download 1._____How many bones are in the human body? A. 106 B. 206 C

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1._____How many bones are in the human body? A. 106 B. 206 C. 226 D. 196
2._____When a baby is born, its skeletal system is made up entirely of cartilage. Slowly
the cartilage begins to harden and changes to bone. What is this process called?
A. Ossification B. Microcephalia C. Bone Lengthening D. Hydrocephalus
3._____These are air-filled cavities located in several bones of the skull. They perform
two important functions, lessen the weight of the skull and amplify the sound of the
voice. A. Suture B. Scoliosis C. Scapula D. Sinus
4._____This bone protects the heart. A. Sacral B. Thorax C. Sternum D. Clavicle
5._____Which of the following is NOT a function of the vertebral column?
A. Provides support for head and thorax B. forms an attachment for the pelvic girdle
C. Provides flexibility for the body D. None of the above
6._____A human has 12 pairs of ribs. The first 7 are connected directly to the sternum.
What are they called? A. False Ribs B. Floating Ribs C. True Ribs D. Spare Ribs
7._____This bone is the heaviest and strongest bone in the body. A. Humerous
B. Pelvis C. Femur D. Fibula
8._____These two bones make up the forearm. They allow the forearm to rotate.
A. Femur & Tibia B. Clavicle & Scapula C. Humerous & Femur D. Radius & Ulna
9._____The arm is made up of only one bone, the humerous. It is joined at the shoulder
by a specific type of synovial joint called, A. Saddle joint B. Hinge joint
C. Ball-and-socket joint D. Pivot joint
10._____The knee joint connects the thigh to the leg. What is the name of the ‘floating
bone’ that protects this joint? A. Femur B. Patella C. Tibia D. Femur
11._____Fingers are numbered 1-5 beginning from the thumb. The 14 bones of the
fingers, or digits, are miniature long bones. What is their scientific name? A. Carpals
B. Metacarpals C. Phalanges D. Tarsus
12._____A condition that produces a reduction in bone mass is called A. Osteoporosis
B. Ankylosis C. Spina Bifida D. Sprain
13._____What type of joint connects the arm and forearm? A. Ball and Socket
B. Gliding Joint C. Saddle Joint D. Hinge Joint
14._____What division of the skeleton is the clavicle categorized? A. Axial B. Thorax
C. Appendicular D. None of the Above
15._____How many total vertebrate are found in the vertebral column? A. 12 B. 4
C. 26 D. 206
16._____Gas exchange occurs within our lungs at air-filled pockets called
A. External Nares B. Pharynx C. Alveoli D. Bronchiole
17._____The windpipe is a tough, flexible tube about 11 inches long beginning at the
larynx and ending at the bronchi. What is the scientific name of this tube?
A. Alveoli B. Trachea C. Pharynx D. Cricoid
18._____Air normally enters the respiratory system through the external nares, nostrils.
What are the body’s first lines of defense against the environment found at the nares?
A. Hairs B. Mucus C. Cilia D. All the Above
19._____The Pharynx is a chamber shared by the digestive and respiratory systems.
What is its common name? A. Throat B. Windpipe C. Sinus D. Mouth
20._____What is the name of the narrow opening located at trachea that allows air to pass
over the vocal cords producing sound? A. Thyroid B. Epiglottis C. Glottis D. Larynx
21_____The trachea branches to form the right and left primary bronchi, which in turn
supply the right and left lungs respectively. Which of the lungs is the largest?
A. Right B. Left C. They are the same size D. None of the Above
22._____Air flows from an area of high pressure to an area of low pressure. This
variance in the pressure gradient determines how fast the air flows. The pressure gradient
between the atmosphere and the lungs is determined by what factor?
A. Volume B. Pressure C. Temperature D. STP
23._____Air will enter the respiratory passageways when the pressure inside the lungs,
Pi, is in what relationship to the pressure outside the lungs, Po?
A. Pi > Po B. Pi < Po C. Pi = Po D. None of the Above
24._____Under normal conditions, cellular rates of absorption of gases match the
capillary rates of delivery and removal. What is this condition an example of?
A. Plasma Transport B. Gas Transport C. Equilibrium D. Respiration
25._____Which of the following best describes the relationship between Volume and
Pressure? A. P↑ V↓ B. P↑ V↑ C. P↓ V↓ D. P = V
26._____If you expire as much air from your lungs as possible, there is always about
1200 ml of air that remains in your lungs. What is this air called?
A. Heimlich air B. Pulmonary ventilation C. Residual air D. Reserve air
27._____The air we breathe is made up of many gases. What percentage of the air we
breathe is oxygen? A. 100% B. 21% C. 78% D. None of the above
28._____Which of the following is most accurate regarding Deoxygenated Blood?
A. CO2 > O2 B. CO2 < O2 C. CO2 = O2 D. None of the above
29._____What is the name of the flap which prevents liquids or solids from entering into
the respiratory tract? A. Trachea B. Tongue C. Glottis D. Epiglottis
30._____Tracheal blockage occurs when a substance becomes lodged in the windpipe. It
can be removed through a technique in which a sudden thrust just beneath the diaphragm
produces a higher pressure. What is this technique called?
A. CPR B. Heimlich Maneuver C. Mouth-To-Mouth D. Tracheostomy
31._____What is the name of the area on the lungs in which gas exchange occurs?
A. Bronchi B. Alveoli C. Lobule D. Capillaries
32._____Decompression Sickness, also called the Bends, is a painful condition generally
associated with scuba diving. There is an accumulation of a gas in the body’s joints,
bloodstream and spinal fluid. What is this gas? A. O2 B. H2 C. CO2 D. N2
33._____These travel in the bloodstream for rapid transportation from one organ to
another in the event of infection A. Red Blood Cells B. Leukocytes C. Erythrocytes
D. Hemoglobin
34._____This phase of hemostasis involves the contraction of the smooth muscles cells
lining the walls of the blood vessels A. Platelet Phase B. Coagulation Phase
C. Vascular Phase D. Karoyocytes Phase
35._____Which best describes a function of blood? A. Blood carries oxygen from the
lungs B. Blood carries carbon dioxide from tissues C. Blood distributes nutrients to
individual cells D. All the above
36._____Which of the following is NOT true regarding the viscosity of blood?
A. Water has a higher viscosity than blood B. Blood contains proteins which cause it to
be viscous C. Blood is thick and sticky D. Blood is resistant to flow
37._____What is the volume of blood found in a healthy adult? A. 9-10 pints
B. 7-8 milliliters C. 4-5 milliliters D. 4-6 liters
38._____The pigment hemoglobin is associated with which component? A. Platelets
B. Erythrocytes C. White Blood Cells D. Plasma
39._____Recently, we tested for blood types in class. What component of whole blood
were we looking for? A. Leukocytes B. White Blood Cells C. Platelets
D. Red Blood Cells
40._____Which blood types can be transferred to a person with Type AB blood?
A. A B. B C. AB D. All the above
41._____Which blood component exhibits an amoeba-like movement and are capable of
phagocytosis? A. Red Blood Cells B. Leukocytes C. Platelets D. None of the Above
42._____The blood vessels transport blood away from the heart A. Capillaries B. Veins
C. Arteries D. None of the above
43._____Located in the wall of the right atrium are specialized cells which generate
electrical impulses to the heart to stimulate cardiac muscle fibers to contract. What name
is associated with these cells? A. Sinoatrial Node B. SA Node C. Pacemaker Cells
D. All the above
44._____What is the action in a normal heartbeat? A. Both atria and ventricles contract
simultaneously B. Both atria and ventricles relax simultaneously C. Atria contract
simultaneously at the same time the ventricles relax simultaneously D. One atria and
one ventricle contract simultaneously at the same time the other atria and ventricle relax
45._____At rest an average heart beat is about how many beats per minute, bpm?
A. 85 B. 65 C. 90 D. 70
46._____During this phase, the heart is in a state of relaxation A. Diastole
B. Contraction C. Systemic D. Systole
47._____Blood flowing from the lungs heading back to the heart carries with it what
molecule? A. Oxygen B. Iron C. Carbon Dioxide D. Hemoglobin
48._____The human heart will beat about how many times each day? A. 1,000
B. 10,000 C. 100,000 D. 1,000,000
49._____What atom, found in hemoglobin, is necessary for the body as it combines with
oxygen? A. Iron B. Carbon Dioxide C. O2 D. Calcium
50._____What antigens are found in a person whose blood type is AB? A. A
B. B C. AB D. None
Complete the following
1. Denver has an atmospheric pressure of 645 mm Hg. Calculate the percentage of
Label the following drawing:
Ribs, Bronchi, Lung, Oral Cavity, Larynx, Heart, Nasal Passage, Pharynx,