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Know the locations from the map made in class
Know how Alfred Wegner theorized the Indian subcontinent came to be connected to the Asian
continent and how the Himalayan Mountains were formed
What is the tallest mountain in the world?
Where does the Indus River originate?
Another name for the Indus Valley civilization is the ______________ civilization (pg. 143)
When was the Indus civilization discovered?
What are the dates for the Indus Valley civilization?
Where does the textbook say people from this region traded goods?
When historians do not have written information to base knowledge on, they have to use things that
people have made/built that remain. These objects are called ______________ (this is from your notes
and not in the textbook)
What was the layout of the streets of Mohenjo-Daro?
How was the city divided east and west?
The civilizations in Mesopotamia, the Nile Valley and the Indus Valley all built homes and buildings
out of handmade mud/clay bricks. How was the practice of brick making different in the Indus Valley
compared with these other two civilizations? Why did the Indus people make their bricks in this
What is a granary?
Where did the wealthy live in Mohenjo-Daro? The poor?
Name the two theories the textbook gives for the decline of the Indus civilization
How did the Huang-He (Yellow) River get its name?
What is the date for the founding of the Shang Dynasty
Were the people of the Shang Dynasty monotheistic or polytheistic?
Understand what oracle bones were and how they were used during the Shang Dynasty
In 221 BC, a single style of writing was adopted by all of China. What effect did that have for the
Chinese people?
The end of the Shang Dynasty came with an attack from what tribe?
Why is the Olmec civilization called the “mother civilization” of the Americas?
How did people first get from Asia to the Americas?
On what coast and in what modern country was the Olmec civilization located on?
What is the date for beginnings of the Olmec civilization?
What are the Olmec people best known for today?
Aspects (paintings, artifacts and artwork) of Olmec culture have been found in areas far away from the
location of the Olmec civilization. How does the textbook explain this?
Name the modern day countries that make up the ancient lands of the Mayan civilization.
Know the dates of the ancient Mayan civilization = 600 BC – 1000 AD
What was the largest of the ancient Mayan cities?
What contribution to modern mathematics did the Olmecs make?
Understand the concept of “cultural borrowing”