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Answer the following questions using complete sentences and rephrasing.
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Root Section 6-1 (pages 130-140)
What are the two types of tissue that make up seed plants?
What is the job of the xylem?
What is the job of the phloem?
What do the roots do for the plants?
What is the difference between fibrous roots and taproots?
Give one example of a fibrous root and one example of a taproot
7. What does the term epidermis mean?
8. What are the extensions of the epidermis called?
9. What protects the tip of the plant?
10.Write down four different examples of roots that we eat.
11.What is the job of a stem?
12. Plants are classified into two separate groups according to their
stem structure. What are those two groups?
13.What is the center of the stem called?
14.How can you tell the age of woody plants?
15.What are three examples of edible stems?
16.What two categories are leaves separated into?
17.What is the word equation for photosynthesis?
18.What is transpiration?
19.What are four different examples of leaves that we eat?
Flower Section 6-3 (pages 148-152)
20.What protects the developing flower?
21.What is the stamen of a flower?
22.What is the pistil of a flower?
23.What part of the flower produces pollen?
24.Do all flowers have petals?
25.What is the stalklike part of the stamen called?