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16-3 The Process of
Interactive pgs. 404-410
What is speciation?
 It
is the formation of a new species
 A species is a group of organisms that can
breed with one another and produce fertile
 Different species have different gene pools
(groups of alleles)
How to become reproductively isolated…
(cannot interbreed)
Behavior Isolation
Geographic Isolation
Capable of interbreeding but different courting rituals
Eastern and Western meadowlarks have different songs
Separation by geographic barriers : rivers or mountains
Natural selection works separately on each group
Temporal Isolation
Reproduction during different times of the year
Behavioral Isolation:
Different Mating Calls
Geographic Isolation:
Separated by a Boundary
Temporal Isolation: Reproduce during different times of the year
Peter and Rosemary Grant’s Research on
the Galapagos Finches
 Tested
2 Hypotheses
 There
must be inheritable variation in beak size
and shape
 The difference in beaks must produce
differences in fitness leading to nat. selection
 Studied
the medium ground finch on
Daphne Major (one of the islands)
 They
caught and measured almost every
medium ground finch on the island
What they found…
 Variation
 Many
different characteristics showed bell
shaped distribution of polygenic traits
 Natural
 Beak
shape determined survival during a
 Largest beaks most likely to survive
 Rapid
 As
food supply changed so did the fluctuation of
beak size over a period of a few decades
Speciation in Darwin’s Finches
1. Founders Arrive
2. Separation of Populations
A few birds (B) cross back to island 1 and cannot mate with original
5. Ecological Competition
Population on the new island evolves due to different environmental
conditions (species B)
4. Reproductive Isolation
Some birds cross to another island & become isolated
3. Changes in the Gene Pool
From South America and populate an island (species A)
Species A and B compete for food and resources.
Species C may evolve
6. Continued Evolution
Process continues leading to the formation of 13 different species
of finches
Founders Arrive
Separation of Populations
Changes in the Gene Pool