Download Dear Dr. Stillman, Do I need to brush my dog`s teeth? Molly H. Dear

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Dear Dr. Stillman,
Do I need to brush my dog’s teeth?
Molly H.
Dear Molly,
Thanks for your question. February is Nation Pet Dental Health month so it’s very appropriate. You
specifically asked about your dog but in this case everything I’ll tell you will apply equally to a cat as well.
I do encourage folks to brush their pet’s teeth but there’s more than one way to try to promote good
dental health and prevent the onset of dental decay and periodontal disease. As I’m sure you know, the
reason that we brush our pet’s teeth (or our own) is to temporarily remove the layer of disease causing
bacteria which inhabit our mouths and build up on the surface of our teeth in a film called the pellicle.
These bacteria, if left to their own devices, excrete chemicals which break down the surface of the tooth
causing pitting and decay. If we brush frequently and thoroughly enough we can almost indefinitely
delay the onset of dental disease.
Tartar is a mixture of bacteria and the minerals which they form into a porous framework designed to
protect and shelter them. As tartar accumulates it spreads along the tooth, working its way in between
the tooth and its bony socket and destroying the soft tissue attachment (called the periodontal
ligament) which holds the tooth in place and prevents it from moving. When the tartar has disrupted
enough of this attachment the tooth becomes loose, and not long after that it may even fall out. The
process is painful and may lead to swollen and inflamed gums.
Additionally, the mouth is an unusual area of the body in that it contains both an active bacterial
population and a very strong blood supply. It is vital for our pet’s health that the bacteria not be
allowed to enter the bloodstream so normally the body presents several elaborate and highly effective
barriers to their passage out of the oral cavity and into circulation. When the gums become inflamed
these barriers begin to break down, allowing bacteria to enter the bloodstream. Purifying organs like
the kidneys and liver filter the bacteria back out again but in the process may become damaged and
infected themselves. In animals as well as in humans severe periodontal disease is one of the strongest
risk factors for the development of liver and kidney infections.
Now, back to your question. Brushing a pet’s teeth disrupts the above processes and makes the bacteria
start daily from scratch. It’s the most useful way to permanently delay the onset of periodontal disease
and tooth decay. However, even the most ardent advocate of pet tooth brushing will readily admit that
if you’re not doing on a daily basis it’s not very useful. Doing it once or twice a week, or less, does not
significantly slow the progression of disease. Not every pet (including my own cats and dog) will allow
you to brush their teeth. For those pets there are other options.
Several manufacturers make prescription dental diets. I feed my own cats and dog the feline and canine
versions respectively. These diets, designed to remove dental tartar and prevent it from reaccumulating, are not as effective as tooth brushing but are still very good. I strongly recommend these
diets and find them very useful in the prevention of dental disease. They are cost effective, tasty,
nutritionally complete, and perform a very important and useful function.
Lastly, for pets that will not allow tooth brushing and for whom dental diets are not a good alternative,
there is always the option of periodic dental cleanings. This procedure involves a brief period of
anesthesia during which a pet’s teeth are careful cleaned above and below the gumline and then
polished back to a glassy sheen. Diseased or damaged teeth may be removed. This is my least favorite
means of addressing dental disease, since it treats disease which is already present instead of
preventing it from occurring.
In summary, I applaud your efforts to brush your pet’s teeth on a daily basis. If that’s not possible you
should discuss alternative ways of preventing or treating dental disease in your four legged companions.