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“Adjusting to Peacetime”
Vocabulary Terms
Warren Harding- (pg. 737)
Calvin Coolidge- (pg. 737)
Disarmament- (pg. 738)
Communism- (pg. 738)
Anarchist- (pg. 739)
Return To Normalcy
 By 1920, the mishandling of the peace treaty at
Versailles and a failing economy made Woodrow
Wilson and the Democrats very unpopular.
 The end of WWI. was followed by a recession
 Strikes led to major disputes after the war.
 Some Americans feared that Communists would
overthrow the government as they did in Russia.
The Harding Administration
 Warren Harding won the Election of 1920.
 He promised a return to “normalcy”
 Harding was a firm supporter of business.
 Many of Harding’s appointees were involved in
major scandals.
Teapot Dome
 The biggest scandal was the Teapot Dome.
 The secretary of the Department of the Interior,
Albert Fall, secretly leased the land and all of its oil
reserves to an oil man.
 In return, Fall received a bride of $400,000
Harding’s Death
 In 1923, Harding suffered a heart attack and died,
leaving Calvin Coolidge to deal with the fallout of
the scandals.
Foreign Policy
 Most Americans did not want our nation involved in
world affairs. This was known as isolationism.
 The U.S. encourages disarmament, which meant to
reduce and limit military forces.
 The Naval Arms Conference resulted in a treaty
limiting the Navies of the United States, Britain,
France, Italy, and Japan.
 President Coolidge believed that the government
had the right to intervene in foreign matters that
affected American business.
 In 1926, a revolution broke out in Nicaragua.
Coolidge sent in troops to protect the American
businesses that were there.
 In the Bolshevik Revolution of 1917, Communist had
taken over power in Russia. They created the Soviet
Union, the world’s first Communist state.
Bolshevik Revolution
The Red Scare
 The postwar strikes that affected the United States
made Americans fear a revolution.
 The fears reached a fever pitch when a series of
bombings occurred by anarchists.
 During the Red Scare, thousands of anarchists and
Communists were arrested.
Sacco and Vanzetti
 In May of 1920, two Italian immigrants, Nicola Sacco
and Bartolomeo Vanzetti were arrested and charged
with robbing and murder.
 This was ironic because there was little evidence
against them. The prosecution focused on the fact
that both were foreigners and anarchists.
Limiting Immigration
 Fears about radicals led to limits on immigration in
the United States.
 Many Americans feared that the mainstream culture
was being overwhelmed.
 American workers were concerned that newcomers
would take their jobs.