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ГПОУ ЯО «Ярославский медицинский колледж»
Контрольная работа по английскому языку для студентов
Variant I
Part I
1. What is the liquid component of blood called?
a) Plasma b) Serum c) Lymph d) Interstitial fluid
2. Which type of blood cell is responsible for carrying oxygen throughout the body?
a) Red blood cells b) White blood cells c) Platelets d) Lymphocytes
3. Which type of blood cell is the most numerous in the human body?
a) Red blood cells b) White blood cells c) Platelets d) Neutrophils
4. Which type of cell is responsible for fighting off infections and foreign invaders in the
a) Red blood cells b) White blood cells c) Platelets d) Basophils
5. What is the process by which blood cells are produced called?
a) Erythropoiesis b) Hemostasis c) Phagocytosis d) Hematopoiesis
6. Which type of blood cell is responsible for clotting and preventing excessive bleeding?
a) Red blood cells b) White blood cells c) Platelets d) Eosinophils
7. What is the average lifespan of a red blood cell?
a) 120 days b) 30 days c) 365 days d) 90 days
8. Which blood type is known as the universal donor?
a) A positive b) O negative c) AB positive d) B negative
9. Which blood type is known as the universal recipient?
a) O positive b) AB negative c) A negative d) B positive
10. What is the name of the process by which blood is formed in the body?
a) Hemorrhage b) Hemolysis c) Hemopoiesis d) Hematuria
Part II
Answer the questions
1. What are white blood cells, and what is their role in the immune system?
2. Explain the composition of blood and its main functions in the body.
3. What are the common disorders and diseases related to blood cells?
ГПОУ ЯО «Ярославский медицинский колледж»
Контрольная работа по английскому языку для студентов
Variant II
Part I
1. What is the liquid component of blood called?
a) Plasma b) Serum c) Lymph d) Interstitial fluid
2. Which type of blood cell is responsible for carrying oxygen throughout the body?
a) Red blood cells b) White blood cells c) Platelets d) Lymphocytes
3. Which type of blood cell is the most numerous in the human body?
a) Red blood cells b) White blood cells c) Platelets d) Neutrophils
4. Which type of cell is responsible for fighting off infections and foreign invaders in the
a) Red blood cells b) White blood cells c) Platelets d) Basophils
5. What is the process by which blood cells are produced called?
a) Erythropoiesis b) Hemostasis c) Phagocytosis d) Hematopoiesis
6. Which type of blood cell is responsible for clotting and preventing excessive bleeding?
a) Red blood cells b) White blood cells c) Platelets d) Eosinophils
7. What is the average lifespan of a red blood cell?
a) 120 days b) 30 days c) 365 days d) 90 days
8. Which blood type is known as the universal donor?
a) A positive b) O negative c) AB positive d) B negative
9. Which blood type is known as the universal recipient?
a) O positive b) AB negative c) A negative d) B positive
10. What is the name of the process by which blood is formed in the body?
a) Hemorrhage b) Hemolysis c) Hemopoiesis d) Hematuria
Part II
1. What are the different components of blood and their functions?
2. How do platelets contribute to blood clotting and wound healing?
3. What are the common symptoms of blood disorders, and how are they diagnosed?
Критерии оценивания:
I часть – 10 баллов;
II часть – 3 балла.
Итого – 13 баллов
12-13 – оценка «5»
9-11 – оценка «4»
6-8 – оценка «3»
5 и менее – оценка «2»