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The IC 1 convened a discussion in their group chat, led by their IC Leader, Francis Rebosura.
The session aimed to explore Ignatian values, a set of principles rooted in the teachings of St.
Ignatius of Loyola, and their significance in contemporary life. Francis made an outline of the
main topic containing sub topics. All of these subtopics are then designated to specific IC
Members. All of the discussions of each subtopic of IC Members were then compiled to one
Nika Gentiles kicked off the discussion by providing a comprehensive overview of Ignatian
values. She highlighted their foundational role in ethical decision-making and emphasized their
relevance in navigating complex moral dilemmas. Nika's insights laid a solid groundwork for the
ensuing exploration.
Following Nika's introduction, Matt Magan took the stage to delve deeper into the core principles
of Ignatian values. With clarity and conviction, he elucidated the practical applications of these
values, illustrating how they shape personal conduct and influence societal norms. Matt's
presentation fostered a deeper understanding of the philosophical underpinnings of Ignatian
Althea Tabamo passionately delved into the concept of Ignatian creation, urging her peers to
contemplate their role as stewards of the environment and architects of meaningful
relationships. Drawing from Ignatian spirituality, she underscored the interconnectedness of all
living beings and advocated for a mindful approach to creation. Althea's heartfelt discussion
resonated with the class, inspiring a renewed commitment to environmental conservation and
community building.
Briana De la Torre offered practical insights into embodying Ignatian values in everyday life.
With a focus on action-oriented strategies, she outlined tangible steps for integrating these
values into various spheres of influence, from personal relationships to professional endeavors.
Briana's pragmatic approach provided a roadmap for translating abstract ideals into concrete
Epo Matanog tackled the concept of Ignatian indifference, challenging his peers to confront
moments of apathy and complacency in their lives. Through thought-provoking anecdotes and
reflective questions, he prompted a collective examination of individual biases and societal
norms. Epo's candid exploration sparked meaningful dialogue and encouraged personal
introspection among the class.
Johanna eloquently synthesized the discussion, weaving together the diverse perspectives
shared by her peers into a cohesive narrative. In her closing remarks, she underscored the
transformative potential of embracing Ignatian values, urging her classmates to strive for moral
discernment and social responsibility in their daily lives. Johanna's conclusion left a lasting
impression, serving as a call to action for the entire class.
Althea Tabamo, in her dual role as synthesizer and presenter, skillfully encapsulated the
essence of the discussion in a captivating presentation. Drawing from the collective wisdom of
her peers, she crafted a compelling narrative that underscored the profound relevance of
Ignatian values in contemporary society. Althea's engaging delivery and comprehensive
synthesis left the class inspired and empowered to embody these principles in their own lives.
Under the guidance of Francis Rebosura, the IC Leader, the IDE 10.1 class embarked on a
transformative journey of exploration and discovery. Through collaborative dialogue and shared
inquiry, they gained a deeper understanding of Ignatian values and their enduring significance in
shaping ethical conduct and fostering social change.
Prepared by:
IC 1 Leader
IDE 10.1 - YC