Download Cybersecurity Scenarios with answers

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While working through the workshop content provided we would like you to consider these
little scenarios and explain how you would react to ensure that you are protected.
1. You have received an email which states that a distant uncle on your mother’s side of
the family has died and the lawyers have been looking for you for quite some time to
transfer your inheritance from his will into your personal bank account. The lawyers in
the email are asking you to click on a link and provide them with your personal
information to be able to transfer the money. What would you do?
Possible Answer:
This email could be a scam, and it is important to be cautious when receiving unexpected
messages from unknown sources. Before taking any action, you should verify the legitimacy
of the email by:
1. Checking the sender's email address and domain name. If it looks suspicious or
unfamiliar, do not click on any links or provide any personal information.
2. Contacting a trusted family member or legal representative to confirm the
authenticity of the email and the existence of the inheritance.
3. Researching the law firm or individual mentioned in the email to ensure that they
are reputable and legitimate.
4. Being wary of any urgency or pressure to act quickly, as this is a common tactic used
by scammers.
5. Avoiding clicking on any links or downloading any attachments from the email, as
they could contain malware or phishing software.
Overall, it is always best to err on the side of caution and protect your personal information
until you can confirm the legitimacy of the email and the inheritance.
2. You receive a phone call from your bank telling you that loadshedding has corrupted
some of their data and they are phoning customers personally to recover their
details. They say that they are going to confirm your details against what is showing on
their system. The person on the phone starts by asking you to confirm your first
name. What would you do?
Possible Answer:
This phone call could also potentially be a scam, as scammers often use techniques like
social engineering to gain access to personal information. It is important to verify the
legitimacy of the call by:
1. Confirming the identity of the person calling by asking for their full name, position at
the bank, and contact information.
2. Contacting your bank directly using the phone number on their official website or on
the back of your bank card. Do not use any phone numbers provided by the caller.
3. Refusing to provide any personal information until you have verified the authenticity
of the call and the identity of the caller.
4. Being wary of any urgency or pressure to act quickly, as this is a common tactic used
by scammers.
5. Avoiding clicking on any links or downloading any attachments from the email, as
they could contain malware or phishing software.
Overall, it is always best to protect your personal information and be cautious when
receiving unexpected calls from unknown sources.
3. Anyone could be a hacker. They don't always have to look the part.
You bump into someone on campus who says she is a student. She tells you that she has
forgotten her password and when she went to ICT to reset it, they were closed. She further
tells you that she needs to complete her essay and asks if she could use your login details to
log in to the University network to complete her assignment. What would you do?
Possible Answer:
It is not advisable to share your login details with anyone, even if they claim to be a student
or have a legitimate reason for needing access. This is because your login details give access
to your personal information and could be used to commit fraud or other malicious
Instead, you could advise the person to:
1. Contact the ICT department during their business hours to reset their password or
seek assistance with their login.
2. Use a public computer on campus, such as those in the library or computer labs, to
access the university network and complete their assignment.
3. Seek assistance from a trusted friend or family member who is also a student or has
access to the university network.
By doing so, you are helping to protect your personal information and the security of the
university network. It is always better to err on the side of caution and prioritize your own
4. You are at a party off campus and you meet this really cute guy/girl. You feel that you
are both hitting it off and you are sure this is the beginning of “love”. The guy/girl offers
to buy you a drink, but then laughingly tells you after patting themselves down, that
they must have left their wallet/purse at home (in the residence). They ask if they can
use your debit card to make the purchase, and they will pay you back. What would you
Possible Answer:
It is not advisable to lend your debit card to anyone, even if you feel a strong connection or
trust them. This is because your debit card is linked to your personal bank account, and
giving someone access to it could potentially lead to unauthorized transactions or fraud.
Instead, you could offer to:
1. Buy the drink for the person yourself, if you feel comfortable doing so.
2. Suggest an alternative payment method, such as Venmo, Cash App, or other digital
payment platforms, where the person can pay you back later.
3. Politely decline the offer, explaining that you prefer to keep your debit card to
yourself for security reasons.
It is important to prioritize your own financial security and be cautious when it comes to
sharing your banking information or debit card details. Trust and a strong connection with
someone takes time to develop, and it is always better to err on the side of caution to
protect yourself from potential fraud or unauthorized transactions.
5. You are surfing online a find a clothing item on a website that appears crazy cheap. The
website tells you this is a “today-only special offer”. You don’t want to miss out on this
amazing deal, and the website has a shopping cart where they ask for your personal,
card details, CVV number, and pin. What would you do?
Possible Answer:
It is important to be cautious when shopping online, especially when encountering deals
that seem too good to be true. This could potentially be a scam, and providing your personal
and payment details could lead to unauthorized transactions, identity theft, or other
malicious activities.
Before making any online purchases, you should:
1. Verify the legitimacy of the website by checking the URL, security indicators, and
customer reviews.
2. Use a secure and trusted payment method, such as PayPal or credit card, that offers
buyer protection and fraud prevention.
3. Never provide your PIN or CVV number, as these are confidential information that
should be kept private.
4. Avoid clicking on any links or downloading any attachments from the website, as
they could contain malware or phishing software.
5. Look for any additional fees or charges that may be hidden in the fine print, such as
shipping fees or subscription fees.
Overall, it is important to prioritize your own financial security and be cautious when
shopping online, even if it means missing out on a seemingly amazing deal.
6. You are sitting in a local mall and surfing the internet on the mall’s free-roaming wifi.
While you are surfing the net you get a text from one of your friends asking if you could
lend them some money. They tell you that it is urgent, and they will pay you back. What
would you do?
It is important to be cautious when receiving unexpected requests for money, even from
friends or family members. Before sending any money, you should:
1. Verify the identity of the person by calling or texting them directly, rather than
replying to the initial text message.
2. Ask questions to confirm the urgency and nature of the request, such as why they
need the money, when they will be able to pay it back, and how much they need.
3. Consider other options for lending money, such as using a secure online payment
platform or transferring money through your bank.
4. Set clear expectations and boundaries for repayment, including a timeline for
repayment and a plan for what happens if they are unable to repay the money.
5. Trust your instincts and avoid sending money if you feel uncomfortable or uncertain
about the request.
It is important to prioritize your own financial security and be cautious when it comes to
lending money, even to people you know and trust. By taking these steps, you can protect
yourself from potential scams or fraud and ensure that your financial well-being is
7. Your friend loves posting pictures on social media platforms and she is constantly taking
selfies everywhere you go together because she wants to get as many followers as
possible to realise her dream of being a social influencer. She says that your house is
cooler than hers and asks if she can take pictures around your house, of your new car,
etc. and post them online. What would you do?
Possible Answer:
It is understandable that your friend wants to increase her social media following and
become an influencer. However, it is important to consider your own privacy and comfort
level when it comes to sharing personal information and images online.
Before agreeing to let your friend take pictures around your house or with your belongings,
you should:
1. Consider the potential consequences of having these images posted online, including
any personal or sensitive information that may be revealed.
2. Discuss with your friend what types of images are appropriate to share online and
which ones should be kept private.
3. Set clear boundaries and expectations for how your personal information and
images will be used and shared online.
4. Protect your own privacy by asking your friend to blur out any personal details or
identifiable information in the images before posting them online.
Ultimately, it is important to prioritize your own comfort and privacy when it comes to
sharing personal information and images online, even with close friends. By setting clear
boundaries and expectations, you can ensure that your personal information and privacy
are respected and safeguarded.
8. You have a friend who is always on their phone and you noticed one day while he left it
on the table at a café to go to the restroom that the screen was not locked. He trusts
you enough to leave his unlocked phone on the table. What would you do?
Possible Answer:
It is important to respect your friend's privacy, even if you have access to their unlocked
phone. While it may be tempting to snoop or look through their messages, it is not ethical or
respectful to do so without their permission.
Instead, you should:
1. Respect your friend's privacy and do not look through their phone without their
explicit permission.
2. Let your friend know that their phone was unlocked when they return from the
restroom, so that they can lock it to protect their privacy.
3. If you feel uncomfortable or uncertain about the situation, you can also encourage
your friend to set a passcode or lock screen on their phone to protect their personal
information and privacy.
Ultimately, it is important to prioritize your friend's privacy and respect their personal
boundaries, even if you have access to their unlocked phone. By doing so, you can maintain
a trusting and respectful relationship with your friend.