Download World History AP Review - Global Religions

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BY: Sarah Behringer
Christianity & Judaism
● Christianity is rooted in Judaism- many of the same ideas
Jesus is the messiah, Bible is the holy book. 10 Commandments, 7
sacraments, emphasis on the afterlife.
Judaism: important because it brings monotheism to the table. Abraham is their key
figure; God gave him Israel. Torah is the holy book.
Both were disliked by Romans- seen as a challenge to their authority
Ancient religion, influenced Christians, Jews, Muslims, etc. 1500 BCE with the
prophet Zoroaster, was outraged by the state of society. Aresta is the holy book
Received vision from Ahura Mazda (the supreme God), Angra Mainyu is the
destructive spirit; devil/satan equivalent. He can be defeated by good
thoughts, good deeds, and good words
Fire is a pure representation of Ahura Mazda- but not worshipped
Foundations from the Caucasus Mountain region
Veda is the holy book, believe in a caste system called Varna/Jati. Impacted by skin
color & occupation. Polytheistic
Dharma is one’s moral duty, determines your karma, which in turn
determines your rebirth. Only the highest caste can be reborn as humans.
Moksha is the final stage before rebirth
Key figure is Buddha, who grew up rich, then saw suffering.
Grows out of Hinduism, also believes in reincarnation. Tries to reach
Nirvana instead of Moksha. No supreme creator, but has divine beings
His enlightenment: We suffer because of our desire for material items
Many regional flavors: Theravada (Classic, India), Mahayana (China),
Tibetan (Tibet), and Zen (Japan).
Dynastic Cycle
In China. Not recognized at the moment, but historians found this it is the process
all dynasties went through. Emperors have a “mandate of heaven” from God.
Dynasty comes to power, people prosper, problems (like invasion) begin,
people are more taxed, Droughts/Flood/Famine happen, *Mandate of
Heaven is lost*, Poor people find new leader to rebel with, Old emperor is
defeated, and the cycle starts all over again
Started during the Zhou dynasty. People’s responsibility to overthrow
3 Chinese Philosophies
Confucianism: Started by Confucius in the Zhou dynasty. (551-479 BC)
Social order, harmony, ancient tradition, Filial Piety (respect for your
elders), women are expected to submit. No reincarnation/little afterlife
Believes government is there for protection
Daoism: Started by Laozi in the 6th century. The holy book is Dao De Ching.
Based on nature, emphasis on the natural order. Balance is key; extremes
can not last for long. Yin & Yang come from this. Life on earth > afterlife
Shunned politics, the government shouldn’t control.
Legalism: Only used by Emperor Qin (built Great Wall), believes that powerful
government is key for order. Harsh laws make this widely unpopular
Burned books, killed teachers, rewarded followers, etc.