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Name ______________________ Date _______ Class ___
Mapping Essentials Quiz
Degrees Equator Grid Hemispheres latitude longitude
Meridians Parallels
Prime Meridian Projection Rural Urban
Spatial Perspective
Fill in the blanks using the vocabulary words listed above.
1. A pattern of lines that circle a globe, ___________________.
2. Imaginary lines that pass through the poles and are measured as
east-west lines on a map or globe, _____________________.
3. An imaginary line that circles the Earth at its widest point,
4. An area on the Earth that contains cities, ________________.
5. A unit of measurement, ________________________.
6. The imaginary line that runs through Greenwich, England and
represents 0°, ____________________.
7. Point of view based on where something is located and why it is
there, ________________________________.
8. A division of the globe in halves, _______________________.
9. A flat representation of the Earth’s surface, in parts or whole,
10. The study of the Earth and everything on it, ______________.
11. Lines of latitude, _________________________.
12. An area of the Earth that contains forests, plains and fields
used in farming, _________________________.
13. Point of view based on a personal experience or understanding,
14. Lines of longitude, _________________________.
15. Discuss why a globe is a useful tool to use.
16. Discuss why using a map can be better than using a globe.
17. Pick a projection that we have discussed. Explain why Navigator
would use this projection to travel.