Download Individuals suffer heat-related illness when the body`s temperature

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2009 Flour Bluff Drive
Corpus Christi, Texas 78418
(361) 939-7110 Office (361) 939-7861 Fax
Individuals suffer heat-related illness when the
Heat-related injuries fall into three major
body's temperature control system is overloaded
and the body can no longer cool itself. The body
Heat cramps are muscular pains and spasms that
normally cools itself by sweating. As long as
occur when the body loses electrolytes during
blood is flowing properly to the skin, extra heat
profuse sweating or when inadequate electrolytes
from the body is pumped to the skin and
are taken into the body. They usually begin in the
removed by sweat evaporation.
arms, legs or abdomen, and often precede heat
Under extreme conditions, sweating will result in
exhaustion. Treatment for heat cramps is to rest in
significant fluid loss and body temperatures can
the shade, get near a fan, spray the person with
rise rapidly. (The human body is 70% water. You
water and massage the cramp.
have 5 quarts of blood running through your
Heat exhaustion is a medical emergency. When a
system. Walking through the desert in the heat,
person is suffering from heat exhaustion, they will
you'd lose about a quart of water an hour. Five
perspire profusely and most likely will be pale. It is
hours without water could be deadly.)
best treated by taking the patient to a cool place,
applying cool compresses, elevating the feet and
giving the patient fluids.
Heat stroke is the worst heat-related injury. The
brain has lost its ability to regulate body temperature.
The patient will be hot, reddish and warm to the
touch. Their temperature will be markedly high and
there will be no perspiration. This is a medical
emergency; call 911. The emergency care of
heatstroke is to cool the body as quickly as possible.
One of the best methods for cooling the body during
a heat emergency is to wrap the patient in cool, wet
Tips to avoid Heat Related Illness:
Never leave infants, children or pets inside a
parked vehicle.
Increase fluid intake, regardless of activity
level. Don't wait until thirsty to drink fluids;
drink more liquid than one's thirst indicates.
Avoid "heat hangover." Continue to drink
fluids even after strenuous activity. This will
enable the body to maintain optimum
hydration, and help prevent the after effects
of heat exposure such as headaches and
Avoid beverages containing alcohol, caffeine
or large amounts of sugar as they dehydrate
Outdoor Protection:
the body.
Avoid very cold beverages as they cause
minimum SPF15. Apply at least 30 minutes
stomach cramps.
prior to going outdoors, and re-apply as
Limit exercise or outdoor activity between the
hours of 11 a.m. and 3 p.m. when the sun is
at its peak intensity. If active during this time
Some medications, both prescription and
over-the-counter, may increase the risk of
heat related illness. Consult your physician if
you have questions.
Take advantage of free air conditioning! Visit
shopping malls, movie theaters or the library
to escape the heat for a few hours.
Rest frequently in shady areas so that the
body's temperature has a chance to recover.
frame, drink a minimum of 16 to 32 ounces of
water each hour.
When outdoors, wear a sunscreen with a
If unaccustomed to working or exercising in a
hot environment, gradually increase the pace
and limit exercise or work time.
Cars & Heat
when temperatures reach 95 degrees Fahrenheit,
even with a window partially open, the temperature
inside a car can reach 122 degrees in 20 minutes and
150 degrees in 40 minutes. In these conditions,
children can die very quickly - in a matter of minutes.
Infants and small children are particularly vulnerable
due to their body configurations. The younger the
child, the faster the onset of heatstroke and
dehydration can occur.
75% of the temperature rise occurs within five
minutes of closing the car and leaving it.
90% of the temperature rise occurs within 15
Dark colored cars reach slightly higher
temperatures than light colored cars.
Wear lightweight, loose-fitting clothing.
Sunglasses to protect the eyes.
Wide-brimmed hat to provide shade and
keep the head cool.
The greater the amount of glass in the car
(hatchbacks, etc.) the faster the rise in
Larger cars heat up just as fast as smaller cars.
Take special precaution with infants and
young children by dressing them in loose,
Having the windows down even one inch causes only
cool clothing and shading their heads
a slight temperature drop.