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A. if choices 1, 2 and 3 are correct
B. if choices 1 and 3 are correct
C. if choices 2 and 4 are correct
D. if choice 4 is correct
E. if all choices are correct
1. The popliteal artery is a continuation of
1. Internal iliac artery
2. External iliac artery
3. Profounda femoris artery
4. Femoral artery
2. Features of the prostatic urethra include the
1. Verumontanum
2. Urethral Crest
3. Ejaculatory ducts
4. Cowper’s Glands
3. Structures passing through the porta hepatis include the
1. Hepatic arteries
2. Hepatic veins
3. Hepatic portal vein
4. Ampulla of Vater
4. Between the public tubercle and the anterior superior iliac spine is stretched
1. The inguinal ligament
2. The fundiform ligament
3. The rolled-under inferior margin of the aponeurosis of the external
abdominal oblique muscle
4. The tunica dartos
5. Scarpa’s fascia is continous with
1. Buck’s fascia
2. Colle’s fascia
3. Mackinrodt’s ligament
4. Dartos fascia
6. Fiber content in the pelvic plexus consists of
1. Post-ganglionic parasympathetic fibers
2. Pre-ganglionic parasympathetic fibers
3. Pre-ganglionic sympathetic fibers
4. Post-ganglionic sympathetic fibers
7. Features of the anal canal include
1. The pectin
2. Anal valves
3. Anal Columns
4. Hair and Glands
8. The levator ani is attached to the
1. Ischium
2. Pubis
3. Coccyx
4. Arcus tendineus
9. In cases of hepatic portal hypertension, anastomoses could be expected to
develop in the vicinity of the
1. Right renal vein
2. Lower abdominal vein
3. Appendix
4. Lower Esophagus
10. Which of the following maybe radio graphically visible in the extra peritoneal
perivesicle space?
1. Bladder
2. Iliopsoas muscle
3. Obturator internus muscle
4. Pelvic ileal loops
11. Which of the following muscles are part of the gluteal group?
1. Obturator internus
2. Gernellus superior
3. Quadratus femoris
4. Pectineus
12. A positive Trendelenburg test indicates weakness of the
1. Obturator internus and the gemelli
2. Rectus femoris
3. Piriformis
4. Gluteus medius and minimus
13. Characteristics of a femoral hernia include which of the following?
1. Weakness in the abdominal wall at the femoral ring
2. Protrusion of the intestine through the femoral ring into the femoral
3. Possible strangulation resulting in impairment of blood supply to the
herniated bowel
4. A palpable mass inferolateral to the pubic tubercle
14. The popliteal fossa contains which of the following structures?
1. Tibial nerve
2. Popliteal artery
3. Popliteal vein
4. Common peroneal nerve
15. Which of the following are knee joint ligaments?
1. Oblique popliteal ligament
2. Tibial collateral ligament
3. Arcuate popliteal ligament
4. Fibular collateral ligament
16. Which of the following muscles belong to the medial thigh group?
1. Gracilis
2. Adductor brevis
3. Pectineus
4. Piriformis
17. The femoral artery supplies
1. Sartorius
2. Pectineus
3. Adductor longus
4. Gastrocnemius
18. Innervation of the posterior compartment of the leg is by the
1. Obturator nerve
2. Subcostal nerve
3. Sural nerve
4. Tibial nerve
19. The arterial blood of the scrotum is provided by the
1. External pudendal arteries
2. Internal pudendal arteries
3. Testicular arteries
4. Inferior vesical arteries
20. Characteristics of a gynecoid pelvis include which of the following?
1. A circular superior aperture
2. A wide subpubic arch
3. Widely spaced ischial spines
4. Resemblance to a shallow, flat bowl
21. Which of the following structures can be palpated through the rectum?
1. Ischial spines
2. Enlarged internal iliac lymph nodes
3. Ischiorectal abscess
4. Prostate
22. Which of the following statements is true in relation to the femoral triangle?
A. Its medial border is the Sartorius
B. The femoral nerve is its most medial structure
C. Its upper border is the inguinal ligament
D. The femoral canal is its most lateral structure
E. The iliopsoas muscle is its anterior wall
23. All of the following muscles arise from the ischial tuberosity EXCEPT the
A. Short Head of the biceps femoris
B. Semitendinosus
C. Long head of the biceps femoris
D. Semimembranosus
24. The internal pudental artery
A. Is derived the external iliac artery
B. Supplies the adductor compartment of the thigh
C. Travels in Alcock’s canal
D. Is the proximal portion of the oblirated umbilical artery
E. None of the above
25. Lymphatic drainage of the testes is to the
A. inguinal nodes
B. Perineal body
C. Para-aortic nodes
D. Prancreas of Ascellus
E. Ischiorectal fossa
26. The adductor longus muscle belongs to the ________groups of thigh muscles
A. Anterior
B. Interior
C. Medial
D. Superior
E. Posterior
27. The portal vein is the large collecting vein into which empties all the venous
blood from the gastrointestinal tract exempt for which of the following veins?
A. Inferior Mesentric
B. Right Gastric
C. Superior Mesentric
D. Inferior Rectal
E. Left Gastroepiploic
28. The parasympathetic supply of the distal colon and of the pelvic viscera arises
from which of the following?
A. Lumbar nerves 2,3 and 4
B. Lumbar nerves 4 and 5
C. Sacral nerves 2, 3 and 5
D. Sacral nerves 4 and 5
E. Lumbar nerves 4 and 5 and sacral nerves 1, 2 and 3
29. Ureters probably do NOT receive blood from the ____ artery.
A. Celiac
B. Renal
C. Gonadal
D. Vesical
E. Hypogastric
30. Most perineal structures send their lymphatics to the
A. Internal iliac nodes
B. Nodes of the lumbar chain
C. Superficial inguinal nodes
D. External iliac nodes
E. inferior mesenteric nodes
31. Which of the following structures is NOT located in the female superficial
perineal space?
A. Superficial transverse perineal muscle
B. Ischiocavernosus muscle
C. Bulbospongious muscle
D. Greater vestibular glands
E. Dorsal nerve of the clitoris
32. Which of the following arteries forms the chief blood supply of the posterior
muscles of the thigh?
A. Inferior gluteal artery
B. Transverse branch of the medial femoral circumflex artery
C. Perforating branches of the profunda femoris artery
D. Popliteal vessels
E. Genicular arteries
33. Which of the following arteries should be avoided when a surgical passage is
made through the transverse mesocolon?
A. Right gastroepiploic
B. Left gastroepiploic
C. Gastroduodenal
D. Right colic
E. Middle colic
34. The tail of the pancreas enters which of the following structures?
A. Epiploic foramen
B. Lienorenal ligament
C. Suspensory ligament of the duodenum
D. Paracolic fossa
E. Left Coronary ligament
35. Relations of the stomach bed do NOT include the
A. Pancreas
B. Left suprarenal gland
C. Left Kindney
D.2nd portion of the duodenum
E. Left crus of the diaphragm
36. Fracture of the base of the intercondylar eminence of the tibia is indicative of
separation of which of the following soft tissue structures?
A. Lateral collateral ligament
B. Medial lemniscus
C. Anterior cruciate ligament
D. Posterior cruciate ligament
E. Medial collateral ligament
37. Perinephric hematomas, perinephric urinomas, and perinephric abscesses are
located between
A. The kidney parenchyma and the renal capsule
B. The kidney capsule and Gerota’s ( renal ) fascia
C. The kidney capsule and the peritoneum
D. Gerota’s (renal) fascia and the peritoneum
E. Gerota’s (renal) fascia and the lumbodorsal fascia
38. The left artery lies behind which of the following structures?
A. The inferior vena cava
B. The testicular or ovarian artery
C. The pancreas
D. The left ureter
E. The inferior mesenteric artery
39. The superior suprarenal arteries are derived from which of the following
A. Aorta
B. Renal
C. Superior mesenteric
D. Inferior mesenteric
E. Inferior phrenic
40. The left testicular vein empties into which of the following veins?
A. Inferior Vena Cava
B. Left Renal
C. Left internal iliac
D. Inferior mesenteric
E. Portal
41. Which of the following is a branch of the internal pudendal artery?
A. Superior gluteal
B. Uterine
C. Inferior vesical
D. Umbilical
E. Inferior rectal
42. Muscles innervated by the deep peroneal nerve include all of the following
A. Tibials anterior
B. Extensor digitorum longus
C. Extensor hallucis longus
D. Peroneus ( fibularis ) brevis
E. Peroneus ( fibularis ) tertius
43. The anterior surface of the liver against all of the following structures EXCEPT
A. Diaphragm
B. Costal margin
C. Xiphoid process
D. Abdominal wall
E. Spleen
44. The cystic artery arises from which of the following arteries?
A. Spleric
B. Left gastroepiploic
C. Right gastric
D. Right Gastroepiploic
E. Cystic
A. Transversalis fascia
B. Transversus abdominus
C. Internal oblique
D. External oblique
E. Scarpa’s fascia
45. Contributes fibers to cremaster muscle
46. Posterior rectus sheath below arcuate line
A. Principal support of the uterus
B. Structure conveying the dividing zygote to the uterine cavity
C. Structure suspended by the mesovarium
D. Separation between the uterus and the bladder
E. Structure holding the uterus in a relatively normal position
47. Ovary
48. Levator ani
A. Quatratus plantae
B. Flexor digitorum longus
C. Tibialis anterior
D. Flexor digitorum brevis
E. Peroneus longus
49. Medial plantar nerve
50. Lateral plantar nerve