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“La Caixa” – INPHINIT PROGRAMME – Call for projects
Project Title / Job position title: translational control of cell cycle and differentiation
Área of Knowledge (choose one):
Life Sciences Panel
Physical Sciences, Mathematics and Engineering Panel
Group of disciplines (choose one):
Medicine, Public Health, Sports Science, Nutrition, Clinical Psychology, Healthcare
Plant, Animal and Environmental Biology, Physiology, Ecology and Conservation
Human Biology, Microbiology, Molecular Biology, Genetics, Cell biology, Genomics
and Proteomics, Biochemistry
Agriculture, Veterinary Studies, Animal Production, Forest Sciences
Biotechnology, Bioinformatics, Pharmaceuticals, Food Technology
Theoretical and Applied Mathematics, IT
Chemistry and Chemical Engineering
Geology, Earth Sciences, Environmental and Atmospheric Sciences, Mining,
Geological Engineering, Oceanography, Hydrology
Civil and Construction Engineering, Energy, Nuclear and Renewable Energy
Telecommunication Engineering, Electronics, Robotics, Biomedical Engineering,
Automation, ICT
Industrial Engineering, Mechanics, Metallurgy, Materials, Nanotechnology,
Aeronautical, Naval and Aerospace Enginerring
Our laboratory studies how the CPEB-familly of RNA-binding proteins establishes spatial and temporal
patterns of gene expression through the translational regulation of their target mRNAs. With these aims
we use two complementary research models. Genetically targeted mouse models to study somatic and
disease related functions. Xenopus Laevis oocytes and embryos for the mechanistical and developmental
Our work focuses on four main lines of research:
First, to elucidate the mechanisms underlying the translational control by cytoplasmic polyadenylation cisacting elements and trans-acting factors:
1) Genome-wide identification of the mRNAs that are regulated by nuclear and cytoplasmic changes in
their poly(A) tail length;
2) Determination of the configuration of cis-acting elements that define the temporal and spatial
translational regulation;
3) Functional and structural characterization of the ribonucleoprotein (RNPs) complexes that mediate this
translational regulation.
Second, to obtain insights in how this translational control circuit regulates cell cycle progression by
establishing a molecular circuit, stabilized by positive and negative feed-back loops to generate an
irreversible self sustain hysteric system with molecular memory and switch-like phase transitions.
Third, to explore the role of these mRNA processing and translation mechanisms in the reprogramming of
gene expression in tumoral events and angiogenesis and the development of tools with prognostic and
therapeutic value.
The group is part of the Institute for Research in Biomedicine (IRB Barcelona). The IRB
covers a wide spectrum of areas in basic biological research, from the study of gene regulation
to the function of genes and proteins in cell structure and behavior, their influence on the
development and life of organisms and their role in human disease. Central core facilities
develop new methods and support scientists for the use of advanced instruments and techniques.
One of IRB Barcelona’s main missions is to provide students from across the world with the
opportunity to do training and research toward their degree in a unique international and
multidisciplinary scientific environment. Introductory course, Thesis Advisory Committees:
These follow the progress of each student at the institute, in addition to day-to-day supervision
by the group leader. Student Council: with representation in all students related directive
organs. Lab rotations: These are done during the first semester of the first academic year.
Rotations provide students with the opportunity to experience a range of laboratory
environments and experimental approaches as well as to get to know lab members from other
groups, thereby fostering possible future collaborations. Monthly seminars series: These
seminars are organized by the students themselves. International PhD Student Symposium: A
biennial event organized entirely by a committee of students and with the participation of
prestigious international scientists. Furthermore, students are encouraged to participate in
scientific seminars, journal clubs, international conferences, outreach and education
activities, group and program retreats, The group has weekly lab meetings were students
and postdocs present their work and revise literature. The group has monthly Joint-data
meetings with other groups working in related areas.
Group leader
Title (Dr. / Prof./ Mr. / Mrs)
Full name: ______________________________
Email: ______________________________
Research Project / Research Group website: ______________________________
Related links to the position (optional)
URL: ______________________________
Title link: ______________________________