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BY: 3 students
Table of contents
Chapter One is on page 3.
Chapter Two is on page 7.
Chapter Three is on page 10.
Bibliography is on page 14.
Chapter One
Question One
Q: What are the three types of
plate movement and what do
they look like?
A: The three types of plate
movements are subduction,
spreading, and divergent.
Subduction is when an ocean
plate dives under a continental
plate. Spreading is when two
plates move away from each
other. Divergent is when two
plates rub against each other.
Chapter One
Question Two
Q: How thick are the plates and how
far do they move in one year?
A: The North America Continent
moves 1.15 cm per year. The
South American plate moves 1.45
cm per year. The Eurasian plate
moves 0.95 cm per year. The
African plate moves 2.15. The
Indian moves 6.00 cm per year.
The Antarctic plate moves 2.05.
The Continental plates are thicker
than the ocean plates. Continental
plates very from 30-70 kilometers
thick. The ocean plates are
usually 10 kilometers thick.
Chapter One
Question Three
Q: What is the earth made up of, explain
the major layers.
A: The earth is made up of rock and
magma but the core is made of solid
iron and nickel. The earth is made of
three layers. First there is the crust;
the crust is very thin. It would seem as
thin as a piece of paper if you compare
it to the mantle. The mantle is the
second layer. It is the thickest layer.
There are two parts of the mantle.
There is the upper and the lower. The
upper is closer to the crust. The lower
is closer to the core. The core is the
last layer. There is also two parts of
the core. There is the inner and outer
core. The inner core is at the center of
the earth is made of solid iron and
nickel. The outer core is melted iron
and nickel.
Chapter One
Question Four
Q: What is the ring of fire and what
does it have to do with
The ring of fire is an
area where many earthquakes
and volcanic eruptions occur. It
circles the Pacific Ocean basin. It
is 40,000 kilometers long and is
shaped like a horseshoe. It has to
do with earthquakes because
there are many continental plates
and trenches along it. Since there
are many plates, subduction,
divergent, and spreading can
Chapter Two
Question One
Q: Where in California do most
earthquakes happen?
A: The mostly happen in south
California because that is
where two plates meat. Also
the faults cause it in the middle
of California. There is also one
more spot that creates lots of
earthquakes, it is called the
geysers but they are not really
geysers they are just called
Chapter Two
Question Two
Q: Why do they take
place in those
A:They happen in those
places because of the
fault. The fault is
where to tectonic
plates meet
Chapter Two
Question Two
Q: Why do they occur in
A: Earthquakes occur in
California because
that is where two
plates meet, right on
the edge of the state
also known as the
ring of fire.
Chapter Three
Question One
Q: What are the major
dangers of earth quakes?
A: Some of the dangers of
an earth quake are falling
objects things can fall
from shelves. Fires can
also get started because
of power lines getting
knocked down or oil lines.
Avalanches and mudslides
Chapter Three
Question Two
• Q: What can you do to be prepared
for an earth quake?
• A: Learn how to secure all of your
items in your house. You could
anchor potting plants by rapping
fishing wire around it. To secure a
book case you could screw
brackets onto the book shelf as
well as the wall. In an earthquake
one of the first things you can do is
get away from the fire place. Even
though there are many different
types of fireplaces none of them
will be able to sustain a severe
earth quake. To prepare for an
earthquake you should have had
Chapter Three
Question Three
• Q: List your suggestions to
keep safe in an earthquake.
• A: If you are inside you should
go under a strong table and
stay away from big objects. If
you are outside stay away from
trees, buildings and power
lines. If you are in a car say in
your car and get away from
other cars and buildings. Go to
some place like an open
parking lot.
Chapter Three
Question Four
Q: Make a list of supplies families
should have on hand for all
A: Your family should have a first
aid kit, canned food and a
can opener and lots of water
at least 3 gallons for each
person, for a complete list
you should go to
es.html .
Chapter One
topo.jpg. [WWW],
earth.jpg. [WWW],
rof2.jpg. [WWW],
Earth-cutaway.img_assist_custom.jpg. [WWW],
Forces%20that%20Cause%20PT.jpg. [WWW],
image005.jpg. [WWW],
Chapter Two
• Recent earthquakes-map for 121-40 [WWW],
• San_andreas.jif [WWW]
• Sanandreasfault_srtm.jpg[WWW]
Chapter Three
• Undertable.gif [WWW],
• 3.jpg. [WWW],
• fixit-plan-supplies.gif, [WWW].
• 64700410.GIF, [WWW].
• earthquake.jpg. [WWW],